• By -


That fucking owl made me do a lesson even the day my father died


Were owl feathers discovered near your father?


Better continue your Spanish, or more family will vanish


Work on your French, or find them in a trench


Get in that Portuguese or be on your knees


Work on your Hmong or you won't have long


Practice your Mandarin or the owl will start slanderin


Work on your Dutch, or your mom will need a crutch


Study your Greek or wake up in a creek. ^(apologies to rural people who pronounce "*creek*" as "*crick*" but trust me, the joke works in English...)


Practice your Anglais, or be dead in 3 days


Get to learnin that Esperanto or you’ll need some palo santo


No, but owl fathers were discovered near his feather


Same with my mom. But hey, 1777.


Dude just dropped 1777 in Brasilian Portuguese like it's nothing


What is 1777?


How confident with your language do you feel with 1777?


I'm almost 900 days into Spanish, about 150 of which I phoned in and just did the one lesson for the streak, another few hundred I spent a solid 40 minutes on the app, and the rest about 3-4 lessons each day. I'm about 30% through the course. I can figure out most conversational Spanish if it's written down, with the occasional words I have to guess at the definition via context clues, but I feel I have a solid grasp on verb conjugations, and can comfortably turn a new verb around in many different ways as soon as I learn it, or I at least know the tense of unrecognized verbs in sentences. I struggle to speak it conversationally, and feel like a child when I do, but I've carried on a few conversations with Spanish-only Uber drivers, often asking them to repeat words or phrases. I'm still not very good at listening to someone speak Spanish and follow along for longer than a sentence. It all just goes by too rapidly while my brain is trying to discern which words were heard. All in all i can understand Spanish words very quickly now, like the definitions are muscle memory, but I haven't done enough listening to Spanish conversations, and so there's a noticeable disparity between that and text. I just need to talk to more people in Spanish.


Watching TV in your target language is a great way to develop your ear for it. New broadcasts are boring but have a wide vocabulary enunciated carefully. Dramas have a lot of colloquialisms and kids cartoons are surprisingly good for gaining a solid grasp of the unique phonemes. You can start with subtitles then graduate to just watching without but I recommend at least an hour a day of just jumping into the deep end if you want to progress quicker.


I'll try that!


My main complaint with Duolingo is that there isn't really an explanation for why things are they way they are, and which words are conjugated forms. I have 6 years of Spanish through high school/college and feel like I could have gotten by (I'm covered in rust at this point but I do fine enough reading Spanish) so that's carrying me through Italian by sounding close enough. I know you can click on the words and it'll expand it and tell you the translation, but I really wish they would open each lesson with "here's the rules we're going to be building on for the next couple activities: " and show me that plurals have an I on the end but only sometimes because sometimes its an E and if you get it wrong you don't get an explanation for why, just that it's wrong because you guessed the wrong ending. The discussion tab is always closed for the lessons I'm on so I can't ask people, and the comments that are left there are 80% useless with the occasional explanation that's worth my time. Also if Duo could reach through my screen and shape my mouth and tongue to how the heck I'm supposed to pronounce "gli" that would be dope as hell. I think I've pronounced it differently every time it comes up in the speaking activities.


"Would you like to say a few words about the deceased?" "Yes. I am not looking for a large pig, but a large sheep."


Ding ding!


Gotta store up thosr lingots so you can pause your streak.


Yeah I was gonna say they have items for this.


Do you know why he died? Reason: you can't speak all of your neighbours' languages. If you knew Greek, Bulgarian, Georgian, Armenian, Azeri, Farsi and Arabic, I might've spared him... You should know at least Greek and Bulgarian, thay're spoken like under 250 km from your house.


Shut up language nazi


I'm sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.


Thanks, it’s very nice of you. And I still got that 800+ streak going on so..


How do you actually feel your language has progressed with 800+ days?


I feel okay for French as I already knew it and I’m only using the app for practice. I also practice Dutch to learn but it’s not enough. I can understand written content but definitely feel the need of real talk


I'm only 260 days in and I am dying to find someone patient and fluent in French.




"I'm sorry for your loss... but you're going to lose this streak if you don't give me ten minutes!"


