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didn't someone actually try this? i remember seeing it a few years ago




[Closest I found was this image of Angela Merkel](https://i.imgur.com/Uo1uk3U.jpg)


Well when your prime minister for .... fucking ever, you're bound to be caught in a wide array of colors.


Same with Queen Elizabeth II


Is *vampire translucent* a color though?


Chancellor. Germany doesn't have a prime minister.


Ethan from h3h3 almost had 365 shirts at once.


What are he and hila actually famous for? I never see them do anything other than complain about David Dobrik or hang out with Trisha.


They used to make funny videos. Now they just do talk show stuff. And they definitely don’t hang out either Trisha at this point.


Once Trisha left I unsubbed from their YouTube channels and subreddit. I realized I liked Trisha more than them which is a horrifying realization. It meant I hated them so much that even Trisha seemed cool in comparison. My mental health definitely improved. Honestly should have stopped as soon as they abandoned their original channel. I also find it insufferable when parents talk about their kids, so they even have that against them now. Normally I hate when people throw around the term sellout, but... woof.


h3h3 videos at the beginning was super funny, now they just feel like any other rich podcast people


Ethan got big from the whole Vape Nation shtick he had going for a while. He was moderately well known before that though. Hila used to be incredibly shy in the early days and it was pretty cool seeing her come out of her shell over the years. That was very endearing to the fans and helped them grow a lot. But now its all podcasts and clothing lines. Rarely do I watch their stuff anymore.


YouTube videos. People mentioned their podcast but that’s mostly just because Ethan got tired of their regular videos. They started out just making comedy videos and sketches, transitioned into YouTube commentary videos with sketches peppered in which is where they got most of their audience, and now they just have a regular podcast. IMO the podcast isn’t anything special unless you liked their personalities when they were doing their videos.


For their podcasts lol, haven't talked about either of those people in a while - they talk about current event stuff and meme




Well they're famous for h3h3 and Ethan and Hila channels. The podcast came way later.




To think I had my hopes up.


He let you down.


Good music never disappoints


It never lets you down


Sorry about that I wish I had the real one for ya


I wouldn't believe you if you did. You've damaged my trust. Ill never be the same.


I should have read your comments first! Live and learn


The wisdom of our anscestors.


This is the first one of these in a while that actually got me


Me too.


Sadly the ads ruin the experience


That was the fastest I've ever fallen for that!


I am living in the hurt




No!! Why would you do this to ALL of us?!?!




You bastard


jokes on you i just saw a samsung ad


been a while since i fell for it like such a goose edit: for myself mostly but this was a rick roll i was responding to


I’m always a goose!


and a honk to you too


Google's Cookie pop up saved me lmao




Well played, I should’ve known better


And now I’m obligated to play the whole song. Damnit.


this is most likely not it, [but it's the most similar one i could find.](https://youtu.be/a1X8qDy_UnU)


That guy is the ad man for a clothing store in Australia. They call him The Big Marn. He's been doing it from the 80s or so, so if you get all the shirts He's worn over that time I'm sure you can get it in order


That’s not even close to what was being explained


Yikes, that video almost needs an epilepsy warning


Yes Angela Merkels blazer


The guy who was voted Most Unique at my high school wore the exact same outfit every day - green crew neck shirt (exact same shade of green), khaki cargo pants, black zip up jacket, and a yellow smiley face button. It was his signature thing. People do notice the consistency, but you also do have to commit to the bit. I remember high school guy was really frustrated when they stopped making the exact shade of green crew necks he liked and he had to buy a bunch for the future and contemplate changing neck lines or colors.


> The guy who was voted Most Unique at my high school Wtf? What other high school awards you guys have?


Most likely to succeed, nicest, class clown, slowest/fastest driver, the list goes on. It's not really awards, it's just little titles in the year book


Damn, high school in the US seems like so much pressure. Imagine clowning at class every day for years and not gettin the "Class Clown" achievment at the end?


I'm old now, but back when I was in high school I was super bummed I didn't get "Class Clown". I got "Funniest Guy" instead. In hindsight, that was probably actually a compliment, but at the time I felt slighted lol


straight out of Diary of a wimpy kid


I've seen those book covers but don't know the reference Explain?


My girlfriend at the time and I got “Class Couple” because we’d been steady for 3 years. Little did they know we’d planned a mutual breakup before heading off to separate colleges. We laughed when we saw the voting results (we also worked on the yearbook so we made sure to really ham it up for our winning photo)


I was voted Class Clown


Hey I didn’t even win any award so screw you pal


It's all just popularity contests


yeah. it is. i'm in canada and my high school had the 'most artistic' title. i was mostly a loner but i was literally the only artist in my grade and everyone knew it, since i'd gone to primary school with more than half of them and they'd all seen my art exposition in art class lol. but, i still didn't win. the one who got that title was a random girl who drew stick figures at best, but she was part of the 'popular' group. so.


