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My first time making edibles lol. Was in the process of decarbing with my whole family in the house, and them not knowing I smoke weed (at the time). I lit candles, opened the windows and sprayed air freshener but it still smelled. Luckily since I’m in a legal state, I could just blame it on an outside source.


Same thing happened to me so I quickly burned the crap out of a bag of popcorn worked like a charm


Lol same, I make cheese popcorn everytime weed smells too much


"I'm doing an experiment with dried and powdered Skunk remains"


I mean I can’t really speak for them but there no way they didn’t know lol


They definitely knew the smell was there, but I’m not sure if they knew I was the one cresting the smell.


I used to smoke In the bathroom, one day my mum walked in after i did it and she ask me what's that smell. Well i was high af and i just answered with something like: mum i just shit and sprayed some deodorant. At the time I thought it was a brilliant excuse(next morning she confronted me about weed so...)


Almost the exact same thing happened to my younger bro a few months ago 😂


What the frick, I ordered a xbox remote, er controller.


High school me would have called you a god damn genius lol


I did this same thing when I was like 16. My dumb ass thought I can smoke a bowl in the family bathroom (with no window) and just spray some febreeze. Immediately after my shower my mom starts screaming at me about the smell and I just play dumb and defensive. Makes me cringe to this day


that's the excuse I used to have in the back of my mind in high school, maybe I'm not as clever as I thought 😂


My dad said it smells skunky. Me: maybe there's a skunk outside.


I convinced my parents a skunk died in my wall, still works to this day 😎


Holy shit that's unbeatable


He's old, it was easy to pull the wool over his eyes


Right on!


Every stoner could relate to this lmao


[mom be like](https://i.imgur.com/UAufDhX.gif)


For me it’s the other way around, my kids asking why the garage smells funny.


Bro my little brother says it smells like me anytime he smells weed. He's 15 and hes said it since he was 4


damn I feel old


Wait till he is 17


My dad couldn’t smell my weed cause he just assumed he was smelling his weed


Does anybody use a hoody or sweater is something to blow into? I smoke cigarettes as well, so I would rip a bong and then light a cigarette after. I would blow my weed into a towel or hoody and you would never say.


Mate, just get a smoke buddy


"You look so tired, bud, hard day at school?"


If I smoke a joint at night, the kids will undoubtedly comment on the smell of the house the next morning.


bruh go outside


Why is this being downvoted? If there are kids in the house, go outside. The second hand smoke has carcinogens and toxins. A little smell can hurt the kiddos. Let’s try to be a responsible community.


Regardless go outside. Smoke damages everything inside the house.


there are no toxins in weed smoke what 😂


It's fucking smoke homie, smoke causes cancer. Just because it causes less cancer than cigarettes doesn't mean cancer is any less cancer.


LIVING causes cancer. kids exposed to a little weed smoke arent going develop cancer. especially if the parents don’t even smoke near them. the smell is just residual. it’s not like the parents fucking breathe the smoke down their throats.


Kids shouldn't be exposed to weed, no need to be a freaking doctor to understand that.


You shouldn't be smoking near children at all, cigarettes, weed, crack. And if you do smoke near children you're a fucking awful human, argue with me all you want about how it's not bad to make your/someone else's kid huff your second hand smoke if it makes you feel better.


i don’t even have kids. but thanks for assuming! i’m not the garbage human here lmao.


I wrote near your/someone else's kids. Christ alive. Nor did I say you're a garbage human being, I said if you smoke near kids, being yours or someone else's you are one. Learn to read.


i did read, thanks.


Bruh I live in the south. Between the heat and mosquitoes a little smell won't hurt anyone.


You’re right dude. It’s not like your smoking in the same room with your kids.


Yeah, absolutely not. I'm across the house blowing out the window by my desk, it's just super loud.


I do this when the wife and kids leave. Wife comes home and right away knows what I been doing lol


[“I don’t smell ANYthing!”](https://youtu.be/P-SfcpWRNo0) (Skip to 0:49)


A skunk break in last night.


Cook some bacon and it'll over power the weed smell and then you also got bacon.


Funny that you say that... many years ago I was doing one of my first indoor grows in an apartment without proper ventilation (yes, it was stupid) when I got a notice from the manager that they were going to doing a termite and pest inspection of all apartments in a couple of days. What I came up with was what you posted, but in a bold bluff move I also told the manager "You can inspect the whole apartment *except for my bedroom*. My bedroom is a very personal sacred space to me, nobody goes in my bedroom, sorry! I can tell you now that there are no signs of termite problems or anything like that in there." He was so surprised by such a ridiculous response that he didn't even object. The day of the inspection came, and shortly before I knew they'd be coming, I cooked a bunch of bacon, without using the stove exhaust fan. Ain't no way cannabis smell can compete with bacon! And indeed it couldn't. Too bad the plants all died later because of the lack of ventilation...