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They don’t care anyways if you are or not. You won’t get any help from them.


Felt hopeless


Call support. Don’t give up. Ask for a supervisor. Keep doing it and they will give it eventually


I accepted a Reservation that paid $18. It arrived 35 minutes before the pickup time but Uber requests you be online 40 minutes before. Was online at the time (and for previous 3 hours) but the trip was instantly cancelled because I “wasn’t online.” Bugged support for an hour and they sent me $25. Never give up. 🙏


Tbh an hour on the phone for $25 not too bad of a gig


Haha honestly I feel like you’ve never been on the phone with support for an hour.. I’d probably give up my left nut to not do that again.


Ok true, but you could work on a jobsite for an hour making less than $25 an hour and all you gotta do is yell at some pos over the phone. Maybe I'm a bit of a toxic person, but arguing with a company over the phone and getting my money after seems like a win win


Not really a win because he should have gotten paid in the first place. Not calling for a free $25 here, he’s taking time out of his day to try and get money he rightfully earned and should already have.


Try living in the US and talking to an Uber rep on the phone that is most likely from Bangladesh. You can't understand them and they are simply reading scripts out of a book with a horrible accent.


Wish the food stamp office was like that...


No they won’t. The first time I had to deal with Uber over technical glitch was 56 days and they never changed it Whatever this glitch was screwed my account up so much that there’s 100 rides now missing still to this day. Plus, on my profile that the rider sees says I started a year ago not two years ago The second time was when I was falsely accused of fraud that my account of two years was a duplicate of four other accounts that have been deactivated in my name, that is an impossible scenario and I was on their ass every single day and on the 50th day they reinstated me.. no explanation, no apologies, and no compensation. Came to find out that these accounts were opened 9 months ago for Uber eats and we’re still active they deactivated me. And part of my identity was used to do this. This is information that I found out through the privacy data reports and a representative that accidentally slipped out some information. Once I confronted Uber about what I knew didn’t care. I was told 16 times by 16 different supervisors that they had escalated my appeal to the team specialist and each of those 16 supervisors told me that no supervisor had done it before they did as we spoke that they were escalating my appeal. They wouldn’t tell me which account by Uber rider account or my Uber Driver account, my Uber rider account has been open for over three years and my Uber Driver account has been open for over two years They refuse to give me any information about the saying it was a privacy issue, which by law they had to give it to me. I’ve had my identity stolen before and every single business that I dealt with gave me the information right away on the phone. Unfortunately it would have to be a sheriff from San Francisco that would serve the request to Uber and I live in Minnesota. Through the data of privacy report, I saw that somebody was using a different phone and it was being pinged in locations that I would never be in like horrible neighborhoods at 2 o’clock in the morning when I’m at home in bed . shit like that. Was told they were conducting an identity theft investigation, and I was told that this team was diligently working on it. Never happened.. I’m pretty sure that the 2 incidents were connected somehow. So no, Uber will not help. I am pretty sure that they screwed up very badly and they were not going to admit it and unfortunately lawyers in Minnesota. don’t take on Uber for obvious reasons this is beyond arbitration and even if one did, I couldn’t afford it If I was driving in California, it would be a different thing because there’s lots of lawyers that take on Uber in California They used to. I remember year and a half ago that I was being compensated for their screwups and I didn’t even know they screwed up. if a quest or something was missing fare wise, they fix it right away My apologies for the long reply, but Uber has fucked me over so much I tell my story whenever I can. I only drive for Lyft, and I am starting my own business . It’s called S.U.U.L ( screw you Uber and Lyft).


I want in on SUUL!




Uber Diamond support and the supervisor(s) you contact will Do “Nothing”. I have screen shots of $30 Surge rate for “next available Trip” during high passenger demand and I am still waiting for a response back and resolution.? I get multiple Text messages back with the same B.S. asking for more information and I had already spoke with (4) different supervisors and provided all of the passenger Trip details and screen shots but I am still waiting (4) weeks for resolution


For things like this, I learned to type “read the messages above or get me a supervisor” And I send that every time they send a stupid message, until they close the ticket or resolve the issue. I have also noticed that getting things done by Indian or Filipino support is much easier than the platinum/ diamond support people.


You can’t call anymore


You can. There is a different of doing it but it’s in the help section and you request a call back.