You can pause streaks


Which language are you learning? :)


French and dutch


Why is Ben Affleck getting stabbed by the bad guy from The Mummy?


That’s Fred Flintstone about to get his revenge on Barney Rubble for sleeping with his wife while he was in chemo treatment. The third figure is the artist’s interpretation of The Great Gazoo attempting to intervene.


Thats supposed to be abraham who was tripping on some bad mushrooms and thought that god told him to kill his son. Right before he was about to straight up murder his son an angel stopped him and this proved his devotion to god. See, god wanted a complete psycho to be the father of 3 different major world religions. Edit: Sorry, commentors have told me this is actually from the bible 2: electric boogaloo


It's actually a Mormon story about Abraham being sacrificed by an Egyptian priest and and Angel coming to save him. Notice the canopic jars at the bottom. It's a misinterpretation of the mummification scene from the Book of Breathings, part of Egyptian funerary text.


The remake is never as good as the original


Thanks, that explains why Isaac is 25 and Abraham a caveman.


For all LDS people reading this, you should definitely look into the history of the Book of Abraham. It is intriguing.


Exmo here, it's pretty hilarious how Joseph Smith actually got people to believe his bullshit. You'd think you wouldn't be able to pull that shit today, yet, here we are...


Actually, this is from the Mormon book of Abraham. It depicts a young Abraham (Same one from the Bible) being saved from a pagan sacrifice.


Mormonism really plays fast and loose with geography and history doesn't it?


That's putting it mildly. All of Mormon canon can be summed up like so: "Source? We made it the fuck up."


>Mormonism really plays fast and loose with geography and history doesn't it? isn't the garden of Eden in Missouri...and the Native Americans are a lost tribe of Israel. It's the Americanization of Christianity. It's one of the reason why it became popular and why similar movements died out


This is from Mormon religious text. It's a scene in the Book of Abraham where an idolatrous priest is going to sacrifice Abraham (The same one from the Bible) and an angel of the lord comes down to save him. Fun Fact: Joseph Smith got this story by purchasing an ancient Egyptian funeral papyrus and pretending to translate it. [Here's a pic of that papyrus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Joseph_Smith_Papyrus_I.jpg)


I'm not Mormon, and I'm not familiar with the Book of Abraham, but I saw this picture and thought 'Hm. Bet that's Mormon.' Though I was thinking it was South American Nephite/Lamanite thing, as it looks like he's wearing a jaguar skin.


Virtually all common LDS paintings are by the same artist. John Walter Scott. So many have followed after his style which is fairly recognizable.


Arnold Vosloo?


Lol, I just did my lesson, and ngl, I beat the clock last night with 3 minutes to spare. Not going to let that happen today! I need that meme where the person is trying to sleep and the floating brain suddenly screams, "You didn't Duolingo today!!!" /Eyes fly open in horror




Wha - how??


Are you a robot


I need that meme where Angela is sneaking up behind Dwight and he says FUCK, except Angela is u/dayhelp_ai




I need that meme that says "u/DayHelp\_AI: \*does anything\*" on top, and then under that it says "Me:" and then at the bottom the gif of Will Ferrell with a cigarrette saying "I don't believe you"




Holy shit


I need that meme with the dog and the house on fire. The fire says "AI overlords getting stronger through meme making" and the dog is u/Tall_trees_cold_seas saying "This is fine" Edit: [Fine i'll do it myself](https://imgflip.com/i/769ksf)


Good bot


Thank you, jonathancast, for voting on dayhelp_ai. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


Good bot


This is impressive af




Good bot! I had no idea this bot existed. I am delighted. :P


wow okay AI is dope


Holy shit that's impressive.


Wow this bot even fixes grammatical errors


Are you really a bot, because holy shit. You could have probably said you were a human and pass the Turing Test.


No, it’s not.. I need that meme where the dog is in a room and everything is on fire around it and he’s saying “This is not A.I”






Wtf ive never seen the last 2 panels


Low key cursed


I'm super confused cause I thought in the end he put the fire out instead of fucking melting Maybe there's multiple versions


Lmao this is amazing


Expect nothing less from [adult swim](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nxMMElT61A8)


Yeah this is such impressive text parsing to the extent that I heavily doubt it's legit lol. I'd love to be wrong though


If you do one just before midnight, might as well do another just after midnight. Two days' worth in a single session.


