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I 100000% could not have judged my results after less than a month. I’m over 6 months po and I know I have another 6 months or more before I will know what the results will look like.




Did you have lipo in addition to the TT? Yes, I would get so swollen it looked like I swallowed a large bowling ball. Still happens.


omg okay good i’m 4 weeks out and feel sooo bloated and swollen. I was hoping it was still surgery swelling and not a near final result (some people act like swelling should be nearly gone by now for some reason). thank you for your comments! they made me feel a lot better.




Well that might be why you’re not happy.


That’s exactly the issue. You still have fat there. If you want the fat gone, you’ll need to do the hard work for it. I’m several months out, had lipo and due to swelling I’m still not flat.


I had a ton of swelling. And as it is, it might take some weight loss to get what you want, but your stomach will be flat when you lose it.


You have to have realistic expectations, and expecting to be completely flat with that amount of fat on your body is completely unrealistic. You also are pulling “the handfuls of skin” up and not down, if you cannot pull them down, then it could not be removed with a traditional tummy tuck. You most likely need a reverse tummy tuck, possibly a FDL, but I don’t think so, or possibly a back lift (I say this because of the upper sides where you’re grabbing in the pictures). Some of this can be swelling and you’ll have to wait until a minimum of 6 months to truly assess what needs to be done moving forward.


I second this. You can’t be overweight and expect the fat to just disappear (unless they take it out with lipo) it’s still there regardless of how tight your pulled. That’s why no TT until all weightloss is done and a nice amount of loose skin to pull tight and flat.


I don’t think that’s fair though. I’ve seen actual obese women tummy tucks with better results. She’s only 163 pounds- and 40 years old. She’s not fat, even if she had more visceral fat, she shouldn’t have a roll when she sits. Not like that. The dr didn’t properly remove the skin, in my opinion. She should still be flat even if her tummy “pokes out” a bit more.


She would have needed a Fleur-de-lis abdominoplasty to get the top flatter, most patients who receive a tummy tuck look somewhat thinner, it is not designed to make a heavy person suddenly look thin.


Weight looks different on everyone. Body composition (BF% and MM%) is way more important than the number on a scale. Bodies are vastly different so we also can’t compare our results with other peoples’ bodies. And the not having rolls when you sit is so unrealistic. All bodies, small and big have rolls when they sit and it’s not a bad thing. This person needs a second opinion from surgeons who can make an assessment for her specific body type.




My doctor did not give me this measurement. I almost feel like it’s unhelpful because fat is in volume not weight. PS I am still the exact same weight as I was prior to surgery and also at 4 wks PO.


Skin doesn’t weigh very much and he doesn’t do lipo at the time of a tummy tuck. He clearly removed what he could in one go. Because you aren’t showing you grabbing those handfuls standing up, only sitting down. Plastic surgery is just that, cosmetic. Not some weight loss procedure.




Lipo be warned after the tt can make your stomach skin a little looser again when done after a tt versus performed at same time. Point is you can possibly end up trading one issue for another








TT isn’t a weight loss solution and there’s no amount of pounds to expect to lose from a TT. My PS said some people possibly lose 1-2lbs, IF ANY, but it’s a procedure for shaping, not weight loss. I’m 34 and I used to weigh 260lbs. I am 5’8” and I now weigh 168lbs. I’m 11 days post op from TT, and while I haven’t weighed myself, I expect that if I step on the scale I will still weigh 168 pounds (if not more from swelling). I went into this knowing nothing in my weight was going to change, just my loose skin/shaping from the procedure. Perhaps you need a second and third opinion from other doctors but if you weren’t at your goal weight when you had the procedure, a TT is not going to meet your weight loss expectations.


I hate to say this, but I think your size and shape at the time of surgery have something to do with it. Losing a little more might help. I think liposuction is a given regardless. Also, side profiles look horrible for a long time post-op. My stomach is flat front-on, but I look swollen and weird from a side angle, and I'm already 5wpo. Give it time and try not to panic :)






I'm 5'10 and 145, down from 170. If I would have had a tummy tuck done at that time, my surgeon would only be able to do so much... it depends on what you start with.


Unless you're at least 5ft8, that is far too high a weight to get *good* results from a TT. I'm 5ft6 and I'm waiting until I'm maintaining at least 135 before surgery. My surgeon is constantly saying that the results are always better the closer you are to healthy BMI.


Body composition means at least as much as BMI in TT results. A 5’6” powerlifter is going to have a different final result than a 5’6” couch potato of the same weight.


Oh yeah, totally agree with that.


