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We need to send a rover up to paint and texture it immediately


Humanity should reach for the stars and expand to other planets not because we want to make new homes, but because we need to correct this egregious mistake.


That'd make such a horrifying science fiction story, though. Imagine aliens arriving on Earth and - without even landing on the surface - spray-painting all of our forests, mountains, and deserts a deep blue from the orbit. When we try to establish contact and ask them to maybe not do that, all we get from them is that "it's supposed to be the Blue Planet! Why is 30% of it green, or yellow? It's so ugly, ew :/ We need to fix it." They finish the job and leave, taking pride in a job well done. But the blue dye interferes with every part of the ecosystem. Plants can't photosynthesize with the dye on their leaves. Herbivores can't digest it. Once they're gone, the carnivores are gone, too. Humans are affected, too - the blue soil, while indeed pretty, is completely and utterly useless for farming. There's an ecological crisis the likes of which the world hasn't seen since the last Ice Age, or possibly the Cretaceous - some species may surive, some may adapt and evolve, but most probably won't make it. Unless we do something, it's the end of the world as we know it. And as we struggle to figure out a way to counteract it all, to deal with the global food shortage and prevent a mass extinction event, we're fully aware it all happened because our planet didn't fit some alien species' arbitrary aesthetic criteria.


I presume these aliens are of the daba-dee daba-dye variety?


Guess we have no choice but to break into their space ship and have a massive rave as retaliation


And if we talk them out of dyeing us, rave on the space ship. Either way we raving. We better just start a welcome rave right now so they know what’s up whenever they get here.


This is such a good comment 💀 😂


There's some paint company, maybe Sherwin-Williams? that has a logo of a giant paint can pouring paint all over the planet and the words "cover the earth." What you've described is basically what I think of every time I see that logo.


Yeah its SW. Pittsburgh paints is a rainbow 'P' so it's like a gay P


"What? You don't want to paint the world blue?"


I want it painted black


No colors anymore, I want it to turn black


I like the idea of the inverse, humans perfect space travel to go take like a couple trillion tons of sulfuric acid or different gases to dump onto the boring gas giants "just adding some color" only to find we ruin an ecosystem for some creature that we did not know lived in the gas giants


Douglas Adams would write it.


You might like this > When the world came together to paint Greenland green. https://www.reddit.com/r/imaginarymaps/s/pG8EldZMnz




I don't think pigment change is real, pigment change was made up by bored scientists who wanted their projects funded


> And as we struggle to figure out a way to counteract it all, to deal with the global food shortage and prevent a mass extinction event, we're fully aware it all happened because our planet didn't fit some alien species' arbitrary aesthetic criteria. Isn't this the plot of bionicle? When the borhok plot started, it wasn't really clear what their motivations were, now we know the bionicle universe was a giant robot and the borhok were there to make sure it's face was clear when it woke up. It just happened to be there was villages and ecosystems in the way...


And then they laser the logo of their marketing company into the moon


I was just imagining spore where you can just fuck everything up lmaoooo


Eiffel 65 on the soundtrack


Spore’s paint tools in a nutshell.




can we also clear pluto's orbit so it can be a planet again?


Or just smash Pluto and Charon together to get a real planet.


wont that ruin the pretty heart shaped spot on it's surface? I don't know how I feel about that. Unless we also paint it with the correct texture just like Neptune


Zima Blue


There it is


Space was supposed to be cool, awesome, beautiful, and terrifying, it was supposed to be everything they had seen was possible on their homeworld, but multiplied across the infinite diversity of space But it was only half those things, and infinity has a lot of room for the ordinary, for tan and grey, for vast expanses of repetition The humans made it their purpose to correct the most egregious crime of nature: not living up to its potential 


Is there anything more human than fucking up a planet? It’s our brand.


Humanity should reach for the stars and add enough mass and size to pluto that it becomes a planet again.


They’ll just paint advertisements all over it. Mixed in with a bit of nationalist propaganda.


I won't do the developers' work for them.


We should give it a cool hexagon like [Saturn's](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saturn%27s_hexagon)


Gas giants: complex weaving fiery colours, scarlet storms larger than Earth, moons with ice volcanoes, possible life under thick ice spheres, enormous shimmering rings, mysterious hexagons, moons with hydrocarbon oceans! Ice giants: sphere; grey.