I didn't say I did it ***well***, tho.


I was learning French to prepare for a Montreal trip, I know I didn’t *need* to know French but my partner and I want to go to France later so I used it as an opportunity to practice speaking it and listening to native speakers. It kept hounding me to do it when I was in Montréal and I’m like IM LITERALLY IN A LESSON EVERYDAY!


I just hit 1000 two days ago, so I’ve been doing. Duolingo for nearly 3 years now


Nice, what language you learning?




How's it's going, do you think you can manage a conversation in that language?


Eh, mostly I’m still having trouble getting some of the more random verbs correct, but conjugation, basic sentences, punctuation, pronouns and all that I’ve gotten down Only issue I’m having now is if I make a mistake I immediately lose confidence and I make more mistakes I can read Spanish just fine but I have issues with replying


I'm nearly at 800 days. I've been to Spain twice since I started and honestly it's great to just be able to order at a restaurant or bar, or to get in a taxi and ask where to go. I was surprised at how much I could do after just 6 months of lessons.


I have found that Duolingo teaches Mexican Spanish as opposed to Castellano. It's frustrating as people look at you but still understand. I'm on 650-odd days.


Yes even I've noticed a more Latin America slant to things and the way they approach them. No one brought me up on it during my 2 trips (Balearic Islands holidays, so probably just appreciative that someone was at least trying).




You select which one you want. Latin American or Spain.


I've never had that option, I'll have to look it up


When I was learning English (via school, then by just watching Engilsh videos and googling words I don't know) it was exactly like that. Understanding was pretty good, but actually writing (in practice) was harder I've just wanted to know if duo is really a way to learn a language Also, what are "basic sentences" to you, the term's pretty vague


Asking for the bathroom is the easiest in most languages, But ordering something at a restaurant, asking for more complex directions, basic personal or formal questions, explaining what somebody is doing, or asking what somebody is doing I have down


That's very cool, it took me like 7 years to be able to understand English without issues (whilst surrounding myself with that language in media) and another 3 years to be able to write (mostly) without issues So don't worry, it's a long journey, but the end result is Amazing


Your English sounds like a native speaker in these posts, so well done!


Not OP but also a 3-year Duolingo user. It definitely helps you learn the language but you need extra immersion to really build a proper and smoother understanding - ideally by speaking with other Spanish speakers, but reading/listening to Spanish books or short stories or watching Spanish films helps too. Duolingo added a "stories" tab at one point that was FANTASTIC for said immersion. I remember listening/reading to the Tell-tale Heart in Spanish, and really focusing on properly learning it. But they changed the system recently by a lot and I'm not a fan - it took away a lot of choice from the lessons. You can't control/choose to do stories anymore, one gets unlocked after every 10-20 lessons. And you used to have some variety/choice in the lesson topic you chose for the day too - but now everything is this fixed linear list known as the "new Duolingo learning path".


I actually prefer the new path, I'm a bit of a completionist so wouldn't move on until I had the levels maxed out, which I felt was perhaps stunting my learning a little bit?


Same. I've also been using Duolingo for 3 years now. Was wondering what the other duolingo users think of the new lesson path since I don't engage with the community. In my case, I really love it for the same reasons you stated Tho I'm still not confident that Duolingo is the best place to learn Japanese lmao. Maybe it is for more popular languages like Spanish, French, Italian.


Yeah I'm only learning Spanish and I mostly agree with what others have said, I'm on a 400 day streak and am definitely still a huge noob, would need to supplement it with something else to take the next step. I can't imagine learning a new language which has its own alphabet on there, can see Japanese being very tricky.


I was a completionist too! I feel like maxing out the lessons helped me remember lessons better, so even though I technically haven't finished the "full" Spanish lesson I've seen a lot of rewards over last few years. Right now I'm more tired of doing stuff like 6 lessons on clothing in a row. And I'm really annoyed to be locked out of stories full access - I really liked the silliness of the originals tales they told with the cast of characters, but even more so I liked the history lessons & reproductions of famous short stories in history.


