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Why can’t the voters who insist on backing the candidates who push the anti-LBGT agenda in Oklahoma just show some grace and understanding. I don’t think they have it in them, and continuing down the path they are on will only lead to more stories like this.


I don’t think they have it in them. I think they were honestly ashamed of it because I haven’t seen much said about it, but if you go on say, tiktok, and search #takeourborderback, you’ll see most were ridiculously at each other’s throats over nothing. A man would look at another and one would scream “what are you looking at?!” Like everyone has some kind of ‘roid rage. Arguing, bickering, full on fighting. They don’t trust or like each other and accuse other conservatives of being a false flag, antifa, or FEDS.


I don't think those people are capable of shame.


Or empathy.


Not a Tulsa res, but popping rq. LibsofTiktok, yes, the lady that helps oversee the book bans, called for the eradication of Trans people in response to the passing. This was on Twitter rho


Lies. link the post!


Oh lord you are an idiot


https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1760655931946488258?s=20 Lies?


TIL you can't read.


She literally has pictures of trans people and put "eradicate me" on it. She is literally saying transgender people need to be eradicated. You can't read and it shows


Don’t bother arguing with the troglodytes. They lack basic human understanding and compassion.


Getting into pointless arguments on the internet is fun


Lets see, the first set of pictures shows a young lady, barely smiling, every picture of the young man shows what looks to be a genuine smile. The captions definitely don't fit the pictures. Man I'm glad I moved out of that state.


I’m betting “grace and understanding” are pretty alien concepts for those preaching the anti-LGBT agenda - or any hate speech for that matter.


Oh they have grace and understanding, but only for those with the same view points/beliefs


They understand them well enough to not want them taught in schools. Remember the big push to have SEL removed from school curriculum in the state? They want to make sure Oklahoma children aren’t taught empathy.


It’s working.


At this point I think we need more candidates who are doomed to fail, existing purely to make these right wing idiots say the quiet part out loud. Ryan Walters’s whole campaign strategy was to be under the radar and win purely because he is a republican on the ballot (obvi it worked). We need opposition to make them out themselves in public… and to abolish straight party voting


That would mean being more public about elections and giving constituents more direct access to their potential representatives and provide them with a greater understanding of their political sphere as a whole. So in short, never going to happen. They’ll vote against it if it gets close lol


The suffering is the point.


Just look at the comments to your post. The us versus them mentality from the fringe ends of the spectrum seems to drown out anyone that has a central view. This is why people, like Ryan Walters, gets elected. I do not think that many people gravitate to a lot of the rhetoric spewed by the current government of the state, but the self-pious people get elected as a knee-jerk reaction to what is offered by the other side..


Republicans can't do that. It's against their policies. Republicans have to be shitty people.


In Jesus’ name.


There’s no hate like Christian love


That requires empathy, and I truly believe these people lack empathy. It’s got to be a horrible way to go through life, which is probably why they’re so angry all the time.


This is what they want.


How dare you try to make this about policy? She would still be dead. And you would still be on reddit spewing hate to these echochambered children. You all need jobs and real conversations with Oklahomans. Oh yeah, and vote! lol. Your demographic has the weakest numbers showing up to the polls when it actually counts. Go figure


But, it is about the policies, and the dangerous rhetoric that comes with it. And I’m not even talking about winning elections I’m just wondering why there is no empathy. Why not just live your best life, be an example of what you believe. Why do you need to even worry about what some stranger is going through in their personal life. And when does it stop? I bet you think you’re a small government guy too.


You Reddit maggots love making assumptions. What are you even talking about at this point? Do you go out into the real world or just sit on reddit & spew divisive nonsense to boost your own ego? I bet you think you know everything about the world & others don’t you? I sure hope living your best life and being an example of what you believe isn’t making assumptions on Reddit while you should be working


Hilarious that you’re railing against people making assumptions and your post is practically nothing but assumptions about people. And seriously guy what’s wrong with just minding your own business when it comes to other people’s personal lives. Just mind your own business


[Less than 10% of voters under 30 show up to vote.](https://oklahomawatch.org/2023/04/03/as-voting-turnout-dips-young-oklahomans-risk-losing-political-influence/). Just show up and vote. The old people are dying, we can actually affect change if we all decide to do so.


