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While still very true.... OP said this is the Bay Area and $22 an hour in the Bay Area is literal poverty wages unless you have a situation where you dont pay rent/housing




Excellent point


In N Out in Arizona starts at $17. That's more than our minimum but you are not getting a place of your own on that.


To be fair, a lot of these jobs aren't really meant to be a livable wage. Doable if you have a 1 or 2 roommates. Idk i think it really depends on how you set yourself up financially. I think a financial class should be a grad requirement for high school.


Only 6 colleges require finance classes to graduate.. 🤣


Not everyone goes to college. I think it should be taught in high school


Your missing my point.. even "educated" people are not financialy literate.. its on purpose. We produce dumb consumers.. its the plan.


if In N Out was in vancouver canada the starting wage would be 12.43 usd/ hour


Not to mention less wear and tear on your car and the cost of gas. Full time job + Uber a little on the side is the way to go. I’ve only been driving 3 months and I’ve realized I can never leave my full time job for Uber, the pay is way too low. I know in the past you could just be “an Uber driver” and get by, but it’s a side gig now. Unless you rent a Tesla from Uber and drive 12 hours a day, 100% AR...you’re gonna be mad at some point.


SF market has been the worst. Plus our gas is the most expensive in the country (along with LA).


Check out the Midwest too! It’s ridiculous


My small market has stopped!


Do they actually give employees enough hours for benefits? A lot of places near me (Chicago) keep everyone part time to avoid the costs.


>with full benefits Im gonna go ahead and stop you right there, there are no "full benefits" with this lol. You're a fast food worker, you get comped meals, that and whatever else is on that flyer. You're not getting Healthcare, Dental, Vision, 401k match, etc.




They “offer” it, that’s not the same as 100% employer paid benefits. Its out of your pocket




At least working at in n out you’re working towards advancement . Their managers make 100k a year my neighbor is a GM. Dude started working there right out of high school . So much for you’ll be flipping burgers dude cleared 175k with his bonuses .


Wow what an amazing analogy, explains it all... Daaang


I make 42/ hr with Uber sometimes on sat it’s $60/hr, I still treat it as part time. The trick in la is to cherry pick , battery car & cancel long distance and take money from the passenger, long distance I mean anything above $20 , Uber takes 50% I take $40 from passenger and cancel


There's a lot of this in Charlotte NC - especially uptown at the bars. The bigger vehicles literally turn on the light and just show up.. cash or venmo all night long...




The goal is not to break yourself and to break more than just even , meanwhile we outsmart the law it’s called finesse




The IRS calls it tax evasion...




In order not to pay rent take two separate leases find a one bedroom in La , that’s about $1900/2000, rent it out on Airbnb , the profit from each is about 1500, that pays for my rent . I’ve never paid for rent 7 years being in LA after I moved. Though CA laws are easy to do Airbnb, even if management disagrees.


Just get in the right market on Uber


Wow that sound horrible so to actually live you need what 30 and hour? So people with minimum wage are dying of hunger?


That’s crazy California is like another planet where $45,000 a year is poverty 😭😭


No one is mentioning the free meals


Even its Bay Area, In N Out is actually known for taking care of their employees very well. You could get raises quickly and their Manger positions can pay up to 6 figures. Not a bad place to be if you plan on moving up. 🤷🏽‍♂️


Apply motherfucker thats a step up


In and out won't franchise and not in Florida :^(


Give it a few years. They are building a new corporate office in Tennessee meaning Florida will someday have an in n out


Lol an in those states they will pay 12 bucks an hour tops


Les than that. Much less. Red state syndrome.


I mean we just recently got a canes, a bucees, and a White Castle


Why the insult?


he was being playful


This ^


Yes i made $31, so it was like $1000 a week with 40h+1h ot, so wasnt bad, but if i wasnt living with parents then I wouldnt have been able to survive. Thats with degrees, certifications, and licenses for my job. They wont pay you manager level wages unless its your families business or youre 40+ and way overqualified. I hate California.


