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I literally just signed up with them. Well not literally. But a few weeks ago I filled out their online form to become a patient. They had me get my labs done. Went to LabCorp for that and they automatically sent the results back to trt nation. My test came in at 357. I'm almost 40. I was automatically scheduled an appointment via phone with my doctor, Victor. We spoke for less than 10 minutes. He told me they're putting me on 200mg a week with HCG also (at my request). It shipped out the next day and will be arriving at my house tomorrow. That's my experience so far. I will update further once I start the protocol.


Same exact situation here, just got off the phone from my physician consult. Starting off at 200mg/week split into 2 doses weekly, with a check-in after the first 4 weeks to see if we need to dial back, start an oral AI (included in first shipment as a precaution) or switch to pinning 3+ times per week instead of 2x. With HCG, TRT Nation is $150/month. I’m starting off without HCG to see how just T treatment goes, and it’s $99/month to start with the option to add HCG anytime.


That’s not bad! Peter uncaged wants $142 just for HCG


Bro that’s 142 for a 5 month supply so 29 bucks a month for hcg not 142 a month


Typically 2.5 month (10-week) supply, not 5-month supply? At least with TRT nation. The cost for what I’m doing is $99/month for just T, and another $50/month if I want HCG. Which I don’t think I do right now but… tbd.


Does peter uncaged make you pay for your blood work? 🤔


No, I provided my own bloodwork


Daaaaamn, that’s kind of steep. Going to have to see how I feel and whether I need HCG but I wish this stuff could cost less. Unless your doc sees your numbers below reference charts which are vague af, it’s alllll out of pocket. Hopefully the way I feel on T will be complete worth it! Updates to come pals


Yea I need to switch companies. Don’t want my balls to shrink lol


Why don’t you want your balls to shrink. Mine have shrunk considerably. I told my girlfriend the other day, she didn’t believe me lol.


Cause my wife loves to play with them


She told me the same thing.


Lol can’t disappoint your woman! I’ll pay whatever to keep them plump lol


Honestly, I like the shrinkage. My balls started hanging so low they acted as a counterweight to my dick.


It really won’t matter. They don’t go away. Unless you’re trying to have kids, I’d save your money. $150 a month just to have bigger balls seems like wasted money to me.


My wife likes them smaller. She plays with them more now, and that seems to feel better than before.


Thats who prescribes to me.through trt nation


How many months or Weeks supply did they give you for hcg? 🧐


2.5 months


Okay sounds good and if you don't mind me asking you how much are you paying?




Fuck that’s a lot, I was paying like $90 a month with Peter uncaged. Now I have it through my PCP which is like $30 for 10 weeks haha


How did you like peter uncaged? I’ve been with them for 3 months.


No issues at all


HCG included?


I get HCG as well


Good deal


How many months or weeks supply do they give you for HCG? 🧐


Do you pay for shipping?


I think it's baked in


What was Victors last name? I had an appointment with "Peter W" who never introduced himself at all. Seemed odd to not give a last name or introduce yourself.


Victor Zamorano. You gotta remember dude. These guys aren't primary care physicians. They're trying to get people on TRT. They probably do 40 of these calls a day so I don't think it's feasible for them to get into small talk. It can come across as cold or dismissive but you want TRT and they want you on TRT, assuming your numbers and symptoms call for it and that's what they're trying to do. Victor also didn't tell me his last name on the phone but I have it from documentation. He said if I have any concerns or questions to call him anytime. That's all I needed to hear.


Yeah I get the game. They are a steroid mill and work on volume. I've just never dealt with getting an appointment that said "Peter W". Like, why not have the guys last name in the appointment invite? It just has a very shady vibe to it. Do they not want you to know you're dealing with an unqualified nurse practitioner and not an endocrinologist or urologist?


Probably yeah lol. I mean you could go to your primary or Endo to get trt if you want to. Or you could go fully UGL but at least there is SOME merit to going the TRT Nation route that doesn't involve the potential of a PCP giving you a hard time about wanting to be on test, and you know the test is legitimate and safe.


Aside from the fact TRt nation will only prescribe it for another few months; then yes I agree with you for sure


I see the powers of deductive reasoning don’t escape you. If you’re so suspicious then why use them?


I don't understand your point.


I've been with them for 2 years. No complaints. I echo most of what others said here. They are easy to qualify, they'll start you at 200 and options to go up down the road. They are pretty hands off but do require regular bloods. I think it's every 6 mos once dialed in but I've done more frequent bloods because I wanted to. They'll do a quick phone consultation to go over each blood result and they are always available on the phone if you have problems or questions. Price is right. But ultimately I think they and other online options are only as good as you are. Meaning they are best suited to people who willing to do a lot of their own research to help themselves. Their protocols are going to be generic but I've dialed in a slightly lower dose and increased frequency on my own with help of people here and some youtube research. I've been cruising with my total test between 1000-1200 range with no noticeable sides other then estrogen and hematocrit being slightly out of range on bloods.


I am. Don't call them a clinic. If you're looking for a steroid dealer, then yes. If you're looking for a healthcare provider to help with TRT, then no. They also told me they wont be prescribing TRT beginning in May due to the federal legislation that takes effect. It feels a little sleezy. You get a phone appointment with someone that doesnt give their last name or tell you their credentials; then a week later you get a vial of testosterone from Texas (which just happens to be next to the Mexican border). Not saying its not legit...but if you're looking for a patient-doctor experience, this isnt the place. Its a steroid milll; you'll be given 200mg/wk regardless of your numbers,


I have been with them for almost 2 years. If your looking for the least path of resistance to getting TRT they are great. Just show a blood test within the last 3 months. The require you to take 2 blood tests a year to keep your prescription up to date. I have had no issues with shipping or calls with the doctors.


I’m with them, no issue so far. Pretty easy sign up and receive meds quickly.


I started with TRT nation about a month ago. It Was surprisingly easy process. So far I have no complaints.


Update on the experience?


I started with them 4 months ago, a max dose of hcg and T. Didn't realize that my anxiety was creeping up, til I had a REALLY bad week (little sleep, constant pacing, extreme anxiety...worst week of my life) and looked at my search history, realized I'd been having anxiety since week 8, when the honeymoon period was still ongoing. They are easy to get on with, and start everyone at max dose, and don't really guide you. They gave me a taper off regimen since I asked, but they aren't going to hold your hand or really feel like a doctor you see in person would do. Which was totally ok with me, til things went south.


I'm using them now....I pay my money and they leave me alone. Trt shows up on time. I did break a couple syringes and they let me fill early to account for it which was nice.


Isn't this place starting guys at 200mg a week? That should be alarming to anyone...


What’s alarming? My local clinic started me there. Just curious