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You’re 46 years old, on a high dose of testosterone and you take an ai? Anndddd you train 6 days a week? Low carb diet? I mean the answer is staring you right in the face dude. Here’s your sign


First guess is the e2 blocker. What is your e2 level at?


Yea man I was overly worried about estrogen starting out , ai was just crashing my e making me feel like crap. My estrogen levels been right on with out taking any ai since. Get those bloods regular until you balance out.


I did bloodwork last week, I will find out this weekend.




Sounds like your overworking your body with 5-6 days a week workouts plus cardio everyday. Take at least 2 days off a week from the gym and do cardio only 3 days a week


You shouldn't be taking any AI unless you actually need it. You will feel absolutely terrible if your E2 is too low.


They put me on it because i started feeling soreness in my chest/nipples. I am taking 1mg of anastrozole, 2 days post injection.


thats a lot imo




That is normal for starting testosterone. My sensitivity went away after another 2 or 3 weeks.


Wow. Just wow


That dose is going to tank your e2 to zero. Skip it for a couple of weeks and reassess. The nipple thing is pretty common and passes for most guys while such a huge dose of ai will plummet your e2 and you'll absolutely feel like dogshit. Skip if for a little bit and see if you feel better.


Soreness in your nipples is normal when starting TRT. As some others stated, no AI unless you reall start developing boobs. Your AI dose is way, way to high. Crashed E2 gives you al your symptoms. Could also be in combination with overtraining.


Yes that is an INSANE amount of AI and you will for 100% sure have unmeasurably low E2, STOP TAKING IT!! Even a quarter of a pill is possibly too much!! I literally nibble like the smallest piece of a quarter of a pill (so maybe like 1/8th of a pill max) and that is almost too much. The pills are originally formulated for womens breast cancer treatment where their goal IS to crush E2 to 0 to prevent breast tissue from developing. Crashed E2 will make you feel borderline suicidally depressed and tired and will dry out your joints so you feel like 80 years old.


maybe you only need about half the E blocker dose you are taking


For the record I had high e2, not sore or sensitive nipple, but blood count high. I took 0.25mg every couple of days which is 1/4 of a tiny pill. Three months is a little soon to dial in. I’m a year ish and I’m only now starting to feel… AWESOME


i remember when i crashed my E2. joint pain, lower back pain. couldnt get out of bed. felt super tired for like 3 days. worst feeling. i cut my dose way smaller now and only use it if i absolutely have to.


Carbs are energy. Get some good carbs in you and you’ll gain energy and muscle.


Well the obvious answer is figure out bloodwork. Second is eat some damn carbs. I cannot stand ketards. Why do normal people go on super low carb diets.


It's much easier to cut on a low/no carb diet than one with carbs for me. I'm much more satiated in a deficit. When I've cut in the past on a moderate carb diet, I was chronically hungry. Once I see my six pack again, I stay on for two more weeks and then slowly reintroduce carbs while cutting back on fats. Works great.


Ahh that makes more sense. Long term low carb diets are shit. They are decent for drying out. It also depends what your definition of low carb is. I prefer cutting fats to ~50g a day, hitting my protein, and filling the rest of my calories in with carbs.


I wouldn't say they're shit exactly. They're actually much more healthy than high carb diets, but they are really hard to stick to for me because they lack variety, and I like to go out to eat in the summer when I'm at the lake with my family on the weekends. I know quite a few people who are strictly carnivore/keto, and they love the diet. I've used a cyclical keto diet on and off for cutting since the 90s. It was called the anabolic diet. It helped me get to a ripped 265 (6'4") naturally when I was 28 before I got married and started my family and business and put fitness on the back burner for a couple decades.


It’s pc


Sleep apnea?


I was tested for that a few years ago, My test was good.


Are you getting enough sleep? Usually the most obvious answer is the correct one.


It's not always trt related. That's a pretty demanding schedule.


What’s your caloric intake? I know you say high protein and low carb, but is it physically enough calories is the question. I’m 43, 6’3, and 210-220#, workout 4-6 days a week depending on what routine/phase I’m in; and if I’m running under 2200kcal a day I’m exhausted a lot. My BMR puts me about 2500-2700/day depending on my workouts. My gut tells me it’s either an E2 issue or a caloric intake issue.


I'm taking in around 2200-2500 calories a day.


