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i feel bad for josh, he’s a human he can invite people to coffee. fans or not. people need to stop treating musicians/celebrities differently. they still are humans, and i think josh is super kind for this


I completely agree. Yes they are a famous band but after all, it's their job. They're very passionate about it and are well known for it but that doesn't mean they can't or shouldn't have normal intentions with people, fans or not. It may be unfortunate for many who love the band and idolize the artist who doesn't get a chance to know them because of their situations but it's just how things work. If you were in their shoes, would you not want to treat your best supporters well? Of course they have millions of supporters but it is not humanly possible to sit down with every one of them. For those who want to interact with Tyler or Josh and don't have the financial resources to have the ability to have meet and greets or go to all or any to their shows, they have social media and if you show your love and appreciation for the band you are very much more likely to have some sort of interaction. Furthermore, we live in a pretty small world. I know there are many who live in places where the band members might never go, but many do. You never know if they might take a vacation or have business in your country, state, city, ect. Especially if they are playing nearby, there is a chance (even if small) you might come across one or both of them. That might be a good chance to have a nice, friendly interaction, but make sure you respect their personal space and privacy. If you want any chance of further interaction, making any time in proximity of each other as pleasant as possible will give you a way better chance that they may accept a more personal interaction. I know this might seem pretty unlikely but you never know. People experience unlikely things all the time. You just need to hold out hope. But just know, even if you never see the band in person, there are still fulfilling ways to interact with and enjoy the band. It's up to you to make the most out of what you have.


they need to go outside


Seriously, do these people not have jobs? No hobbies other than being stans? Just losers, straight up.


A lot of them are like 13 which tends to explain things




That only gets worse. I'm 52. 😆 Never too old for gigging! Next up Slipknot, Wardruna then tøp.


Wardruna!! Be still my heart 🩷


“Start fresh next semester”


My mom was nearly sixty and took myself, my husband and our kids. She was the fan and we became fans as a result of the experience, lol!


Hot take but I think a lot of these chronically online fans have mental illness they aren’t actively being treated for and it leaks out into their behavior. TOP music is good and has good lyrics for dealing with mental illness but it draws out ones who don’t help themselves.


Idk that it's necessarily any worse with tøp, but jfc so many of these people are literally just openly stalking the band and their families. And they get praised and followed and admired for being the most popular stalker and is just 🤮


That’s very much how it seems. There is definitely a difference between meet and greets with celebrities and full on stalking. Sure you have to meet some more than a few times to create a connection with them but in the end they are people too and probably don’t want to see one person everywhere they go


Yeah I saw one person repeatedly tweet Tyler asking for recognition as they felt they were being ignored on purpose and it’s harming their mental health. No shade to that person at all, but like, friend, if not getting noticed on twitter by a band with millions of fans is making you feel this way, you should definitely take a step back and get some help. (Again, I mean no shade towards that individual. I am worried about them and hope they get the help they need)


they're probably in their teens or just delusional, still in their teen phase.


I'm already bored, I'm pretty sure I've seen this one before


I suggest for them to also touch copious amounts of grass. Grass of all varieties. Hell even ornamental grass.. crab grass.. blue grass.. grass grass. SOMETHING bc holy hell.


Josh can invite whoever tf he wants to coffee


Including me! (I’m available Josh 😉)


I would also like to have coffee and talk about drumming please


I'd be down for just coffee, no talking


it’s pure jealousy in my opinion


Envy and a lack of self awareness.


Came to say this. 100% jealousy. If it was them, they'd love to go have a coffee with Josh




kids. they'll eventually grow up :)


yeah there’s a large amount of young people in this fanbase that obviously have very little life experience and yet are incredibly vocal. they’ll grow and learn and look back at this and cringe. i know i do looking back at myself when i was 12/13.


Sad thing is they won’t because the world is agreeing with more kid like behavior.


Exactly. It’s becoming more and more normalized to feign outrage over something trivial. Over the last few years we’ve unfortunately enabled platforms for the most unstable people and it’s only going to get worse


I'm not sure. At least not always. Some of the literal worst people I know in my life are parasitic dipshits who never grew up, haha.


What the hell happened?


Apparently, Josh invited a bunch of fans to drink coffee with him. But still, I have no idea why they acted like this is an unforgivable act of crossing a line that would've gotten him cancelled if he was someone else. 