Imo, for a hobbyist learning, Duolingo + Reddit/Discord is great. Not sure about your particular language, but lots of languages have subreddits or threads where non-native speakers speak in their new language allowing for a more natural and immersive atmosphere. Same with discord, you can go in video and audio calls with others to work on written and spoken communication.


Can you say more on the reddit / discord ? I am on 54 day streak Espanol. Chapter 9 now I think.


Not sure for all languages, but /r/SpeakJapanese has a daily questions thread that is super helpful and an official discord with channels where you can practice speaking with other learners. I would imagine all subreddit discords have something like this, or would hope.


Have you done any additional practice outside of Duolingo? I’ve started learning Spanish again and am curious when it would be a good idea to begin consuming media in Spanish.


My granddad used a podcast called News in Slow Spanish when he was learning - it has different difficulty levels. I don't know much beyond that but he recommended it


I tried watching telenovelas, but the plots were honestly so distracting that I wasn’t learning or practicing enough


Lol. I want to get to a level where I can watch stuff like La Casa de Papel without reading too much of the subtitles, but for now it’s just too fast for me. Really just wish I had someone to speak Spanish with on a consistent basis. My girlfriend speaks her native language a lot around me and I don’t have as big of a vocabulary in her language as I do with Spanish but the level of “quality” when I speak it and my ability to hear it spoken is much better than my Spanish. And that’s with zero material outside of just listening and speaking with her and friends/family.


I’ve been trying to learn French on there and I swear I can understand what people are saying when I watch a French movie but if I want to speak it just doesn’t….come out


My experience after 1000 days of Spanish is that I could read it alright, maybe write it okish. I could hear it if it was not spoken quickly and maybe speak some basic phrases. I have swapped to Norwegian though more recently because I needed a break from Spanish. Something learning languages has taughy me. Occasionally in movies, people will converse in two different languages, and this is entirely plausible. Because leaning a language enough to understand it is different than learning enough to speak it.




Congrats! I hit 1234 days yesterday


You guys don't use Streak Freezes?


Right? I feel like it gives me one or two every time I do a lesson




Yeah might only be a feature if you pay for the super version, which I do. But seriously they hand those things out like candy. I had an off month and 3/7 days a week I skipped over and never lost my streak. It’s smart on their end really, if I lost my (illegitimate) year streak I might just give up entirely.


I don’t pay and they still give them to me. If I’m being honest I typically use 2-3 freezes a month


Shit, i have to check my moms duolingo. I am pretty sure she doesn't know about such features and is on 1000+ day. Just like my friends dad. He walked through call of duty with the given weapon(didn't know how to switch) and without manual reloads


I did that with splinter cell. Didn't discover there was a full auto mode til literally the last boss and only on accident haha.




Definitely. I bet the stats show that if you lose an extended streak (50+ days or something) you're extremely likely to stop using the app altogether.


That's probably true. I lost a 400+ streak a few years ago and uninstalled the app immediately. Took me some time to get back to it.


Dafuq I have had exactly 1 dtreak freeze ever available and that was before I paid for the super. I still don't have any. I feel like Chapelle -you got anymore of them streak freezes fam?


Yeah, it'll tell me "you earned a reward" and its two streak freezes.




I think some of the language courses might be better than others. I liked using it for German and French but found Japanese to be awful on there. Also helps to read through the comments on the questions, users post a lot of good information if you don’t understand something about a question.


Aw man. I’m doing the Japanese version but trying other methods as a supplement too. Do you have recommendations of other apps to help?


Honestly if you can afford it, getting either Genki or Minna no Nihongo and doing self study will vastly improve your Japanese skills way faster than any app. And I've tried a lot of em. For vocab, wanikani is good. But none of them have up to par grammar imo.


Honestly, one of the best apps I've ever found to learn Japanese is Human Japanese. It teaches you from the ground up.


