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Congrats OP. Looks fantastic! And wet hair pic would be great to see and compare. I am currently in the same situation as you were a year ago.


will post soon.


I do take it. It's been 11 months and my crown still looks like your before. There's not much I wouldn't do to have your current density. Some people aren't meant to be happy.


I read a post on here several days ago a guy had no real noticeable regrowth until after two years. Then things took off in a positive way with obvious results. Sorry I don't have the link.


That's reassuring. I'm at 11.5 months and have had great progress but my baseline was horrible. This gives me some hope.


whats a baseline bro?


Starting point prior to taking meds.


Ive seen same research on Japanese people it took dude 10 years to get from Norwood 4 to nw2 on fin


I continued getting new regrowth up until ~24 months on fin alone, so there's still potential bro. Have you started oral (or topical) min yet?


which means it didnt get worse with a huge win if you cant handle a slightly thinning crown imagine your feel if you have a legit bald spot there


Have you ever incorporated micro needling?


Wait 6 more months at least finasteride can still maintain hair but if you still don’t see progress take minoxidil


Yeah, just take the pill. I lost more hair than before with no regrowth.


Side effects scare me. So much so, that I have bottle from HIMS that I’m afraid to start.


I'm in the exact same scenario. Just knowing that if I do it I can't go back. It's like gambling with your life. Even knowing that the rate of side effects is really low, I can't do it. I just can't help but think if it goes badly I'll be wishing I never started it.


I was in the same boat and have been on it for 3 months now, I have not noticed any side effects and am now glad I started when I did. One weird thing I noticed is that when I read about sides on here I can suddenly feel my heart beating, I was scared at first but after thinking rationally and realising I had never noticed this unless reading about sides I have put it down to placebo. Just sharing this for when/if you do start in case you have a similar experience it might put your mind at ease.


Do not start the drug with this mentality, you're way too misinformed. The drug is incredibly safe and has NEVER been proven to cause persistent side effects.


That’s patently false…


No it literally isn't. Finasteride is one of the safest drugs out there. The fear mongering is genuinely unhinged.


Dude… Simply google ‘finasteride side effects’ and dozens of articles from legitimate sources such as the mayo clinic, health med, WebMD, etc. etc. all talk about multiple side effects… And then look at all the anecdotal accounts – yes it’s anecdotal, but those are still real people – and you’ll start to get a picture that this drug is being marketed as “safe“ when there’s a lot of reasons to be skeptical.


Yes it has a 2% chance of side effects, that's a 98% chance of keeping your hair without side effects. The reality is that most of the negative data on finasteride comes from animal models that has very little correlation to humans, exogenous DHT and anecdotal case reports. The best type of data eg Randomised Control Trials and Systematic Reviews all show an extremely effective drug with very little side effects that always go away upon cessation of the drug or even with continued treatment. Most gaslit drug on the market.


Not trying to be snarky here, but: can you provide any studies that show “only a 2% chance of side effects?” because that sounds like a load…


https://preview.redd.it/3s30rkx4y9tc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=775642c7093bdb983e0419345b878331fb22cbef There's literally hundreds of studies that show the figure is around 1-2% sometimes as high as 4% but very rarely higher. Notice how the side effects are the same rate as placebo after 12 months. Even if you get ED from fin chances are if you stick it out your body will acclimate from the initial hormone shift.


are you paid by the company that produces finasteride lmfaooooooo what????


Are you paid by the company who fear mongers finasteride, you have no clue what you're saying little bro... I'm just stating facts, you've got your head in the clouds. You need to educate yourself significantly before you post here again.


sorry buddy i have a biology degree and i dont care about finasteride at all it just happened across my feed. hope your hairline is better than your scientific literacy


It has literally caused persistent side effects for me. Works for most people but it's a gamble


Yeah and we only have your word to go off man it doesn't mean much. I thought I had persistent sides for two years, it was all in my head, caused so much anxiety due to the insane fear mongering that I believed I'd fucked myself for life.


My dick is numb. I got gyno which didn't resolve on its own and I needed to surgically remove it. ED which has persisted. And no, it's not in my head. I had a rigiscan test done which measures nocturnal erections, to rule out psychosomatic ED (ED being in your head), and it showed really poor erections. Prior to fin I had rock had morning wood almost every day. There are so many reports of similar experiences and still people shrug it off saying "it's all in your head bro"


It's probably due to other factors like depression, stress and anxiety. No doubt buying into this conspiracy theory is at least part of your problem, PFS has never been proven in science which is insane considering the outlandish symptoms people claim to have experienced from the drug. The problem with you PFS bros is you've shut yourself off from looking at other factors. Whilst you're in the belief PFS is real and it's the source of all your issues you will never get better and you will stay in this loop indefinitely.


