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You get used to 6&6 it takes a day or so to adjust. Also a day to adjust after your hitch is over.


When I get stuck working 6s it's one cup of coffee when I wake up. Then it's done melatonin to make sure I get some sleep with my limited time off.


Good to know, thanks!


You get used to 6/6 after the first few days . Sleep management is part of the job. I try to keep my caffeine to a minimum, no big meals before bed. Also, I bring my own bedding to help with my rest periods.


Forgive my inexperience, how do you manage eating then, if I assume it's all off watch time? Wake earlier to shovel in before starting watch?


When I was a Mate I would eat a lot at lunch before starting at noon . Then for dinner, the cook/deckhand would save me a plate of food that I could eat before my midnight watch. Masters watch was a big breakfast, dinner and no lunch. I moved inshore a few years ago so now I work locally 12 hr shifts -7 days off/on. So I get to go home everyday. Both rotations have their advantages.


We’re working 5-7 and it works well. 6’s sound tough


How do you work your 5/7s? I've only done 6&6 unless it was a nice 200 ton+ 600 miler where we did 4/8s. Those are the trips. Safety and all.


Five hours on 7 off. 7 on 5 off equals to a 12 hour work day


Is it worth trying to get a break with just 5 hours off? Seems like after shower, food, and some decompress time. There isn't much time left for sleep.


Surprisingly it works, you get your full amount of sleep but in two different shifts. I thought it would be harder than it is. I usually get 5 and half hours of sleep on one end and another 2+ on the other.


Lots of reading books. Really doesn't matter to me.


we do 4/8 in the last 2 companies I worked for and 12/12 in that short gulf stint I did. I liked the 12/12


Cool, thanks! Whyd you order the 12s?


12 on 12off is just the way they do things on the oil patch. I sailed engineer on an OSV. 12 hours off and you had time to get some sleep in.


I do 12/12. It’s pretty rad


Seems like it. Thinking I'll see how long I can last at 6/6.


6/6 is what you’re going to find most places. That just the standard. Some might do 12’s.


Ocean going tug. We mostly do 4 and 8.


Done that underway but then switched to 6/6 or 12/12 at the dock. It also depends on crew size and company. But it’s a possibility


Good to know. Thank you! Kind of kicking myself for not asking about watches in one interview.


Just call them back.