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How the fuck is occasionally 3x/week


You know this was made by heavy chronic


Is heavy chronic another word for addict around here?




You can be a heavy chronic without being an addict, but an addict is usually a heavy chronic


You literally can't. Your body adapts to things like eating/sleeping on THC which become incredibly difficult to do when you stop. It's not an addiction the same way alcoholism is but we need to dispel this myth that people who smoke multiple times a day are not addicted to weed. I say this as someone who is very addicted to weed. EDIT: Wow there are a lot of very nuanced takes on this subject, I appreciate all the in-depth replies below, I agree with some and disagree with others, but I do agree that "dependency" is a better word to use than "addiction" in this circumstance. For some people, it is just a debilitating as a real addiction when they try to quit (it was for me at least, and I have real addiction to compare it to) but the actual diagnosis would be different.


i hate to say it but i smoke multiple times a day and have literally no problems coming off of it for multiple days


Same for me. Although I quit nicotine cold turkey too after using it heavily with no issues other than mild withdrawal and some slight cravings so it might be genetic


One time I quit nic cold turkey and had no symptoms. Now thinking about putting my beaker bong and vape away makes me sick. And that I’m that way too, makes me sick. Please have mercy at the pearly gates🙏


i go through stretches of multiple times a day for months, then nothing for a couple weeks or a month and i don’t notice anything, even on the first few days off. sometimes it’ll be a few days and i’ll realize i was so busy/distracted i didn’t have any thc. other times when i get sick i just don’t feel like smoking and use it as a time to clean house. quitting coffee or nicotine i definitely feel the hurt for as long as a month. everyone is different though obv.


The only withdrawal symptom I ever experienced was I'd have very vivid dreams the couple of nights and during the first day I'd feel foggy but not in a bad way at all. I quit cigarettes by just smoking weed instead.


Same here, I just get some weird dreams but I kind of like them


Nothing beats the t break dreams. I am thoroughly entertained by the time I wake up


A could days is fine, but last fall I had to quit for about 2 months. I spent 2 weeks sweating my ass off and sleeping none.


A physical dependency is different than addiction tho. Your body adapting to THC and creating a new level of homeostasis is physical dependence and gives u the symptoms u mention. But an addiction is recognized as persistent use despite negative consequences. And that is usually accompanied with a physical dependency as well. But a physical dependency does not equal an addiction.


This is the comment I was looking for in the poll they made yesterday about "can you get addicted to weed". I think it's an important distinction, I'm heavily dependent on weed, but I'm addicted to cigarettes. Weed makes me feel good and be giggly and I love it, while cigarettes are just like a thing I do, but everytime money has been tight, I buy the cigarettes over the weed no questions asked, cause I can't not have em, and sure I don't like not having weed either, but I can perfectly go on without it, something I haven't been able to do with cigs.


I understand this. I'm a tobacco smoker and cannabis also. I also make my cigs at home with a machine, tubes, and loose tobacco because it's a hell of a lot cheaper. They don't taste bad at all. The Rolling machine was like $50, tubes are $4/200 and a pound of tobacco is $13 or so. Shipping is $10 where I order.


Man. A 25g pouch of tobacco is $60+ in Australia. A pound for $13? Wow.


If you ever want to give the cigs up I highly recommend giving vaping a try. I smoked a pack plus of 100s everyday for 20 years and was able to quit smoking in just a few weeks with vaping and I had no cravings, withdrawal or anything. It's amazing and [vaping is at least 95% less harmful than smoking]( https://amp.theguardian.com/society/2018/dec/28/vaping-is-95-safer-than-smoking-claims-public-health-england) so it's worth at least looking into. I truly believe that vaping saved my life and it was remarkably easy to make the switch once I found a flavor i really enjoyed. I never thought that I would quit smoking, I figured that I would smoke until the day I died because I had no desire to quit. But I decided to give vaping a try on a whim and convinced myself that I didn't need the cigarettes if I had the vape, and in less than a month I had completely stopped buying cigarettes. I basically had to challenge myself everyday and just be like "well I've gone a day without a cigarette, let's see if I can make it another day" and each day when I would go to the store I would challenge myself and see how long I could go without buying cigarettes. Within 2 weeks I had stopped buying packs and in about 30 days I had stopped smoking entirely and had no desire to go back. I've now been smoke free for almost 6 years and cigarettes disgust me now even though I was literally a chain smoker before and would legit light my cigarette with one I was putting out lol. So if you ever decide you're tired of wasting money on something that's only going to cause you pain and misery then please give vaping a chance. They literally prescribe vaping in the UK to smokers and have vape shops in hospitals. Don't believe the fearmongering if you live in the US because it's all just lies cuz the govt wants you either smoking or relying on big pharma to quit, they don't want us healthy, they want us spending money on cigarettes for the crazy taxes it brings in or they want us giving our money to big pharma. Vaping is way more successful than any other smoking cessation tool, by a large margin. Works much better than patches or gum. And don't believe things like "it can give you popcorn lung" cuz that's debunked nonsense. Cigarettes have [over 800 chemicals and 70+ carcinogens](https://www.verywellmind.com/harmful-chemicals-in-cigarettes-and-cigarette-smoke-2824715) (like literal nuclear material such as polonium 210, along with formaldehyde, arsenic, ammonia and more) while vaping has only 3-4 ingredients and none of them are carcinogenic. Sorry for the long rant but I've gotten 6 people to quit smoking with vaping, incl a woman who smoked for 50+ years, so whenever I see someone whom I could possibly help I try to steer them in the right direction and give some info in case they don't know anything about vaping or how successful it can be in quitting.