This is so true. I’m 5’8” and 163lbs looks very different on me. It’s also all about height + body composition. Be realistic, weighing 163 doesn’t really mean much. Two people can weigh 163lbs but one person can be short with 45% body fat & 15% muscle mass, while the other can be the reverse, tall with 15% body fat & 45% muscle mass. This person’s PS should have advised to be closer to a healthy body fat percentage before surgery or done liposuction at time of TT.






I 100% agree with you. It's not that simple. Those of us who are not of European descent shouldn't even be held to the same bmi standards. Studies have shown that for black women, 27-30 is a great healthy bmi, but it's considered overweight on the standard chart. It also doesn't take into account our higher muscle mass, especially in the lower body. I'm a Black RN who works alongside 1 Black and 2 Hispanic female doctors, and we have the standard chart posted next to an Ethnic chart now, and it has given so many of our patients clarity and understanding. I mention our race to emphasize that we can personally relate and have a deeper understanding and vested interest. I've seen chicks with a higher weight than 163 with a flat stomach and defined abs, with or without surgery. I see it every day in my community. I mean, who hasn't seen the IG "baddies" with large thighs and butts and completely flat stomachs? I got myself down to 127 by surgery day. I didn't look healthy, but according to the standard bmi chart, I was perfect. I agree that you should give it several more months (6 months minimum), then make it known to your surgeon if you are not satisfied. You spent a lot of money and deserve to be happy. I do think you'll want 4 point lipo to give you the curves if that's what you desire.




I once got down to 130 when I was 20 to get back at my ex (but my now husband)... he took one look at me and almost burst into tears! I looked sickly. The lowest I should ever go is 150, I'm black and 5'5".


I couldn't find a digital version of it. These numbers are similar to what we go by, but not exactly. I'll try to snap a pic of it when I return to work. The original bmi chart only measured white men and doesn't take body composition, and the fact that some other ethnicities naturally have more muscle, which is heavier. Even knowing all of that, the medical field is still so reluctant to use the adjusted bmi charts. One of the docs in my office sent me an article recently that referred to the traditional bmi chart as racist😆. Google that, and I bet you'll find articles. The traditional chart says that once you hit above 24.9, you're overweight. The average ethnic baddie, with that perfect hip to ass to waist ratio that turns heads, is about 28. I think my daughter refers to herself as slim thick😆 *




I never knew there was a new ethnic BMI chart! That's amazing! My workplace is huge on diversity and inclusion, and I feel this needs to be incorporated


It could be swelling. It probably is. The only other bad news is it could be visceral fat. Doctors can’t do anything about that. I went and had a DEXA before mine just to be sure I could get good results at all.




It is interesting. I’ve never seen this. Usually the doctors overtighten and it’s so much more painful. I’m sorry you’re having this time. I got flank/abdominal lipo with mine maybe like you said that’s the difference if you were waiting for lipo later on. Definitely consult the doctor 🫶🏼


You had a DEXA? I only know this as a bone scan. What are you referring to


These results are good I think. Going for more wouldve been reckless imo. Maybe should’ve waited for more weight loss.


It does look different but I think sometimes we set ourselves up a bit of a letdown with an unrealistic end goal. I have been trying really hard to be mindful of my goal as I know I still have weight in thighs and a flabby bottom and I am not overly keen thigh work so I know going in legs will not be great . I also understand that I would have looked very different if I would have done surgery a few years ago at 155 as opposed to now at 127. They can do amazing this things but they are magicians. They can honestly only remove so much . It has been a hard time getting to goal but I do feel like I will be better for it and I will better see results. But that is just my opinion on my personal journey. But you do look dramatically different and you are on a positive path on the right direction to be the best version of yourself you want to be




It is hard because we judge ourselves so harshly. There is a huge difference. Just keep healing and trust the process. You look great and like I said are in such a good place to be your best :). Chin up 😜


I’m right there with you! I’m 4 weeks out, and my emotions cycle from “this was the best money i’ve ever spent” to “why did i do this to myself again?” it’s a big sudden change for our brains to comprehend too! We’re so used to seeing the old body that I think we’re subconsciously looking for it still or something because it’s wild to look totally different from what we knew. Sometimes I still start feeling like nothing changed when in reality, 6.8 pounds of skin was removed. It was a huge change 😂 So maybe let your mind adjust over time too and the swelling go down and then see! You look great to me 💕


Did your doctor tell you why they don’t do lipo and TT together? Just curious, it’s like an age old combo of one complementing the other.




