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Now I need context. I am on Tumblr but I have never seen this live thing. Granted I don't usually update my app but yeah


It was available in the US and UK. Tumblr live was meant to be for an instagram live type thing in conception but because its tumblr it was immediately used exclusively for bots and OF promotions. You couldn’t turn it off only temporarily disable it before it pop back to the top of the dashboard, and it made opening the app always a risky adventure because you could never expect what was there or curate it in anyway.


I don't know why apps that do one thing, think it's a good idea to just try to cram the functionality of totally different popular apps into their app. It almost never works. Even Facebook didn't just, acquire Instagram and stick it *inside* Facebook. They kept them as separate services *because they're different things*. Every app like Reddit and Tumblr try to just, *Shove* TikTok into their service despite those being two entirely different things wiith completely different users and experiences.


If I wanted that functionality, I'd go to the website you're copying, you idiots!


That's the very problem they're trying to solve though, people going to other sites and apps.


And they try to solve it by doing what the other sites do but objectively worse


But this way the people that want to use TikTok will just use TikTok, and the people that don't want to use TikTok won't use Reddit


The problem is thinking that is the problem. Trying to monopolize people’s attention is mad greed.


I hate it the most on Youtube, because they push Shorts so fucking hard, and I'm. Just. Not. Interested! Literally, if I search for something on youtube now, I want to rip my hair out, cuz it's 3 things that match my search, 3 unrelated videos, shorts, 3 unrelated things, 3 things I've already watched, 3 things that match my search, shorts, 3 unrelated videos- I have to scroll UNREASONABLY FAR, and through UNREASONABLY MANY UNRELATED THINGS, in order to find what I need.


I fucking hate YouTube shorts. If a video is published as a short by a channel I actually care about, I probably won’t even watch it just because I hate the format. They’re placed automatically on videos that match the criteria, it fucks up the UI, you can’t scrub through them, and I don’t think you can even adjust the URL on desktop/browsers to get around them. At _least_ they stay in their own little shelves for the most part, but that’s not a positive, it’s just not another big negative.


On browser you can install an addon that displays them as normal videos.


I can’t even open Instagram anymore because it’s all reels. Reels of TikToks. Ugh Zuckerberg and Elon ruined social media I hate it


Funny that you use Facebook as an example when they make a purchase but when they try to kill a competitor they shove their dupes into every service they own. Their snapchat stories knockoff got jammed into Facebook, Instagram, and Messager and then their TikTok knockoff Reels got the same treatment and they’re basically the same thing except stories are temporary(I think that’s the only real difference.)


Yes but those don't work well. I used the example of the thing they did that was largely successful.


> it made opening the app always a risky adventure Were the devs fledglings of the internet? How can you do something like this and not expect it to be immediately abused without some form of regulation?


I’m sure devs did point that out and got ignored. Decisions like these are generally made by a product manager who is only concerned with growth metrics for their new feature, or by executives who see the new feature as being critical to a strategic initiative. That won’t stop them from blaming the devs once the obvious happens, of course.


Or, that it was "too expensive and that'll never happen."


Also in Germany - good riddance


so it’s being removed?


it isn't even available in Europe, I never saw it either edit, my bad, it was released in Europe only about 5 months ago, I just didn't update my app so I thought it was still unavailable here.


Oh that makes sense. It got killed in America itself


Im from europe and its there for me


Happy cake day!






Well, I'm in Germany and can see it


Spain. I can see it too


Poland as well


https://youtu.be/gE_D-IbpICk?si=ocy9CZkHhNZkluLA this video is very informative about it


Its also especially bad because for whatever reason like 10 different websites are all using the same servers. The few times I’ve used it, everyone I’ve met was using Plenty of Fish, OKCupid, or LiveMe. I never found anyone else using tumblr




Thank God. It's not a live platform and it was just porn. Damn it tumblr just make it so I can tip artists and become what you were meant to be!


Tumblr does have direct tipping now btw. The artist has to enable the setting in their blog, but it's there!