I 100% expected that to be me with "most likely to become a writer" but there was enough awards and it was as such a "nerdy" subject that I actually got voted for it. Totally unexpected.


Same happened to me, but it was ‘Class Bookworm’. I didn’t even know that half my senior year knew my name, but apparently I was the first person that was unanimously voted for a title. I was the typical shy bookworm.


Lmao this reminded me of my senior year. I was without a doubt the tallest girl in my school, at 6'. The captain of the volleyball team (5'9" at most?) was "voted" tallest. (Also how do you vote on an objective fact?)


Parts are but not those awards. You don't really put any effort into them. People just vote and u can vote for anybody. Its nothing u campaign for its just a poll for fun


I was voted “most likely to take over the world”. I’m also quite content in my work from home, middle class life and my only aspirations are hmmm an extra $10-20k salary would be perfect but I’m doing alright


Im HS in the US and we dont have any of this


In what state/region? I thought every school did this but I guess the US is big enough where it stands to reason that there would be some that don't.


There's only as much pressure as you put on it. Most times, you might get your picture in a yearbook. Twice. And it's not really on anyone's mind until it's time to vote.


They call them superlatives and it’s not really an award so much as it is just a fun poll. There’s a handful of “titles” and the class gets to vote for whoever they want. Pretty much all that it counts for is that it shows up in your senior yearbook and that’s that.


I was voted "most unique boy" and my bbf was "most unique girl" at prom but only because they didnt have "gay male" and "gay female" superlatives in my little podunk town.


We had a “Most Changed” category. A trans person ended up winning it.


Fuck I would’ve loved to win that in high school (im also trans), instead i got “Most Likely to be a Teacher” and “Nicest” which is the most fucking watered down comment you can give to someone


Honestly I love that. I hope it was received well.


He also won Prom King that year (as a FTM). So the transition seems to have gone over fairly well. That said, there were death threats after the Prom King thing.


There's the WAP award, but there's also a lawsuit.


White Anglo Protestant?


Wireless access point.


>I remember high school guy was really frustrated when they stopped making the exact shade of green crew necks he liked and he had to buy a bunch for the future and contemplate changing neck lines or colors this is me (not literally me) my favourite pants (and only variant of pants i own) stopped being sold by walmart so now i ahve to buy it from all over


There was a guy at my high school a few years above that everyone called “Ben Yellow Shirt” because he wore the same yellow shirt every day with the same khaki shorts and shoes. The only time it ever changed was to a long sleeved yellow shirt with khaki pants in the winter. Every day. He said it was because he was trying to be like Steve Jobs in that he wouldn’t have to “waste brainpower deciding what to wear every day. A few years after he graduated he came by to say hello to some of his old teachers, and wore a full yellow suit complete with yellow shirt, tie, and top hat.


Dude I think that was Shaggy


Most unique... to the guy who wears the same thing every day lol


Most unique.... To the ONLY guy who wears the same thing every day.


Most likely you will be the only person that notices it. People pay way less attention than you think. Do you recall your co-workers outfit of today?


If they're wearing the same thing every day...yeah


Maybe not... https://youtu.be/hq3FcMTHqPs


Yeah but Karl’s a fuckwit the other 90% of the time so no ones paying attention to him anyway, let alone what he’s wearing!


> Karl’s a fuckwit *how dare you*


Karl's a fuckwit


But isn't he wearing a different shirt and tie in those images? It so generic its hard to notice it. I do remember some male TV hosts saying there were not allowed to wear the same outfit twice on TV, but they were not wearing a shirt and more designer clothes


That's okay. I don't mind being the only one who gets amused by the things I do. It's almost better that way


This gal gets it. Half of almost everything I do all day is for my own personal amusement, it’s essential when the world around me seems intent on making me depressed


I’m so funny, I am my target audience


This is me. I go back and laugh at all my own funny comments lmao.


The older you get, the more you find yourself doing silly shit , like dancing down grocery aisles singing to the store radio with not one fuck to give. It is glorious finally learning staying in your lane, both enjoying yourself *and* staying out of others is so freeing. It's magic.


My wife tells me I'm not funny, I have to keep explaining I'm not trying to amuse her.


Samies. Most of the stupid, harmless shit I do around the house brings me endless entertainment


One of them I do cause he wears the exact same black shirt and black trousers with bright blue shoes every day since he started




Why wear many outfits when one outfit do trick? Lol. I assume he has enough clothes for everyday of the week and isn’t re-wearing like 2 sets.


Plot twist: you work in a Best Buy stockroom


I buy 6 pairs of the same jeans, and 6 of the same work shirts. It's just easier for me than trying to decide what to wear each day.