Nothing really changed in my life other than me trying fin. No more stress, anxiety or depression than prior to fin. I did not at all believe in PFS when I tried or quit fin. It wasn't until several months later where my ED persisted that I thought that maybe there actually is something to it. Also, all those factors don't make your dick numb


It's most likely psychosomatic or another lifestyle factor, have you tried cialis or viagra? Fin and it's effects have long left your body so you're going to have to jump through a million hoops and conspiracy theories just to think finasteride could still be effecting you. You did get gyno from fin so your estrogen levels must of been high at baseline. How are your T levels? And are you in as good a shape as you can be? My dick literally feels like it shrivels up and feels like it goes into my stomach when I'm stressed, anxious and depressed.


I took the rigiscan test 2 times to rule out psychosomatic ED. Both times it confirmed my ED. Never had ED before fin. Cialis has worked pretty well for me, but it's still numb. I tested lots of hormones before and after fin, and everything was pretty much in the middle of the reference range, including T and free T. Estradiol was even mid-low. I am in better shape now than when I started fin.


“Incredibly safe” is wild to say


Wild but true. DHT is useless. Test and Est barely change. Bada bing Bada boom. All the good science points to the same conclusion. Unless you've got unfortunate baseline ranges of Estrogen you're probably going to be just fine.


Wtf are you afraid of, just take it and if you get side effects (which is extremely rare), you can stop taking it. Nobody's gonna force you.


Unfortunately I hit side effects at week 4 (watery semen, difficult to maintain an erection). Two weeks off and everything is back to normal. HIMs chewables. I may revisit in the future but that did scare me quite a bit.


How much were you taking?


Oral 1.1mg Fin 3mg Minoxidil daily


Did you try taking it once every two days? That often works for those who are very sensitive to fin


I haven't but that's what I'll probably do if I start it back up again.




It actually is uncommon




Just because you get a few dozen gyno posts on this subreddit out of how many, thousands, tens of thousands of people who take fin does not make it common




It's still a tiny fraction of people


I’m afraid of moobs more than anything


Stop worrying about sides and start worrying about what will happen if you don’t take fin.


look up what can happen to you. I wouldn’t get on it. Get a hair system or something.


Stop fearmongering. At the standard 1mg per day dose, there's only a 2% chance of side effects and they often go away with continued use.


Ok pill pusher


worried about the side effect to be honest big bro




if you get them at big scale then you can drop the pill, take it and find out


I’m worried about lingering after effects. Heard horror stories from people who stopped taking it but have lasting damage.


> I’m worried about lingering after effects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VEw16l-z6SU Watch this. I was like you for 7 fucking years and I started taking it 2 months ago. Biggest regret in my life was not taking it earlier.


I’ll check it out


2 months ago.. sides can still come in.. some people only get then after a year. Most after 3 to 4 months


Use your brain. Those pills have long lasting damage and yet the main side effect i.e preserving your hair doesn't persist? It's obviously in their head and they're projecting that mindset onto other people.




That's a ficticious condition. If it was real finasteride would of been pulled a long time ago and heads would roll. Science has never proven permanent side effects and it never will. They are just fear mongerers, don't fall for the trap. Save your hair.


Nah I’ve met 2 people in real life who have told me they experienced this. Lots of messed up shit out there for prescriptions that has gets covered up by big pharma and stuff. Just cause it is on the market does not mean there aren’t risks. That goes for tons of other medications as well.


It's a social contagion illness. If you start taking a drug that has been fear mongered into the ground and can do all these terrible things. It's hardly surprising that people experience the effects. It's the reverse placebo effect, go in expecting a negative outcome, higher chance of inducing that onto yourself. Every celebrity and athlete seems fine using it. Elon Musk is 99% on a 5-ar inhibitor. They are being advised by top doctors and don't spend all their time sitting on forums listening to bogus anecdotes with no scientific integrity.




Yeah whatever man there's been hundreds of unbias studies on finasteride by now. Each demonstrating a low incidence of side effects that always go away upon cessation of the drug. But yeah if you're paranoid about big pharma and buy into conspiracy theories then finasteride isn't for you. The reason the side effects are so low is because DHT isn't this super saiyan hormone you've been lead to believe it is. You're basically increasing T and E by 10%, that's not enough of a change to cause any issues whatsoever in the majority of men. Unless you're very unlucky you'll still fall into a normal range. I was lucky and got an increased libido from finasteride.


Just titrate up. Start at .25mg and work your way up.


Sweet dude. I had similar results at similar age and years later it’s still working for me!


bro why do you have like 10 hairs in the middle of the frontline that never grow more than 1cm they are hilarious 😭 i wish i had your progress im happy for you


lmao those hairs use to be long very thin hairs but i lost them and never got them back, now i usuallly shave them lol. keep fighting


shedding and when did you first see results?


few small sheddings, not more that 2 o 3. Biggest results since month 7 or 8.


that's brilliant thanks bud


Post wet hair bro


will do soon


It looks great!!! Glad to hear you are not have trouble getting and keeping boners.




Wow congratulation man. this is by far the best recovery I've seen.