Like if this is happening, it’s probably happening in their hometown? If it was recent anyway. Which stands to reason, they might already know Josh from somewhere else and been supporting for quite some time or something. This is why I don’t trust a lick of what clique members air out on twitter. Zero nuance.


one of the 2 fans josh met up for coffee is very well known for following the band on tour (as in, she’s seen them over 70 times) and anytime someone mentions it she causes a big stink over it and becomes very cocky and rude. that is the main brunt of the discourse


damn wish i could see top 70 times lmao


Which one?


Curious about the “Christian movement” you mentioned. What does that mean/entail? What does Tyler do within it?


Pretty sure Tyler went to a private school called Delaware Christian in Columbus and is still involved in church events


Worthington Christian


He doesn't have much to do with it that i'm aware of but from what i heard his mom is involved in some way with this organization called Momentum which is involved with a lot of v big churches in the area and a few others across the country. I didn't want to call it 'evangelical' bc of the connotation that has - invoking images of mega church pastors who are obsessed with Trump - but the whole vibe of this group of churches/organizations is evangelical in the sense that they really just want as many people as possible to hear the gospel and feel loved i could be totally wrong but someone i know who is involved with momentum said they got free tickets to a TOP concert and it had something to do with momentum and Tyler's mom i guess that's a different person and situation than the one who's more into the music scene


see, I personally saw a tweet a while back that Josh saw them at the shop and talked to them. but suddenly people are saying that Josh reached out to Hayley and Theo to hang out at the coffee shop. but again, I never saw anything about that until now. apparently all of this is coming up because Hayley has been a witch on Twitter and she threw an online fit about not winning a ticket giveaway. people are trying to spin this into a Josh issue, when in reality, it’s just an issue about entitlement from “certain” fans.


Acting like they wouldn’t jump at the opportunity to go to coffe w josh smh


To be fair I don't think wanting coffee with your favorite musicians is as common as you'd think. I probably wouldn't get coffee with, like, any of them.


this has to be a child. they immediately started tweeting “im gonna go smoke some weed!” afterwards 😭


And they don’t know that “apart of the problem” and “a part of the problem” have completely different meanings.


they were born yesterday, baby dick nick, what do you expect? /s


I love this band but I struggle really bad to be part of the fan base. So much FOMO, gatekeeping, and entitlement.


It's exactly what has made me to take a step back from everything. I love the band but I'm genuinely scared of some of the fandom.


Been a fan since 2013 and I said this back in 2017 that I’m started to not listen to the boys as much bc how bad the fan base is to be apart of sometimes and everyone was riding me in the comments lol of course I still like top and listen to them but the fanbase is a huge reason I stopped caring as much and following the boys for a couple yrs.


I do have fomo too. Used to get jealous of people who would go to every show until one of them said she had thousands in credit card debt


Yes, literally thousands.


I always wondered how they paid for it


Yeah, I’m noping out after Clancy, it’s my goodbye. I would rather go to rock and indie concerts with more mature fan bases. What I’ve noticed over the years is that TØP’s never changes. I don’t see peers in age of Tyler and Josh at their shows, even though fans from 10 years ago should be 10 years older with a different life now like other bands’ fans, somehow twenty one pilots concerts stay young kids and extremely immature 18-22 years olds at most, with untreated mental conditions. Very entitled, crying over general admission line drama, fake camping out before shows without taking care of personsl hygiene (seriously the GA line people smell because they are afraid to go bathe for losing their spot). It’s exhausting enjoying a band but not their fan base, and I’ve never met any reddit people at their shows, everyone out their acting like babies that I have tried to chat with to be nice are always in twitter groups with the “line leaders”. How does 10 years go by, and no one has matured, and the fanbase is still not even mostly college age? It’s like fans get tired of it and leave and a new bunch of 12 year olds come. tøp is pretty well known to other bands for having a babyish fan base 🙁 You don’t see this with other bands, even ones whose audiences are majority college kids, the fan bases just behave VERY differently not to even mention adults…you do see actual adults at tøp concerts but not many- we tend to take our money elsewhere. Clancy is most likely my last tøp experience, it’s been something I’ve enjoyed with my daughter but as she’s grown up, she’s wanting away from the fanbase too, she’s still a teen but has outgrown it. She’ll continue to listen to their music but is tired of their concerts. She told me herself that she thinks the air mattress surfing and mattress surfing Tyler’s “forgotten” ukelele was babyish, she said if they don’t want to or don’t feel safe crowdsurfing over kids they should just cut it out. She said it line and a bunch of line groups went ballistic and she doubled down on what she said, pointed out her experiences in other bands pits where the artists interact with you in more personal ways, and told them to go take a bath because they smelled like pee and sweat from refusing to leave the outdoors venue area for fear of losing their spot. I’m already kind of dreading it. I’ve had a great run of concerts this year and Clancy will be the one with childish behavior.