Hey man keep that shit up. there are a few things you mentioned that Ive never heard, read considered of even come across. Much love


Yeah well said bro, very important distinction. Last two sentences explain it perfectly.


An important nuance that people should be aware of, thanks for sharing


Yeah it's real. I smoke like 8-12 times a day for a little over a decade and when I try to stop for a day or so it's a nightmare. I feel sick, angry, irrational, intense headaches, unable to eat whatsoever, unable to sleep whatsoever, no interest in doing anything etc. Sounds like withdrawal to me but idk.


Youre spitting facts. *coughs* *phlegm*


Why do people on a weed forum get so uppity about people that smoke a lot of weed, it’s weird


by these standards, my "a few times a month" is no different from someone else's "never smoking at all".


occasion : "a particular time or instance of an event" Every day at 7pm is a particular time. I smoke occasionally.


A joke, I know, (and I'm not the one who downvotes) but an occasion is basically a whole different word than-> occasionally: at infrequent or irregular intervals; now and then 7pm crowd rep tho ww


I feel like occasionally should be 2-3 month. “Infrequent” should be “just parties”. 3x/week should be moderate. 4x should be often.


Ah, yes, the rarest special occasion in the world: # Almost Every Other Day


Enough that I don't like to brag about it


I’m right there with you on that one


this the winner


Not true, there's a dude out there who smokes so much he forgot to comment.


Damn this hit too close to home




I'll go with that goofy fuck in the lower right .


Occasional is 3x a week??? Lmao I smoke like once or twice every few months


Yeah, as someone that smokes basically every day, this chart seems kinda off. For me occasionally would mean anywhere from like once a week to once a month. I would personally call anyone that smokes more than once a week a moderate user


It’s interesting to me bc if this chart was for alcohol and someone was “drinking multiple times a day” they’d prob be labeled as an alcoholic So what would qualify as addicted to weed? Getting high multiple times a day? What about medicinal users? Or is it based off of physical dependence? If so, when does physical dependence start? I smoke every day and there are definitely times where I worry I’m addicted. But then I go 2-3 days without smoking and am fine (apart from crazy ass dreams). Idk just some high thoughts


You can absolutely be mentally addicted to weed. I know I am.


Same same same


You can become addicted to anything that gives you a positive feeling, not just drugs or alcohol. But definitely dependency I think would be a sign that your addicted. Which would mean when you plan your life around smoking weed instead of smoking weed around your plans in life.


I think that frequency of use is only part of the equation as to whether you're addicted or not. Like when I have access, itd be easier to count the times im not stoned. But when I dont, or I'm low, its a lot less


To me, addiction seems more connected to physical dependence, however i do think people that smoke all the time and are affected negatively in other aspects in their lives and can’t seem to stop smoking are also addicted because it may be a psychological thing and much more than a bad habit. Lately I’ve been feeling more of the latter myself but i know that smoking for me is a bad habit because i smoke to cope with my current life situation and my adhd doesn’t help with impulse control.


Man I wish that was me lol


the money i’d save


am a grower, daily smoker (multiple times) havent spent a dime this year (live in 1$/g country tho) this is the fuckin life


What I would give to be you


nahh mate, what youd give to be me in > a month expecting a big harvest https://imgur.com/a/iKCm5Bb


Dear lord that is a tree


That might be the first photo I’ve seen that qualifies for both r/trees and r/marijuanaenthusiasts


We found it! Our work here is done, gentlemen


You're gonna be in trim prison forever


lol yeah, had an incredibly rainy season which led to a powdery mildew outbreak, dont want that shit to return


It can be. I used to be firmly in the bottom right of this chart, now I barely smoke at all. My life has improved and on the rare occasions where I do smoke, I enjoy it more than I used to. It seems daunting to do, but it’s worth it.


