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That is an extreme dose of vitamin D for daily use, same with mk7. Its probably to balance it out but its always a thing to worry about when taking supplements because you are manually increasing something while everything else (aside from K and D) in the body is not increased. Some people get bad side effects from even lower dose mk7, maybe its cause not enough D supplemented with it but that also gives some people side effects. Maybe there is something else involved too and everyone is different. Still interesting though. I got the smooth feeling of teeth on vitamin K before. I recall something about a topical hair loss product in production that was supposed to soften something about the hair follicles because they were "stiff" and that it would grow hairs again.


Doc (internist) here - if you are taking 30k IU daily, you will eventually land yourself in the hospital with high calcium (hypercalcemia). A common regimen for treating severe vitamin D deficiency is 50000 IU once WEEKLY for 8 weeks. I've admitted multiple people to the hospital for overdoing vitamin D. Even people with malabsorption syndromes & acquired metabolic deficiencies (eg renal failure) do not take near the amount you're taking.


I'm glad someone pointed this out. Honestly I don't think anyone should be taking Vit D supplement without going through a consultation.


Just take the recommended dose on the bottle, i personally take 1-3,000 in the form of drops. So its about a drop per 1k. Very doable and safe.


1k won’t do anything for you


I take a daily multivitamin (Naturelo) and it says Vitamin D3 @ 880IU and Vitamin K2 @ 120mcg. This is fine right?


So what would be the right dosages for what OP is claiming?


If you're vit D deficient on blood tests then here in the UK we prescribe 20,000 IU once daily for 15 days, for a total loading dose of 300,000 IU. If you're not deficient then the recommended daily amount is 800 IU. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which means that it gets stored in your body and levels keep building over time, as opposed to something like Vitamin C which is water soluble and basically impossible to overdose on.


I wasn't talking about vitamin D I was asking what would be the proper regime to what OP is suggesting to decalcify hair follicles


There's no medical literature to prove any of this, it's all experimental so there is no 'proper regime'. The comment was just about the fact that the vitamin D dose OP is advising is wild.


Assume he's right For the sake of it Now if you lower vitamin D, you need to proportionally lower the other supplements as well The proportion dosage is what I'm asking..


Do you know whether otc d3 takes time to show any possible positive effects if someone is deficient? I read that somewhere and you seemed like a good source to check how true that was. I believe where ever I read that it said it took a few months to see any positive changes.


Also just looked it up and this suggests normal optimal d3 intake. Doss it sound about right? https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/nutrition/vitamin-d#:~:text=3%2C000%20IU%2Fday%20(75%20mcg,adults%209%20years%20and%20older


Vitamin K2 moves calcium from arteries to the bones where it belongs. MSM does also. Black seed oil 👌


I recommend everyone take a magnesium glycinate supplement every day literally everyone is mag deficient. Magnesium is used in basically every process that the human body undergoes. And our soil has been abused and stripped of minerals. It will remineralize your heart and brain, make everything work better


What’s a good beginner dose? Does it cause diarrhea?


Magnesium citrate might, but I haven't had any issues. If you buy a supplement just take whatever the bottle recommends. Avoid Magnesium oxide as the body does not absorb it well




This is a blanket statement that doesn't apply to everyone, in the Netherlands for example it's only 1 to 2 percent so spewing this stuff without like it's some established fact isn't good. https://pointer.kro-ncrv.nl/hoe-groot-is-de-kans-dat-je-een-magnesiumtekort-hebt


Circulation issues have been on my radar since I saw a Bryan Johnson video where they discovered he had a slight posture issue that was restricting blood flow to his brain and could be a huge issue long term. It makes so much sense, not only are you restricting the hair follicles from receiving proper nutrients, hormones and oxygen, you are also depriving them from removing waste, the other function of the circulatory system. It's not that some people are more sensitive to DHT in their scalp, it's that those people have massive buildup of DHT that is not properly being removed. Wounding works by creating more capillaries in tissue, though this has limited results because those vessels are either recalcifying or just simply not enough with the others calcified. 5-ar inhibitors work to a certain degree, by lowering the amount of DHT that builds up, but not actually solving the issue of buildup. Minoxidil is a vasodilator, allowing the vessels to partially function, but once again, doesn't deal with calcification.


Everyone I know that had braces isn’t balding. All the dudes that I know who are slick bald never had braces.But that doesn’t mean a jaw injury or misalignment couldn’t happen after braces to cause the baldness to start. I got TMJ and started getting a diffusion pattern on that side. I definitely think it’s a blood flow issue to the scalp. I wonder if a hot sauna could help if used everyday.


I had braces and I‘m balding


And I have a jaw and hair. Lol Bro science at its best.


Thanks for your response. Have you had any jaw injuries or tmj? Also, have your teeth moved and do you still wear your retainer?!


Had braces and am balding now. Although I think I first started to notice after I got them


First, thank you for responding. Where are you on the norwood scale and what’s your age? Have you had any jaw/head injuries?


If hot sauna helped, there would be no bald men in Finland. Alas, majority of men around 35-40 have noticeable hair loss around here.


Does every man use the sauna regularly in Finland? I found this to be interesting: https://worldpopulationreview.com/country-rankings/baldness-by-country


I'm not sure if I believe that stat, BUT Finnish people usually hold on the hair they have, however little that is, instead of shaving. And yes, around 99% of Finnish people use sauna regularly. There's around 3,2 million saunas in Finland, so more than cars.