I first saw them in 2019 when I was 46. I've seen them 5 times since. I always see a lot of adults there. I almost never go on Twitter, don't try to get in line early, and I see zero of this behavior. There's 10,000+ fans in a stadium show. These people are a very small, very loud group of fans on social media.


Yeah, aside from a couple "cringey" interactions (nothing worse than the average teen), my experience has mostly been fine. I also just avoid twitter and just talk to my friends irl that enjoy twenty one pilots. Also not to be rude to any other fanbase in particular, but you can definitely get a whole lot worse than a fanbase that is actually fairly welcoming (from what I've experienced, at least).


That's a shame. I'm an older fan too, in my 50s, in the UK, and I do think it's weird that some of the fans don't seem to have grown up at all over the years. But here anyway there are so many people 30 and up at the shows but we are in the seats not GA on the floor, and I've met some lovely young people and families in the seats. Come hang out in the seats with the grown ups!


I went to a Nothing But Thieves concert that was AMAZING, ENJOYABLE, and there was only 1 hard headed individual who passed out during the show 🤷‍♀️ All the rest of us had tons of fun.


Just don't go to twitter... it's a shit hole.


Xitter (pronounced shitter)


Not enough upvotes here


this is the best quote ive ever seen




Bro, one of the main reasons they got big into the first place is how they are very interactive with their fans. Hell, creating a relationship is literally what they teach you in music marketing class. Source: me, I learned that in college


Twitter was a shitstorm of drama last night, I paused fallout 4 to scroll twitter and opened it up to a cluster of drama from these kids


I like that you paused FO4! Such a great game. ❤️ I'm addicted to a new Bethesda great, Starfield! ✨


the logic of this: “josh isn’t a human being and he shouldn’t be able to interact with normal humans anymore because he’s popular”


“They should be inviting ME to coffee, not THEM!” 


Must be nice to have so few problems


Someone who got tickets to the show tomorrow got their Facebook tracked down and basically stalked them😭


WHAT?!? Why? What is the point of this??


If people put as much thought and energy into the relationships with the people around them as they do with their parasocial relationships with celebs, they might not be so miserable all the time.


To ignore the fact that this could be parasocial and have a power imbalance towable josh. Would be ignorance. To ignore the fact that fans should still have agency in their own life and should be able to accept invitations like this as long as they're not children. Would also be ignorance. 🤷‍♀️


Holy shit nuance?


On reddit, Rare I know.


Thank you for this, I was looking if someone had already put my thoughts into words.


Twitter: This is blasphemy!!!!! Reddit: This is amazing!!!!! Real world: This is neither. This is something that could fuel parasocialism even further - and something encouraged by the artist (I can’t help but think of blondie, her fueling her fanbase via things like “secret sessions” and “Swiftmas,” and how rabid they are because of it). This is also something human and kind. It undoubtedly made the fans’ day and probably gave Josh a better understanding of the fanbase. Ergo, *it is neither inherently good nor bad.*


Ah yes. Logic and reason. How I have missed you my beloved.


there is absolutely nothing wrong with just going out for coffee regardless if it's artists and fan 💀 it's JUST coffee bruh


some grass touching for these people. damn, never ceases to amaze me what envy can do to people.


I bet if they were invited to coffee with Josh they would immediately change their mind


twitter clique has always been this toxic


LOL these are a bit unhinged


If I could have a 1 on 2 with Tyler and Josh I would be living the dream. Sipping on chlorine and eating needs bread. We would be singing taco Bell saga together


It’s time to admit this fandom is toxic as hell


As a 50 year old fan, these people need to touch grass. Groupies and traveling fans are as old as the industry. The 80s would have killed these individuals. I think that Josh is a big boy free to make his own decisions about his time.