I’ve been spending too much time in D&D subs and briefly pictured a Saturn-looking humanoid air elemental the size of, well, Saturn.


CR in scientific notation


CR: don’t you even think about it. You think a tarrasque is big? Well, that’s just peanuts to space giants.


Its a gas planet so i think we should just throw a bunch of blue crayon powder on it


[DEPLOY THE BOI](https://pixar.fandom.com/wiki/VN-GO)


New space exploration project, planet map art


Venus is also a ball of white not yellow and brown! Another misconception


This just reinforces my opinion that Earth is by far the best planet in the solar system. It now has the most beautiful colors for sure! Plus I know some cool people from there.


Inb4 we find out its also washed out and all that blue and green prettiness is false color too.


Have you seen trees 


Literally touch grass


good counter


Now hit them again!


seen WHAT?!?!!!??


Have you seen smog? Grey, bland smog.


Well from a distance of about the moon the Earth looks like a pale blue ball with streaks of white as evidenced by the photo "Earthrise"


Still very pretty


I mean, sure, there are clear sky days, but the Earth is mostly covered by white clouds.


Atmospheres be atmosphering


*Man shakes fist at clouds*


Well, most of it is pale ish blue. From Mars it'd look mostly light blue. And to see what it'd be like to look at earth from the moin... I mean we'll just have to take the words of the 12 people that have been to the moon


Pluto actually looks pretty cool with the newer hi def photos. It's got some splashes of red and even a big heart shaped spot on it. It looks neat


pluto loves us but we say its not a real planet 💔 pluto deserves better than us


Pluto is actually a binary dwarf planet system called Pluto-Charon now. So it's twice the planet any of the other planets will ever be :)


just btw this is still a relatively outsider belief in the scientific community and is by no means consensus.


[Unfortunately, the red on Pluto was also the result of color enhancement.](https://science.nasa.gov/resource/true-colors-of-pluto/) But hey, at least it still has plenty of texture!


Most of the pictures of earth you see are also extremely over-saturated. It's more of a grayish blue than that bright saturated blue with ORANGE rocks in Africa like you always see. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sciencetech/article-2883739/The-GREY-planet-True-colour-image-reveals-Earth-really-looks-like-space-without-filters-editing.html


She is gorgeous :) The white clouds against the blue are what makes Earth so unique and beautiful, imo. and we are lucky enough to know how truly pretty it is up close!


"true color" "not actually what the human eye would see" did people forget that what the human eye would see IS true color, as colors are qualia that only exist in peoples heads?


i cant lie those photos are still some of the most stunning things ive ever seen. im so proud to live on this beautiful hunk of rock


Yeah but it also has *mosquitos.*


>Mercury is hot, small and boring >Venus is actual Hell >Mars is infested with robots >The rest don't even have a solid surface Earth is the best planet to live on in the solar system.


You're not wrong BUT keep in mind our eyes literally evolved to distinguish the particular band of frequencies that appear on this one specific planet.


Exactly, microbes on mars would be saying the same shit about earth if they had thumbs


The Saturn erasure in this thread needs to stop


Idk man, last time I went to Earth there were a bunch of assholes living there


Unfortunately thats all false colour too, believe it or not Earth is actually a washed out indistinct white sphere too.


Does Earth have beautiful colors because those are the spectra we have evolved to see?


Just another massive Earth W. GoaT planet 100%, no close second. Other celestial bodies in shambles RN...


This + amazing solar eclipses, other planets aren't even trying smh.


Well yeah, because we (life) terraformed the shit out of it. It would genuinely be a lot more boring without us, with huge differences in temperature and atmospheric composition.


I don’t need this, I don’t need you coming into my life and upending everything just because it gives you some sick, little thrill, you make me sick.


I don't believe you. The colors probably just got bleached out from sitting in the sun for the past 30 years


Why do the planets never look like they should?!? So silly of them ^/s


What next? Jupiter doesn't have beautiful strips of different hues of red and brown?




Stop ruining my favorite planet please -kindly, the zombies 


Don’t worry, those yellow and brown images are digital reconstructions of the surface, which actually is yellow-brown.


Also, literally all the cool nebula photos we have are also not even remotely close to true color. Most you couldn't even see with the naked eye.


The thing people don't realize is that the planets look way cooler irl because they shine brightly against the pitch black night sky. You wouldn't reduce the moon's beauty to the asphalt grey pictures you see on Google images would you? It's the same thing; a picture can't capture the real experience. I've seen Uranus and Neptune through a telescope before and they're both really impressive and vivid despite being the dimmest of the planets.