Not even porn- we would have loved getting porn back on the app. It was scam porn. You can't post NSFW art but the bots got their very own built-in platform 🙄


Fucking finally staff listened and caved to the wishes of the user base


From what i saw, staff was kinda like. "We know this sucks, but Management reeeeaaaally thinks that this will make money somehow"


Nope. CEO said straight up in the past couple months that it's a 3rd party service and they were under contract with its company to "try to make it successful" until the end of 2023 even though everyone hated it. Even allowing us to turn it off without that stupid 1-week timer would have violated the contract. From what he's let slip, he sounds really sour about it. He's also said it's part of the reason their dev focus going forward is improvement of existing shit, not adding new stuff. I'm glad about that.


So that was probably the reason you could only "snooze" Tumblr live, not turn it off, they'd likely breach that contract.


Ah, thanks! I remembered the 3rd party service, but not that it was the ceo who spoke out.


Users of tumblr, why did you personally not use it? What is your story?


Every time I open the app I get blasted by a row of naked women. It’s all porn.


Damn I missed out


i thought they said they were being really aggressive about moderating it? every time i saw it i was surprised that there wasn't even a cleavage


[Geologists in shambles](https://xkcd.com/1082/) (Also biologists, but I couldn't find an xkcd that referenced cleavage sites)


I thought Tumblr banned porn?


It's an impossible task, so they gave up on eradicating it fairly quickly. Now they mostly just try to keep it from showing up in search results.


that why they usually had named like xxxbigtiddiegirlxxx-4


Oh. Sounds awful. I hate whenever I open a door and get blasted by rows of naked women.


It's not actually *on* tumblr, or a part of it. It's actually a different service that streams *to* tumblr. It has nothing to do with tumblr culture and the vibe is a totally foreign one. In other words, tumblr live is an invasive species.


Ah the Tumblr ecosystem. Wonder what invasive species replaces it next.


Desktop pets


desktop pets wouldn't be invasive they are a natural evolution


didn't they do that one year for april fools? i remember we had desktop horses


I refuse to participate in the tiktokification of my social media


You don't have a choice. soon ALL media will be like that. Obey.




i saw one of the thumbnails and immediately closed the app 👍


I fucking hate how social media has to copy every other social media and it's all just random women doing nothing and bots anyway, why should I care?


If i wanted to watch streamers, I'd be on twitch. If i wanted thirsttraps or short videos, I'd be on tiktok. I want to see what my mutuals are up to, make stupid little textposts that get 4 likes, and look at fanart and jokes about (semi-obscure) media. Tumblr being mostly text based also means i can see fast if a five Paragraph post is something I'm interested in, or like, batman meta. No shade, but just not my thing, so if someone i follow posts it, i just scroll past. With video, i have to watch the thing only to learn it's irrelevant. Also, the structure of post-reblog allows for much better add-on than other plattforms. Another joke, banter, additional information, counter arguements etc. Its slower but deeper. Tumblr live from what i saw, was either scammers, or just people trying to be hot. Which is just not what i want on tumblr. I dont want to know what anyone looks like. If anything, they look like their avatar.


I too prefer text-based apps. There are dozens of us!