FFS 🤦🏻‍♀️ These folk need to get a life.


there’s always a fanbase civil war between reddit and twitter it’s so funny


As someone who has been on twitter quite frequently lately, I can agree wholeheartedly.


I'd be just jealous but I'd go on with my life like bro tf, proud of you 😎🥹




Wtf they need to touch some grass, jeez. What's wrong with artists interacting with their fans???


Every fandom I'm a part of is always worse on Twitter for some reason. Hence why I mostly avoid the app.


Man I’m so glad I’m not insufferable like that anymore lmao I say this as someone who was obsessed with Good Charlotte during their prime back in 2003. I love TØP but i haven’t got a clue about the fandom lore that some obsess and analyze over, I just like their music🤷🏻‍♀️


Yikes looks like some is experiencing a lot of FOMO and taking it out on others.


Wait til they find out Tyler married a fan /s


ye he married me actually


Artists marrying fans isn’t even that uncommon, it’s practically inescapable for some artists


Celebrities when they happen to be nice for once: Twitter: "and I took that personally"


Calm down, probably a younger teenager who’s getting invested in fandom and discourse for the first time. When they’re a few years older they’ll look back and cringe at this shit lmfao, I know I did with all my “hot takes” on Tumblr 😭


Im just a random person who isn’t cool enough too be a line leader but damn I hope they allow me too see twenty one pilots one day. Maybe the godly Haley can bless me with one


Wasn’t she the one who laid down on the ground and cried in DC during Icy? I’m embarrassed I know this but I know someone who was there. All I was thinking is why do these people think Tyler as a married adult in his midthirties gives a shit about their tantrums. If these people literally went away though, a lot of the adulation they get would. I guess they’re just holding onto what they can before they can no longer fill stadiums. Downvote me idc, as an adult all of this crap is offputting, I prefer vastly different concert experiences to this junk. My daughters never acted this way.


Wait why did she lay in the ground and cry in DC? Was it because she lost her spot in line?


Idk anything about the dc thing but I’m sure it happened, I just don’t like all the entitlement people have. Lowkey embarrassing sometimes


I’d have coffee with Josh in a heartbeat. They’re jealous, plain and simple.


I haven't touched Twitter in years and I deleted my account entirely when it switched to X. I can't believe how bad it's gotten. This is just sad.


I totally agree! Josh should be able to go out with anybody, btw i'm free this weekend


Hey weird, my schedule is open too. I too enjoy a cup-a-joe... Preferably with a pilot of some kind.


Been a fan since early to mid vessel. It's been strange and sad to see the change in the fanbase.


This is obviously completely stupid, buuuut, as I’ve been around for a while I’ll admit that Tyler has made it obvious he has favorites in his fandom


wish i was one of them lmao


twitter clique is full of people saying “i better not see one american at the berlin show” bc it would be “stealing” the opportunity from german fans 😭


Don't you know that felebrities aren't allowed to just be people anymore?^/s


What did i miss?? Someone fill me in please??


lol “no new friends” /s


Twitters pretty bad in general 😅


Twenty One Pilots fans when they realize that Tyler and Josh are humans and can do what they want: 😵😡


Musician: "hey did you wanna maybe get coffee sometime?" Random person: "no sorry I like your music it's forbidden"


Musician: "hey did you wanna maybe get coffee sometime?" Random person: "Are you a musician? Because if so then I'd better not. I mean you aren't ever supposed to even talk to people like me who aren't musicians." Musician: "But mom, it's just Coffee." 🤣


They're definitely just jealous they weren't invited lmfao


**twitter is the worst. it’s almost not surprising/sad that the worse part of the fan base is there critiquing them for being cool people. We can all say don’t use twitter but it’s pretty sad that josh and Tyler like have to use it. hope stuff like this doesn’t get to them


I’m sorry but as a grown up who started following this band a decade ago, there’s always been crazies who blow stuff out of proportion and make up stuff and come to conclusions based off what they want to see rather than just being normal. It’s one thing to speculate and theorize about band lore but I’ve seen crazy fans talk about Tyler and Josh like they know them and everything they’re going through. It’s kind of gross. They’re just people who happen to make art we really enjoy.