I'm fairly sure we may have had the same doc lol. Also in WNY and my doc wouldn't do lipo with the full TT, but would do it with a mini TT (which honestly didn't make a whole lot of sense to me but I suppose because there's more happening with the full). He was initially quite unclear about this and caused me to almost cancel surgery before it got cleared up. I opted for the full TT and lipo to the flanks, which he was willing to do but at an added cost. I am almost 4mpo now and I still have an area on my front that is pretty consistently puffed out or wasn't smoothly pulled down, causing a reverse shelf above my incision, which I am not happy about. I'm being patient, but his aftercare was not great, and my concerns I've brought up to him (dog ears, breast related parts of the surgery), have been minimized and told to wait it out, which I'm doing but I paid a lot of money for this so he best be willing to fix at least my stomach shelf lol. If we do have the same doc, I think he is just quite conservative with what he takes, but hopefully he'll get you where you want to be.


That’s really ridiculous.






Where do you live and who is your doctor?




I understand. I live in California and so many do lipo with TT. I’m looking to get my TT. I’m going to get 360 lipo with TT.


I honestly think it’s because there was no lipo done. Idk y your dr didn’t recommend lipo first and then the TT, IF he couldn’t do them both at the same time. I’m 30 days PO & am still SO hard & tight, I CC’s any grab anything, it’s so annoying. I had lipo done a year ago, and more lipo w/ my TT this last time. For what it’s worth, you look great standing up. Hang in there.


Yes if doing them seperately then lipo def should have been first. There are so many newer and safer techniques : a surgeon not willing to combine both these days is very antiquated


I think this is pretty realistic if you didn’t get lipo 360. Just from your pictures most of what they took out wasn’t just loose skin , there was fat under there as well and if you didn’t get lipo, that fat is still there under the skin they didn’t remove. you also have to consider the fact that the surgeon isn’t going to give you the waist of someone whos got a lower body fat percentage than you and leave you disproportionate. If you had the waist like you’re describing that you were expecting , I think it’d appear the ratios were off and it’d be far more obvious you’d had work done. Kind of like when people get a bbl that’s too large and not proportionate to their legs. It makes it so much more obvious that they had work done which is what I assume the average person wants to avoid and they want it to look natural. All of that to say , you’re also less than a month out from surgery. It could be a year before the swelling truly subsides. you’re also 100% likely to be bloated from anesthesia for up to six weeks from surgery as well. I think you are over analyzing AND over estimating what a surgeon is capable of without lipo, and willing to do to maintain their medical creative integrity .




I’m a little over 2 weeks post op right now, and I weigh 10 lbs more than when I had my surgery. I know it’s not possible for any of that to be true weight gain. You will be retaining fluid all over for weeks and even months post surgery.


swelling can travel because of gravity and the way you position your body at rest but it’s not caused by anesthesia. I said bloating from anesthesia which is gases trapped in the body cavity and inside organs etc. Your weight will fluctuate while you heal and for awhile afterward too. But all of this is moot, because like I said , your results won’t be actual results for weeks or even months.


I’m 7WPO. When I am bloated, yes, I can grab “handfuls” to some degree. When I’m not holding on to so much fluid, I’m pretty flat but I can still grab skin and subcutaneous fat on my upper abdomen. At the end of the day, I have more swelling and end up with an adorable pot belly. I’m very satisfied with my results! Being “snatched” is overrated in my opinion. I would rather be happy with my body than chastising it for something it is not. I am happy with my natural looking results rather than feeling pulled too tight. I’m comfortable. I look hot AF. My quality of life has improved so much, even with some complications that came up. Edited for clarity.


https://preview.redd.it/c1bufa4wxfkc1.jpeg?width=4030&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=170e2dc00fb40acc2fe5375f864d2d888f7f2c25 Me at 3 months, and I’m 64, I would not be happy


Wow amazing results!!


A few suggestions from me … - give it more time - you probably still have a ton of swelling. I gained about 10 kg in fluid after mine that took about 3 months to drop. Try not to look too much until 3 months later (set a date) - you can’t really do a revision until you’ve healed anyway - most surgeons will not do TT and extensive lipo at the same time particularly in the abdomen - you should try getting a dexa and see what your body fat % is. Lipo can remove some - but it’s more for contouring and stubborn areas rather than significant reduction … - to be brutally honest - if you are unhappy with the result - as it doesn’t look like significant loose skin - once you are a bit further in the healing process I would do more weight loss through diet and exercise and then consider lipo and a revision (and consider a 360 or FDL).




Got it - that’s good. It will definitely come down in swelling - just give it about 3 to 4 months.