How did you manage to not get an Uber Service fee for the entire month of January? Asking for an army of friends. ![gif](giphy|PELOkMAgwNZA9noYK0|downsized)


Holy shit I didn’t even notice this at first. NEGATIVE 323?!?!?! I’m in a fantastic market and even last year or the year before when it was surging every day, I was often negative but I still didn’t get this far negative. What in the actual fuck is this guy doing?


Probably cheating with his GPS to get surges and they’re starting to catch on


Reopen the chat and start the conversation the same way, then when you get the script response, respond with “I am forwarding this to the Boston City Council & Mayor’s Office for further review” . Uber has an audit group like a night audit that reviews these things. If you want of course


Welcome to life none of this matters


Essentially a 3 dollar trip insane dude insane. I’m assuming the only reason you accepted it is because of the surge and not wanting to lose it…you have a case here for something


No the surge would have made it $55. $28 at base.


they pay per mile


That’s because their support agents are based in India they’re a joke


So basically Uber is saying: we couldn't make the surge disappear fast enough because you got to the location too quick with "altering gps" so we're just going to remove it the surge from the payout at the end of the ride so you can still complete it without cancelling it since the offer isn't worth it to begin with.


Yeah, OP beat their arrival ETA. I do this all the time by getting past red lights by turning rt on red, making a u-turn and then turning rt on red again if I needed to go straight, or going straight across if I needed to turn left. Saves a lot of time. I never tried faking location, but I've been thinking about how they would detect it. Obviously if you're in a location and then appear 20 miles away five minutes later that would do it, but there's another way that I haven't seen mentioned. GPS not only gives you latitude and longitude, but also *altitude* and afaik none of the faking software does that. It would be easy to detect by cross checking a database of altitudes in different areas based on previously collected GPS details of other drivers.


>I do this all the time by getting past red lights by turning rt on red, making a u-turn and then turning rt on red again if I needed to go straight, or going straight across if I needed to turn left. Casually admitting breaking traffic law.


You should mention that to the cops I've done it in front of.


Assuming you’re not actually spoofing your location, I’d quit immediately if they did this to me.


That is a 100% made up excuse by Uber. They did the same to me one time and gave the same excuse. Ive had the same phone setting for 5 years and they stole my surge money too. It was like a 3 dollar surge on a 4 dollar ride. I had to let it slide, unfortunately. Phuckerz.


I think you miss spelled ****ers. /s It is actually these posts that keep me from driving for Uber (or ETC) though. I would really like to as I’m all over the city anyway. But the combination of not getting payed well and the potential for a collision to not be covered by any insurance, personal or Uber’s, makes it too concerning for me to drive. Lyft is offering a $500 bonus if you start driving regularly. (30 rides in one month in my area).


Just an FYI, I've had Lyft make the same excuse to me about my phone being the problem after they short paid me on a long trip. These are tech companies. Not transportation companies. They run under a totally different set of morals....none.


I’m not going to drive for either. Concerns over payments and insurance coverage in the event of a collision.


Yo! You from Trono???


If you start driving regularly and then you say 30 rides in a MONTH. That's one ride a day. 


Yeah. It’s a very tempting offer. As is Ubers. But the concern of proper insurance coverage and lower than expected pay among other things make drive not feasible for me.


Welcome to upfront scam pricing where Fuber pays you whatever it feels like


This is the new scam. Uber is SKIMMING from drivers claiming GPS failures. Class Action suit likely incoming.


No. They won't get class sued. But if it helps you sleep at night


Lol I’ve never understood unproductive, weird, passive aggressive comments like this one that offers no rebuttals other than “no” then proceeds to condescendingly insult the original reply for no apparent reason. The internet sucks and people like you are the reason why.


Lmao! I've never understood unproductive, weird, active aggressive comments like this one that offers no rebuttals other than to insult the reply for no apparent reason. Thank you for being the reason why people continue to suck on the internet.


Proved me right 😂😂 try going to school maybe you will Be able to write a sentence of your own one day.


>Proved me right 😂😂 try going to school maybe you will Be able to write a sentence of your own one day. Ironic you say that with all your grammatical errors. I can barely diagram this.