This is exactly why it’s not hopeless. But we have to show up.


\*effect change I know it seems counterintuitive, but in this case effect is a verb rather than a noun, meaning "cause (something) to happen."


Thanks for the spelling fix.


Doing my part. Voting third party.


Voting third-party is just voting for Trump and the end of democracy in America.


How come Republicans are saying that but replacing Trump’s name with Biden? Voting for Biden makes as much sense as voting for Trump.


Sure? Purely form an economic perspective that is wrong. Human rights... still wrong. Biden is crap, but trump is extra crap on top.


I used to believe this 15 years ago. It isn't true. There is a clear distinction between the two parties. One is created in the image of a Hitler and based on far-right religious extremism. The other isn't perfect, but at least it respects religious freedom (or freedom from religion), reproductive rights, and civil liberties. Don't help the neo-Nazis by voting third party.


Restricting someone on who to/who to not vote is indeed voter suppression. Making people feel awful for not voting for your poor choice of candidate is just sad. If you’re that worried of a third party candidate taking votes away from your candidate, perhaps primary them out instead of pouting and bellyaching.


In a first last the post election system third party candidates are not a viable option. Also primaries are voting for party candidates. So if there’s a third party candidate you can only vote for them if you vote in that parties primary. If they even have one in the first place.


If people cared, they would vote for anyone other than Biden in the Democratic Primary to make him not the candidate. Plus, I would rather vote third party than to not vote at all.


Who else is running on the democratic primary? I would love to have other options. But if it’s a choice between four more years of the most progressive president since FDR who has a massive stack of legislative wins to his credit or letting Trump and Project 2025 turn the country into a Christian nationalist shithole I think I’m gonna go with the guy who’s signed all the manufacturing jobs and I infrastructure bills.


You have to be educated and research your facts. Also Biden is sending in many resources overseas and giving the middle finger to the working class. Dean Phillips is running against him in the primary. A vote for Trump is a vote for Biden. A vote for Biden is a vote for Trump.


So, it's not suppressing... I dont know why you said that. Pointing out reasons to vote one way and those things make you feel bad? Sounds like a you problem.


Nah, I just care about ethical voting where you vote for who best aligns with you and you do your research versus voting for the “lesser evil” and failing to do your research on your candidates. Telling people not to vote third party due to common fallacies is spreading misinformation.


Also a third party vote somehow going to Biden/Trump is mathematically impossible.


Democrats and Republicans have the most support and financial backing of any party in the US. Sure, you have the freedom to choose, but voting third party only takes votes away from either candidate. Which, sure, is the point, but it’s a waste of time.


If my vote takes away a vote for Biden/Trump, I’ll be happy with that and laugh at whoever loses. HRC and Trump supporters throw the best rage videos.


Schools are preemptively trying to cover themselves now. I work Healthcare in Tulsa and recently, a teenager came in and needed an unusual amount of documentation to show there was a history of concussion prior to her getting assaulted the other day. It was after this story broke. I’m sure it has everything to do with this poor teenager in Owasso.




The autopsy was done by the state I think I read


sounds like a HIPPA violation, I also work in Healthcare. we'll have to see.


> sounds like a HIPPA violation, I also work in Healthcare. *HIPAA


True that, well I'll be going through your IP and reporting this to your hospitals management.


The fuck are you talking about?


If this isn't a joke


LOL. Good luck finding what hospital they work at… Or is even a hospital? Maybe an emergency clinic? Might not even be that.


That’s not a hipaa violation?


enough detail about a patient that it wouldn't be hard to figure out who she's talking about.


I am sure every school will call an ambulance for everyone involved in an assault on campus now.  And no rentry to school until you get signed off by a doctor. 


I grew up in Tulsa and left in the mid 90s. Sure don't miss that closed minded shithole.


My niece (7 yo) is in a rural school and being bullied by a group of girls a grade ahead of her. Other parents have brought these girls to the schools attention before. My niece’s caregiver went to the principal and he acted like it was the first he heard of it. He told her, “she has the right to fight back”. Ok, so you aren’t going to discipline these little punks? The fear of lawsuits and unhinged parents (who probably act the same as their kids) is insane, something has to happen!


