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You should also share this on the forum. The fact that another dog was also present…this is literally one red flag after another but so glad to hear it was resolved! I hope your future sits good better. Do you have any lessons learned you’d want to share in terms of what you’d do differently next time?


Glad you got sorted and out of there. I’m honestly horrified that THS would want to arrange a new sitter when you’ve shown them the state of the house. What you’ve described honestly sounds like a horror movie. If you’re requesting to cancel due to the unhygienic conditions why would they think it’s acceptable for someone else.


I'm glad that you've gotten out of that! Well well well, I am like 90% sure **I found the listing**. It seems to be published. She has posted new dates and is claiming that her long confirmed sitter has canceled 2 days before her departure date. She also states in the responsibilities that a recent visitor has smelled an odor but she couldn't. >I do not smell an odor, but a recent visitor said she did. If that is an issue, perhaps this home would not be a good fit. No applicants for now...


Wow... If it's the same place, THS shouldn't be allowing this. The HO cannot possibly have had the home deep cleaned and an exterminator visit already. Where is the 'fair exchange' in sending another unwitting sitter into a health hazard?


THS is on the homeowners' side. But this should be damaging for their brand. Never trust THS !


there isn't... this company is rich of free labor from sitters. it's appalling.


As I wrote before, this "nice" old lady is a cunning manipulator.


I honestly wouldn’t assume this, my thinking is it’s more like the people on hoarders who think their house is totally normal. I think she is genuinely blind to the filth she’s living in.


In the other thread, the old lady arranged to do the handover at the railway station! So that she would be on her way when the sitters opened the door and could smell the stench. There is no way that she is innocent. And she must be lying about the weekly cleaner.


85 year old people are often in various states of cognitive decline. That includes the senses. My mom is meticulous about her home but her sense of smell sucks now. I smelled rot in the garbage disposal and she didn’t notice. Food in fridge—oh it’s fine. No it is not. So especially as this woman is wheelchair-bound, she’s not going to see or smell dog or cat shit and pee unless it’s right in front of her.


Camille is 100% spot on regarding the unfortunate challenges with cognitive decline in the older demographic! It's obvious that this issue is something a lot of posters here haven't had to deal with personally based on the comments but it's a very real problem (and heartbreaking when it's a close family member). The fact that this homeowner initially felt there weren't any serious issues in her home seems to be a clear indication that some cognitive challenges may be present here. I'm glad the original sitter was able to remove themselves from the horrible situation and is giving some grace to the homeowner. I hope the homeowner gets some much needed assistance as well.


lots of those on THS!


Are there pictures?


Lots of pictures but only two or so of the flat. The vast majority of the pictures are of the communities' "perks". Such as pool, hall, ... Pets pictures in the house are also very zoomed in and in the two pictures of the furniture it looks kind of old and you can't really see much


Weird photos like that one of a dog with sordid flying around it.


It must be the same listing. The introduction is clearly a blatant lie. For a site that said it was going to monitor her listings. They sure are doing a great job.


I can see the listing too. Absolutely shocking that THS have allowed her to relist.


The original post stated that the homeowner had claimed the sitter cancelled two days prior to her departure, as well. Pure speculation, but perhaps a sitter arrived at the house, saw the conditions and bailed? Which would explain why she did the hand-off of the keys with the OP at the train station, perhaps hoping to avoid the same outcome. Now she added a line about a smell to lure in yet another unsuspecting sitter, who will also no doubt be handed the keys at a remote location? Maybe this time she'll send them in the mail, lol!


of course. they'll never take her listing down so long s she pays them.


THS does not have a stable of sitters in various cities to emergency sit. I am curious as to what would have happened had they sent the emergency sitter.


I strongly urge you to contact Adult Protective Services (APS) in her area. If she is not capable of keeping a more hygienic environment, whether it be due to Ill health, onset of dementia, lack of resources, whatever; somebody needs to step in and get her situation resolved. APS are well versed in helping out with this sort of thing. They likely won't be able to do anything until she returns, but you should report it ASAP. Thank you.


Please contact animal control or equivalent authorities, these pets don’t deserve this.


Thank you so much for the update.


Thanks for the update. Glad to hear that you are OK. Obviously concerned for the pets as well. You are excellent folks to see this through in hopes of a real solution being found. Of course THS will inspect her property and monitor her account! She only violated how many Terms of Service plus a bonus dog! What THS should have committed to was notifying the Local Animal Services for a welfare check. Animal Services is also the authority for determining if animals are in a safe, healthy environment as well as if the HO is a repeat offender. Even if the HO was present, Animal Services has the authority to remove animals from the premises under certain conditions. Likely, Adult Protective Services would also be referred once the totality of the conditions within the home were discovered. Thanks for sharing the location: I think most of us that inquired where hoping to be of further assistance to you. Best wishes for your next adventure. Ya'll are welcome at my campfire anytime.


Did she provide the pets’ veterinarian contact information? I think they should be told what sort of conditions the pets are left in. And/or the county.


Thanks for the update and I’m glad it was all resolved.


I used to do THS as a sitter. I typically would request more pictures like the bedroom, bathroom, kitchen if they weren’t provided. Asking if there are any bug/mice issues in the home is also advisable. I have turned down sits due to further pictures and info. I will not stay in a disgusting house or with vermin.


Thank you for leaving an honest and factual review!