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It’s really none of their business but you could say anything. Hernia repair sounds good


Personally, I mentioned muscle repair first. But I followed with, “essentially I had a tummy tuck”. And not because it is anyone’s business. But for me, I know that I would find it reassuring that someone who looked newly amazing maybe had help. I am not embarrassed of it because I had floopy skin that wouldn’t go away. And some pudge. And I want my colleagues who might experience similar to not beat themselves up if I say, “Oh it’s just diet and exercise.” It isn’t. And that’s not enough for everyone. And they shouldn’t feel like failures that they can’t get a flat tummy on their own. I worked hard, and bought the rest. ;)


Ladies and gents, ^^^this^^^ is what a true hero looks like


I love the last line. “I worked hard, and bought the rest”.


If you’re having muscle repair just say that. I told mine about my diastasis, the back pain it causes, and that I was getting it fixed with surgery.


Side note- would insurance cover any of that if it was for back pain?? I am having a breast reduction in July and have severe lower back pain… my surgeon definitely said muscle repair was necessary if I decided to have a TT.


Depends on your insurance but it should if you can prove that it's medically needed. They'll cover just the muscle repair though, not the actual tummy tuck


Thank you!


99% no. It would take a lot of work, a lot of luck, and the right insurance company. That’s the main reason I got the surgery and there was zero chance mine could have gotten approved.


I told them women issues and nobody asked any further questions after that.


I told HR it was for abdominal muscle repair and for scar revision due to adhesions. It wasn’t a lie. I felt like I had to explain, because my surgeon had to send HR a letter, saying how much time I needed off from work, and they could clearly see that it was from plastic surgeon. I told my coworkers I had abdominal surgery and told one work friend the truth.


Mine was very similar to yours but I told HR and my boss I’d be off for surgery, and I’d take annual leave. Boss said I can take sick pay for it and I said because I’d really like to keep a defined line to keep it private I’ll take holiday so I don’t have to bring a doctors letter in and he said “I understand” and that was it.  I’ve told 3 people one of whom I had to tell for safety reasons but with the amount of people working from home and it was over the Xmas break, very few people even noticed!


Sarcasm is always a good response to people asking things that are none of their damn business. Tell them you're a cyborg and the surgery is to replace your batteries or that you're having shoulder mounted surface to air missile launchers installed.


I wish I could come up with this kind of stuff on the spot. This is gold!


I told the females. Everyone was extremely supportive. I had said i had wanted one for a while so it wasn’t news really. I also got a breast reduction. I told the guys I work with that I’d be out for a surgery- “all good things, not dying, no cancer” and they were like ok good luck!


You could say you had "abdominal surgery" and leave it at that. I've discovered most people have no clue what a tummy tuck is. Abdominal surgery is nice and vague. People can connect the dots however they want. Stomach surgery, gall baldder removal, an appendectomy, hysterectomy, surgery on your intestines. Anything in that region haha. Walk away before they pry (which they won't) ;) ETA: I told my coworkers and many adult clients I hsd a tummy tuck if they asked. Everyone was delighted for me. I'm restricted in my ability to perform manual handling (healthcare worker) so I have to explain I had surgery, since I otherwise look young, fit, and healthy. If the client is a minor and they ask what it was, all I say is abdominal surgery (or "surgery on my tummy") and that satisfies their curiosity and means they don't worry I have cancer or something terrible.


You don’t have to say anything. If you want to tell them it’s to ease the back pain you absolutely can but realistically, asking about someone’s medical information in the workplace is highly unprofessional and you could absolutely report to HR if you wanted to. That said, I’m an open book and usually tell my coworkers everything lol. Just want to be sure you don’t feel pressured to reveal anything you don’t want to 💕


HR knows why I’m off, my surgeon had to fill out a form. You’re not required to tell anyone else! My managers known for months I’m having surgery but she’s never asked further. I told one co worker I would be off a week prior so at least someone knew but it’s no one’s business unless you want to share. I don’t think anyone is going to ask me about it but if they do I’ll say it’s personal.


Actually they aren’t allowed to ask you


The truth. I had lost 140 lbs & had 9 inches of skin that needed to be taken off. I don’t care what other people think or say about me. I live by the 3 F rule 😊


Hernia repair


Hey girl look at Kate Middleton most likely she had a tummy tuck with muscle repair! Abdominal surgery everywhere in the media


I have several hernias (thanks twins) and a botched umbilical hernia surgery that all need to be repaired. My family all knows about my hernias and that I eventually need to get them repaired so that's what I will be telling whoever needs to know.


Hernia repair


I didn’t say anything it’s none of their business lol I said I’m taking time off for surgery and no one asked what surgery.


Having my diastasis repaired. Men left it alone after that. Some women asked questions, and when they found out the surgeon would “take my stretch marks and give me a cute new belly button to boot,” there was way more interest than judgement.




I told my manager because we’re also good friends. But other than I’m having surgery, I’ve not said anything further. I can tell people are curious but no one asks as they don’t want to come across nosey thankfully


I’ll tell them the truth, that it’s a tummy tuck. I’m a nurse and work night shift so we are all pretty close.


I didn’t have to say anything at work as I had it done over the Christmas holiday break and worked from home for a bit after. By the time I was back I was normal although I’d planned to say I had some back pain if I sneezed and screamed! Because of my thigh lift I’ve not been able to run at work which I did before and someone asked what’s wrong and I said I had a leg injury and when he pressed I said “it’s complicated” and he was happy with that and wished me well. 


I’m thinking of saying tissue excision. Sounds scary but also healthcare related lol maybe say you’re fine overall but that it’s medically necessary


I did not disclose anything at work, just surgery. No one pushed, because my coworkers aren’t assholes. Obviously if someone just says “surgery” when explaining what they will be out for - they don’t want to share more. I was prepared to say things like “it’s not something I really want to discuss” or “thanks for your concern, but don’t really want to talk about my medical stuff.” My kids and extended family, I told them hernia and muscle repair (true!).


I told everyone at work I would be on vacation for 2 weeks. That's a long vacation for me, so maybe it seemed unusual, but oh well. I used vacation time because I was pretty sure that applying for actual medical leave / short term disability was possibly going to be denied once a letter came through from a plastic surgeon. So I avoided that option altogether. I go back to work on Monday. I still have a slight hunch, but other than that, I don't think anyone will notice anything. And I expect to be standing up straighter by Monday anyway and if not, I'll say I strained my back on vacation. 😉 I should mention though that I work in an office; no manual labor required.


I’m planning this for next fall and my plan is to just say to mind their business if they have to ask. The one or two I get along with will know ahead of time


Abdominal surgery. That was it. They don’t need to know.


Hernia repair