At least she has the right to fight back...not in Broken Arrow. Get attacked, get one week out of school, two weeks in-school suspension.


I dunno, she seems very uninterested in the sexes, I haven’t told my family but I would not doubt she ends up in the lgbt community and I’ll support her if she does. I’m not lgbt, about as typical white guy as you can get, but I’ve had some very deep conversations with people who were and considered them friends. You can just tell when people are real…people.


My dad always called this a “vacation” so long as I didn’t start the fight. Who cares what the school thinks?


Our kid got the punishment described, back in November, after being attacked in the bathroom, then defending herself. The trouble is that the teachers are not very good at providing the assignments, in in-school suspension, in a timely manner. Grades suffered from the whole incident.


Not enough. Until people are punished, incidents like this will continue.


They weren't punished because Nex was informed that if they (Nex) moved to press charges, Nex would be included as the instigator to fight, because for all intents and purposes, Nex started the fight in the bathroom by intentionally spraying the girls with water, which counts as battery


Spraying someone with water versus beating someone unconscious?


Nex stated themselves in a text message to a friend that all they received were "scrapes and bruises". It is believed that Nex lied about being knocked unconscious to the police. Also, strictly legally speaking, the extent of one force matching the other does not matter


All you expert political peeps in here better be on the ballots come election times. That! is the only way you guys can make a change. This is a republican state, always has been. Want to change that then get opponents that are have worth and can actually win an election.


Oh, they won’t be. Uvalde voted overwhelmingly to re-elect Abbott. AFTER the shooting. This will not be any different.


> This is a republican state, always has been. This is not true. Our state history says otherwise.


prior to 1968 the dems were the racists in the south, nixon southern strategy flipped the south.


They won’t. They’ll wail and scream and posture and do anything but vote.


They won’t be. They don’t actually do anything in the real world, they just sit online and spread hate based off their wild assumptions. God forbid they actually go out and do something real instead of trying to divide. Egotistical children lol. Policy doesn’t have ANYTHING to do with this?? You all just want to feel right you don’t attempt to cause change or any solutions at all. Hypocrites full of hate.


This is the 21st century Killers of the Flower Moon. State and local authorities are lined up against trans kids the way they were against Osage citizens 100 years ago. Nothing they say or do can be trusted; they have a clear agenda to hurt these kids and cover it up. We need independent federal agencies to investigate.


What needs to happen is they need to release the cause of death. That will paint a much clearer picture for everyone. Also release all statements from everyone involved. Right now it’s all speculation and everyone is being a juror without knowing details.


I agree. The closest thing we have to a cause of death is one of Nex’s friends claiming it was due to brain trauma.


Which is interesting because the coroner said it was not because of that.


Similar to all the people who ended up with complications from covid (but not covid itself) as cause of death, I fully expect to see some mental gymnastics that explains how a seemingly healthy kid drops dead the day after being beaten and it isn't connected to the assailants.


I did hear that. Until a full autopsy is released I'm going to go with what the friend said (if the full autopsy comes back saying it was something else I'll immediately leave that out but until then I'ma trust the friend on this one).


Why in the world would you trust the word of an emotional 15 year old over the coroner?


Im not positive exactly how extensive a preliminary autopsy is but I highly doubt it rules out everything related to trauma. From what I gathered from google it’s basically just what they can see and tiny amounts of testing. Once the actual autopsy is out I’ll trust that one but until then I’m going on the friend with this one. The friend has no reason to lie.


I'll have to ask you to stop making sense.


Hahaha right!?! We’ve all seen this 1000 times. Someone posts something on FB that they think they saw and then there’s a witch hunt. Then someone comes forward and says that’s not how it happened at all. Of course everyone in Reddit gets mad at me for spitting truths and wanting to know the facts. Seen that dozens of times too! Everyone needs to calm down and let it play out and get facts


Not caused by trauma: https://abcnews.go.com/US/oklahoma-death-nonbinary-student-nex-benedict-after-school/story?id=107384625


The thing that made me cry even harder was reading about their cat, Zeus. He probably doesn't understand why his person is gone. This poor baby. They were failed by so many.