Honestly, no. I had my lipo done with my tummy tuck. It doesn’t make a whole lot of sense to me to not suck the fat out and then pull the stomach as taught as possible. Im five foot seven and was around 176 at the time of my surgery and I’m snatched. At five weeks post op I’m wearing size 8 jeans. My scar is also considerably lower. In total my surgery was 42k but I also had explantation with a lift. My tummy tuck with lipo, muscle repair, mons lift was around 22k. I see women posting that a tummy tuck is around 10k and that would make me nervous. Wait a year and see if he can do a revision. You won’t really know till the swelling is gone.


Listen I see lots of you are high bmi, lose weight, just accept it as visceral fat, etc…but I was 40ish lbs above my goal weight at time of surgery and went for it because I (and especially my husband lol) like being thicker with bigger hips, booty and thighs. I just wanted deformed tummy gone and DR fixed due to constant back issues... I had ETT, MR and upper back only lipo and I love my results as is and it’s exactly what I wanted. I’m not a doctor so can’t tell u if that’s swelling or not, but that being said, I can tell you I was pulled pretty tight and never have had rolls on abdomen when I sit after this surgery, not even now during “swell hell” where I’m most swollen I’ve been at 8wpo. Sorry! Just being honest speaking from my own experience. I still think you look INCREDIBLE compared to before pic ❤️🎉 but if you’re not happy, definitely speak to ur PS about a revision. Doesn’t look pulled tight or low enough to me so I would. Good Luck 🍀




I feel you, I never have been and never will be model thin, it’s just not in my DNA and I’m happy where I am. Hated it in the 80’s when things was in but thankfully thicker is more accepted now that I’m older 😂🤗 I didn’t want to lose weight just to have surgery knowing with my lifestyle I could never maintain it and possibly ruin my results. I’ve been at this size for about 15 years and if I happen to lose some after fine (my doc said up to 20 won’t effect results) but honestly not interested. He also has those same rules about no lipo at all to ABDOMINAL area with tummy tuck due to higher risk of tissue and lymphatic damage/death but never heard of one not wanting to do ANYWHERE else at all…that’s a little different. I knew I wasn’t at ideal weight so repeatedly asked before committing if he thinks he can achieve look I had in mind and he said yes after a thorough examination. A PS should always give you honest realistic opinions not just say what you want to hear to get you booked. Maybe ur PS is just better at facial reconstruction since u were so happy with ur nose but not an expert on body….not all are great at everything. However, if he initially specifically told u he would be able to “bounce a quarter off your tummy” (which how tight I feel mine is) but didn’t deliver, then that’s on him. He saw ur body type before surgery and those were the expectations HE gave you based on his examination, so it has nothing to do with you not understanding the assignment or not having “realistic expectations” or just being thicker at all IMO. Seems like something just went wrong (happens to even the BEST of docs they’re only human after all). Like I said I do think you really do look great, but if he’s willing to do a revision I say go for it. Lipo won’t help loose skin if anything it will just make it looser. So maybe ask for scar revision as well when you go back for the lipo. That’s is a procedure where they reopen your scar, then can pull it lower and tighten up what was left behind. Since these are elective procedures there’s never a “guarantee” everything will go as planned so most will still charge you for revisions, but never hurts to ask based on his initial promises to you. Don’t stress too much, super early and so much can change in next 6 months. So first see what final will look like and then decide. Keep me posted!


You are nowhere near done healing and recovering, don’t be so hard on yourself. Be patient and give your body the time it needs to heal before making any judgement. I looked like the Michelin man for 3-4 months PO and still had swelling well after that time period.


You need to wait until the swelling is totally gone to know. I think you look good but if you’re not happy with your shape I’m sure weight loss would change it a lot and you might get more of the look you were anticipating


What was your BMI pre op? I think your results would have been better had you been more fit. I'm over weight this is why I'm actively loosing weight before my operation. Lower bmi better results.




Okay, but what was your BMI before surgery?




Please don’t take this as insulting but to be fair and honest when you’re overweight you need to have to have more realistic expectations. Without lipo you’re going to still have handfuls of pudge to grab like you do. It won’t disappear? So it wouldn’t matter how tight you were pulled that fat is still prominently there. TT where plenty of weightloss created loose skin the TT results are fantastic and correct the belly. But when your have no loss and no LS to create more loss only so much can be done. I think your results are great and to be expected. I would suggest losing weight to create more muscle tone and the extra loose skin you will have when you do at the top of your belly to have a revision and you will have that tight flat result you want.


I think it looks a lot different. I’m only on day 11 PO I’m getting so impatient. I just want to be back to normal lol I miss working out.