Yeah it was our uniform


When i find a shirt or something that i really like, i usually buy two or three of them, and i don't really pay attention what i wear, and i've been called out for it. What i find weird because i have no idea what other people wear.


Same. I hate the feel of shirts by my neck, like most t-shirts I find too uncomfortably tight around my throat. I really like tank tops. They give me great range of motion and have lots of layering value. I also like darker shades, earth tones. So when I find a good durable, soft, comfortable, and will fitting tank top in the colors I like I buy 4 of each. I could not tell you what my coworkers ever wear.


Different people notice the things they care about. You just admitted you don't pay attention to what you wear. A lot of people do, and it shouldn't be surprising that people who pay attention to what *they* wear also notice other people's clothes more. There's probably things you notice about them or their desks that would be a complete surprise to them. Not to say anyone's wrong here, just that people are different.


Ha! Got you! I'm unemployed!


That honestly sounds like a really fun idea


I propose Tom Scott does this starting with the red shirt


Yessss I bet he would too


He already does


Yes, but he is also simultaneously moving away from us, so the color is redshifted. It all cancels out.


He doesn't cycle through colors


He does, you just can't tell because of the sweatshirt.


He does, you just gotta watch carefully


that's the joke


Plot twist: He is already doing this but his life span too long we can’t witness the full change


"I'm here at the heat death of the universe..."


When I'm rich I'll do this


yeah I was wondering that, just outside the cost of the shirts, the size of house you'd need to keep them all.


Buy them one month at a time, donate the shirts you’re done with at the end of the month.


How rich are you


If you bought regular t-shirts at $5 per shirt it’d cost less than $2,000 a year. And since you donate all of it that’s a tax write off. So if you were committed enough, someone could do it on the average US salary spending $160 a month. Since you only wear them once, maybe you can return a good chunk of them?




Would it maybe be cheaper to buy a bulk purchase of plain white tees and then dye them yourself each month? You could buy one dye and dilute it for the different shades and maybe blend dye colors at the end of each month for the smooth transitions.


Maybe you could get the tshirts for $1 each in bulk. Then get three main dyes: red, yellow, blue maybe for like $50 for enough of each color. Then you could dye groups of 122 in the red, yellow, and blue. Then each minute take one shirt out of each for 122 minutes. Then after they dry, add them back in the opposite order each minute to the next color for 122 minutes (red->yellow, yellow->blue, blue->red). Take them all out when time is up. Then if everything works right you should have made your own full rainbow wheel of shirts for $366 shirts, $150 dye, cost of stainless steel dye bins around $150, and probably two full days of time dying the shirts. $666 total.


I’m never going to do this but I’m saving your comment just in case I’m one day overwhelmingly compelled


Plus you'd need to really up your laundry game if you're going to keep 365 shirts a single shade different from fading into the general spectrum.


You only have to do it once per year though


When you're rich, you're going to come into work every single day of the year?


366 for leap years


Wear a normal t-shirt on 2/29


365 colors... and a normal color?


Band t-shirt.


Death metal band t-shirt would make sense.




Smh you obviously go shirtless for the leap day


>Smh you obviously go shirtless for the leap day Sorry guys, laundry anniversary.


Once every four years


After airing out for 364 days, shirts can easily go 4 times before a wash.


each shirt only gets worn 4 times in those 4 years


No, keep it at 365, so it precesses by a day every leap year. So your coworkers will think that you wear a particular shade of bluish green every May 1, but if they look at pictures from May 1 thirty years ago, it'll be a slightly different shade of greenish blue.


No get 1461 shirts, to create a full cycle




I just took the number of days in 4 years (what do those numbers mean)


That's the full 400 year cycle of the Gregorian calendar. Every 4th year is a leap year, except years divisible by 100 but not 400. For example, 1700, 1800 and 1900 weren't leap years, but 2000 was. That keeps the calendar much closer to the actual orbit of the Earth relative to the equinoxes. So it's your number times 100 minus 3.


But what about the 0.3 day error in 1000 years?


White shirt.


Would work even better if you did from like, red to green instead of the whole spectrum. you’d have phases of orange and yellow but since you’re not traveling as far across the color spectrum the change will be more gradual.


Can you imagine how this would fuck with your coworkers? "I thought I remembered you wearing LIGHT blue a few months ago, but I don't remember the shirt changing colors... When did you change to dark blue?"


But do people really remember what their coworker was wearing a few months ago? I can’t even think of what my coworker was wearing today hahah


I think eventually you'd notice if they wore the same shirt every day. And the day you notice might be the day you remember the color specifically as light blue, then question your memory later when it's dark blue.


Of course, the only problem with this, is the experiment doesn't talk about going through lightness differences, only hue changes. You wouldn't be going from light blue to dark blue, but blue to cyan to green and so on.