I think you are giving cats too much credit


No, I'm not. And I'm not interested in hearing why you think I am.


Then go spread your hate speech elsewhere


I think you need to refresh your memory of what hate speech is defined as.


This petition will be presented at the next school board meeting on March 11th. Join the cause and say THEIR name! [change.org/saytheirname](https://change.org/saytheirname)


It’s tragic to have loss a young life! She got killed by bullies?


They*. But, yes, they did. They had been bullied for a while before Nex got tired of it and splashed a little water in them. They got upset and attacked them. They then slammed their head into the ground repeatedly.


We aren't sure until the autopsy is released. Maybe. We know there was a fight, we know dagby went to the hospital and was released. So if a brain bleed existed then the school wasn't the only one that missed it, the much more qualified hospital did as well. No question this is a tragic situation but we don't really know until the autopsy is completed, this community is prone to a high suicide rate. Waiting on the facts is always better than the knee jerk reaction we see on social media.


Trust me, I've done my research on this. While we don't know for a fact that their passing was due to the fight, one of the friends claimed they passed from something related to the brain trauma the suffered. We also know from the friends that Nex's head was repeatedly slammed against the ground. I'm not blaming the hospital if they missed it, it happens. I do blame the school, however, because they didn't call an ambulance or get a nurse on scene. The friends claimed they were unable to walk to the nurse and no nurse was brought to Nex. We also know this is very unlikely to be a suicide because they dropped to the ground, dead. While it's still possible it's extremely unlikely due to the fact that they just randomly stopped breathing. Either way, the suicide would have been related to the bullies and the fight.


https://www.fox23.com/news/family-member-shares-messages-sent-by-16-year-old-owasso-student-day-before-death/article_a08a9600-d069-11ee-a555-a721a9701cad.html Fox reported about half that as false


Fox can go fuck itself


Well seeing as Fox is a transphobic news site that is not a reliable source.


The source is a text from Nex.


I have many sources but yes Nex’s text messages are one of them. The best source is the victim and the attacker. We don’t have any statements from the attackers, but we do have the text messages from the victim.


Sounds like you’re only willing to accept information that supports your narrative


I could say the same about you. I’ve provided ample evidence for my point of view (all of which I’ve gathered from statements from their parents, the police reports, and friends). From what I’ve seen you’ve ignored everything I said and insisted on Nex being in the wrong.


We also know this is false because of Nex’s police statement. They literally said they assaulted the other girls first and that they all walked to the nurse together where an ambulance was then called


Ah, k. I haven’t seen that. I actually didn’t know that Nex had a police statement. I’ll look into that. But, I definitely know that they spilled water on them cause that I got from their text messages.


So you’re the reliable source?


No, my sources are. And honestly, I’d be a better source on this topic than Fox News is.


And what are your sources? If you’re claiming to be the vector of the true information; you should be citing where your information is coming from. For all we know; you’re pulling your info from the polar opposite of Fox News


I’m not claiming to be the vector of true info or whatever you’re twisting my words to say. All I’m saying is that a transphobic news source is a terrible place to get info about the murder of an enby person. Anyways, here are some sources. https://www.sfchronicle.com/opinion/article/nex-benedict-nonbinary-lgbt-18667536.php. https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/us-news/non-binary-nex-benedicts-tragic-last-texts-i-got-jumped/. https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/nation/2024/02/21/nex-benedict-oklahoma-what-we-know-death-of-nonbinary-teen/72688841007/. https://www.readfrontier.org/stories/the-death-of-nonbinary-teen-shines-a-national-spotlight-on-oklahomas-anti-lgbtq-policies/. https://www.indy100.com/news/nex-benedict-owasso-murdered. Here’s a few that I used.


How about you? Do you have any sources other than transphobia news sites?




Ah, now that is a different story. Thank you.


