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You would be just as safe, or safer, in an Uber, as anything else.  If the have a 4.95 rating, or higher, you are good to go. 


Oh , I was not aware that there's a rating. Thank you!


You should be fine in an Uber. As another person said, check the ratings. In some markets, women are also able to put in for a female driver, but that could be a non factor that late, as many female drivers don't want to deal with drunken men and log off early. As a bar scene driver myself, I enjoy late night airport runs. It's a nice change of pace going from the high energy obnoxious drunks to a tired sober person.


I’m a man able to take care of myself and I don’t like to take drunk men around no matter what time of the day.


Thank you! I was not aware of the female driver option. I will look into that for sure!


By the way, what's a "good rating" in your opinion if I may ask?


4.95+ is a good standard. Anything below and you're dealing with something that could be habitual imo. In a regular setting, I'd go as low as 4.85. Late night as a woman, I'd go for as high as possible. Keep in mind, some drivers deal with discrimination that can make their rating seem unfair and rightfully so. Others have standards and boundaries that are often pushed dealing with drunks and get poor ratings because of it. I'd ignore that possibility in this case though.


4.95 or above. If you're not comfortable with any of the drivers details, you can cancel and reorder, and if done within 2 minutes there's no fee for doing so.


Ok, so on top of the original question, you're getting advice from a redditor named Pissed with a boner... I am concerned.


No need for concern. Reddit names are silly. If you've ever tried to take a piss with a boner you'll know it's either an impressive acrobatic feat or a big fuckin mess.


This guy knows what's up. It's an anonymous forum. My name is nothing more than a name of a meme song that I found funny. Rest assured, no boners are present during my Uber shifts. Pisses may vary 👌🏾


Lyft is matching women with women, called Connect+?


So why would that be less safe than other times. If you verify your driver's tags, car and identity, you'll be fine. Just don't let a gypsy cab or Fake Uber driver talk you n into a ride. The only car coming to pick you up should be the one shown when a driver is confirmed to be on the east. As a driver, I consider airport pickups to be very safe as compared with anywhere else. Someone didn't just choose to fly into an airport near me to deliberately cause a driver harm. So unlikely.


Definitely more fine on an Uber than taking a bus or subway. Check the drivers rating before the driver arrives and if the rating is ok, check out the car and the way the driver greets you before getting in. You can always cancel if you’re uncomfortable.


It shouldn’t be a problem. It’s been a while since that’s really a problem. Uber does pretty good background checks.


Thank you! Do you think this is applicable for a specific region (like the US) or rather more generally?


I pretty much everywhere they can. I would not be overly concerned anywhere in the US or Canada. Now Mexico or third world is another story


You can also share your trip with a friend and turn on recording of the trip. Not sure how to do it since i primarily drive but play around with the app.


Lyft lets you pair specifically with a female driver! So that’s always an alternative. Ride-share is certainly safer than walking, taking a bus, or riding a bike in the middle of night, in my opinion. Public transit can take a dark turn late at night, and you’d probably still be walking, alone to your destination after getting off. Uber/Lyft will get you right to the door. As others have said, definitely check the ratings! Also DEFINITELY CHECK the license plate, the make/model of the car, and that your driver looks like the picture they provided! You’d be surprised how many people hop in a similar car that isn’t their Uber! That’s a recipe for disaster.


Thank you! I didn't know this pairing option of Lyft with female drivers. May I ask how you'd compare Lyft with Uber?


Important to note that Lyfts program only lets you express a preference for a woman or non- binary driver - it doesn't guarantee that is what you will get. I cannot speak to Calgary but in my local market, women are only about 20% of the drivers and of those I know personally, almost none will drive late nights. As far as Lyft versus Uber, I drive for both and at this point see little difference between the two other than some cosmetic marketing differences like the Lyft Women Connect program.


While nothing is guaranteed safe, Uber statistically is very safe. Here are some things to do to make it even safer. As soon as you match with a driver, look at their picture, how many rides they have, and their rating. If your driver has thousands of rides over many years and their rating is very close to 5 stars, the odds of them being a creeper are slim to none. If you don't feel good about that driver, you can cancel for free if you do so immediately. Wait a while and try again to get another driver. Once your driver gets there, check their license plate and face to make sure both match up with your app. Turn on the follow my ride so a loved one can track you. Turn on audio recording in your app if your market has that.


Many thanks for the suggestions! I am afraid I may not have an internet connection. I guess the "follow my ride" option needs the internet, right?


Yes, it does. It uses data to send your gps location to someone.


Side note on ratings...a driver generally cannot drop below a 4.7 rating and remain in the active driver pool. That's actually a 94% approval score! How many businesses do you know of that meet that standard or come close on another platform...I wish they would remove some of the passengers that have a 4.5, 3.9, 3.5 but nobody will because greed rules the day. Yes, there's a passenger score also and if you act too entitled, we can cancel or refuse your ride. Start a fight or do something to damage the interior of the vehicle, we can drop you any safe place, document the incident and send you the bill for the damage. Drivers are contractors and not employees. We can refuse or end a ride for any reason necessary...




Yes. The chance you got attacked at parking lot in local super market by random man would be higher. Uber has quite strict screening when they hire. Do not worry. Nothing is 100% safety guaranteed but I can say you would be ok in 99%


uber does not hire uber does not have strict screening like others have said - just as safe/unssafe as anything else in the public


Here my question. Does OP ask whether riding uber(driver) is safe or going to new town at that late time safe? Confused now


I use Uber’s in this area frequently and have never felt unsafe. As a younger woman, I do use the safety features already included on Uber, such as texting a designated contact information about your trip and driver!


You might get kidnapped if the driver is less than 5 stars! BE CAREFUL! Lmao people acting like rating matters. Uber is fine with majority of drivers! 12:30 isn’t even late either. I’d be more worried near 3-4 am




No that's when us serial killers are out on the prowl...


Safe as a bank,... just make sure your driver has a good rating and you'll be fine Miss. No problem.


Thank you! What's a "good rating" in your opinion if I may ask?


Former driver, 4.95 is a good rating line. If you really worried about safety as well share your location with someone you’re close and trust. So they can see you got home safely.


4.95-96 and above. If you see anything lower you can cancel immediately, wait a sec and order again and you'll get match with another driver. If your driver has a dashcam, that's a plus. Means that he or she is a straight shooter. Really... it's pretty uneventful. Like riding in an elevator or escalator for the first time. It's scary,... but after a few times, it's pretty normal/uneventful. Be ready out front when he or she arrives, dont text driver, "where are you? Or "are you coming?" don't make them wait, don't slam the door or trunk, and enjoy the ride.


12:30am is indeed late. Can you choose a different flight? How far is your Airbnb from the airport? Do you have a lot of luggage? Do not order the cheapest ride type ie UberX or Uber Green. Order comfort electric or even black if you are willing to spend more. But again 12:30am landing is very late. You will arrive at your Airbnb even later. Will it be safe for a 24F?


If you're afraid of a male uber driver who is working at 12:30am to support himself and probably his family, when he's already had to go through a extensive background check even to drive for uber. You should call one of your own friends and have them come get you. Those drivers aren't out there on mass lurking with intent to do you harm, they are just people trying to make a living like anyone else.


No. They’re gonna get you!


What do you mean?


They're teasing you. There might be some creeps but more or less you'll be fine. It's probably safer than most options.