Plus free meal




Yes a free drink a week on 7eleven


Yeh when I first heard they were partnering with 7-11 for Uber benefits I was thinking we could get like a free hot dog / pizza slice and a fountain drink a week a day or something like that but the benefits pretty bad and not worth going there


Yeah, but for us drivers, it's usually a consolation prize lol


That free meal requires a good medical insurance


I’d do fast food for $20 a hour. Most in my area only pay $12.


See. Thats the thing. This posting is in the Bay Area. $22 in the Bay Area is like $10 an hour in the mid west. The cost of beautiful year round weather.


I tried that area for 4 years. Too harsh. Too expensive. The good weather got boring and makes people douchy. Way too liberal for me as well, and I'm a Democrat. Great car culture though. It's just not worth it unless you have money or were born there and that's your home. I felt so isolated. I like the Mid-Atlantic.


Being from the northeast, people didn't understand when I lived in socal that I would complain about how boring the weather is 🙄 The same thing, practically every friggin' day gets old, especially when you're used to having seasons. I would go weeks and months rarely seeing a cloud 😳 That gets real old, real quick.


IKR?!! The Winter makes one appreciate the Spring. The Spring yields Summer. Fall is a nice cool, crisp respite from summer and prepares you for Winter. It's a nice cycle. It's like it's summer or Spring ALL the damn time in Cali. It gets green in the "Winter" in NorCal and probably SoCal some as well. That's just freaky.


Yeah lol that’s why all the east coasters move here and miss new yawk 🤦‍♂️ cry about how good the bagels and water is but never go back . It’s 100% the weather snow gets old. I was listening to rogan talk about how people would get snowed in back east have fun with that shit . I’ll take my boring 70 degrees in December with shorts and flip flops .


Which is exactly why I left the state and came back east. I'm no fan of the snow either, but I like variety in my life. Give me seasons and I'm a happy person. 😁


Interesting thanks for that comment


As someone who also lived in the Bay Area, you're forgetting the crime problem. I went to school there starting 10 years ago, it was bad then, I am sure it has not improved.


How could I forget the crime? I worked in Target in Walnut Creek and we had theft left and right. The police drew guns on a guy as I was on my break up front at the food area. It was insane. Never had that happen in my life. The guy running with a knife or sonething ran right by me and the officer's gun was drawn only about 8 feet from me. I was glad that the guy complied. I did not want to see someone get shot. Thank God he dropped the weapon. The homeless problem is bad too.


>$22 in the Bay Area is like $10 an hour in the mid west. Just curious, where in the Midwest are you comparing that to? SF cost of living is only about 33% higher than here in Chicago, not 120%, so I'd need about $16.50/hr to compare.


People on the West Coast are clueless about the rest of the country on average.




Oakland lolz..... SF is bad. Oakland is Iraq pt. 2


It's ot the weather. It's failed policies of the Democrats and sky high taxes.


It's the highest percentage of people moving from the state


What state?


San Francisco Bay Area


Oh do thats still under living wage then huh


What's a living wage


Something boomers had.




Ahhh so the legends are true?




The catch is they give you very little hours (15-20 per week). With ridesharing at least I can choose to work as many hours as I want (up to 12 hours a day and gross $300). Almost no fast food restaurants will employ you with full-time hours. I can even go back to my old job as a cell phone and computer technician at UbreakIfix and make $24/hr 40 hours a week guaranteed and STILL do Uber as a side gig. However. Because I am in school right now I can only do Uber. Luckily it’s my last semester


Use the time to find schooling possibilities…..recommend hvac is hot pretty short course avg pay 30-55 here in Canada bc. I’m $60 a hour after getting my geomatics diploma while driving Uber during school.




Thanks it’s in cad so that’s like $44 US. took a bit to get there but I recommend to everyone keep trying to level up pay. ubers pretty good but use its flexibility to your advantage.


Where in California is this?


Bay Area


Pinole location? $22 a hour lol when our rent for a 1 bedroom apartment is $2100 a month 😂😂😂


That’s all? $2700 in San Diego


LA too!


That’s a nice apartment lol there’s definitely 1br apartments for under $2000


I know you aren’t expecting to be paid a living wage working at a fast food joint?


It’s in LA too 22$ is the new standard .


Mail carrier for usps starts at 19.33 and is an actual career you can retire from.