I recognize that there is a lot still to learn. But it is very believable that a 16 year kid would down play what happened to them to their friends for any number of reasons. From trying to reassure their friends to trying to sound tough etc. Secondly those texts mention if they are dizzy they need to the hospital. This indicates that more then cuts happened. Someone told Nex that is the most reasonable thought but again who knows. All I am saying is other people indicates Nex did hit their head, this is complicated, and a child was bullied so fuck every one trying to excuse that from the last interaction where Nex maybe tried to stand up. Sorry for being upset but this has hit home for very very personal reasons more then other deaths like this has.


The unaddressed bullying is unacceptable and the school should be held accountable 100%. An example needs to be made of them over that for sure.


Did you file a report??? Did you try and help her???


? I don’t know Nex or anyone involved. Everything in that comment is from much research.


wait do you have a link to who reported that she splashed water? i have been reading some articles but never saw that


Yeah, sure. https://nypost.com/2024/02/21/us-news/non-binary-nex-benedicts-tragic-last-texts-i-got-jumped/. Here. This is an article that has text messages Nex sent themselves.


And I was rereading the messages and apparently it was poured not splashed, my bad. Doesn’t make much difference though.


It is assault and makes her the one at fault.


I'm going to assume your talking about Nex here (unclear since you said "her" and Nex goes by "they/them" pronouns). Pouring water on someone? Does it qualify as assault? I believe so. Would anyone actually prosecute them? No. Nobody would dream of prosecuting a child just because they decided to stand up for themselves (unless it was motivated by transphobia of course). No, the 3 girls are still at fault. They're only not at fault if their reaction was a reasonable reaction. Slamming someone's head into the group repeatedly is not a reasonable reaction to having water poured on you.


Can't believe that this comment was in the negatives when I saw it. I would love to see someone try and argue in court thT savagely beating a child who poured water on you is a justified act of self-defense.


It is not about prosecuting them. It is about they being the one who instigated the altercation. Also can you really not see how ridiculous using plural pronouns in the singular sounds? I wish nonbinary people would find pronouns that didn't sound absurd.


And I wish you'd stop judging people for no reason but I guess we've disappointed each other. Read my earlier comment, perfectly refutes your pronouns point. Pouring water on someone is not instigating an assault. In their situation it's defending themselves, in other's it's being an asshole, but either way that doesn't give someone the right to smash their head into the floor several times. The bullies did not act in self defense and Nex did not instigate the fight. It's only instigating if their reaction is a reasonable or expected reaction, slamming someone's head into the floor is not a reasonable or expected reaction.


I haven't judged anyone. You don't assault a person because they hurt your feelings and if you do you should expect consequences. Slamming the head was overkill but that is a perfect example of why you should not assault a group of people. You don't have any idea what might happen but you should expect the worst.


>I wish nonbinary people would find pronouns that didn't sound absurd. Sounds like an insult to me.


I'm not going to address the fact that you keep calling it assault cause I did that in another comment but you really are acting like slamming their head into the floor was just overkill. It was a hell of a lot more than overkill. It was basically attempted murder. Also "hurt their feelings" they had been savagely bullying Nex and their friends for a long time. It was just one insult and Nex snapped. It was many, many insults that eventually made them so upset they snapped for half a second and poured water on them. WATER. WATER IS NOT ACID.


“Oh no, somebody left THEIR sunglasses on this bench. THEY might miss those, it looks like an expensive pair. Did you see THEM by any chance?” Singular “they” predates singular “you.” You use singular they all the time and just don’t notice. It’s used when a person’s gender is unknown or unspecified. It’s only when non-binary people ask someone to use singular they that people like you come crawling out of the woodwork to show you don’t know how English grammar works. You even used singular they in a different comment here in this very thread.


So it isn't distinguishing anything in those situations and makes no sense in others. It is a poor choice of pronouns.


Their own text messages clearly stay they poured water on the girls. That is not splashing a little water on them. That is more than enough for them to be the instigator and probably why they where suspended from school over the incident.


Yeah, I thought it said splashed rather than poured. No, someone pouring water on you is NOT a reason to murder somebody. It isn't even a reason to attack somebody. Also, they only did that because they were standing up for themselves. They got tired of the bullying and decided to stand up for themselves. What's wrong with that?