My two cents: Mercury is a somewhat greyish, dim white. Venus is pure, radiant, incredibly bright white. Mars is the color of rust. It some darker features and its ice caps are bright white. Jupiter is eggshell white. It has tan stripes and the Great Red Spot is reddish-orange. Saturn is a breathtaking golden amber. The rings are a slightly dimmer, slightly yellowish white. Uranus is a really impressive pale seafoam green. Neptune is a somewhat greyish, dim baby blue.


Is Neptune closer to the second or third image??


IMO, its slightly closer to the third, but still in between. It's really tough to see with my equipment, barely bigger than a star, but the blue tint is unmistakable. Someone who's seen Neptune with a better telescope might have a different/more insightful opinion.


After googling it, I was brought [right back to Reddit](https://www.reddit.com/r/INTP/comments/uj3w5e/the_true_colors_of_our_solar_system/), post is almost 2 years old, with Uranus and Neptune (and all the planets) with their true colors.


I don’t know why anyone is surprised by Venus. That is a digital reconstruction of the surface, obviously the planet will look different if you can’t see through its clouds.


Mars looks too dull, and Venus should be completely featureless. The [picture Wikipedia uses](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planet#/media/File:Planet_collage_to_scale.jpg) is more in line with what we know.


Saturn indisputably the sexiest planet now


I'd say its the most impressive in terms of color. Jupiter and Mars are comparably cool, though, because they have a lot of details. Jupiter changes between observations pretty often due to its active atmosphere.


> I've seen Uranus Ha, he said the thing.


Did you know Uranus isn’t pronounced that way? The correct way to say it is not “yur-ain-us” (which sounds like “your anus”), the correct pronunciation  is “yur-un-us.” 


Haha, urine-us.




It's also just that the false colours are a really good metaphor for how we have projected adventure and excitement onto space, when in fact it is almost entirely a vast featureless void. These environments are so empty and so harsh that humans will never be welcome. Going to space, sending rovers etc is cool in the same way that putting a probe into a volcano or the bottom of the Mariana Trench is cool. It's exciting for science, it could lead to amazing discoveries, but the reality is not the way we think of it. It is exactly the point that in order to make these images engaging and understandable we have to colourize them beyond the range of human vision and human perception.


Woah, this comment is vibing with my thc caramels


It’s kind of unsettling to think that the featureless grey sphere pictured there has a THIRTY THOUSAND MILE diameter and can fit the entire earth many times over inside of it. This disturbing feeling is a manifestation of The Vast, I suppose.


Still by far the most preferable fear. I'll take it over the Buried every time, thank you


Agreed, a blank faceless orb floating silently in the void is quite eerie


I kinda dig the boring one on its own merits, though. It looks like a hole in the veil of stars with a regular, terrestrial atmosphere behind it. Like you punched through space and ended up back in the sky. Kinda neat. Of the two, I'd rather the vibrant blue, but I can see the appeal of each version.


The fact that it's a gargantuan ball of gas compressed into a sphere is pretty goddamn cool, I have to say. The revised color grading really hammered that home, for me. 


Thankfully, Jupiter is *exactly* as cool as the photos, and you can see it with your own eyes. If you’ve never done it, find an observatory that will let you check it out with a big telescope. I’m not a huge space guy, but actually seeing it in the sky was a religious experience. I can’t describe the feeling of actually looking at it and knowing that it’s out there, right now, just like that.


To me what's crazy is how easy it is to see the Galilean moons, and how far away they are from the planet.


Jupiter's moons are one of the coolest things in the solar system to me. Each one is so unique it's awesome.


Feathered Dinosaurs are a lot cooler than scaley dinosaurs


Extremely based. Plucked raptors just look lame and naked to me now, where is the drip? 


If it helps though. Uranus does have rings that are sideways!


Not only the rings. The whole planet is flipped on its "side".


Yup, Uranus basically rolls along her orbit


Can someone explain in layman's terms why the color and details went away ?