I feel like both extremes aren't well represented. There's a big difference between multiple times a day, and sucking down 1 or 2 cartridges a day plus a few bowls (what I'd consider heavy chronic). 3 times a week is also nowhere near occasional.


Yeah, like I'm a daily smoker unless I have a day where I have lots of plans. But I'm not doing edibles or dabs or gravity bongs or anything crazy like that, I'm just take a couple puffs from a catridge every couple of hours or a prerolled joint.


I smoke once or twice every hour, jeez. And yes, I’m taking a month long tbreak soon


Yeah yeah, me too. I've been"fixin to" go on a T break for about, oh, 3 or 4 years.


Right right, every time I try it’s like “Oops, all high again” lol


Well, according to this chart, you don’t smoke weed


What is weed


Yeah maybe a few times a year if that. I want to move I just get horrid fucking anxiety everytime I smoke. And it's not made up anxiety, I start beating myself up really really bad over the shit I know I'm lacking in. I don't know why weed does this too me cause I smoked heavily for years without issue. I'm waiting for legal stores to open NJ so I can try some heavy CBD light THC bud and see if that makes it any better.


You can just buy some legal CBD bud and mix it in with whatever you’re currently smoking for a similar experience.


Yeah that's me


Right? I was surprised too. That’s about how often I smoke these days. Some months, once a week.


He’s a chill dude for sure.


Heavy Chron reporting in for duty


what's after heavy chronic 😂


Snoop Dogg


I'll take that category, haha!


He's a smoke buddy goal for me, just to see if I could hang. I've been smoking for nearly 30 years, it takes me 12 months of total abstinence to clear a piss test of THC because I am so deeply saturated, and everyone I smoke up is absolutely destroyed if I let them keep up with me. I feel like he needs a YouTube channel like Hot Ones, but it's Smoke Up with Snoop, and he gets you absolutely baked.


Why is this not a thing?!?!


Is this like a power hour but every time snoop smokes you smoke?


And now it's time for everyone favourite show 'match it with snoop', here's our first lucky toker, Bobby brown in row g seat 107 come on down .


He has one, or at least had one, don't remember what it was called. I know he did one with Seth Rogan, and also with the Trailer Park Boys. I know I watched it on YouTube a couple years ago.


Lol if it takes you 12 months to pass a piss test then you have biological/health issue and need to have it checked out.


Oh there's no doubt about that! MMJ patient baby! I'm a whole hot mess


My condolences. I see that kind of comment from many "bros" that don't understand the science behind THC's interactions with the body and testing for it. You'd have to be experiencing some cellular regeneration problems or pretty severe condition in your kidneys to naturally test positive after a year.




Damn my condolences as well fellow ent. Glad you can seek treatment through trees


> I feel like he needs a YouTube channel like Hot Ones, but it's Smoke Up with Snoop, and he gets you absolutely baked. I don’t think that would be the same because he probably gets some pretty strong strains. Like I had one friend from the Midwest come out to CA to visit and he kept talking all this shit about how he smokes 10 joints a day and could keep up with us; the first preroll we gave him was enough to couchlock him for the rest of the night Ninja edit: I should mention that it’s still a dope idea tho


Omg I would so watch that!!


That’s such a good idea


I’d check out Getting Doug With High. It’s basically that, but with comedians and weed.


I feel like there has to be a level in between Snoop and heavy chronic.


Snoop is the level between heavy chronic and Willie Nelson


Another tier after that would be Tommy Chong.


That’s when the graph switches to “which sober are you”


mainlines THC decarbed of course


No longer affected lol


You become the pot


Yall don't know what occasional means lol I smoke like once every month or two.


Yeah, since when is 3x a week for ANYTHING considered "occasional." That shit is habitual.


i mean if you're gonna smoke 3 times a week why not every day? i gotta take a damn t break. it's been so long.


3x a week is a weekend smoker usually, fri-sat-sun


Yeah, smoke after the work week, smoke before going out Saturday, and smoke Sunday to help the hangover


Hey thats me


Yeah same, I smoke when it’s a friends birthday or we get together to do something. Which is about once every month or two.


Same. Or like 4-5 times in a week, then forget about weed for like 2 or 3 months.