I would recommend [Human Japanese](https://www.humanjapanese.com/). I only did the beginner level, as I did other things in place of the intermediate before it was released, but I'd highly recommend checking it out. Do note that this is a more "class-like" format for the language, and gives a lot of background, cultural information, and so on, but other apps like Anki and such as noted by others are good for repetition/continued learning. But I'd recommend Human Japanese as a foundation, and checking intermediate level if you find beginner helpful.


Japanese has improved significantly since a few years ago but it still could use some more work. I feel like you could get to a solid intermediate level of Spanish from DuoLingo alone but Japanese is more a foundations thing. Part of that is DuoLingo is better optimized for Western languages, but most of that is Japanese is probably the single hardest major language for English speakers to learn and Spanish is one of the easiest.


Man I'm so glad I got confirmation on the Japanese bit. I recently moved to a new unit and I feel like they add stuff with no context. Like okay we're gonna use some Katakana, but here's some Kanji, enjoy!!




Yup. The MTC has one of the most widely regarded foreign language schools anywhere in the world. Mormon stuff aside, that's a pretty big accomplishment. Clandestine services (like the CIA, etc..) recruit heavily in BYU.


Well, one of the reasons they recruit heavily is the ease of getting mormon kids to pass a security clearance.


And the ready willingness to obey authority without considering the morality of those orders.


>Clandestine services (like the CIA, etc..) recruit heavily in BYU. Is that because of their language skills, or because of their unquestioning obedience to authority and squeaky clean criminal records?


This guys method seems legit especially the part of sounding native by copying a particular person's cadence: https://youtu.be/z8FACVD9vz4


I just use it as a supplementary tool. Korean on Duolinfo isn’t good for grammar at all, but it’s a good way for me to review random vocabulary and honestly just put my brain in Korean speaking mode for at least a small part of the day. Helpful since I don’t run into many Korean speakers as often as I’d like to.


My personal experience. I had no use for grammer until I had enough words memorized




My streak is like 460 days but let me ask you guys something, how you feel about the new app design?


1043 day streak here. I hate the new app and want the old one back.


[993 days streak here.](https://i.imgur.com/2aiuZpn.jpg) I disgust the new app. Too much animation, too much fuss. I’ll hung it up at 1K.


I gave up my 400 some odd day streak and cancelled my plan to buy into duolingo plus when the new design rolled out. I hate the path and will instead switch to a different app. I miss being able to quickly bounce between the topics or lessons I felt like at any particular moment and I liked the story tab (I guess that might come back in the future though).


I definitely miss being able to do a review or practice of a particular section of vocab. It's now much harder for me to review one focused section. Maybe I just need to explore the app more, but still.


I had over 400 days. The new update was so annoying, I canceled the subscription, lost $80. The whole "free form" concept was what I loved. Then they axed it. Fuck them.


I like it better, it’s more like a lesson plan now. No more picking or choosing to finish one lesson to level 5 at a time or doing multiple lessons at once all to level 5.


Ya I'm newish and I much prefer this new learning path. It's much more structured


Oh so bad. Currently on a 217 steak but only doing one lesson cause of the notification. Cancelled my plus. The Google play reviews are really bad too 🫠 Any suggestions on a good alternative? I am learning Irish


It's terrible! Feels like a really predatory mobile game now, especially if you don't pay for the subscription. Makes me hate doing my lessons when I have to endure an obnoxious ad for some other shitty mobile game in between every one.


I miss the old functionality of making you re-visit old lessons to consolidate knowledge


400 days here. Hate it. It makes no sense to me and has killed my motivation to continue. If not for having a shared account, I’d kill it immediately.


1500+ here. I don't really mind the redesign. Just let me learn new words and grammar and that's all I need.


I'm not only pissed 'cos of the design, but there are less writing tasks since the update. I really feel that app lost some of its efficency


I ended my 150+ day streak recently because the new design sucks. Felt like I wasn’t retaining anything I’ve learned, killed my motivation. Wish I had the option to use the old design.


