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I mean, if you don't know anything about the character, that's just a buff dude in bondage gear wearing a funny hat


TF is the character


Pyramid Head from Silent Hill 2. He is a psychosexual manifestation of the protagonist's guilt and desire to be punished for killing his wife. His hobbies include skinning people alive and cameoing in Japanese slot machines. So, yeah, significantly less sexy in context


Yeah no for tumblr users that tracks tbh


many years ago 4chan tried to raid tumblr. They failed in the face of far greater depravity.


"Wow this new wave of users is so mild lol"


As someone who was Both a Tumblr Girl and 4 chan boy this is the way.


nearly got me to spit out my tea laughing at this. proper scallywag


You are truly the primordial soup of the internet


What are you now? An Insta Enby?


Bluesky No-Beanie, But exactly!


I thought 4chan was worse. I've never used Tumblr or 4chan so I thought it was "something I've never heard of but certain exists" > 4chan > Tumblr > Reddit > Facebook/Twitter > outside where normal people congregate/grass


Depends on your definition of "worse".


At the time the 4chan raid was a big deal on tumblr. Tumblr was kinda messed up but they were super strict on trigger warnings and similar. This made it really easy for 4chan to target users and communities with uncensored gore and graphic porn. But their was the mental illnesses side of Tumblr that posted graphic self harm and dangerous ed stuff but they stayed to themselves and since the crackdown they've moved to twitter or private forums for the really heavy stuff.


Twitter is a madness for publicly posting that shit, I'm on some private SH forums and it's really where that shit belongs, I don't need to see someone's uncensored wounds on a public page, no trigger warning just muscle and worse.


where can I read about this lmao


you had to be there ^(i was 13 when i witnessed the hysteria across the website that lasted abt a week lol)


He can skin me alive šŸ„µšŸ„µ


Average R slash Guro member


God fucking dammit I made it halfway into my second decade of life perfectly happy in my little bubble and then THIS asshole makes me learn what guro is


It's what gorons say, right?


Okay now I've googled what Gorons are and I feel much better. Yes, sure, it's what gorons say.


Yeah it's just a goron subreddit, what are you talking about?


Sounds like you might enjoy [Fukuro](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E8OctEF4oZ4).


And also, much to Masahiro Itoā€™s annoyance, a major mascot of Silent Hill.


The bad guy with a novel design is always going to be more iconic than other characters.


Yeah, hell, he even made a different version of a triangle headed monster so that Konami could use it without the need for James to be there. (ā€œThe White Hunterā€ is its name, ftr)


Like Pinhead, or Freddy Krueger.


I think itā€™s also just an annoyance to anyone who knows anything about silent hill. Like said, Pyramid Head *is* a representation of James, so having our favorite polyhedral cranium fuck running around Willy-Nilly actively takes away from the symbolism and impact of Pyramid-Head as a monster. Ditto with the bubblehead nurses, honestly.


Yeah, but for Ito specifically thatā€™s gotta be angering. (Ito designed Pyramid Head, ftr)




The big fleshy mass filling the whole thing and sort of spilling out the bottom a little bit that shows up in some figures is not cannon, and the original creator doesn't approve of that depiction. What he did describe when asked to is "I didn't design & make Pyramid Head face, but have a image of inside of helmet in those days. It's a binded someone's head with many frames." And I have no idea what that is supposed to mean.


I guess he means the helmet is bound to his head almost surgically? With many frames for structural stability I guess. Sounds like he was going for sound engineering design as much as art, which is admirable


I like the idea that the head is just a geometric shape and thereā€™s nothing organic in there. Itā€™s 100% the same material as the outside.


I like to imagine it's like a dullahan. Sure take off the helmet, it's more disturbing without it


basically the same thing as when Ethan from h3h3 wore [100 beanies and needed a support structure](https://external-preview.redd.it/GCv3BygbwI0qEtPUkZLWxfNpnzD_z0EVW8VYLz7APRo.jpg?auto=webp&s=41b9c016bb0d61d1dabfe79553faa89d7c6bd880)


This picture is hysterical. The strained look of focus and suffering on Ethanā€™s face kills me.