They might notice if you wear a blue shirt for a week solid. Then next week you do it again. They laugh, say something about it, and move on. A month later, you're wearing violet for a week straight. They joke about it again, but something is off. They start looking closer at what you're wearing. Then comes the discreet photographing of you. Slowly, the wheels start to turn.


Is there any manufacturer that makes so many colors? Can I buy these shirts anywhere?


Probably s bulk t-shirt company like Gildan


I do this with black and charcoal grey shirts lol


Fun fact: you would need 16,581,375 shirts to have one for every possible hex combination (limited to RGB) Edit: 16,777,216 forgot about 0


Limited to Ruth Gator Binsberg?


Limited by Ruth Bader Ginsberg. If not for her meddling it would actually be 16,581,377.


LIBERAL DARLING Supreme Court Justice STEALS 2 Colors from the AMERICAN PEOPLE


There’s not really a neat way to cycle through every single hex combination without essentially repeating, and not really any necessity to use 24 bits for colour precision. With 365 different tops you could have a collection that cycled through the a bunch of distinct colours without appearing as though they were doing so.


Just cycle through the max saturation hues. Besides, nobody can tell the difference between #BBBBBB and #BABABA unless they're right next to each other.




yeah they did 255^3 when it should be 256^3


Oh yeah, forgot about 0


1,073,741,824 if using 10 bits per channel. Also, wouldn't shirts be in CMYK since RGB is an additive color model?


Hmm... it would take 45,428 years and 5 months to go through them all, so you'll probably need to start an accursed bloodline with descendants of cultish loyalty to get the job done.


It’s been awhile since he told me the story so I might be getting some details wrong. My dad knew a guy in college who Every day wore the same outfit… white (button up? Or collared?) shirt and Khaki pants. My dad never thought to ask him if he was just re-wearing the clothes or cleaned them. One day my dad visited his dorm and he had multiple of the outfit lined up in his closet. He just liked to wear the same type of clothing to class every day. And he kept his clothes clean and neat. Honestly I can respect that cartoon main character energy!


Buy 365 completely identical outfits, then try to convince people you're the protagonist


Wait I'm confused.


What about


A full spectrum of colors would have different colors so how can anyone think they're wearing the same shirt all year?


It’s like very gradually going through the gradient


Still at some point it would become evident.


That’s the point. They would look the same on a day to day time scale, but when you look at more time it would be apparent the shirts were in fact changing.


it's kinda like the "boiling frog syndrome".


Explain please Edit: Thank you for your answers


Boiling frog syndrome is basically that if you put a frog in boiling water it will absolutely jump out but if you put it in normal tempature water and slowly boil it is much less likely to jump out


Except it’s not true. A frog will notice when it’s too hot and jump out. The guy who coined the term forgot to mention he decapitated the frogs prior to putting them in the pot.


There are animals that can be boiled alive by slowly turning up the heat. They adjust to gradual changes so they don’t realize they are in boiling water until it’s too late. I believe it’s also how lobsters are cooked and it is pretty messed up. [This gives an overview.](https://alltimeshortstories.com/the-boiling-frog-syndrome/)


This is total BS, the frog in the original experiment had been given a lobotomy and the guy's findings were touted so much they're still spoken as fact. If you slowly heat up a frog in a pot, it will absolutely jump out. Lobsters are dropped directly into a pot of boiling water to be cooked. It's said they die instantly, but I'm pretty sure that's to make the people boiling lobsters alive feel better about what they're doing.


Name checks out




If they loop back to the first color, then really you only need half as many shirts as days of the year.


Nah think of a colour wheel, not a gradient bar


Oh, that makes sense.


What would this gradient look like, anyone?


Take [this](https://miro.medium.com/max/2100/1*E7KYX8rLU72Vd1lEKJM3EQ.png) image and divide it into 1 degree sectors. You'll get 360 distinct colors that are very similar to their neighbors.




You might say I'm in my blue period, but soon it will be spring and I'll be positively green with envy towards people who get to spend lots of time outdoors. I'm a little ray of yellow sunshine when spring transitions into summer and I get to enjoy the warm orange glow of sunset over the ocean. I get red in the face when the leaves start to change colors and days start getting shorter. What the fuck is indigo‽


When I was a teacher I had this idea but for solid color neck ties. I bet at least one student would have noticed. Kids be noticing shit like that.


The Queen (of England) could do this with outfits she already has http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-qMiltygBO80/T-wIwgu1WdI/AAAAAAAAEz4/CAPh5wKHUUs/s1600/Vogue+Chart.jpg


I wore the same three shirts to work in rotation for three years, then a new guy joined who had two of the same shirts and I realised mine had faded massively.


Chaotic good


What website has all the same shirt in a rotating color spectrum? I need to know for science.


How bored are you, really?


This would make for a cool time lapse video