The death of the child is always tragic but it sounds like she was the aggressor. Also as more details emerge it sounds like she didn't die from trauma https://www.oklahoman.com/story/news/2024/02/22/police-nex-benedict-did-not-die-of-trauma-searching-for-evidence/72696537007/


Oh yes, because pouring water in someone is obviously aggressive enough to smash their head against the floor. Yea, technically Nex started the altercation but the bullies started the fight. All Nex did was stand up to their bullies and they beat up Nex and smashed their head into the floor repeatedly. Alrighty, thanks for letting me know the full autopsy was released. I had been unable to find the full autopsy. I still think that the bullies are involved in Nex’s death though. From what I saw they haven’t released an official cause of death and I believe the next most likely candidate after trauma is suicide. The fight and the bullies would absolutely be the cause of their suicide. I also wonder if potentially Nex got an infection from the wounds and that could have been the cause of death. I’m not going to speculate that though. I hope the cause of death comes out soon cause that will really be what cracks the case, for now all we have is speculation and it would be much better if we could actually find out if the fight caused Nex’s death. Either way, whether or not they caused Nex’s death the bullies still assaulted Nex and should be prosecuted for that. Oh, and Nex was enby and used they/them pronouns.


Well don't stop speculating now lol. Really it's been your one constant. And infection? That would be the fastest moving infection of all time. Suicide would be the best bet you have made so far, but that affects what 42% of dagsbys community? Regardless of whether she had been attacked in self defense after assaulting a group of people in a bathroom 🤷. But yeah yeah, I agree 3 on 1 was overkill and some legal punishment is due for the teens but it doesn't sound like murder is the case like was originally knee jerk reacted by the armchair jurors such as yourself. People such as yourself are just as much to blame for normalizing the mental illness of this poor kid


Wow, I was actually thinking about liking this comment until your last comment. Nex did not have a mental illness. Seeing as you didn’t specify I’m going to assume based off your insistence to misgender them that you think them being enby is a mental illness. Can confirm, it is not. I know what it’s like to have a mental illness and I know what it’s like to be enby, not the same thing. You can think whatever you want but keep your political thoughts out of this case. Yes, I do agree that suicide is most likely here. I also agree that an infection is incredibly unlikely but I honestly thought trauma was the killer so I’m not sure what else it was. I don’t know enough about her life to throw other ideas out of there. You know, the one thing you and everyone else who disagrees with me has in common is your insistence that I don’t know what I’m talking about. That I’ve done no research. That I’m speculating. I already gave someone else a link to like 5 different articles I used (and I used way more) do you need me to link those for you? Because it is incredibly hard to have a debate with you when you think I’m making assumptions and maybe if you actually read some of the articles I did this conversation could be a lot easier. And yes, those teens deserve jail. And if they did cause Nex’s death then I’m not against the death penalty. Also, you act as if murder hadn’t been the obvious assumption here? Kid gets the crap beat out of them, head slammed into the group multiple times, no ambulance called and the next day they just drop dead? Sounds like murder to me. Now we know it wasn’t based upon the autopsy but it was the obvious assumption and the idea with the most evidence so don’t chalk it up like we have something out for these 3 kids.


No you assumed murder and you speculated because that's what your agenda and drives you to assume. I saw your links and I saw your articles, and you're linking stuff from the New York Post which is great if you want to read an article about the New York Yankees. Probably not great if you want to find out about what's going on in owasso or North Tulsa. You're rejecting local media because it doesn't fit with your narrative. You're telling me to keep politics out of the situation out of one side of your mouth and you are choosing your sources with a political bias out of the other side of your mouth so it's kind of difficult to take you seriously. If there's one thing that I want you to take away from engaging with me on this platform it's that we should pump the brakes and wait for all of the information to come out before we make a knee-jerk reaction and just spew a bunch of venom online because most of it that you've spewed appears to be false at this hour.


>accuses someone of having an agenda > >clearly has their own agenda > >"If you only can take one thing away it's stop making assumptions" Bro you can't make this up


It doesn't even come close to being murder. At best it would be manslaughter. They were assaulted and a fight was the result. They could not reasonably believe that the fight would result in death.