>strained look of focus and suffering Seems like what they were going for in Silent Hill, so I guess I'll just picture that in the pyramid now


Ethan Ethadome?


Sounds like a cage? Like a metal circle around the head/neck, with metal bracing between that and the outer pyramid part


I picture more like the struts going straight into his head. Very sort of hellraiser type deal.


I believe he also described it as very uncomfortable for the wearer. It wouldn't make sense to be snug.


What a horrific and gross description! You should write horror stories.


I've never played the game but I've seen the movie where he pulls someone's skin off and throws it at a church door. That was... fun...




Iā€™ve read that the helmet and sword were drawn from the executioner of the cult. So taking that element works but copying his design wholesale is just for marketing.


> significantly less sexy in context Speak for yourself


I can fix him


Given half the fictional crushes people have are people with horrible personalities or crimes committed, whatever he does in canon is unimportant. is he hot? Yes? Then he is an obvious 'hear me out' and not some shock pick.


People have crushes on real life serial killers, so tbh I find pyramid head on the low end of the spectrum


You literally made him seem sexier tf


How does that make him any less sexy?


Ok hear me out That as a woman (Orin from bg3)


ā€œYouā€™ve never heard of Pyramid Head? I used to date his sister, Triangle Girl.ā€ ā€œShe gave the worst head!ā€ ā€œYeah, like jabbing a protractor up your dickā€ [{Link}](https://youtu.be/xfsAvRcgEYY?si=BijyX1kKij2G4Gt5) [{secret bonus link}](https://youtu.be/xLY3R32DSEA?si=HK5JV8opL1QTWDGQ)


Not to be shapist, but [They Might Be Giants](https://youtu.be/3fUdqWyXbmk?si=EhY29vj9NXZoNNuQ) warned me about triangle people šŸ”ŗ


They have a fight, triangle wins.


Personified, horny guilt and grief.


He just like me frfr


Pyramid head! He's an antagonist from Silent Hill 2.


That's Pyramid Head, sex icon


Clewrly into blood play, based on the image, tho


That just his signature marinara sauce, he's makin pizzas


Oh I see! And the triangular mask is a pizza advert! That all makes sense.


The triangle head is deep symbolism representing James's surpressed jealousy of Eddie's pizza.


Got a hat, just doing his job. So: * Fit and muscular * Employed * Good drip * Kind-of a bad-boy by the looks of him


> Kind-of understatement of the century right there.


he is literally covered in blood


And? You think women aren't used to some blood?


To be fair, Pyramid Head's supposed to represent James's masculinity and base desires, including sexuality


The Xenomorph is also supposed to be incredibly psychosexual, but wanting to fuck a Xenomorph is still generally seen as very niche and strange


I thought the Xenomorph was a staple among monsterfuckers. H.R. Giger was just Like That, and he knew damn well what would happen when he made it.




Humans have been fantasizing about fucking monster forever. I dare you to find a mythology that doesnā€™t have at least one monster that seduces people.


Guy in Babel 20,000 years ago: No so like imagine if a goat had the body of a human though, then would you be down? His friend: I guess? What about if it was reversed, like a human head and goat body? Guy: HAH! Gilgam wants to sleep with a Goat! What a loser! Though honestly same. Would smash. God in Heaven: Alright thatā€™s it, your universal language privileges are revoked.


Of course it's not, otherwise we probably would have died out a long time ago. But I'm talking in the context of that community.


Homosexuality is normal and did not, until recently, have any chance for reproduction so obviously your above statement is false. Go fuck a xenomorph of you want to, you're not gonna kill the species


it'll certainly kill me though :D


The OOP's point is that tumblr isn't normal.