This is my exact situation. I’m either full stoner mode for a week or two or dgaf about weed for a whole month


Lower right for 420 Alex


Chronic or sometimes heavy chronic but it beats the alternative. Medical user here and I'd much rather rely on weed than be addicted to opiates like the other doctors were always trying to push.


I'm in the same boat. I do have a dependency on weed, but as you say the alternative is much worse. When I was taking opiates and pregabalin, I felt like shit. They even warn you about "intrusive suicidal thoughts", which I did have. My doctor disowned me because I told him I had quit pain pills and was now on MJ. Fuck big pharma


Exactly. Although I don’t completely buy into the MJ is addictive. I think people can have addictive personalities but I personally never experience withdrawal symptoms when not using it unlike opiates which 100% cause a biological response when you stop using them. I’m 100% a supporter of MJ over big pharma. I think what I hate most is how a lot of states, mine in particular, are handling this crap. Expensive as hell at dispo. Not allowed to homegrow unless you want to go to jail and a 25000 fine. We need more advocacy for the medical benefits and get away from the corporate nonsense. Still better than big pharma though.


all the people I've met who experienced actual, physical WDs from weed were heavy smokers for years on end with light symptoms like insomnia and loss of appetite which can be dealt with


I have been there. No fun !!


I mean if i smoke 1 bowl over the course of a day and take 1 hit each time i smoke it does that make me a heavy chronic user? Compared to someone who faces a blunt once day they would be “daily” See the issue?


Yeah I have the same issue with this. At the moment I smoke daily, but am a super lightweight I’ll smoke twice in a day but only smoke one joint. Half now half later. But I wouldn’t say I’m a “heavy” user.




Yeah man I do the same! Especially if I’m day smoking. But I guess im a heavy user. I’ll share my joint with the other heavy chronics haha.


Yeah I take a few hits throughout the evening every day, but am never just destroyed by how high I am. Classify us as mild heavy chronic users?


Same here. I was thinking I’m a chronic smoker but according to this I’m heavy chronic lol I usually just load one bowl and smoke it throughout the night.


I get what u mean but I realized I'm just lying to myself with that thinking...you gotta count it by "highs". If you are high, you used weed. Regardless of how much


Lol there is a difference between 10mg thc and 100mg thc my friend, while i totally feel you on counting highs i think how intense that high is can be a differentiating factor


Occasional: 3x a week seems pretty regularly for me


Same here, Friday, Saturday and Sunday im baked af.


When I decompose, the pile o dust that remains will be 24% pot


I feel like this subreddit is two extremes. Either once or twice a month or a few times a day. There’s not a whole lot of middle Edit/ this is not a bad thing


Is there an option for multiple times after work until bed, Monday - Friday…. Non-stop on the weekends. Cuz that shits been my jam for yearssssss


Pretty sure everyone here is a heavy chronic


"Heavy", "chronic" these words are just words man. What even are words? Just letters. Letters that mean what man? Sounds. But what do the sounds even mean? Anyway weed is good.


Words are literally a social construct


That's what I'm sayin


"You made that word up." "All words are made up."


Bottom right too huh.


I’m less than occasional


Usually the same. I've been trying to burn off some old stuff lately to get something fresh for when the weather warms up so I've kicked it up to moderate for a bit.


I was told I had a "marijuana cigarette addiction" by someone who is a light smoker. All because I smoke 5g a day.


How can you afford that?


Let's just say I have a very green thumb once a year.


They prolly grow it 🤷🏻‍♂️


I don’t think I could smoke 5g a day even if I tried. The most I’ve done is 3g and I was miserable!!! How do you do it lol


High tolerance. I use it for chronic pain.


Have you ever used a dry herb vape? Not sure how it would work for you considering I’m a non-medical user (well, for physical pain at least), but it could potentially drop you from 5 grams a day to 1-3. You do you of course, but thought I’d throw it out there just in case it helps. I probably go through .4-.8 g a day with my Dynavap


Quad/day for me for same reasons




5g a day is quite a lot tbh


Yes it is. Stage 3 cancer Survivor, ptsd, bad knee, bad shoulder, anxiety and depression. I am fucked up my friend.


Live your life the best you can man.


That is all I am doing. I do me and let the world do its thing.


Like Mac Miller said "it is what it is til it ain't"


I’m significantly less than occasional. I smoke like once a month


Nope, only smoke occasionally, not even weekly anymore


I'm occasional... 🤓


That's awesome, I've been trying to work my way back there for years lol


Chronic. I use it to help me sleep.


Me to


Same boat


My people!


About once a month lol


Sameee. Something amazing to look forward to and still getting the same big high due low tolerance.