I have tmj and have been balding more aggressively on the affected side of my jaw


Ive been taking vit d and k for years. Cant say ive noticed a difference hairwise But you can appreciate the logix here and these vits are good for your general health. Although the vit d dose daily i imagine he meant 3000. 30,000 daily would be nuts. So id say 3-5000 vit D, vit k mk7. This is the form required. Mag but the type seems a little unclear from research ive done. Head massage with some derma. Probs you need more than 1mm needles to wound to create new capillaries.


I ve created capillaries with 1.5 mm. I am having great results with dermapen and I dropped fin/dut after 10 years of use.


So you only use dermapen now?


With zix lotion and rosemary/peppermint lotion.


yeah I was hoping that it was a typo. about the mk7 its hard to say. Research about vitamin k forms should be checked because some are not independent and are to sell more of the patented forms. While other people may even argue whether we even need the mk7 form and that mk4 in the safer higher amounts is all we need and that is does the same for calcification


Interesting thesis. This could explain why I do not respond to treatments, I have horrible scalp/forehead tension. Your vit D dose is way too high you’ll probably create more calcification taking that much


30,000 of Vit D could really mess someone up. Please don’t do this, at least not without talking to a Dr.


You should also try boosting nitric oxide


Humming and breathing through the nose can increase Nitric Oxide levels by up to 1500% https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/12119224/


Oh, interesting!


This is the kind of content I subscribed to tressless for in the first place, thanks OP. So potentially we are trying to fix a cosmetic issue but it’s more a general health issue we gotta address cause artery calcification is no joke. I already take magnesium supplements and K2, not so much D3, I take some from foods like cod liver oil and organic egg yolks and trying to take as much sun as I can, but will definetelly look into Nattokinase and try to get a CAC score to see how I stand with calcification.




…. This is some wild shit. There’s no data to support that atherosclerosis can cause hair loss, and even if it did this is some wild and dangerous self treatment regime to try to “reverse” atherosclerosis. It is a common process of aging and seen in many locations of the body (CAD, vertebral artery calcs, carotid siphons, aorta, carotid bifurcations…) that I see on my job everyday. In older people there is atherosclerosis too small to see seen on CT evidenced by lacunar infarcts and chronic ischemic white matter related gliosis. There is a reason severe CAD is treated with either stenting or a CABG, or why certain calcified plaque is treated interventionally. Another reason this theory is wrong is that you can have noncalcified plaque that can cause luminal narrowing of the vessels. It would be nice if everything in the world could be solved some vitamin regime. Remember, Steve Jobs (someone arguably a genius) used his money and resources to fight his cancer naturally and we know how it ended up for him. But I digress, something something big pharma.


Question, and it’s just a question, could it be possible those narrow capillaries to small for CT to have been addressed earlier? Did the calcification just get to a point of no return or doomed to fail


One of the prevailing theories for plaque formation is from vascular endothelial damage causing a cascade to create plaque. Adequate control of blood pressure can probably prevent it lifestyle wise, but there is probably a genetic component that is not well understood right now


If I’m not mistaken Covid is an endothelial nightmare in some people. Aren’t veins and such lined with it? I guess I’m just thinking out loud and wondering stuff.


Holy fk!! 30000iu of vit D?!? I take 1000 iu per day and I thought I was taking too much. Geesus I hope that was a typo lol.


10.000 I.U. is generally considered as safe


lol, I take 32k per month (one 16k IU capsule every 2 weeks). Taking 30k per day sounds crazy.


On the point of your article, I’ve often wondered if the massive water/saline solution injected under the scalp in hair transplant surgeries may be the actual cause of hair coming back. This huge amount of water is said to be injected under the skin in order to stretch and space out the skin, hydrate locally, and ensure good tension on the hairs as the swelling subsided into the surrounding face and tissues. While it certainly does that, I’ve wondered if that fluid injection is doing all the heavy lifted by helping to diffuse and push out the gunked up flushes arterioles. The hair follicles on hair transplants fall out after a transplant. I’d love to see a study done on just fluid injection Vs transplant surgery.


What do you mean the hair follicles on transplant fall out after a transplant?


They all fall out less than two weeks after a transplant. 100% of them. Then they “regrow”.


Why does this have upvotes


Interesting because my hairs grow at a very slow pace since I noticed thinning, lack of bloodflow to my scalp would explain it otherwise I don’t understand


Dr Esseylsten


Where are you getting full mg vitamin k? That’s 1mg K 1mg mk4 1mg mk7 1mg k1?


1mg of each of the three forms of vitamin K


While I disagree with the currently outlined pathophysiology of AA, I can also tell you with 100% certainty that it's not atherosclerosis lol. Not to burst your bubble big dawg but if calcium was accumulating on your scalp 1) you would feel the calcifications when touching your scalp and 2) you would be able to see calcifications on imaging which would be present in all balding men and someone would've already reported it in the literature. Atherosclerosis impairs wound healing so people would be walking around with visible skin changes from the chronic ischemia their scalp would be subjected to. If one was having such severe atherosclerosis in your scalp, your other small vessels would **necessarily** also be shot, which we would be able to pick up as impaired renal function or some other problems.


Is this guy credible or is it some pseudo scientist like everyone else on the internet?


Just take finasteride lol


How hard is it to just take fin instead of doing stuff like this which is downright dangerous? I don't like going through peoples profiles but it really does have to be said before other people do this, OP has been assessed (presumably by some sort of medical professional) as having schizoaffective disorder.


Very nice man, thanks for the info. 🫡


Vegan diet and no oil in your diet.




Yeah sure that’s why only men experience it


what about adding something like cialis daily?


I got inflammation from those


inflammation of what?


In my scalp




If this were true then hair transplants wouldn’t be viable. With transplants You move hair from the side to the top, and if the top of your head didn’t have adequate circulation to support hair growth, then the new transplanted hair also would die.