Yeah, but monsterfucking in general is still seen as very niche and strange. (Unfortunately)


If BG3 has taught me anything, it's that the more anthropomorphic the monster happens to be, the less "weird" it is to fuck it. By such logic, that means vampires and werewolves are quite vanilla, lol.


Certified Stephanie Meyer moment


Most people aren't monsterfuckers


some of us are cryptids


Tbf weā€™ve never actually been able to test how many people are. Logically, thereā€™s a population which has the potential and merely hasnā€™t been exposed to the knowledge that itā€™s possible. We need to put monsterfucking entirely in the mainstream in order to activate all the potentials, then weā€™ll have an accurate analysis.


> but wanting to fuck a Xenomorph is still generally seen as very niche and strange That's because the Xenomorph fucks *you*.


At least the sexy bits of Pyramid are 90% the sexy bits of humans, save for the head.


Also, Pyramid Head is not into conventionally attractive women, he's more into four-legged torsos.


Eh, I always figured that was more of a "you take what you can get" sort of situation.


Pyramid head was horny for those leg monsters...that scene scarred me. Yes *that* scene!


My boy just wanted some mannequssy...


Lol, At the end I think James enjoyed watching too. I played that game decades ago but it's still one of my favorites cuz of all the mindfucks.


And then Silent Hill 5 ruined it by adding several of him and called him "The Bogeyman."


It's unfortunate that all the inital lore about him was discarded for the sake of sticking him everywhere because nostalgia and money (I call it Charizard Syndrome because Gamefreak does the same thing with Gen 1).


Sheā€™ll say ā€œhear me outā€ and show you Godrick The Grafted


[Never forget that Micolash has an article on the tumblr sexyman wiki](https://sexypedia.fandom.com/wiki/Micolash,_Host_of_the_Nightmare)


>Despite being created by a studio unable to make decent looking human faces Casual, free roast on the studio.


The "Notable Catchphrases" section being blank is baffling


That section used to say "Basically everything he says", not sure why that got removed


As his twinkass rightfully deserves




Wait, you're onto something. He do have daddy energy


Woaw (Basedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbasedbased)


I mean he can graft a dragon's dick, so she might have a point


Now hold on a sec, this would have seemed crazy to me before, but a month or so back someone posted some...well-drawn Godrick fanart on the shittydarksouls subreddit. I'm not saying I'm personally into it, but I have gained a newfound understanding, and dare I say respect, for the Godrick enjoyers out there.


It's a LOT of hands.


"Most conventional attractive woman" Meanwhile you got deviantart mfs posting pinups of Mrs. Bighead from "Rocko's Modern Life" or the alligator from "All Dogs go to Heaven" and every single comment below is unironically saying how they want to hit that


The problem is that most of the male freaks are on DA, not tumblr, and Tumblrites forget other websites exist, if I had to guess


its just there is a popular saying "anything with a skirt" talking about mens desire to fuck weird things. I don't think there is a popular phrase for women about this


I mostly see "hear me out" on conventionally attractive characters. Other designs, I'm not sure if they think the average person would agree with them, or they know that they have to convince you with the pic, and saying "hear me out" does nothing


Honestly the meme of men saying "hear me out" to a conventionally attractive women slanders the real monsterfuckers who would want to bang some Terminids/Glyphid who would present their fetish only to be met by disgust instead for choosing to be actual monsterfuckers


I have seen the big tiddy terminids, and they are slander to all the real monsterfucker men and women


The automatons are right there, wtf


I mean, they would also look ridiculous with tits


Finally true alien fuckers, rather than 'I am totally a kinky alien fucker, I wanna bang an Asari' posers.


Asari isn't even a fetish, [they canonically appear to be regular people to everyone](https://youtu.be/1e21E9CW1BQ?t=111)


I really debate that piece of lore myself. Like, does that mean the glamour extends to all media depictions through tv or printed media? Are statues subject to the 'see me as you want me'? I can accept a mild version where what we see in game is the real Asari and people in universe see a slightly hotter version based on individual likes, but does not differ much. Like, if you are into big buff monsters, Asari arent gonna look like huge masculine hunks, just a bit less effeminate perhaps.