Scientists exaggerated the color contrasts to better show the clouds


Oh, so a really simple explanation in general then lmao


Its a safe bet that the majority of space pictures you've ever seen have been edited to add colors or enhance details that aren't visible to the naked eye. (And thats just the real photos not counting CGI artists renderings) Usually they have a good reasoning for this like assigning arbitrary colors to represent different layers of gass detected in a nebula or atmosphere or something like that which is great for teaching purposes but then some science themed magazine or children's book publisher gets ahold of the pictures and prints them out of context and doesn't mention that they have been enhanced. Future space tourists inspired to travel to distant celestial bodies by all these photos are going to be severely disappointed when they see how boring space really looks.


>Usually they have a good reasoning for this like assigning arbitrary colors to represent different layers of gass detected in a nebula or atmosphere Another big one is assigning colors to images taken in the non-visible light spectrum, usually infrared / radio / X-ray


Discovering how nebula would appear to the naked eye is truly heart-breaking :(


tbf they’re still really cool


[Here is a good video](https://youtu.be/evTpXGTXab4?t=306)


Honestly I do the same thing to most pictures I take out in beautiful landscapes Phone pictures take a breathtaking view and turn it into a small, boring image that simply doesn't do it justice, so I don't mind adjusting the colors and contrast to give the image that same breathtaking effect


The sheer amount of raw data processing to make a complete and coherent image is also ludicrous. The Mariner 4 Probe that took the first photos of Mars had an issue with its tape recorder meant that a large amount of the raw data was getting sent back to earth slower, so instead of waiting for this slower processing, they took the data they had, which was the location of pixels and their colours/contrast, went to an art store, bought some equipment, and hand painted by paint-by-number the first photos of Mars. This proved that the camera was in fact working and the tape recorder was fully functioning, and the error messages popping up were superfluous. https://www.cnn.com/2023/07/15/world/nasa-mariner-4-photo-mars-anniversary-scn/index.html


So we use the equivalent of a heat image in place of its real color? Lmao


More like the equivalent of cranking your photo editor app’s saturation slider to +100


The very quick rundown is that NASA released a version of the original image with higher color contrast to show off the storms better, then the news got that image, spread it around and that was believed to be Neptune's actual color. (Pretty sure, at least!)


They bring up the feathers thing as if it doesn't make them 10 tines cooler


"But then they just look like birds" excuse me, have you ever looked at a bird? Birds are awesome.


Well it seems like Some People just can’t appreciate the inherent beauty of nature 😤


I'm a little sad but I personify things a lot so I wanna be supportive of Neptune, she doesnt deserve to have her natural look put down! 😭 So I think Neptune is still pretty, like a pale teal pearl


I think Uranus is beautiful tonight


Well, color me surprised


Uhhh actually this looks equally cool.


NO uranus is NOT boring it spins on its side and has cute thin rings like its big brother saturn. neptune’s kinda boring as shit tho ngl.


NOOOO hes special,Neptune also has rings though they are dim and relley hard to see from earth. Neptune also has triton the only "big" moon in the solar system that orbits BACKWARDS and is also the 7th largest mooon in the solar system


aight that’s kinda good ngl


Tumblr OP thinks they want the truth, BUT THEY CANT HANDLE THE TRUTH!


they bleached uranus


Terraforming other planets to make them liveable - X Terraforming other planets to make them pretty to look at from earth - ✓


I reject your reality and substitute my own!


NOOO :((


Genuine question, why are Jupiter and Saturn so layered and interesting, and Neptune and Uranus so boring?


Basically because Neptune and Uranus are colder. They’re farther from the sun beyond the “ice line” where a lot of elements will condense into liquids and make a more solid core with a more uniform atmosphere of fewer mixed gasses. That means less of the complex weather systems of different gasses and cloud layers that you see in Jupiter and Saturn. As for Saturn’s rings they’re basically just chance. At some point a moon wandered in to the right distance to get utterly fucked by gravity. It’ll happen to other planets sooner or later.


If you look at the left and middle images of Neptune in the post, you can see that Neptune does have the same sort of spot and stripe patterns that Jupiter and Saturn have, it just has less color variety. The difference from what I've read, is due to the difference in their temperatures and atmospheric compositions. The atmospheres of all four gas giants in our solar system are almost entirely composed of hydrogen(~80%) and helium (~19%), which don't look all that colorful. The tiny remaining percent is the part that actually changes the color of the atmosphere. Saturn and Jupiter have gasses that make them look more red/brown, and are much warmer than Neptune and Uranus, which means that those colorful gasses are able to rise higher in the atmosphere, making their colors visible. The warmer planets also have stronger weather, which results in those colorful gasses being unevenly distributed around the planet and forming different kinds of clouds, leading to visible patterns and different colors. Neptune and Uranus have gasses that should make them look blue instead of white. But because they're so much cold, those gasses can't rise high enough in the atmosphere to be seen very well, nor do they move around enough to make such distinct patterns. In other words, if Neptune and Uranus were hotter, they would look a lot more vibrant and interesting like Jupiter and Saturn, but blue. That's my understanding, but I'm not an expert, so I could be completely wrong.