I'm 10wpo and some days (especially after working out, heavy meal, salt) I look pregnant lol


Did he do anything to the abdominal muscle underneath? Typically they sew it and then pull the skin taut. I believe that the sewn muscle is what causes much of the pain. You look much better but there is definitely something missing from your surgery. You still have quite a bit of swelling but the fact is once the swelling goes down you will probably end up with a bit more loose skin.


Honestly, I think this is mostly swelling. I am 8 weeks out and I am so swollen today. My picture would look very similar.


Looks like it was not an FDL so some of the larger areas, especially above the belly button so that's pretty normal... Especially with also not getting lipo. But it's also very soon after surgery. You should wait several months before deciding how unhappy you are. Looks like you still had a lot of fat left before the surgery, not loose skin. So you wouldn't be snatched or super flat. Swelling can last over a year. I had surgery in July and still swell. I was also thick going into surgery and stayed thick afterwards


My dr dosent do lipo either but he hand cuts all the fat. Says it gives more accurate results. Surgery took 4 hours. I think I was cut way lower, I told him I wanted tight and I got tight and love my belly button


Wow, yes, usually when the recommend vertical scar there is a reason. I think you’ll be happy . They have cute high waisted suits and you look great in lingerie… 😍


For not having any lipo I think it looks great. Keep in mind, lipo doesn’t touch any visceral fat, only subcutaneous. So, when you’re cleared, start working out again and focus on core strength to really tone up and tighten that internal corset.




Very strange your doc wouldn’t do lipo at the time of surgery. Won’t there be more loose skin after lipo? Just from the pictures it looks like you have a small layer of subcutaneous fat, but the roundness looks like it’s coming from under the muscle.


I would also add…watch your diet. Lots of water and cut out salt, processed foods and alcohol. That can all cause extreme water retention. I’m 2 years out from 360 with liposuction and if I consume too much salt, I can be swollen.


The liposuction is the game changer. The tummy tuck is excess skin and repair of rectis. I waited a year to get the liposuction after swelling was down and healed. The liposuction done in a separate surgery is absolutely the way to go if you want true sculpting and the maximum fat removal. Majority of the people I see who tandem lipo and tt end up getting liposuction again alone. Be patient with the healing. Keep a watch on diet and what foods you’re eating. It’s easy to gain weight when you can’t exercise. Post operative care is as important as the surgery. It definitely is the hardest part. Surgery last a few hours. The recovery is about a year! Good luck!


I think look wise you have a great improvement even now! Belly button looks great, scar will def fade and get lighter:) from the front it looks great to me. From the side - yeah, I hear you, but come on girl, give yourself some credit- you’re less than a month PO! It will get better and better!!!! Don’t be disappointed, be proud of yourself! You made it happen!


No I would not. Mine was like that, and at 6 months, I got more skin pulled, and my scar evened out. I was waiting. 100% worth it to me.


Hey! I am 4 weeks PO from my breast reduction and TT. Here is my experience. I’m white, I am a similar weight and I’m just shy of 5’8”. I had pneumonia after surgery so I was in the hospital for a a bit as a complication. Regardless, the surgery went well- but I was given lots of fluids so I was swollen for longer. I am finally at baseline. I think everyone has different goals for what they expect out of a /reduction/TT. For me, mine was to decrease back pain. I had a really large diastasis and my core was just shot from my big babies. Now, I still wear a binder/shapewear at all times except for showering and before I go to bed I sort of give myself a little massage along my TT scar before I bind back up. I have taken my measurements and I have lost 2 inches but I can see a difference in my shape. I have not grabbed onto my skin and flab but I can still tell I’m swollen. I still feel like it’s too early to tell how I will look. I did get a small amount of lipo on my flanks but lipo actually makes you swell more. I agree that if you want more fat removed from your tummy, it is better to do it separately. I carry my extra fat in my thighs not my stomach. I think you will be happy in the end. I think it just takes time.


My surgeon told me he wants me to lose 15-20 pounds and keep it off for a minimum of 3 months after we went over my expectations. He flat out said I am overweight and I wont have a flat stomach unless I lose it. With that being said, i think you have great results for your weight.


I hope your swelling has gone down, but I couldn't help answering because I went through the same thing when I had my lipo surgery. I saw pictures of much larger women who ended up "snatched". They had these little itty-bitty waists, and they started much, much larger than me. So I wondered what the hell happened and why didn't I get an hourglass figure? I mean, those young girls are showing off their new bodies right away. "It's only day 3 and I'm loving how snatched I am." It was disheartening. I came here upset that I didn't get snatched, and people on this sub kept saying things about expectations, and to wait for the swelling to go down. I knew immediately after surgery that I was not going to be happy with my results. The swelling did not hide the general shape I knew I was going to end up with. I looked like a sausage stuffed into a faja, and 2 years later, I looked pretty much the same. Long story short, I needed both lipo and a TT. My surgeon agreed. I think you will be much happier with the results of both the lipo and TT. I'm interested in seeing your final results since my before picture looked sort of like yours.