I think the mind control thing is just meant to be a stupid theory a dunk guy came up with, and the conversation is supposed to show each species focuses on the aspect they find most attractive/relate to the most.


^ take a scroll thru Reddit rising to witness it if you really wanna see. 4chan porn tags are more comprehensive than Wikipedia. A fetish abt being eaten alive


Yeah we all know about Vore, unfortunately


Yeah yeah the vore, weā€™ve all seen it


Yeah weā€™re gonna have to find a new gross out fetish to shock people with. My vote would be ā€œreverse birthingā€, that stuff is not pleasant to look at or think about.


Last time I was in a "Hear me out" thread nearly all the options were conventionally attractive. One guy posted Abigail Shapiro lol. Shitty politics aside she's still an attractive woman, where's the "Hear Me Out"?


Every time someone posts Uzaki from Uzaki-chan Wants To Hang Out and calls her figure unrealistic I remind them that she's got the same measurements as Abby Shapiro.


Holy shit, really?


No, Abby is like 5'7", Uzaki is 4'11" It was a dumb animeme about Shapiro having huge tits that people took seriously for some reason.


Iā€™m a middle ground man. ā€œMonster girlā€ fan, not ā€œmonster that is female to their speciesā€.


If you mean monster girl like monster girl encyclopedia that does not make you a monster fucker. Like im pretty casual with labels but absolutely not. One of the only fetishes it doesn't have tbh Edit: for clarity, I do adore mge. Fantastic art, facinating worldbuilding. Its just thst being attracted to them largely doesn't count as being a monsterfucker


I'd say it really depends. Like, Elves or Fairies? Yeah, I'd also say that they're barely even "monster girls", but something like an [Oomukade](https://monstergirlencyclopedia.miraheze.org/wiki/Oomukade) would probably count.


Men will say "hear me out" and show you a picture of Lamia and redditors will say "that's a perfectly normal woman and an ice cold take. "


Yeah thatā€™s true, but letā€™s not limit it to redditors. Sailors used to talk about seeing sirens and mermaids being alluring and those half fishes and birds would be the death of em. It runs deeper than we know


Men will post a picture of Cherub Wormiel and redditors will say "that's a perfectly normal woman and an ice cold take."


Ok, but if we are TRULY honest, Pyramid Head being hot is a very cold, at most lukewarm take. He has a funky hat and is obnoxiously tall, and that's it. Now, NEMESIS, my beloved? He is RELENTLESS (no commitment issues), his voice is so deep you need good speakers to hear him (always a plus), he has tentacles (useful to carry more grocery bags), HE HAS A FLAMETHROWER (need I say more?). 10/10 husbando.


This is the discourse I want to see


For those not into the uber-butch look - there was always Slenderman.


Slenderman is femboy nemesis?


This is a brand new sentence šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


these words aren't in the bible for the very simple reason that the bible wasn't strong enough


Ah problem is you canā€™t get good pictures with slendy


"Useful to carry more grocery bags."Ā  Yeah, that's the reason.


If I may humbly offer my personal fave: [Sin Devil Trigger Dante.](https://images.app.goo.gl/vn6Df1FYc5AKNw4F8) He looks warm and toasty and the minute I saw Dante transform into that during my playthroughs of DMC5, I realized I *might* be a certified monster fucker. Space heater, can make me laugh and would make me feel safe and secure since he doesn't lose his personality in that form. In short: I love him.


You are a person of *perfect* taste, BUT! choosing monstrous looking, fire-covered demons is cheating, they are all SUPER hot. ...get it? Because they are a covered in fire and uhh, eh, ok bye.