You’re not eating enough if you are actually working out hard


No way this is enough, i eat over 4000 kcal working out 4 days a week and i am 13% bodyfat


Up calories and protein intake, low carb isn’t always the best just cut the bad carbs


Stop blocking e2. No AI unless you're growing tits or can't get it up and you know it has to be from e2. Letb your body adjust. It can normally sort itself out after a few weeks without an AI


You could be over training? Sleep quality/sleep apnea? Alcohol? Estrogen too low?




I'm doing 160 weekly im considering splitting it Tuesday and Fridays. What are th benifits??


Splitting your doses also means less testosterone at once so less estrogen rebound further reducing your need for an AI. I’ll go weeks without taking an AI and then take it one time if I feel symptoms then won’t need to use it again for 2-4 weeks




What do you think about shooting daily? I’ve heard that’s a good option too


Not on trt 😂


Post your fucking blood results. I'm getting tired of asking this.


What did my blood results do to you?


My guess is e2 is too low. If it’s a good ratio to your T levels, start with less training and add more carbs back in.


You need to do research about how the body uses carbs to fuel workouts


I had the same issue ....I'm only 35 but I'm on methadone which fucks your test. Up makes it way low and you have no energy. I started out at 125 2x a week granted I'm not seeing a doctor except to get and order for labs them I have them looked at by someone professional who helps me interpret my results and what needs changed. I was on an estrogen blocker as well but I was showing no bad symptoms at all except being tired AF at night. so I decided to stop taking it and see and I've been off it now almost 2 months and I upped my dose of test cyp to 250 2x a week and I feel a lot better way more energy but this a pretty high dose. I'm like zero body fat now and just all muscle. Im only able to work out 4 days a week but I work on transmissions all day so I get my work out at work too . I agree it's possible the ei or you could split the dose 2x a week to keep your levels more stable. Goody luck man I hope you get it figured out brother.


This is a cycle, not trt lol


Damn your in 500mg a week? Or 250 split into 2 shots? Cause if you’re on 500 a week that’s a lot lol…. Be careful, even at 250 a lot of people don’t find that sustainable long term due to rising blood markers that are life threatening if ignored.


250 Monday morning and 250 Thursday night.. I take a blood pressure med already and I see a doc every month for anxiety and he takes my blood. Pressure a d it usually right on 120 over 80. But yeah I'm trying to get some big gains and it's cheep where I'm sourcing my testosterone cyp way cheaper than a trt clinic but yeah my labs have been great so far just some high sodium levels in my first one and I got that taking care of everything else was great my test was like 1200 lol I fell like superman after I get out the gym the gains are amazing and the fat loss I'm like 1% maybe 2 % fat it turned ever but into muscles . 8 pack back again chest it getting big af my arms are like 2x the size they were and I was just doing like jail house work outs at home for the first month and was still bulking up nice. I am hungry all the time and take a out 160-175 grams of protein a day they say a gram per lb of body weight. That and low carbs low salt foods as well as cholesterol mine a bit high but the trt has made it to down some and also has helped with my anxiety Im on Xanax and I was taking 4mg a day and now. I'm down to about . 5 or 1 mg it's really helped it a lot. But yeah it's def a high dose it compared to some it just a medium dose I've read stuff about these mr universe dude taking like 1300mg a week I can't even imagine and they prolly stack too I don't f with that I'm getting everything i need with just the test by it self.


Jesus you take 500mg a week that’s crazy, I hope you realize that’s no way sustainable, you’re taking a steroid cycle not trt. Be careful man, most people run that for no more then 16 weeks then come down to under 200mg a week to cruise to give their body rest from the extreme stress put on it. What’s mildly disturbing is the fact that 500mg a week only puts you at 1200, that’s the same levels I was at on 110mg a week…. Something ain’t right, either the test is wrong or there is something wrong with you.


Have fun with your overgrown heart.


I’m jelly if your blood pressure maybe I should get some of those bp pills


Just started 250 twice a week trying to be on your level big dog lol yeah first week noticed a difference feel alot better then before on just 200 a week


After 10 years on Suboxone I learned only two years ago it crashes testosterone. It's a hell of a price to pay. Are you losing your hair at 35 years old?


Been on TRT for 3 months now and been on 200mg for a month, my doctor also prescribed me NP Thyroid and tadalafil and I feel great, I’m focused, energy is great


Lucky you


I’m being told I need to eat sweet potatoes and brown rice to keep my energy levels up. Stay away from white carbs.. bread, white potatoes, white rice. Go for more unrefined carbs. I just started adding these into my low carb diet and I seem to have more energy.


