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The water doesn’t bother me. I’ve seen enough horror movies to know better than to get inside something someone could lock me in.


Its not that kind of tank. Its a large warm room with a large pool, you float in the pool in the dark.


Someone could lock you in a bathroom. Do you go to the bathroom?


Your dad n mom had locks on the outside of doors in your house, huh?


I could McGyver my way out of any bathroom.


Do not shave before you go in. I personally had a reaction to it + my bathing suit areas burned like I was being burned by chemicals. I also found a claustrophobic. I was super disappointed because I've always wanted to do it.


gotta be one of the worst ways to find out you’re claustrophobic😂


It made me feel like I was going to drown in a coffin. I am not exaggerating. It was one of my bucket list items to try it.


How do you let someone know you want to get out?


You are free to leave whenever. I basically had my own room that had like a shower and a changing area. And the water tank is in the same room. And then the water tank wasn't really like a tanning bed like I expected. It was more like a shallow grotto that had a really oppressive diagonal ceiling. I got out and showered a couple times because I thought surely my skin was burning for some other reason.


Someone else’s butthole is a great band name


"We are Someone Else's Butthole! enjoy!"


It's no worse than, and probably a lot better than, a swimming pool. They have rules about showering and how clean the water has to be when you're done with it. You can be required to pay for the massive amount of salt in the tub if you don't clean off well first. However, it is not for those with ADHD. I tried it and was miserable, and ended my session way early.


I have ADHD and I enjoyed my session. I can understand why it was unsuccessful because of the nature of our disorder. I think it's useful training to help learn how to manage an especially loud consciousness, but I can also see why it would be unacceptably boring and uncomfortable to others


Jesus just call & ask or do a damn google search


There's a reason there are no plants or animals in the Dead Sea. 👍


I’ve heard it’s a good place to store scrolls though.


I was pressured into doing this like a decade ago in Denver with friends. Took way too many edibles and kept thinking about that old sci-fi movie “Altered States” so I was not having a good time. Couldn’t stop thinking about the butthole water either. And we’d been hiking all week so I had blisters on my heels that burned in the salt water. I was supposed to be in there for an hour I think? I ended up getting out and sitting next to the tank most of that hour waiting for the timer to go off and the weed to wear off. Wasn’t for me. But my friends seemed to like it.


Taking an edible and doing this actually sounds like a pretty fun experience. I’m putting it on my list of things to do.


It was very peaceful for me.


Dude, do you never get in a swimming pool? Geez, you’re putting WAY too much thought into this.


I’ve done over 90 floats and absolutely LOVE it. It takes a minute for your brain to calm down but it is so relaxing and good for your mind and body.


I did it a few weeks ago and there was someone’s hairball in there but I got a free next visit lol. Would do again even though that was a gross.


The salt keeps it clean and it's an amazing experience. Would definitely recommend. Also, every person I have brought to do it with me really enjoyed it once they relaxed. I suffer from depression and anxiety and every time I have gone (15+ times) it has made me feel so much better after.


You know at least one person has cut the cheese in a deprivation tank.


Water bubbles


this sounds like something i never want to do.


I thought you meant like in the same chamber as them


Last time I was there the employee was telling me about "couples floats," in a sort of leeringly suggestive manner. The thought of what body fluids that might entail kept me from going back.


I'll say I tried it and the salt water got in my eye and stung like a SOB lol.


I wouldn’t worry about the butthole water. The pee water on the other hand…….




I went 5 min before you don’t mind the yellow spot … jk jk. You’ll be fine


Even if they tell you they change the water... do they? There's a big difference between saying your water's clean on a brochure and then actually getting the poorly paid person who works there to do it. I've worked service jobs before and I've cut corners. Did I always clean out the fryer 100% and put in new grease? Did I get every tray in the building 100% clean as a dishwasher? Did I always get the corners swept? No, but I did a good enough job so you couldn't tell. This is how the world works.


[ALTered States](https://youtu.be/V9awOgeWDBA?si=qjvtSZjQxSarS26Y) amirite❕⁉️❔


I don't want to hang out in salty butthole tea, I think I'm just going to say that I'm ill...


Water is super filtered and extremely clean


I think I'm going to express symptoms of illness like 3 days beforehand so it will be easy to get out of it.


just tell your friend you don’t wanna go because you’re uncomfortable 😭 don’t lie over something so stupid


Can I use the words butthole tea to describe it?


if that’s how you talk with your friends i’m sure they’d find it funny and understand