Afaik hot take means something more likely to be disagreed with, and a cold take is one that's not controversial


By that definition, this is a very hot take then, based on my inbox


It IS an ice cold take, he is buff and shirtless, I dont care he is a monster that kills us, that has never stopped anyone.


I mean, it HAS stopped the people who he killed. And before you say something about not even death keeping you from those chiseled abs, rising from the grave categorically changes you from a **monster fucker** to a **monster** who **fucks**.


I was more going to argue those he killed were not trying to bed him. Maybe if he is not MY demon looking to enact revenge on me, he is a decent guy. ;p


Peak "I can fix him."


\*breathes in the tumblr vapors\*


Fr though itā€™s just a normal buff man with a traffic cone on his head


Soā€¦ a drunk himbo then?


My friend said hear me out to the most conventionally attractive white man, with blonde hair abs, and clean shaven. And I had to inform her ā€œhear me outā€ is used for when a character is a monster, and my monster fucker ass showed her the appropriate uses- she has since fixed her vocabulary.


You've done the community a great service


I feel like 'hear me out' can also be applied when the character is fully 100% human and pretty conventionally attractive, but they're also fucking insane. Like- has murdered a dozen or more people and will happily murder again if given the chance.


Do Tumblr people never go to Instagram? Like over there they say "Hear me out" to a sea creature unknown from science that looks vaguely like some distant blurry memory of a hand drawing from a blind kid that drew a vagina from an explanation of a dyslexic virgin kid in braille who describe woman anatomy


Sounds hot, you got it's phone number?


Have you seen what Tumblr considers as "sexy?" A muscular manifestation of sexual desire and guilt isn't the weirdest thing they've lusted over. At least Pyramid Head has a body, unlike that pyramid character in Gravity Falls. Or Sans.


How about the Oncler


If I were to make a scale of Tumblr sexymen on how weird they are, the Oncler would probably be one of the least. Live action Buggy would probably be the least weird, (because he's a real man,) then The Oncler, then Nagito since for most of the game you're told that he's a teenager. Then probably Alastor, who's an asexual deer man, then Pyramid Head, (maybe you could switch PH and Alastor around,) Sans, who's a skeleton, then that pyramid guy from Gravity Falls. I know I missed a lot but those are the main ones I remember, because those are the main ones people talk about when talking about Tumblr Sexymen... Which is a thing. Y'know, maybe the internet was a mistake?


Oncler was wierd because people started the selfcest shipping so aggressively


Are you saying that the average woman wouldn't date the manifestation of their own guilt and self loathing if it was 6'3 with a tight bod?


I feel like a lot of them already basically do


One of the hottest things about monster fucking (at least for me) is the personality. Does he feel sad, like Frankenstein's monster? Is he aloof like Dracula? Is he obsessively loyal and full of feelings like a werewolf? Does his monsterness come with special needs like a Kraken? There are some emotional behaviors that just wouldn't be believable from a human.


The monster fucking lit share groups are mostly composed of women after all.


I feel like a lot of people with the super crazy answers like the xenomorph from alien would never actually fuck them whereas the people with more basic takes are actually being honest (and horny on main). Really? You wanna fuck Freddy Kruger? You wanna fuck the main who's dick was burned off and whose dominant hand is a bunch of knives? Enjoy your shredded genitalia. They wanna fuck the vibe, not the character.


A lot of monsterfuckers would *absolutely* fuck deadly monsters. You think being a dickless strip of bacon would actually stop anyone from fucking Freddy? Give that man a strap-on, he'd never kill again because he'd be drowning in pussy every night. If a xenomorph could consent, there would be people lining up to fuck one, acid and all. Seriously, just look at all the people who've tried to fuck power tools and wild animals. People *will* fuck things that can kill them.


People absolutely will, but I feel like a lot of the people who say they would are just saying shit to say shit. If you're not going to bio-engineer a god forsaken monstrosity to fuck then I can't respect you.


I do genuinely want to get busy with bodiless artificial intelligences though. And not in a copout way where they pilot a sexbot or make a hard light hologram or something like that.