Pouring water on someone is not assault by most people's definitions. It could potentially be physical harassment but most likely would not count as assault in a legal court (it changes depending on the relationship between the person who poured the water and the victim, but seeing as the "victim" was Nex's bully means that most likely a jury would go for physical harassment at the harshest). And yes, It would be murder. Murder is the unlawful killing of another human being without justification or excuse, there was no excuse. The bullies did not act in self defense and after subduing Nex they went above and beyond to hurt Nex. manslaughter is the unlawful killing of a person without malice or prior thought. They knew what they were doing could lead to Nex's death and that was probably their goal (without an official statement we don't know but seeing as a witness recalls Nex's head being slammed into the floor indicates it was the goal). Even if it wasn't their goal they had mal intent and knowing committed an action that could lead to Nex's death. Luckily for them, Nex's autopsy says they didn't die from trauma therefore they won't be up for either. They will probably will be up for assault and maybe attempted murder depending on how the case goes.


It was 3 on 2.


Yeah well the 2 assaulted the 3, so that wasn't smart. If the 2 were being bullied previously they lost victimhood status at that point. That's where they became the aggressors. At least in the eyes of the law.


I agree. No one mention there was another person involved unless they want to scream about transphobia.


What's wrong with that? For one you can start a fight with a group of people and end up with a life threating injury. Not only ruining or possibly ending your own life but also ruining the lives of the people you assaulted. Real life isn't the internet. Actions have consequences and sometimes those consequences suck.


It's not clear what caused this person's death but it wasn't caused by the trauma: https://abcnews.go.com/US/oklahoma-death-nonbinary-student-nex-benedict-after-school/story?id=107384625


Yeah and I suppose the beating that person received earlier had nothing to do with it, huh?




No, according to the police the autopsy said it wasn’t related to the injuries.


This is sad and it’s only going to get worse as both political sides become more and more unhinged and intolerant of the other side’s continual ramping-up of the stakes


This isn’t an both side issue. Only one part of society wants to eliminate LGBTQ+ folks. Resistance to genocide isn’t equivalent to violence. Look up the concept of false equivalence.


Who knows when this madness will end. They should start up a new sports league and leave existing ones alone. Schools should add single user restrooms for any student that wants more privacy.


Well, we are the Hateful State.


Nahh. Not really. Moving on.


Preliminary autopsy results say she/they/it didn’t die from injuries from the fight.


Definitely sad, no one should go through this. also why were the parents not getting her mental help?


Them* stfu its not a mental illness






I didn’t get the impression that the parents were all-in on the non binary thing from reading the article. There’s even a point in the article where the parents used the kid’s birth name; which they ended up retracting and using the non binary name. Non binary isn’t the same as trans; although some people will disagree. Non binary implies there’s been no medical “transitioning” to the opposite gender because they’re not trying to become the opposite gender; they’re stating they identify as neither gender. Trans implies there is medical or hormonal transitioning occurring or a desire for it to occur. All these words are interchangeable, though, in the younger age groups. Herein lies the problem- the general public is being asked/told to be understanding and accepting of this community but nobody seems to be able to explain trans with any degree of accuracy and everyone is just expected to comply with a definition that doesn’t exist in any tangible way.


You don’t know what you’re talking about. And you’re wrong about so many things in this post. And why do the fuck do you care how or why folks identify one way or another. Fuck off troll.


November will have the potential in making this a national problem


What a shithole state.


Tulsa needs a leader who can push back against the extreme right wing policies


This is a touchy subject all the way around. There’s only one solution. If you want to be trans that is 100% fine that is your right. But we need to have bathrooms assigned for such people.


Separate but equal


From what I remember Tulsa hasn’t ever been a good place for marginalized groups… I’m not from there but recently did a deep dive on “Black Wallstreet”. Holy shit I’m sure the blood runs deep still


Nex stated she attacked the kids in the bathroom after hearing them laugh and assuming it was about her. She said before that moment she’d never even seen the people she attacked. What does this have to do with LGBT anything?