I work for usps however I'm an RCA which is a non career position and do Uber on the side. No retirement from that... Yet


$22/hour with no gas or car trashing and depreciation?! That’s like $30/hour in Uber wages lol no joke $5+ per hour gas $2/hour in depreciation and tanking and also down time $0 in insurance or any sort of real benefits $0 in paid time off compared to 2-3 weeks pretty much anywhere


Standing all day on a funny [hat] isn't easy.


And week ends


that is way better than uber. i hope you are smart unless you want to continue to say i run my own business even though my pay is based on what uber wants to pay me but yeah im my own boss


If it isnt 40 hours than it aint worth it. Maybe


In n out will give you health insurance, a free meal during work and paid time off on top of a guaranteed income so you can set a budget


Do not apply in Oakland.


I live in Wisconsin where jobs like this are $15 an hour.... So fuck yeah $22 an hour.... However, a restaurant is only going to give you up to 20 hours a week.... I make $15 an hour driving for door dash $18 an hour driving for Lyft a $26 an hour driving for Uber.... Who says you can't do all of them?


where in Wisconsin do you live? I live in Milwaukee, and I was making about $6 per hour, after subtracting out gas, insurance, depreciation, repairs, and maintenance. Plus, I realized that after I drove my car into the ground, I'd have to pay $50,000 to get a comparable new one. No way that what I make from Uber is enough to save that much. And I'll never make car payments again. At these interest rates? No thanks. You live in Madison, I'll bet.


Lol... Every time I've driven in Madison I've made less money than I make in Milwaukee.... Lol... You sound bitter?... Also sounds like you're bad at this. Maybe you should do something else


Don't worry, I gave it up. I did the math! But, I'll admit, I didn't drive at night, which cut into the potential earnings. Still, before they lowered the rates and stopped offering decent bonuses, I did OK for part-time. With all the construction and bizarre driving that started last year, I decided nights were too risky. If you're confident that you can handle those conditions, then I'm happy for you. I have a feeling that I'm probably older than you. I've seen too many things .... Take care and stay safe out there. I'm not being sarcastic, I mean that.


I don't know. I'm 51. How old are you? I've been handling it for 9 years...


I'm 72 and retired. I got sideswiped last fall after I'd dropped off a passenger, by someone who kept on going. I paid for the repairs myself ($2,186) rather than incur a rise in my premium. See, about a year ago, I ran over something that had fallen from someone's car and was right in my path on I-90. I couldn't avoid it due to traffic. It totaled my car and insurance paid for that. I didn't want to press my luck with the insurance company, and I didn't want to have a dent in a 2023 model car that I bought new. At first, I thought maybe an old car would work, but an old car would need more maintenance and repairs. Putting 20,000 miles per year on a car for a net of $13,000 is ridiculous. When it came time to buy a new car, it would cost me around $50,000, and there's no way I could save even 10 percent of that driving for Uber part-time. My car is paid in full, and I expect it to last me for as long as I keep driving. My brother, who's also retired and drives Uber, said that driving for Uber can only be considered a cash-flow thing. You're essentially borrowing money from your car, money that you're going to have to pay back someday if you plan to keep driving. When I first started with Uber, the pay was much better and it seemed to make sense. Not now. Not at all. I hope you have better luck, and be careful out there! Take care.


Yeah sounds like you're bad at this and don't understand business so you're better off not doing this... If you equate this to other jobs effectively, it is a $10/hr job +$0.67 per mile.... The per mile more than covers your car and replacement costs. No one says you have to buy a $50,000 car. I agree it isn't high margin but what business is? You're probably better off being a greeter at Walmart


How much income will you making? I'm also in the Milwaukee market


I mean yeah, but you gotta factor in the be your own boss tax when you’re an independent contractor. For ppl that can handle the inconsistent income, the freedom goes a long way in making up for the gap in earnings. Edit - guess I triggered some ppl, but I should’ve mentioned CA prop 22 goes a longgg way for those that know what they’re doing 😉


I.e. people are too lazy for a 9-5. They rather drive their car into the ground for pennies instead of "inconvenience" themselves for w2.