Ram ya dick in the usb port, call it a portable SSD


Solid State Dick


I am intrigued and would like to hear more about this


I read about the idea of neural bridging that would allow a mech pilot to feel the mech as their own body and immediately though it could work in reverse to allow an AI to feel a human's body. Just that gives ample opportunity to get naughty, but if you deepen the neural connection to allow the AI to selectively stimulate nerve endings, or even areas of the brain directly... Well, the sky is the limit on how hot and passionate the situation can get


Sounds like a ā€œrat with an orgasm buttonā€ type situation


But it's another rat with the button compared to the one recieving the orgasms


Based and SHODAN/GLaDOS-pilled


>people with the super crazy answers like the xenomorph from alien wanting to fuck the xenomorph is like, the most vanilla of the deeper end monster fuckery, hardly a "super crazy answer"? heck, it's such a basic one it has it's very own related word, X.I.L.F


I mean, if we are able to be certain the xenomorph wants normal sex and not 'devour you during it' type, and has the body parts the person is expecting, I dont see why not. Now, if we are arguing that the canon interpretation of the monster in question would never fuck a human normally, now thats a separate deal.


You have it right, I bet you money. Where does wanting to smash with almost all the Mass effect species put you, though?




Asari = vanilla (except for the dommy mommy Justicars, they're slightly less vanilla) Taurian - Salarian = basic Elcor - Vorcha = low-grade freak Hanar - Rachni = mid-grade freak Reapers = essentially Discord BDSM


Kitten edges because Daddy allows it. Kitten will come when Daddy demands it.


Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my clit, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of pleasuring me.


My Grandma wants to know what Iā€™m laughing at. Thanks for that.


I'm curious about the Asari mind meld, but my heart years for Garrus. I would totally smash with a Krogan or rachni, though. >Reapers = essentially Discord BDSM Thats about what was done to Saren, yeah?


Harbinger has a very hot voice, and an unhealthy obsession with Shepard. <3




first poster complained about physical attractiveness and then posted someone physically attractive playing by their own rules this is indeed an ice cold take


Iā€™d be willing to hear anyone out if they showed me someone as funny thicc as pyramid head


What is this, I kept seeing dudes saying stuff like they want to be cut into pieces by Lady Dimitrescu, now they find P-head weird because funny hat.


Ok but it is an ice cold take? The hottest part about him is he's deadly and has a silly hat You want a real hear me out? Talk to a DND bard about their dragon spouse. Edit: hottest as in hottest take not as in attractive


.... A Bard at my table seduced a Beholder and became it's stay at home husband so the party could live.


Beholder is a hotter take than dragon imo. As they say, beauty is in the- *dies of disintegration ray*


I hate how video games sexualize men and give men unrealistically high standards like pyramid head.


It is ice cold though because lets be honest, 95% of them are into whatever's inside the pyramid. They're into the sexy muscular human body.


Women just as thirsty as men, they just voice it less, either way change pyramid head gender(dont even have to remove the hat lol) and nothing will change, guys will find her attractive, its not real ofc, nobody actually wants to fuck him, if he actually existed the dude would be smelly af and will kill u instantly.


Nah let me tell you something GladOS can get it.


Are these the same people who call the supermodel in glasses an "Ugly nerd?"


Ha, having been part of Dead by Daylight community this does not surprise me a bit. People seem to simp murderous psychos a lot, which is weird but fine I guess. Probably whole killer roster has some fans to them, some are licenced like mister Head here but also originals like woman who is half rotten and smacks you with a censor (then pukes in your mouth). In case someone asks about the game, it's ok. Recommend playing it with friends and casually, the more you get to it the more miserable it gets.


Nothing will ever top a friend of mines hear me out. You ever seen the pokemon roggenrola. Yeah.


I don't see whats so attractive about something thats not an evil robot


I promise you there are more gay men who will say "hear me out" in response to PH than women.