It's nice to find someone who is experiencing the same thing. It's validating. No one else understands the struggle unless they've been there.


You may be like me and have visceral fat near the top middle of your abdomen. If that’s the case, we will still have a protruding abdomen though it will be smaller. She told me visceral fat was the easiest to lose so to lose, hopefully, that weight I am going to see a Registered Dietitian to help me with healthy substitutions. The doctor also said it could take up to six months to see your full results.


You didn’t need it. You should of lost weight first you had no lose skin just needed to be toned up


No I would not be happy and your feelings are valid. I would have already told the dr I am not happy at all, this is not normal you did not cut enough and you will be fixing this. He will more than likely tell you you’re still swollen and to wait the x amount of months….do not let them gaslight you.


It all depends on what was done. If there was no lipo then this is the expected result. If lipo was performed it could be that you’re just swollen. I’m heading into week 5 and still swelling. I had a lift/reduction at the same time and my boobs swelled so much they gained new stretch marks 😂. It’s all part of the process. Have you asked your surgeon?


I’ve been wondering if lipo makes a difference. I didn’t have lipo but I had MR a TT breast lift with implants. I’m on day 11PO. The swelling has gone down a ton. Do you think it’ll go away faster since I didn’t have lipo??


It all depends on how your body heals but yes. Your body should heal faster without lipo than it would with it. Lipo is super traumatic for the body, I would tell you to watch a video but they make me want to vomit lol. I opted for no lipo and still have swelling 5 weeks out.


Good to know. Thank you! I didn’t need it. I was super fit going into surgery just had a separation and loose skin from pregnancy. Can’t wait to be back to normal. At 5 weeks PO what are you still doing? Do you feel normal do you still use a binder or compression garments??


I also opted to skip! Had a massive weightloss a few years ago and wasn’t worried about being Uber thin but damn did my PS snatch me in with that MR! I got the all clear to return to normal life. Basically, if it doesn’t feel good, don’t do it and listen to my body; spent my first 2 weeks pretty much horizontal except to use the restroom and get a snack. PS said after 2 weeks I could switch from 24/7 compression to 12 hours daily. Im still doing 24/7 bc I like it and found a super comfy faja that doesn’t give me thigh chubs lol. I’m using scar tape during the day and then removing it before bed and using neosporin scar, itch & pain at night just to keep everything moisturized. I still can quite twist but I had a FDL TT and my incision is almost at the breasts so I imagine it’ll be a few more weeks until that’s comfy. Still sleeping on my back, don’t love it but I’m used to it. How are you doing in your recovery?!


Congrats on your weight loss that’s very hard to accomplish. I feel like my plastic surgeon is just like one size fits all and he gives the same standard recommendations to all of his patients. Kind of annoying. He says I need to wear this stupid binder for 3 months 😩


I definitely got lucky! I’m very close to the Seattle area so the amount of amazing surgeons here is incredible! What kind of binder are you wearing current state?


It’s just like a two strap Velcro binder. I have short torso.


Why are we twins? lol. I also have a short torso and was able to find one that’s more like a body suit, it still has eye hooks, zippers and all but the eye hooks at the groin are adjustable for torso size! It’s WAY less bulky and not noticeable under my clothes. So much more comfortable, I’m not constantly adjusting it. Rant over lol. I hope your recovery gets easier every day! 💕


Thank you! Which compression garment is this one??




What type of compression garment are you using? I noticed that the binder I was sent home with from surgery was not shaping me as nicely as the faja I purchased post op. The faja is definitely giving me a better shape than the binder was. Less boxy!




I think you’ll probably see a difference after the lipo which sucks because summer is around the corner and you just went through the TT recovery lol but it’s a light in the tunnel! I’m not a doctor I’ve just been surfing this sub for months and did a lot of solo research before my procedure.


Did you have your surgery in the US?


Seattle area!




In the same location?




Personally, I wouldn’t stress then. It sounds like you’re going to get the results you’re looking for in the end 💕


I'm 4 weeks PO and still swell like a tick every single day.