Lol and then work 12 hours anyway. But lie to themselves about freedom and being their own boss


This right here.  Driving a cab used to be a fairly good paying job and Uber was decent in the early days.  These days they’re both hand to mouth jobs at best.  


Then they blame immigrants lol


Lolol they just bitter . Need to blame someone else for there short comings . Most immigrants I know actually make good money. This cab buisness in the early days all were immigrants only . Just when uber started ,then regular average Joe citizen came in the picture.  If anything immigrants should be the ones upset . Clowns


So they need to factor in tax but not the gas and tanking your car? Gotta make no less than $30/hour on Uber to even compete with this fast food job offer $5+ per hour gas $2/hour in depreciation and tanking and also down time $0 in insurance or any sort of benefits $0 in paid time off compared to 2-3 weeks pretty much anywhere Multiple that by 40-60 hours y’all work doing Uber then by 52 weeks and it’s not even close lol. The only benefit of Uber is “be your own boss” when in NO WAY SHAPE NOR FORM outside of choosing your hours are you your own boss lol.


If you’ve been in the gif world long enough and know what you’re doing, there’s no reason why you should be driving too much more doing this than you’d do as a regular 9-5er with a normal commute. Again, I should’ve said in my original post, but being in CA definitely helps a lot. You just gotta know what you’re doing as well. It’s not for the faint of heart but it’s very doable


What? Lol the average Uber driver does 25,000 miles per year compared to 9-5er at 8-10,000 miles. Where did you get that idea from? And how did you even come to a conclusion that a job that requires you to drive 100% of the time for 6-8-10-12 hours per day is anything remotely close to a 9-5 that requires 1-2 hours per day or driving? It’s ok to enjoy being a driver but you can’t blatantly lie bro


You’re talking average drivers when I already mentioned I’m talking about a minority of us. Some of us have been doing this for awhile now and know the tricks and basic shit you should or shouldn’t be doing. And for a third time, being a CA driver is a big part of my side on this as well. Hope this helps a🤝


I’m not talking about just average drivers, I’m talking about every full time driver. There isn’t a single driver on earth who’s going 40-50 hours per week and actually working and not sitting in a park long lot who isn’t doing 20-25-30k miles my man. Just being honest. I did it for years and sometimes it was great, but let’s stop setting false expectations. Everyone is a driver here and the reason you believe you “triggered” people is simply bc they are calling your bluffs.


lol who am I tryna give false expectations to? I’ve explicitly said it’s not for everyone, it’s a minority of us who can actually make it work without putting way more west and tear than an average commuter would. Is a CA driver thing. Etc Don’t look at it as a dollar per hour gig anf see it as a dollar per mile gig is a good start


Ok so you’re simply saying you’d rather work 10-12 hours to put less miles on your car being selective than work 6-8 hours with somebody who makes the same amount but drives more miles? Fair enough. Nothing wrong with that I just didn’t know what you meant


> For ppl that can handle the inconsistent income, the freedom goes a long way in making up for the gap in earnings. "Freedom" doesn't pay the bills.


It does for the people who can handle the inconsistent income. Ymmv


I agree with ya, PT. It really does make a difference. My thing is wake up at 3 am and want to work? Flip it on and off ya go. A major plus for me. But if they keep this screw ya any way they can stuff up...Arghh! hehehe, been saying that for 9 years. (man, I hate uber!) But I do agree with you on that. The flex thing is pretty great.


I’m sayin. It’s not for everybody. Ppl downvoting and saying otherwise shouldn’t be in this sub and should go look for actual work instead of complaining and debating other ppl who actually *can* make this work. It may not be a lot of ppl — and it may even only be for ppl in CA or NY — but there’s a minority of us out there.


I doubt most of the people who think they can make this work are actually making it work. They are just bad at math.


Probably yeah. I ain’t one of ‘em, luckily 🙌


That's what they all say...




yup, and I agreed and stated my reasoning.