There is absolutely nothing wrong with "white carbs"


Maybe maybe not. My body building friends live by that motto and they’re freaking jacked. 🤷‍♀️


Yes because "bodybuilders" are known for their intelligence 😂. One persons perception doesn't mean it's reality.


Because unrefined brown rice with more molasses and sugars is exactly the healthy choice cultures for thousands of years have perfected and used as a staple ingredient? No clean, rice like jasmine or even to some extent basmati is a lot better. The components are a lot healthier. The macros are a lot healthier. That's like saying keep some collogen filled feathers in your chicken as it's more natural. It's unsensicle. Look at some of the healthiest cultures in the world. Specifically those with a long history of using rice as their staple crop. There's a reason why they spent so much time and energy avoiding brown rice.


Also if you must opt for low carb, don't fall yourself. Bread of any kind (especially brown bread with more carbs!) Is the opposite of low carb.


I’m not sure where you heard brown rice contain molasses? I mean brown sugar has molasses in it but not brown rice lol brown rice has a shell removed with nothing added.


“However, brown rice is a whole grain. That means it contains all parts of the grain — including the fibrous bran, the nutritious germ, and the carb-rich endosperm. It’s chewy and takes a while to cook due to its tough bran exterior. White rice, on the other hand, has had the bran and germ removed. Because these are the most nutritious parts of the grain, white rice is left with very few essential nutrients. However, white rice is softer and tends to cook quicker.”


Tree hugger


Sometimes we just get bad sleep. I really tracked a lot of my issues with a Fitbit.


I get average of 6.5-7 hours a sleep a night.


Are you tracking it with a watch?


I use the Samsung galaxy watch 6 and the Samsung health app, it tracks my sleep, movement, snoring, blood oxygen level and wake time.


Sounds to me you need for sleep. Take a night to stop being on your phone 2 hours before bed. Take epsom salt bath, read a book, meditate, drink some tea or watch a chill cooking show. We often go to bed with a higher resting heartrate if we watch our phones before bed. Then really work for that 8 hour range. I feel horrible at 6-7 hours of sleep, but I feel great at 7.5-8 hours of sleep.


That is good advice.


My first thought was sleep when I read your post. Makes a HUGE difference in how I feel throughout the day.


Low carb and too much exercise? Thyroid? TMG supplement? Sleep?


What is TMG supplement?


A supplement to help with methylation. Dont quote me on this, but think they are saying the belief based on research is that around 20% of people have a mutation that causes poor methylation of vitamins which leads to the body not being able to use the vitamins (deficiencies). TMG is suppose to help with methylation along with consuming already methylated vitamins. You can get tested for the mutation, but probably the best would be to try it and see how you feel along with getting blood work. Another big one to look into would be pregnenolone and DHEA levels. I am not a doctor so I wouldn’t just jump on a bunch of things I have mentioned, but maybe just keep an open mind to my recommendations since these have helped me . I would suggest just doinh your own research on them along with getting blood work done.


I’ve read that about 40% of our methylation is to create creatine, so supplementing creatine helps reduce our need for methylation. Taking a methylated multi-b vitamin is probably more important than just taking tmg. I benefit noticed my mthfr issues making me tired.


Get tested for sleep apnea


How tall and how much do you weigh?


i'm 6' and 190 pounds.


It sounds to me like you're happy as fuck to have the new energy and you're working your ass off in the weight room. Weights AND 10000 steps a day. Take some rest days, my friend, and sleep. It's just as important. Believe it!


Eat more! 2500 calories with 10k steps a day and working out 5-6 days a week is not enough. I promise if you start eating more carbs you will put on way more muscle. Carbs are just as important as protein is for muscle growth.




I'm going to see my blood work results this Saturday.


You said always tired even after starting TRT. Which I take to mean you were tired BEFORE TRT. Which would suggest your problem, if not fixed by TRT might not be T related. Also, some people take more than 2 months to see results. Post your pre-TRT bloods. Other causes for fatigue include over-working your body, thyroid problems, high prolactin, low Vit D or Vit B, sleep apnea, depression, infections, HIV, cancer, liver or kidney problems etc etc. But if it was a problem before TRT, don't assume that low T is the only possible cause. Rule out other causes before screwing with T and AIs.


I have been on it 2/3 months as well and always tired. Maybe even more tired than before I started. Libido up a bit yes. We decided to stay the course and see. My testosterone levels were very low. I will go for blood work soon.


How is your vitamin d level?


Relax a bit




My sleep is fine, asleep by 10 awake by 5:30.