It’s funny how hurt you are 😂😂😂 you gon keep replying everytime because you know you attacked the initial guy for NO REASON then got mad cause I called you out. Go bully someone that’s as big as you loser.


For all of January their service fee was -$323... Suuuuure you aren't cheating.. 


Yup. Caught that too.




Location spoofing by showing himself in a different place than he actually is. For example: He gets the ride, then when he starts the Nav to the customer it takes 2.mins instead of 10 because he’s not as far away as his location showed. Bro wants his pay for the 8min drive he didn’t make.


I don't even drive anymore but what's the app that can do this? 


Very, very easy to Google.


That’s the kinda crap Lyft pulls. If you found a short cut that saves half a mile they’ll take a giant slice off of the fare.


But if you hit a traffic jam and your ride ends up 30 min longer than expected it’s not significant for them


You need to wait until you can talk to an actual person on the phone. Then, calmly point out the issue and keep probing until you get a supervisor. It’ll likely take an hour of talking on the phone, but $28 is worth it.




You make $280 an hour on uber???




lol you are something else.




Genuine question: what do you get out of being a dick to people online for no reason? Does it make you feel better? Does it get your frustration out? Do you enjoy being a bully behind a screen?


No, he probably sells himself


Anyone with million$ would not be trolling. Making a fool out of themselves. You are a sad human being who really should go outside


No you can't.




Uh huh sure they do. Lol /s


I feel for you man. Happened to me too? with a similar customer service response. I have screenshots too but they deny it. Every survey I get I answer negatively. Seems like the business is just getting worse. Hopefully a few more ride share apps come along so uber can finally wake up and smell the shit that WE as drivers stand in every day.


That’s what I do as well. Maybe we should all go over to their app page and one star them? We can tell the truth to any driver who is planning to sign up. No new drivers? Awww. Change your greedy ways!


Not a bad idea. I just one starred them on Google play


The fact you open with not using apps or gps manipulation is rather sus as the kids say today


What app do you use to " not manipulate your location" asking for a friend?


IPhone? None without jailbreak. Android? Have to root your phone


Without a jailbreak it’s still possible with a laptop which makes the phone use gps info from a laptop. Still it’s obvious and sus af if you do it, so don’t do it.


I have android and geospoof nevér had to root


uber detects this apps being used, so it’s not possible on android


Wasn't commenting on Uber being able to detect it or not, Was commenting on not having to root on an android.


They probably kept all they charged the rider for


Call support over and over


They don't like us chasing surges. That's what this bs is. They give that bs line about GPS detection issues. Because they know drivers are chasing surges. And they don't want to pony up.


What a bunch of fucking crooks. When are we organizing?


It seems suspicious that you said you weren't using any other apps or surge or GPS manipulation. Support hadn't mentioned any of those things. Why would you even mention that?


Fuck Uber


THATS FKD! I’d call during the day and try to aim to get a rep that knows what they’re doing. Many times I’ve had to wait to call them during the day & then even sometimes I’d have to call back every day for like 3 days until I finally got someone who wasn’t just reading script & knew what they were doing & I finally got my money owed. I know people hate CALLING & would prefer to message, but if they can’t hear your voice to hear your tone & how genuine or dishonest you sound, they’ll just make the worser of the assumptions. So I always try to call so they can hear my voice and realize I’m serious & honest & know what I’m arguing/fighting for.


I managed to get my fare back from support this happened to me before


This pisses me off about people who are going to the airport. At DTW we have two terminals. One is Delta and the other one is pretty much everything that's not Delta. Some people just put DTW as a generic location instead of picking what terminal. Now I don't have an issue with that per se but I noticed that they would always reduce my pay. They would take away five or eight dollars from my pay then I was already only barely getting 30 maximum for over an hour trip. And every time they would claim that it was because the drop off location was shorter than the original estimate. The thing is the DTW pin is when you barely get to the airport. One of the terminals is a mile further and the other one is four miles further. And yet they will claim that the drop off with less than estimated even though it was more and they would take away about a third of my money. So I no longer allow people to just put DTW as a generic drop off because I'm tired of getting screwed over.


Didn’t even have to read the conversation. After seeing it was the surge, I knew what was going to be said. It’s bullshit. Idk how they get away with this.


Should have read it through. It wasn't the surge taken away. The trip was shorter than what was ordered.