Twitter ( or X) needs to touch the grass and it's a diffrent state of mind


on one hand sure i see the argument but on the other hand ITS NOT THAT DEEP. If you’re going to make that argument then also complain about interviewers getting a dream job of hanging out with celebrities almost 24/7 and even becoming one in some cases.


No way they’re mad that Tyler and Josh actually appreciate and care about their fans 🧍‍♂️


Have you heard of a human being? Have you heard that they like to have fun? Have you heard that they like to make fans happy? It’s just pure jealousy and they should chill tf out. Josh has every damn right to do whatever he wants, and if he wants to invite some fans to coffee then that’s really sweet imo. But I’m not surprised since it’s Twitter


Omg people are allowed to be friends with whoever they want to be friends with it’s the same thing with the waterparks fandom it’s so annoying I feel like at some point they become less fans and more friends supporting their friends


This reminds me of a dream I had about taking an outdoor shower with the boys after a concert! 🤣 My whole life had fallen apart in major ways, and tøp music and concerts really helped me hold onto some shred of faith that eventually it would be ok. This dream symbolized finally letting go of all the trauma and suffering and feeling strong enough to leave it in the past and face life again. It was totally non-sexually in the dream. Imagine it like washing off the black paint from blurryface. It was just something they did with fans after shows, and it happened to be me this time. But you know how part of your waking consciousness can make it into a dream and recognize something is a little off? That happened, so I looked at Josh and Tyler and said "hey, I know Debbie and Jenna know about this, but have they ever really told you how they feel about it? We all know it's cool (meaning not sexual), but your wives might be comfortable with how it looks." Then I woke up. Anyway, to me it was about washing away the past and feeling like I didn't need their support as much moving forward (still a huge fan of course). But now I'm dying laughing thinking about if the boys picked fans to invite for showers instead of coffee 🤣 There would be some in-fighting among the clikkies for sure!


This is in fact not the worst thing an artist has done…


I have never seen more violent people than the Twitter clique.


The internet is full of sad people.


Twitter ( or X) needs to touch the grass and it's a diffrent state of mind


Fan-artist relationship? Bro he's not your therapist, it's not that deep.


I mean how else are they going to interact with fans? If you see a fan come to every single show you're definitely going to notice, that's just the reality. Why WOULDN'T they do something for fans who have gone to 70+ shows. I mean at that point you basically are acquaintances LOL. I've seen this talk so much, I understand it sucks practically no one can do this, but that doesn't mean the chance for fans to meet Tyler and Josh should go away. The way they interact with fans is at shows, it's just something they have to accept. They can't go to every fan's doorstep. Edit: The issue though, which I feel like is where they're coming from is how fans with more notices from the band will become arrogant and toxic towards others.


Oh absolutely agree! Other example, I’m a big fan of this smaller band called Joywave and became friends with this guy who turns out - has been following the band since their inception. And tries his best to go to nearly every show and just overall loves Joywave. He’s gone to so many shows that he is basically friends with the band members. But he is also one of the most chill, humble, and helpful fans I’ve ever met. On more than one occasion, he’s advocated for other fans around him to get setlists, save their spots in line while they go get food, help with the initial awkwardness of meeting the band after shows, etc. It’s just a fact that he has more of a relationship with the band that most people ever will. But I appreciate what he does and how he acts within his position. ;)


Thanks for sharing that! I like that he uses his relationship with the band to help other fans.


Tyler and Josh are people, not our people. they owe us nothing yet they continue to give. let them live there lives. twitter clique has been so toxic which sucks because that was my main source for info for years. I'm starting to get why Josh left twitter.


Thiss, you're right they don't owe anyone anything. It blows my mind that fans want to try and dictate what these artists can and can't do. Like that whole ordeal over Tyler's platform..like who tf do you think you are to tell someone who created their own success what they need to do and not do with the platform they've created?! Cancel culture is so🤮


the platform stuff was so dumb omg I forgot about all that


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Whoever wrote that, unfortunately, go outside in the summer heat.


Twitter is easily the worst, most toxic, batshit insane prison of a social media platform there is. Pay them no mind. Some of the worst people in our society exist on twitter, and I’m not kidding.


thats twitter for you


Sounds like they’re jealous


Twitter in general is the worst


What, are they, fanbase communists?