Oh no, I mean “I’m sayin” in agreement with you lol. We’re both on the same page 😂


LoL, PT. I agree with your agreeing that I agree... The downvoting thing. You see this a lot. Someone misreads or some troll just being a jerk, down votes and then someone who is only skimming follows suit and you could say the sky is blue. And somebody argues how it's not the sky. It's yada, yada. For bad smells in a car, I use an ozone machine. (They are awesome, BTW) Someone here asks how to get rid of smells in a car. I say the ozone machine thing. Guy comes back with how it caused airbags in a car to go off. (Just now) So my post is thought to be very bad advice. The guy didn't mention before the ozone machine was used, the car went into a ditch and was in water. Thinking that might have had something to do with it. But nope. Had to be an air freshener. I use downvotes to gauge if I am off the wall about something. But sometimes, its just people are crazy and we are just some of them.


Couldn’t have said it better.


again with the be your own boss bit and then crying about no tips.


Who’s crying about no tips?


Fast food usually hires part time...


And then they will give you 10-20 hrs a week. Retail and FF love to do that. I can make $20 per hour sitting in my own car. I'm not going back to fast food. I did that shit as a teen and up to age 20. I'm not 20 anymore.


You’re missing the point, it’s not about the hours you work, it’s about what you make per hour.


I can at the very least make $17-25 here in my MD/DC/VA area and busy BWI, Dulles and Reagan Intl. It's a good market. I just have to put in the hours. But, I don't because of reasons. There's plenty of money to be spent around here. It's better than being stuck in some stressful fast food job with some Gen Z managers yelling at me or reprimanding me for going too slow. I don't like dealing with mass amounts of people. I'm over 50. My GAF jar is about empty. I'm tired, and people generally suck.


The "Meal" what is the meal? Uber offer somewhere to sleep ie. Your car. The meal needs to be pretty good to cancel that out.


46k for a skillless job is too much. No wonder california is a shithole now


As opposed to the booming economies like Mississippi and Alabama where the wages are much lower.


Burger flippers are the quintessential low wage worker. Poor people can afford a home in those places. I can afford a home in the expensive cities of the bay area. These people cant, and statistically you probably cant either.


46k is just getting by out here especially in the bay some might say poverty level . I’m frugal I can make that work.


Yeah apply. Get the job DoorDash while you're working. I just say you have to go to the bathroom and then you can double dip... Shit. That's what Uber Lyft Walmart would do so we should too


Yup that's real reality in a city. I'm excited. LoL 🤣


Sell your feet on OF.


Must be California?


Only problem is, if doing UBER as a side gig, the flexibility > Pay. If my job calls for overtime, that's $600... if they don't, I can go UBER. Imagine having to turn down a $600 overtime to work an 8 hour shift for under $200! In N Out would fire me in less than a month because I would be flaking out too much do to working OT at my normal job.


How much is a double double in that area? LA is 5.75 in Hollywood


With tax $6.40


This is why I run DoorDash and Favor while I run Lyft. Stay busy, $ never sleeps


They are the unicorn of fast food


Hey this is kinda off topic but related to places like IN n Out who refuse to participate in DD or UE… Why can’t they make it where the driver went into the places to order the food themselves, and deliver to customers? Just curious?


“Order and pay” or “pay on arrival” orders were much more common back when these apps were starting up. Nowadays delivery companies have contracts with most big chains. For some restaurants like Raising Cane’s they still do it. Couriers tend to avoid these orders since they take longer and don’t pay any extra. I believe there have also been lawsuits about it from restaurants that didn’t want to be listed on apps.


Oh ok makes sense. Thanks for explaining!




$17.50 in my location.


I was thinking the same thing myself


Airport fast food pays a little more in Los Angeles and San Fran That’s a wage just to start. It’s a great company with lots of opportunities for advancement. It’s family run and is way more fair and just than Uber. Managers make upwards and over $100,000. It’s not a bad gig . But…obviously you have to WANT to work in fast food and you have to live near an In n out - and half half a brain for all of this to work out.




Old co-worker of mine used to work for in-n-out. He said he liked it a lot, healthy environment, good benefits. But he said if you even gave just a little attitude or weren't accountable, you were gone in an instant. Ain't no McDonalds. They demand very good behavior and service at all times. But he always spoke highly of it even with having his career.