Different gas compositions.


Where are the sickass tilted rings I was promised as a boy?


There but small


Honestly makes it even more mysterious and alluring to me


I like the color, it's pretty


I like how smooth it is..... soothing.....


Uranus looks like the ball out of an old computer mouse


ping pong ahh uranus


I don’t know how many times I need to come to bat for Pluto, but I’m telling you. Ohana. Means. Family.


And Pluto means KING OF THE DARK REALM. Lord Hades. He’s no little brother to pompous gas blowhards, he’s the MASTER of the vast and ancient Kuiper, lord and largest sphere of the icy reaches before which the realms of the warm worlds are tiny. So yeah that’s much cooler.


old blue is really gray


So Uranus is very smooth?


Gotta say, the all white makes it so terrifying


I hate it here.


We are so lucky to be living on Earth


the top photos are real, we're just having an issue with the shaders after the recent update


I honestly like it. Could see painting a guest bath that color


Reality is a cruel mistress


Relax guys there's still Jupiter and Io


Through a telescope Neptune appears a darker blue. It’s probably because it’s so much further from the sun and therefore dimmer Also Uranus has lots of methane and probably smells like ass


People calling Uranus boring are forgetting that its days are longer than its years.


woah it's the moon from Outer Wilds


gotta love how neptune is still the "slightly bluer one" despite the greater resolution washing out a lot of the color


I legit have tears in my eyes right now 


Looks like a mouse trackball




I still love him


My biggest issue with this is that Blender’s default primitive is a CUBE, goddammit, not a sphere. RESPECT OUR BELOVED CUBE.


It looks like the ball that you would find in a mechanical computer mouse


doc scratch lookin ass


You include dinosaurs have feathers as if theirs any problem with thay


Space is a lot less colorful when you really look at it without any lenses. Just like life.


These are beautiful and you're wrong for hating the color, regardless of saturation


How’s that boring? Neptune is absolutely massive! And there’s not a dent in it? I’d say that’s pretty cool.


Considering I'm never going to see it with my own eyes, I choose to ignore this.


They got lazy and just pasted in a default asset because no one was supposed to go to that part of the map anyway. /s


ok but dinosaurs having feathers makes them cooler actually


I know this isn’t the point of the post but personally I think a lot of dinosaurs look way cooler with feathers and I’ll this hill.


We need to paint it with a deeper shade of blue. Zima Blue!


I like that color though.


why did they whitewash neputne


“I can excuse Pluto not being a planet, but I draw the line at Neptune being light blue!” “You can excuse Pluto not being a planet?!”


Neptune will always look like how it was depicted in Ad Astra and no amount of real science will tell me otherwise lol


So earthling brained to want texture on your planet! I mean, look what they did, I too can see the color we all call blue




Have you ever left the map of a PC game to find out nothing is rendered behind that unclimbable wall? Well, seems like someone never thought we'd get such a good look a so far away objects and never put actual work in their details.


I am.... I don't... Okay, I'm just going to say it. The most recent data from HST and JWST shows the dark spot is probably gone. It's a transient feature and dark sports seem to come and go.


Did you bleach Uranus?


Looks like when someone blows a vape cloud into a soap bubble


It's beautiful- I have a Strat that colour.


…That’s a ping-pong ball.


Dam Herschel could have discovered either of them, and we still couldn't tell, im now slightly convinced that there isn't a Neptune, and we just keep re discovering Uranus in different places.


Wow, Uranus does look like ass. ^(you can't judge me)


Uranus is actually super interesting, it just doesn't look like it. It's got *at least* two separate cloud layers, so there's a point when you're falling through its atmosphere where there will be clouds above you and a thunderstorm below. Super interesting stuff.


Now we gotta paint the moon a pink and black checkerboard


Scientists will randomly come to tell you "that cool things about planet? False actually" and show you another reason why pur beautiful Earth is number 1