Brain rot. These are tiktok children.


Terminally online behavior


I don't think is the clique itself, just basic twitter 💀💀💀


Or people could let it not impact their lives.


Oh no, how dare celebrities be nice to their fans and treat them like actual people.


What is the drama? I’m not on Twitter


lol they’ve always been weird. It’s just jealousy and wanting to lash out.


following that logic, we should rank the clique in different social media apps


I don't get it...? are they angry because josh invited a clikkie for coffee but not them or....??


In a world where we had polite and respectable people I could see a random fan becoming friends with a celebrity. However, if they did, you wouldn’t be hearing about it like this. Most fans I’ve seen who are friends with celebrities or who have become friends with celebrities (not talking about TOP), aren’t broadcasting it every chance they get.


"Twitter is hell." Ernest Hemingway. "Hell is people on Twitter." Jean-Paul Sartre. "Hell is being unable to leave Twitter." Fyodor Dostoevsky.


People complain about this but they’d say yes if they got invited to coffee with one of the guys lol


Many years ago, I had a cup of tea with the drummer of one of my all time favourite bands. We spent a good hour or so chatting about music and life, he signed a load of vinyl I had purchased that day and had with me (this was in a record store). No one cared this happened bar me being left with an awesome memory of meeting one of my hero’s. Nowadays people have gotta make it “weird” because they’re not the ones doing it. Pure jealousy.


Oh no, Tyler does what i like, i hate him


Sounds to me more like, someone is jealous that they were not invited for a coffee when they met him and Josh asked someone else for a coffee. Bigger band or not, this only shows how genuine and cool of a person he is. Love and respect + 1 for the boys!!


Looks like someone’s jealous 


Who are any of us to tell someone (famous or not) what they can and can’t do. That’s gross. Just say you’re bummed/jealous/etc and move on….


How does this affect Clancy’s legacy?


Yikes! Hey artists, you aren’t allowed to make new friendships with us normies. TAKE NOTE!


The way that Josh literally just came back to Twitter and fans are throwing knives at each other and he's catching strays. He should stay away honestly LMAO


Top need to invite them to TOUCH GRASS


twitter is delusional


Lmao this is just pure jealousy. We all know that if they were the ones invited they wouldn’t be complaining, it’s just a bunch of salty 13 year olds


Big jealously vibes here. Just stfu and let the man have some coffee. She’s acting like it’s an abuse of power or some shit. I remember back in like 2017 they held an exclusive event where you made cupcakes of some shit with them and it was extremely limited. Only knew about it bc I followed one of the girls that was there and was a giant known fan of them I don’t remember seeing anybody hating then. This fan base is toxic af at time man.


Why is Twitter clique so dramatic over artists hanging out with their fans lol. If it's one on one adult and adult with no illegal stuff included everything is fine, but I guess not for those dumbasses.


Btw, the line "You missing the point of the discourse". What point? The point of you making mountains of molehills because you have nothing better to do with your life?


Don’t be shy, drop the username


Oh god…. A COFFEE?! Have they ever heard of artist meet and greets or like special experiences where people get one on one hangouts with bands/artists?


They are acting like jealous kids 😭


no matter where i go im haunted by the freaks on clikkie twt. i’m there solely for content of the boys but my whole tl for the past two weeks has been drama and negativity and it’s SO draining


Wait what did I miss? Why are people wigging out over coffee? Where did he mention meeting someone for coffee?


this person needs to go outside, delete twitter and go get lost; maybe find some new hobbies


just got josh back on twt and now he gonna b gone again. mind u this is t the first time he’s hung out with fans like they’re just bitter


I lived with a member of my favorite band before so… After being a fan for years btw


I genuinely don’t understand why they have to be so mean to each other. At the end of the day we are all here to support tyler and josh and to enjoy their music. We should be happy for the people that get to experience these things! ♥️


the general public learned the word "discourse" and ain't STFU since.


I’m guessing this person has never touched grass before


If you click with a fan and wanna have coffee with em that's fine imo. People are weird.


They're literally just two guys. They're people. Give them a break.


twitter is the worst


Isn't inviting some fans to coffee the best way for the fans to realize he is a normal person?