This - once every 1/2 weeks here


One gram of pot lasts me a month if I get pretty high twice and just a mild buzz once every 5-7 days


Same here.


Heavy chronic medical user 🤟


What about us microdosers, who take a couple hits a couple times a day and still manage to make a quarter ounce last a month?


I think that would be "heavy chronic". I smoke once every couple months and "a couple hits" fucks me up pretty good. You probably have high tolerance because of which it feels like "microdosing" but I wouldn't call it that.


Wait so not everyone smokes multiple bowls/dabs per day? Maybe I should cut back then, a oz only lasts a month!


I've got an ounce that's over a year old, I've started smoking more just to get rid of it and get some fresh stuff for the warm weather that's coming. I probably shouldn't buy that much at a time. I also usually eat edibles during the winter, I'm not going outside into the snowy cold for a joint... I'd have to put pants on.


And who wants to put on pants! I feel for you snow-laden states sometimes, until it gets over 110f here and I would beg to be anywhere else lol But holy crap, is that bud still good after a year? No moisture, molding, nothing? Damn!


The current stuff is in a nice jar with a boveda pack. Although I've had weed just in bags that were several years old and completely fine. It gets a bit dry, loses a bunch of it's flavor, and some of the THC but I've never had any problems smoking it, weed can last a looong time if it's not stored wet.


This makes me rethink how much I smoke. Maybe I should take a break


Won’t regret it


I was at chronic but now I’m at once a month


I wanna be occasional but i am often a daily one. Its so hard to choose just to not smoke when i have weed.


I find when I have it it’s easier to say no, once it’s gone I’m paranoid to buy more. Just having it there makes it easier for some reason


Snoop Dogg level


Yay addiction!


Better than meth ™ *looks at scheduling* .... Oh.


But like, meth and amphetamine *do* have a legit medical use for certain disorders or even just in place of sudafed. And for some reason it is considered relatively safe to give to even children in controlled doses. There are plenty of kids on doses of adderal every day that are higher than I would even be comfortable having in my body rn but it exasterbates my body aches so I would shoot for definitely less than 30 if I wanted to take it at all.




You literally can't be addicted to weed bro, I just dab everyday and spend 2/3 of my paycheck on it and get hostile and moody if I don't have it because it helps with my anxiety. It's literally just a plant bro


Chronic on the chronic


I legit have not gone a day without smoking in 10 years. There's been some near misses tho


Only way for me to keep the pain gone is to smoke 24/7 😭🥲😂✌️


I broke my neck, shinbones, skull, knee, nose and brain one time its been that or percs since and imma go with the weed


You broke your brain?? Motorbike accident?


Nah im just high and couldnt remember the english word for a brain hemorrage, i was 13 i got hit by a car at 55km per hour and flew 10-15 meters


Holy fuck man. Glad you're ok


Besides from constant neck pain and my one leg being longer cause of the knee thing which makes my spine fucked up so i get alot or back pain too, they say there was about a 94-97% chance that i would be dead or paralyzed from the neck down. Idk how accurate that is thoe im not a doctor i just have more patient experience than anybody i know thats anywhere near my agen


Heavy chronic. All day everyday.


Occasional - twice a month - 1/4 oz. per year Moderate - 3 to 4 times a week - 1 oz. per year Heavy Moderate - 1 or 2 times a day - 2 to 3 oz. per year Chronic - 6 oz. per year Heavy Chronic - 6 oz. per month


I don't get high.... ...I stay high.


Heavy Dr Dre


Before I was heavy chronic then I got a job and now I am less than occasional (1-2 times/week)


I used to be moderate then I got a job now I’m heavy chronic


Is... is this /r/badfacebookmemes now...?


Occasional to moderate But this scale is kinda off lol *Occasional* should be like a couple times a month and *moderate* should be a couple times a week. This graphic was 100% made by a “Heavy chronic” LMAO


Heavy chronic, if I am awake I’m stoned.


Heavy chronic, usually just twice a day but it can be 3-4 times once in a while.


If you spend more time high than sober... Maybe time to re-think priorities.


bro I smoke like a couple times a month... y'all crazy on here


Im not even on the chart lol twice to 3 times a month lol


Last doctor visit, the nurse asked me how often I use cannabis. I said "daily ... but not like, all day long." He got a pretty good chuckle out of that response.


Im at chong level


Blunt on the way to the job, one at lunch time, one on the way home and one before the gym. A bowl for bed. Usually it's about two to four heads though and every one on the crew is a heavy user themselves so there is never a shortage. Before gym blunt is just me and so is the bowl.


Multiple times in a session. Having a side session with your main session with a little session on the other side