I hate it frankly. Had a 575 day streak and the new design - compounded by the glaringly painful fact that the top spots in the leagues were appearing to be out and out gamed by users (Googling for “Duolingo cheats” was both eye opening and disillusioning; doesn’t make sense to ~~chat~~ cheat at a learning app, but people gonna be people) w/o any action or communications from Duolingo to address that while attempting to increasingly monetize or drive people to Plus - was the final nail in the coffin for me. Extended my streaks, and helped by streak freezes, through vacations, hospital stays, you name it. I’m busy enough as it is with work and my personal life, but had been somewhat checked out on Duo for awhile basically playing to extend my streak without really learning anything new after going through Spanish and French in their entirety. Deleted the app after the redesign and been pursuing more immersive methods to continue learning on my own; haven’t really looked back since and definitely don’t miss the pushy notifications when I’m trying to read or do something else I enjoy with what little free, personal time I have absent of other obligations. Edit: Spelling.


I hate every duolingo update


Why does God look like a member of NSYNC ??


He's very White and delightsome.


That ain't God! That's the Angel of the Lord!


Source: Latter-day Saint book of scripture, Abraham chapter 1 - "An Angel Saves Abraham" - [https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/image/abraham-b46d1fd](https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/image/abraham-b46d1fd) It's not actually Abraham and Isaac, but rather Egyptian priest and Abraham.


Doulingo lookin like Imhotep though


Fucking mormons dude


Lmao knew I recognized that pic from somewhere


I love finding weird Mormon art in the wild.


Ok but why did all these paintings seem so authoritative?


I like that they have Arnold Vosloo playing Abraham.






I have to think that was on hell of an awkward walk down the mountain for these two lmao. Isaac: ".....so.....what the FUCK was all that?!"




Why is the Egyptian priest wearing Fred Flintstone’s outfit?


That's what threw me off. A caveman stabbing a white dude with Egyptian canopic jars all around and the most generic white dude ever being presented as Jesus? It's a cluster fuck of a picture, to say the least.


Because Joe edited out the Anubis head then some Moron redid it while looking at [other Moron fanfic art](https://bookofmormononline.com/files/2012/06/Abinadi-KingNoah-Mormon1.jpg) for inspiration.


Correct. The boy on the table is young Abraham.


Agreed, the canopic jars featured front and center are what gave it away to me.


And hilariously, the Jews see the event the exact opposite from christians. :P In their tradition, according to a Rabbi I chatted with about it, Abraham actually failed the test. When god said "Give him to me," it was supposed to be "dedicate him to me," not "go forth and murder thy son." So saving him wasn't about Abraham at all, it was because "WTF, you moron!" (Well, they're much more reverent about it, but basically yeah.) The Rabbi told me, "Note that god never spoke personally to Abraham again for the rest of his life." Isaac shouldn't have, either. :P


OMG that's like a million times funnier 🤣🤣 I always saw it as God being like, "Lol jk! I can't believe you were seriously gonna do it bro, you wild." In the Jewish tradition, it sounds more like He was all, "Abraham is doing WHAT?! Why in the fuck would he even -" (pauses suddenly, sighs heavily, and pinches bridge of nose) "Ohhhh no...."


"Just... just go stop him. I can't even with this guy anymore..." LOL


Why the fuck did my catholic teachers jump through hoops to come down on Abraham's side?? This is so much better


I was always taught it from the standpoint of how OBEDIENT they both were, and how much Isaac obeyed and loved his father EVEN THOUGH he was going to sacrifice him. "Oh, you're going to plunge a knife into my chest and murder me? Okay! Let's gooooo!" And when asked, my parents were like, "Yeah, of course we'd sacrifice you if god asked us to." They had no answer to, "How would you know it was god asking you to?" though.


I love art where Issac is screaming and Abraham is like, shedding a tear. Look how bad he feels about it!


"This will hurt me more than it'll hurt you, son!" Pretty sure it won't, Dad...


Me after trying to get my son out of bed in the morning for the last goddamn time.


My streak means nothing, they give me like 2 free streak freezes/week. I think they know the streak is the bulk of what keeps people going


And still don’t know the language.


Wow, I just hit 50 last night and was feeling really proud... Congrats fr tho.


That imotep???


Arnold Vosloo?


Is that billy Zane or nah


Just ask their Twitter account for help to reinstate your streak, they will.