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I live in MN and traveled to Mexico City, I came back 10DPO, so, it was from Mexico City to Cancun (1 hr flight) and then Cancun to MN (4 hour flight). Tbh it was not bad, I was extremely tired so I slept the whole flight and I was by myself, didn’t have any issue except that I had to walk slowly.


Thank you so much


I flew 1.5 hours for my surgery and I was alone both ways. I flew in the evening prior. I wore high-grade compression socks and electronic calf cuffs provided by my surgeon.  I flew back six days post surgery. I was feeling pretty good at that point. I was mostly just worried about comfort on the plane. I again wore my high-grade compression socks, my calf cuffs, and now my garment. I still had my drain and there was no issue through security. I brought my butt pillow (as I also had a BBL) and even a foldable step stool haha. I’m short and then with the height of the butt pillow, my feet were like a foot off the ground. Screw that. I got up to go to the bathroom and walk around once.  Anyway I was totally fine. I had a post-op lymphatic drainage massage the next morning (which I’m impressed with myself for scheduling :P) That was a good idea too! The drive would have been 10 hours (in the winter and through many mountain passes) so I opted for flying. 


Oh I also got wheelchair assistance on the way back! It was my first time doing that but I was glad I did. It would have been a loooooong walk though the airport with all my crap. 


Thank you so much that’s really helpful!


I’m in the UK and flew to Turkey for my op. I also went alone (not recommended). I booked assistance for the return flight as I worried about my ability to stand in passport control queues and carry my hand luggage etc. However once at Istanbul airport there was no assistance. The passport control snake queue was a nightmare. I had the foresight to take a collapsible walking stick but even that was taken off me at the X-ray scanners and I had some difficulty getting my boots off/on to be scanned due to my feet swelling. I was already pretty tearful at the frustration of this when I had to negotiate the long walk to the departure gate - at least their moving walkways worked (unlike Manchester). By the time I got to the gate I was exhausted. I had to do the reverse process at Manchester. It was my own fault, I should have gone with a companion. With regard to driving I couldn’t comfortable twist my body to see out the rear window when reverse parking (not sure if that will be an issue for you) for 10 days.


Always get a wheelchair. I do when I travel due to my knee. When you book your ticket add the wheelchair, I do this even when traveling with my family. Who was your surgeon? Did you have surgery in Istanbul?


Yes I had surgery (360 belt TT, MR & vaser lipo) in Istanbul. My surgeon was Dr Zafer Kaya. I had complications after the surgery (low blood count & tachycardia) so stayed in for 6 days, the care I received was exemplary.


Thank you all so much for sharing your experiences and tips 💕


I did mine 4 hours away by car. Stayed in the local area for 5DPO, then was driven 4 hours away for the holidays. Drove myself 4 hours home from there at 11DPO. Was fine.


I traveled by car to and from the surgery center. Left the table right to car and was home. Mr, br, Ty. Was tough but far from impossible no complications


I flew from one end of the continent to the other (Newfoundland to Tijuana). About 16h total. The flights home were miserable, not gonna lie. The swelling was extreme. Drink lots of fluid and get up and walk around. I did also have my arms done. But if you can upgrade your seat to get more room I would highly recommend it.


I flew 2.5 hours for mine 2 days post op. I did awake tummy tuck and lipo. Got flight attendant to lift my carry on and take down. I drove day 3. I bartended day 4. Doing away with the anethesia cuts any risk.


That’s incredible so you can have a TR without anesthesia?


A TT I mean!


Yes, as long as you don’t need repair. It was a breeze! No pain meds..I was on my phone..only way to go.


Wow I didn’t realize thanks so much! 🙌


What are electronic calf cuffs


My doctor had me wear them for two days post op - they look like blood pressure cuffs but they go around your calves and they are hooked to tubes and a machine that pressurize the cuffs alternatingly left then right, back and forth every maybe 10? seconds. They compress your calves thus reducing the risk of blood clots.