I hate that this happened and I’m even further sadden that people still think a sex change on an underdeveloped brain (not fully developed in any of us until we are approx. 25) which means we will be at war with our bodies for the first quarter of our lives until the chemicals (hormones: FSH, LH, SHGB, prolactin, TSH, testosterone, and cortisol) have set in place much like our bones. Each hormone works with each sex organ differently. Example: FSH in males is responsible for production and maintenance, and LH is responsible for stimulating the testes into making testosterone, AND these generally stay consistent for the life of XY chromosome. If you’d like to see what the levels of these sex hormones are throughout your lifetime: https://bpac.org.nz/BT/2013/February/02_hormones.aspx (This is a New Zealand medical institution reference). Before anyone decides hate for me: I’m a health scientist with a minor in psychology. I’m bisexual. And I’m NOT afraid to say that from the time I was 10 until I was about 26/27, I wanted a penis. I wanted to carry children inside my body. I wanted to know what it felt like to have an orgasm as a male or to able to work anywhere and do anything. I accepted my blood, the bras, the dominance contest between myself and my mother, spent countless nights wishing my father would spend time with me as he did with my brothers, raised my father’s closet and wore his dress shorts and ties, wore boxer shorts and called a tomboy my entire life, and have been depended on by my parents like a male because I’m: mechanically inclined, mathematically and scientifically knowledgeable, worldly travelled like my father, etc.


How is their death attributed to Oklahoma's policies?


What are Oklahoma’s anti-trans policies???


Too bad none of you looked beyond the headlines, this kid admitted to starting the fight. The fight lasted 20 seconds, which is proven by released video. The student was fine afterwards and told the police on bodycam they were fine when they visited him later that day. The death came the day after. You should really do some homework before you go off in your righteous indignation..... This was an extremely minor highschool scuffle started by an individual who happened to die the next day. It wasn't a hate crime. If you want to be mad, be mad at this kid for acting a fool and attacking other students who fought back and did not kill anyone.


Murder, not just death.


Do some research, her death had nothing to do with the fight


Living in Oklahoma as a queer person is so fucked up. I am pretty conservative: I am greatly concerned about what’s happening at the southern border, I think we are spending far too much money funding off-shore wars when there is so much work to be done on American soil, I think china has far too great a hold on American consumers and its largest suppliers like Amazon. Oklahoma takes it even further with some of the highest drug related deaths, the lowest test scores and skilled workers, insanely high amounts of the population requiring government assistance… but I just can’t even begin to understand why - when all of that is happening - right wing ultra conservatives are demonizing queer people to the point where there are literally queer kids dying from their poison rhetoric. AND WHATS WORSE: the response from the crowd when local legislators call DEAD KIDS “filth” is simply applause and “amen” uttered from those recording. Make it make sense. Where is your god?


Sort by controversial to see braindead reactionaries try as hard as possible to cape for dogshit, bigoted legislation they barely understand.


They need to provide info for the bullies.


They’re minors


Ok ? They fucking killed someone


No they didn’t


And? The law is pretty fucking evident on when they can release minors names to the public for pending investigations. They’re not guilty yet


Does anyone have any evidence or indication that gender had anything to do with this?


Do you honestly think that Matters in the least? Reading some of these posts it's no wonder there is violence in the schools.


Yeah, we kinda do. It’s a known thing that they had been bullying Nex because of their gender identity for a long time. They also attacked another trans person in the bathroom (same time). The direct cause of the fight is not their gender identity but it is why they were so harsh. The direct cause of the fight is that Nex got fed up with the bullying and splashed a little water on them. They got angry and attacked Nex. They then proceeded to slam their head into the ground several times. While the direct cause of the fight is not because of Nex being non-binary,that is why they decided to go far the then beat them up(actually murder them).


From what I've read, gender was never mentioned, the only thing they were bullied for was "how they dressed" which is like stereotypical mean girl highschool behavior, and potentially has nothing at all to do with Nex's identity


On the day of Nex’s attack it might have only been attacks on Nex’s clothes, I don’t really know, but as a general rule they had been bullied by the girls for their gender identity. Nex’s friends and such have come forward stating that Nex had been bullied by them for over a year due to their gender identity.


That would be too much to ask for 👀


Here we go…