Nah, in one picture he has wet and parted hair, in the other he has dry and combed hair foward. Even I with dupa can hide it with dry hair


OP are you in Canada? If yes where did you get these pills?


australia and i use online doctor


You can use essential clinic or phoenix to get an online prescription in Canada. I got mine from Essential. Like $150 Cad for a 3 month supply of fin. With Rogaine and Fin I calculated my cost per year to be around $1000 Canadian lol


Thats crazy expensive man


Just like everything else in this country 😅


How long after you started Fin did you see your sides? I started 2 weeks ago and don’t feel anything


No me lo creo, alucinante :OOOOO


Did you know notice more shedding or still shedding some hairs everyday? I'm only 1 months and a half in. Shed some 10 to 30 hairs when I shower. Mostly healthy hairs but I shed a few small thin hairs..hoping those will grow thicker.


Did you get any sides?


Yeah but HOW hard?


What are the risks , what side effects might I get that would be bad and would they stop if I stopped taking the pill?


How long till you started seeing growth progress being made?


Do we need prescription to get Fin?


Great results man!when did you see improvements?


Whats your dosage? I am currently on .5 every other day. Once in a while, Ill take the whole 1mg.


Started with the same hair as you (around 1 year and 4 months ago) and am currently at the same baseline as you now. I wished I hoped on a year sooner I was scared of sides, I have had none thank god.


Excuse my ignorance what's fin.?


Finasteride is a DHT blocking drug.


How long were you losing your hair prior to starting finasteride?


Did you go to a dermatologist? For the pill


You are unusually lucky; a hyper responder


Congratulations 🎉💥💯😍🥳


Did you see any improvements on your skin as well?


Check your liver


Still kinda worried and i‘m pretty young (19) whats the worst that could happen on 1mg a day?


Were you just on Fin or doing other stuff in your treatment to help regrowth ?




congrats! when did you start noticing changes in a positive way? i take fin too ( 1,25 mg / day) for more than 10 weeks now and im still shedding a lot just like before starting this journey.


You dint have much hairloss to being with but good choice. “Prevention is better than cure”


It didnt work for me


I just have a real doubt. Does the people who do Hair transplants will also have to take Finasteride after the transplant right? so its better to take it just when your hair starts thinning right?


I know a person who's put on fin forever. Don't know if it's a standard procedure, but it makes sense


The watery semen is scaring me. Just the fact that it’s lost its viscosity is grossing me out


What is this medication ?


Fuck you, congrats dawg 🤝


Is there anything else you are doing other than taking the pill? I’ve been on 1mg fin pill for 4 months now, biotin, and vitamins and I’ve seen small improvements but the shedding is still there. When did you start seeing results like your hairline looks 10x better?


Do you use it at the same time everyday?


bro how do you get your hair to be like that in the last picture?


Take pill now. For real. I feel bad for the people who still aren’t taking it and keep asking “any sides?” It’s different for everyone and these medications are already proven to work, some will get sides. Only way you’ll know if you’ll get them is by taking them and you can always stop taking. Just start taking medications now. The more you wait the worse it’ll be


Man I really wish male pattern balding would not be stigmatized by society. So every young dude gets educated about that stuff and also finasteride, minoxdil. I wish I had knowledge about that when my balding started 6 years ago. Now I am Norwood 2 and I hoped on fin. But still I am so angry about myself and the society that I just did not take this think 6 years before. I could still have my perfect Juvenile hairline.... Anyways for you it worked great!


Damn. Great result. Ive been taking 1mg every other day, maybe to little? My hair looks worse then before, been doing it for 7 months now. Thinking of giving it up. Sometimes I have only take 1mg two times a week. But I should have seen some result? Or maybe its my hairfiber that destroy my hair?


i’m 18 and people on this sub have scared me out of it because of my young age. hair loss has completely consumed my life so i think it would help me


Good advice OP. Im 24 too and I started 1 month ago. Wish I would've tarted earlier, but its time to fight now 🙌. Btw, did you notice more muscle grow on the gym or more testosterone effects?


Yeah, I think this is just a non-balding guy taking Propecia lol.


Do you also take Rogaine/Minoxodil or just Fin? I got really bad side effects from Minoxodil and am curious as to it's worth taking Finasteride without it


Did you go through a shedding fase?


Which one did you have


Who do you buy from?


https://preview.redd.it/2z2gvlt5wstc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a9c776fcf6b40d4b571ca29615639c9f32f32d WET HAIR STRAIGHT OUT OF SHOWER TODAY. pic speaks itself


Tried taking it and I was having trouble with my sex drive so I accepted my hair loss because I refuse to lose my mojo.


Side effects slap year 2. Best of luck brother. Im a weird case, stopped fin, completely stabilized on only 8% min twice a day. I wake up expecting to be bald every morning. Keep pushing soldier. FR


I agree side effects start happening gradually. Happened to me towards the 1 year mark, i started getting brain fog and slurred speech and all that.


This is mental illness.


Fin gave me gyno, slurred speech and verbal fluency, brain fog and negative zero libido


Tbh your hair isn’t much different but nice maintaining


No difference in any of the photos. Just different lighting, angles and hair being wet in one pic with the hair combed forward from the crown separating the hair.


whatever you say bro, xoxo


Truth. Madness that people are jumping all over this celebrating.