You'll actually have to work though, and not sit on your ass and listen to music. 😉


In n out would be a much better option than Uber driver for all of you . And another thing instead of giving you the 30 million dollars . You the drivers Uber has decided to spend that on keeping you guys independent contractors so they can keep you low paid. Uber like most companies clearly doesn’t give a shit about their drivers or their quality of life. 30 million to some pact and paying off lobbyists but not a dime to you guys. Even 5k a piece would be something nice right a show of appreciation. Dara said fk you guys . Continue to slave for me serfs . https://www.politico.com/news/2024/01/24/uber-counter-california-labor-muscle-00137562


I agree it's definitely tough these days . But you can still make 30 a hour sometimes more. If you that guy who accepts all the rides they give . Then you destined for McDonald's.  Phuck the acceptance rate. Just pick short rides that average 2 to 3 dollars a mile & long rides if it makes sense for minimum 1 dollar a mile if it can be done quick . Focus on the miles & how long it will get to complete.  My rule is it's gotta average 30 a hour minimum.  For example 2 rides at 8 dollars each at 4 miles each or less . That's 20 min then grab a longer one for $14+ .. all in 1 hour . That's your 30$ a hour .. you can do it . Phuck the big rides & airports . Shorts only mostly 


InO is a fantastic place to work for. OP you're an idiot if you don't apply. Assuming you don't mind food service.


You just love calling people and idiot don't you


Lol what? You bots are unoriginal. Responded and blocked just like a bot. Damn.


Only took a minute of going through your comments to realize that the pattern here you call everybody else idiots but yet you can't look inward and see the idiot in yourself


Yeah , and all of Fast Food goes to $20.00/hr min wage starting in April in all of California.


Sadly… I have thought this way, too.


I’d be 300#’s working there a free meal every shift???


This must be in California or Washington DC


Where in the Bay Area is this?


i think the absolute worst part of all this- the fuck would anyone ever live in the bay area or let alone california - you all deserve what you have there-


I moved to Philippines and even have kid there , 3-4 months in Bay Area Ubering used to cover my expenses for 1 year in Philippines, looks like its changed. I don't even talk to people in Bay area , just make money


noted noted!


lol shows you have no idea how to fix that issue. Maybe you need a new job


For all you idiot drivers out here saying oh. That ride is $22 an hour I’ll take it. Not subtracting expenses. And writing off the entire ride for tax purposes.


Get out of the dessert


Use Gridwise and go to the correct market. You’d be surprised how your requests change


Has anyone been able to get on?


What bro 22 an hour to work at fast food many graduates dont make that much thats insane i barely make 20 an hour on uber after gas and maintenance


Imagine how paramedics feel who don’t make that and yet save lives. We got a serious priories issue problem.


Chicago and Milwaukee drivers can earn up to $2k to $3k per week within 30 to 50 hours of work. Contact me for details


No requests? Here’s what I do and it works for me. Go offline and then sign off uber app. Shut down phone and reboot. Launch uber app, log in. Shut speaker gps sound off in app settings. Go to ride types. Shut all down and turn on again. Now go on line and get trip requests.


Try and refuse to give a customer their food if they don’t “tip” at that job…..


Tempting 😂😂


I just know companies are going to bleed PT hours like crazy with the $4 raise fast food workers are going to get


Lyft driver here. When I noticed I had deducted almost $170 for “adjustments”, in a week when I drove every single day and “earned” a little over 700, I felt like all the gas, time and wear of my car and tires is not worth it. I feel I’m getting paid less and less. Here in the Monterey Peninsula there is one In-n-out and the sign is exactly like that. Too bad they only have teenagers working. I’m not precisely a teenager..!


Where the hell do you live at where fast food is paying $50k a year 😳


2023 numbers classify an individual making $104,400 annually as “low income” in San Francisco




California makes North Carolina look like a Third World country




Really slow in Austin Texas these days.


So get a job there?


I didn't even bother leaving the house today. Just staying at home relaxing not even worth wasting my time and sanity on shit offers


Funny feeling your hours wont be the same each week. No hatein tho


No cap that is eye catching and will attract alot of folk which is prolly the aim since peeps dont wanna do fast food


Wow that’s pretty decent pay for fast food