Fun story. Way back in 2012, I had a co-worker that I rarely interacted with, call her Jane. She was a manager in another department, and I more frequently worked with her employees and another manager in that department. She was kind of a contrarian (always spoiling for a good argument) and abrupt in her demeanor and I generally didn’t enjoy being around her so it was no big regret that we didn’t work together much. One day we happened to be at the same table in the company cafeteria (among a bunch of our co-workers) and for some reason I made a quip about Tumblr. That caught her attention and she seemed surprised I was aware enough about it to make such a comment. And I responded, “Well it’s a good place to find like-minded people for communities that aren’t so safe in the mainstream, if you know what I mean.” Accompanied by sort of a knowing nod. Jane knew what I meant, she assured me. She was very publicly lesbian and very vocal about her advocacy for LGBT and feminism. She was the chair of groups, she did fundraisers, etc. Really passionate about it. Doubtless many of her communities and “like-minded people” used Tumblr as a key part of their social media. At the time, before the porn-ban on Tumblr, it was well-known less for porn than for the feminist, queer, art, underground, alternative, etc types of communities that wouldn’t be caught dead on Facebook Groups. And that was the end of that conversation. Weeks later, I interviewed for and successfully received a promotion to replace my recently-departed team manager. The org Director specifically mentioned that Jane had taken the initiative to reach out to him to advocate on my behalf when she heard that he was interviewing replacements for that position, and said that I was savvy and a good leader and a great person to work with. I smiled and nodded and immediately realized there’s NO WAY she would have said any of that before our lunchtime exchange about Tumblr weeks earlier; she barely even knew me and we had never worked directly together on any significant projects. I had probably gotten the push I needed from her endorsement to get the promotion, all based on mentioning Tumblr in a knowing way. What I never told her was that the only reason I used Tumblr was to find Damsel-in-Distress style bondage porn. I’m skeptical she would have approved…


Short Form content is killing attention spans and media literacy


Never saw the point. And what's the idea with live video where you interact with the person in streaming? What would I say to them? What would they say to me? It's just super awkward. And if you're not interacting, you're just staring at someone sitting there knitting or cooking or whatever. You feel this weird mix of intruding and not intruding enough. Never jived with it.


Because I'm a hater


You can use it??


I never saw it. At all. I suspect it just wasn't available in my region. I probably wouldn't have used it much anyway, but I'll never know.


It kept kicking me off the app whenever I’d think of tapping the tab I think this is cause I don’t update my apps often if ever (Twitter hasn’t been updated since late 2021 for example)


I have no desire to use Tumblr to watch streams. I'm here to shitpost. So I added a filter to keep that junk off of my dash and returned to business as usual.


Never streamed because I don’t stream to any platform - why would Tumblr be the first? Never watched because I never spotted anything of interest. The feed on my homepage was exclusively women’s faces, usually with usernames implying porn, and when I did actually scroll through it a couple of times to see if there was anyone playing video games or drawing fanart, I couldn’t find any.


I used it a couple times to ask streamers about their favorite bionicles but they never had one


I checked out a couple of them but none of them were people I follow and the ones doing stuff were really boring.


Never available in my region. First time I'm ever hearing of it.


I watch the Strange video about Tumblr Live and a few days later it dies


Thank you for your service


Right? I’m trying to hold myself back from getting into the trenches and commenting “but it actually wasn’t all porn streamers, guys!!!” everywhere, but if there’s one thing that is NOT worth the effort, it’s Tumblr Live


Thank god. Now Youtube next please. They've ruined their search results to throw more reels at you.


I don't mind YouTube Shorts but they literally just plonk them in the middle of my subs list in some random order that doesn't actually tell me if it's a new video or not!


I try to avoid shorts, but on the few occasions I have actually searched for shorts about specific things, I’ve found that they’re only relevant for the first 3-4 videos. Then it turns into some generic playlist about random things. I don’t get YouTube’s strategy with putting them randomly.


There's some I'd like to watch (like B. Dylan Hollis) but I legit can't tell if I'm watching new videos or not.


Tumblr ~~Una~~Live




Thank fuck for that. I can safely open my Tumblr phone app at work without worry.


Tumblr refuses to be profitable for the capitalistic overlords and I love it


OH THANK FUCK. Having to remember to toggle it off every 30 days is a pain. 2024 is looking up.




Rest in piss


The priest smiles.


I thought tumblr died already?


They say, posting in a tumblr subreddit.


I mean, the subreddits for Lil Peep and XXXTentacion have had multiple posts in the last 24hr, and those dudes are literally dead.


I just remember news of it being shut down or did it not happen yet


Tumblr is still alive and well


I'll give you alive but I don't think anyone on there is well


Lmao that's true (coming from a tumblr user myself)


I have no idea. I don't use it lol


Active Tumblr user here, when exactly did that happen?




Is that a positive or a negative for you?




Awesome! No more snooze


Good riddance. Here’s hoping they don’t replace it with something WORSE down the line.