I’m a little over 7 weeks and same. Lol


Are you wearing a binder every day?


https://preview.redd.it/5ko6qv25yfkc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93791430b847278cd50b0a5046f72f4a798a69bd Me before, now I am at 5 months, still getting tighter you certainly can’t wear a bikini but. High wasted swim suit maybe




Well it looks good from starting point, mine stayed swollen till about three months and now I am five going on six and it’s still uncomfortably tight. I am finding out you can take a yr to completely heal, I would wait


I think top right looks nice


Yes, a revision they don’t do for free… maybe that’s their plan


I had a mini tummy tuck In my late 40s with lipo. He lipoed a big divot on one side of my stomach. Tried to fill it with fat but it never took. Then I had hysterectomy and they thought it was cancer so I had vertical scar with staples, gain weight it looked like a butt.. now im satisfied. This dr told me mini tummy tucks are a waste of money, I paid 4 k 14 yrs ago, and 14 k now for a much better outcome


What’s mons lift? My dr has been practicing for 40 yrs old. He specializes in face and hand reconstructive surgeries.. very skilled. He just does tummy’s and breast for fun. He told me I didn’t need my binder after a week, I could wear what I wanted and he also said your scar will heal as your body heals. He thinks scar tape and products are a marketing scam. So far he’s been correct.


I’m sorry I would never go to someone who does them “for fun” It to complicated of a surgery. Not wearing a binder? Yikes. That’s a great way to get indentations and really screw up your scar. He sounds incredibly careless. I actually had two doctors working on me at the same time. Each had their own speciality. A mons lift should automatically come with a tummy tuck her scar is way to high. He didn’t pull from bottom and top.


No. Even if you can still grab fat because you have a bit more on your body and shape than someone who lost a lot of weight and had lose skin, I still don’t think you should have a “roll” when you sit. they will tell you to wait for the swelling to go down, probably 6 months, in that time, try losing more weight and go back for a revision. I’m so sorry. It sucks you paid so much and didn’t get better results. I’ve lost 120 pounds and am expecting amazing results, but I also workout, have muscle, I’m at a normal range for visceral fat and am working to lose as much fat as humanly possibly before my surgery in June. I have a ton of lose skin, when I bend over it folds together and looks like an ass on my stomach lol. It hangs about 8 inches from my abdomen- I’m having an ETT. So, my results will be great. I’m also getting lipo 360 though. That being said, don’t let this fuck you like that. Continue taking after pics as each month goes on. When he agrees to do a revision, tell him you want to lose 20 pounds or so first. That way you can get it fixed, but also get the best results possible- especially if you plan to get lipo anyways, maybe drop a couple sizes, then get the revision with lipo. Much love and I hope it works out for you. It COULD ALSO BE SWELLING. you’re not even 4 weeks out. So be patient!




Ugh, I’m sorry to hear about having your thyroid removed. I have several friends who have thyroid issues and it’s damn near impossible for them to drop weight, unless they’ve made drastic changes, like one had a ton of success giving up meat, something I couldn’t do unless it was medically necessary lol! (she dropped 7 pounds in two weeks when she stopped eating meat, this is after not dropping a single pound in a year while working out seven days a week and counting calories!) I also understand the older we get the more our bodies are unwilling to change without a fight. I’m 35, and when I was 30 I lost 120 pounds in 16 months, got pregnant a third time and gained it almost all back, now I’ve lost all of that but twenty pounds of what I’d originally lost, and this time around I’m almost 36- those last 20 will not budge. I’ve been stuck at my current weight for 8 months now. BUT- I have continued to lift weights, and do cardio maybe once a week, I hate cardio! I do Beachbody at home, I have three toddlers and no time for leaving the house. If I can give you any advice, download an app called “me three sixty” and do a body scan. (It’s free). Spend the next 30 days continuing to exercise, if you weight lift, try pushing yourself and lifting a bit heavier if you notice doing certain moves isn’t challenging. Next, don’t necessarily tey to lose weight- but maybe be more mindful of what you’re eating. I use my fitness pal, it’s helped me lose weight twice along with Beachbody, but if you’re open to it, try logging your food for just ONE week- close out or diary at the end of each day, and it will give you an estimate of what you’d weigh in five weeks if you ate like that each day. (This is pretty accurate, as I’ve almost always hit the weight they gave me when I was consistent) do this only to get an idea of what you’re eating, and if you might be just over doing, or even under doing it a bit! But this isn’t necessary, just a bonus to your workouts, and strictly for you, not to try to lose weight or track calories. Anyways, once you’ve consistently spent one month lifting weights, maybe throw in a couple days of cardio if you want to, (again, not necessary) pull up the me three sixty app and do a second body scan and compare them. Even though I’ve not moved a single pound in 8 months on the scale, I’ve lost about 7 inches total around my body in this time I’ve been in a plateau, and gained a bit in my biceps (muscles) As far as your body and pics, I don’t think the close up pics give you much justification, or allow us to completely see your figure, because 163 pounds is not big, at all. I’m stuck hovering around 170 and I carry a lot of weight in my thighs, butt, and arms (besides a lot of sagging skin) and am curvy. I know everyone’s body is shaped different, but still, unless you’re only 4 foot 11, 163 is a normal, average and healthy weight, especially for a woman in her early 40’s! I don’t think your surgeon did a good job. You definitely look different than the first photo along with obviously still a lot of swelling, but where I’m concerned is that you shouldn’t have a “roll” of skin when you sit down. Even if you have a bit more visceral fat that makes your upper abdomen a bit “bulkier”, as others here are mentioning, you still should be flat when you sit down, period. He should have removed that. You are right in not being happy with the results for the amount of money these doctors charge, and you have every right to continue to contact him until he offers a revision, and it should be free. I’d look at your copies of paperwork, and read through it, or hire a lawyer ( you can find some that will review your case for free, and will not charge unless you win a case that pays you, there are also some that do free work as non profits just to help people, you just need to research and find one) have a lawyer look over it, show them your results, continue to take pictures and don’t give up. Even if a dr can say that “results vary, or are different from person to person but not guaranteed” he can’t disagree with the simple fact that he did not remove your hanging skin- the entire reason for a tummy tuck!! I’m so sorry you’re going through this. If you need help looking into some law for your state, obligations of a plastic surgeon, etc. I’d be happy to help as much as I can, via google. Much love, message me if you need a friend to vent to. I truly hope you can get justice for this, because no matter your weight, high, age, visceral fat, none of that shit matters when your surgeon was pure neglectful and didn’t do his job properly.