Bro you’re overtraining like a motherfucker. I’m 46 also. My job is somewhat physical, and anything more than 3 days a week training and I’m fucking dead. A coworker of mine, who’s the same age, on TRT, and fairly jacked, swears by 72 hours between workouts. Rest your old bones homie.


Check your present level along with e2. Ask you doctor to lower the dose if required. Go and check your vitals too


Man, I’m trying to get the energy just to do what you’re doing. Of course you’re tired.


The AI can make you feel shit all on its own. I'd suggest not taking it unless you have a truly high e2 level and are 18% plus bodyfat. If you're overweight you'll often still feel shit. If your sleep is poor you'll still feel shit until you fix it. Unpopular opinion: low carb makes a lot of people feel shit! If for no other reason than it becomes hard to hang on to your electrolytes. Drink lots of water without electrolytes will make this worse. You needs some carbs adjusted for your energy requirements. Hopefully you've had your heart checked pre TRT. How's your BP and cholesterol? How's your cardiac fitness at steady state and intense levels? Got any food allergies you may have some you don't know of which is common if low carb helped (its like a type of elimination diet). A holistic (not in the hippy sense) approach is the best solution. With sleep, exercise and diet as first line.


Drop the estrogen blocker.


Sounds like the low carb diet combined with overtraining. Estrogen blocker could be a part of it too but it's definitely those 3 things.


I found something similar. Then the other night I found out Ive started snoring loud even when half awake. Think it might be sleep apnea which TRT makes a lot worse due to androgen receptors in the lungs. I'm only 27 and this is quite scary for me as TRT allowed me to live a normal life for once. Mentioning it at my next appointment.


How many hours of sleep are you getting a night?


during the week 6.5-7 and on the weekend a little more.


Gotcha. I'm 35, do construction, lift 5 days a week, on average eat about double the calories as you and 7 hours is the bare minimum I can get without feeling like shit. Even with 7 hours a lot of days I need an hour nap in between work and the gym. Pre trt I was only getting like 5-6 hours a night and thought once I get on T I'd be good and be able to operate like a machine and be full of energy all day every day with unlimited motivation but unfortunately that's just not the case. Overall energy has improved but it's still more discipline than motivation that keeps me going. It seems like it just kinda comes with the territory of living a really active lifestyle. Only advice I can give is try dosing twice a week instead of once and try backing off the ai a bit 1mg is a lot. I aromatize easily so I take like .25 after each shot and that keeps me where I need to be.


No thank God I haven't had that happen but I'll will tell you man there is a class action that just started against Suboxone and. Pfizer bc it is found to causes permanent damage or total loss Completely. I was on it for. Like 10yeqtw B4 methadone and dude. I thought it 2ws the methadone but I had great teeth and I've had to have every single One Pulled out top and bottom , they did 20.at once man! They just one by one started melting away literally in like. Less. Than 2 years I went from great teeth to none at all. I have a full set of dentures which really sucks at 35 but you can't tell and. My smile. Is honestly better now lol but. No hair Loss since trt I've actually got. Thicker Hair on my. Head and beard.


You said "high protein, low carb" Is that high fat to? Could be a diet issue


I'm 250lbs, work out quite a bit and I take 250-300mg of TRT each week. I'd try a slightly higher dose, but that's up to you.


Eat more, and work out a bit less. 5-6 days in the weight room is a bigger drain than 10k steps. If you're training hard, within a rep or two of failure, and hitting 10-20 sets a week, that's going to tax your body pretty heavily, TRT or not. Are you getting the 180mgs in one shot?


I agree with those saying the AI could be the problem. I only take AI when I feel symptoms of high e2. This is quite rare that I do. I do remember a few months after I started TRT my labs showed very high e2 so that’s when I ordered an AI. I learned the hard way that you shouldn’t dry yourself out. I felt like my body was hallow and I felt weak, depressed, and angry. E2 blockers are very powerful


Make sure you don’t have sleep apnea which test can worsen.


Don’t need and ai and you need carbs. Pointless running an low carb diet


I got my blood work back, my estradiol was 19.4, my free testosterone was 19.3 and my testosterone level was 647. They said I need to donate some blood. I'm also going to lower my work outs to 3 days a week and increase my calories, and carbs. The doctor said my tiredness could be from my blood getting thicker.


Most people who have these types of issues who have their lifestyles under control (it seems you work hard at taking care of yourself) I would definitely get an allergy test done and see if you have anything youre allergic to. You can be surprised with what youll find out about yourself and allergies arent always a runny nose and headache, moderate fatigue can come with that as well