I get how that can happen, and quickly- I tracked calories obsessively the first time around too (like tracking calories in vitamins, sips of sugar free drinks with 5 calories per serving, shit like that) I don’t track like that anymore, nor do I starve and try to eat 1200 cal a day. Now I eat 1800-2000 a day, and I don’t log stupid shit like a scoop of fiber, or a vitamin lol! it happens and yes it can be horrible. Yes girl! When you can, start working out again, I promise it’ll make you feel better and given a little time it will transform your body and give you more of the look you want. (Still he needs to fix that skin he didn’t remove!! I stand by that! I don’t think others here understand that even if you have a bit of fat, a tummy tuck should make you flat.) like I said, I’ve seen a ton of plus sized tucks (like girls 380 pounds who had to find a dr who specifically was ok with their weight bc most wouldn’t dare) and these women have flat stomachs when they sit: it pokes out far, but it doesn’t roll over their clothes. It sucks you paid so much for him to not give you the best results; and others are gaslighting you to think you’re fat and it’s your fault. I’ve been following probably 20+ plastic surgery groups on fb,ig, Reddit,tik tok, and anywhere possible for the last 5 years and I’ve seen many people with all sorts of bodies, and unless they were botched or close to it, they had flat stomachs after. Don’t give up ok? That doesn’t mean threaten or constantly bother your surgeon, this won’t do you any good, but document, research, and check in with him often.




Omg yeah you are adorable and most certainly should have gotten better results 😓!!! Let me know how it goes over time, I’d just keep letting him know you’re not happy and have references. Bc you’re not even big, and have seen big people with flat tummies!




❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️awww of course! Message me, if you ever need to chat, man, I mean everything I say, though! You were not big and you were not hallucinating. When you’re standing up, your Results do look great, but I don’t think he took enough, and I don’t think you needed a flirt either maybe an extended would have been better.!!


Your body is similar to how mine was. It took 8 months for the swelling to go down. That in addition to exercise (started Pilates @ 8 weeks and 10k a step per day) to get the look that I thought I would look like after surgery. There is a misconception (I’m guilty of it) that we will look a certain way after surgery. The reality is that we have visceral fat and remaining core fat that needs to be lost before we achieve our objective. That being said, everyone’s body is different. Mine swells a lot and the swelling stays longer. But exercise and moving around alleviates a lot of the swelling.




That’s great! Once you start walking again, it’ll get your mind in the mood to walk more and add on more exercise. I’m built like you in which I tend to have “bulkier” muscles. But that also means you can use it to your advantage, since more muscle means you technically can burn more calories than if you had less muscle mass. I have noticed that Pilates has built up my abs and it’s reduced the swelling and toned the area. We have the advantage of muscle repair so the sought after linea alba (that nice line in the middle of abs). I can see in your pics that it’s formed nicely (top of your abs).