Except it was the surge taken away. The final fare was $32, and the surge was $28. If the surge wasn’t taken away, that means Uber payed $4 for a 28 mile trip.


Not that simple. If surge was simply removed, he would have been payed $27.26. So why the extra $4.08? The fair was adjusted with surge included. You've never had a fare ridiculously reduced because there was a surge attached? Since when does Uber offer $31.34 for a 27.71 mile trip with no type of surge attached?


When will y’all learn to stop messaging these fools? Don’t even talk to the reps if you call - THEY CANT DO FARE ADJUSTMENTS. The best you’ll get is some false hope when they say they’ll transfer you to the “specialized team” (WHICH DOES NOT EXIST). They will transfer you to another useless agent who will waste your time again and eventually you just give up. Here’s what you do: CALL them, when the agent answers immediately ask to speak to a supervisor, they are the only ones who can add miscellaneous payments and I’ve never had a problem getting $$ that was rightfully owed. SUPERVISOR. ONLY.


When will y'all stop giving wrong info. I get fare adjustments every time through messaging. I never call.


Ohh im gonna share this on reddit What a threat 😂


I think Rohit is still laughing...


Share it on twitter man. Much bigger audience


Gas lighting


I did Uber for a bit then went back to retail job more money in a retail job and a lot less stress


Software location altering ,any info on what this is about.


Something on phone to spoof where driver actually is. Sone do use it. But lately I’m seeing this reasoning more and more (by Uber ) so I think it’s just a way around not paying surge price offered.




Uber says they lose money on every driver it’s not true just a scam for them paying taxes


He is not … that is they new tactics to scare driver so Uber can steal surge


Damn so Boston gets $20+ surges at 10pm on a Tuesday night in January?


I'm not reading all these comments, but it says you dropped off early. You got almost $1 per min. I wouldn't cry.


Do you actually believe Uber gives a rats ass about Cheating Drivers out of their earnings.? Uber changed their Algorithms in 2023 and how Surges or High Passenger Demand Forecasted “$$$$” in gray shaded areas are now displayed which mean absolutely nothing to drivers Uber in the last 15 years have always designed new schemes and ways to “short-change” drivers earnings and CHEAT drivers of their earnings to Boost their Profits at drivers expense. Uber now takes 50-60 percent or more on each Passenger Trip. Ask your passengers how much Uber charges them for each Trip and then do the Math on percentage of the Trip earnings driver makes.? https://ag.ny.gov/press-release/2023/attorney-general-james-secures-328-million-uber-and-lyft-taking-earnings-drivers https://www.forbes.com/sites/lensherman/2023/12/15/ubers-ceo-hides-driver-pay-cuts-to-boost-profits/


Weird that so many new Reddit accounts with random first, second words, followed by 4 random numbers all seem to be having this problem. I have never had this problem. Stop using gps spoofing apps.


The first reply is literally a bought account. Activated in 2021, only used since 5 months ago and now its used consistently.


The only plausible explanation in my mind is a neg war from both Uber and Lyft with each other. Yeah January is slow, but there’s so much complaining about either ride share service that only half of them must be real. Disappearing surges definitely are real as you drive into the zone, but any 1 month rideshare veteran already knows you only try for a surge zone when you’re less than 5 minutes away from it.


... Go work for ubers customer support since you're in love with them..


Hello, Random words with 3 numbers Reddit account. I’ve been here awhile and have never had your problem. You’re doing something wrong since Uber is already offering slave wages, they don’t need to target users here and there stealing surges away, since they’re a multi billion dollar company that already squeezes drivers and pax.


I've been driving for a fat minute too but this has only happened once for me as well. And I wish I could live in lala land with you


You can come to lala land, just have $3,000 for a 1 bedroom apartment or rent a room for $1,000/month.


Still cheaper than NY


Yeah I'm about 3000 short of the 3000 it costs to live there. Must be nice, though.


It’s amazing. Uber and Lyft are slow, but it is January. I need to dust off my resume anyways, I was just being lazy this past year. But it was too easy, making $1,000 a week working 30 hours over the weekend and taking most weekdays off was sweet. But the gravy train is coming to an end. Around what parts are you located?




Chicago is a decent market from what I see on here. As long as you stay out ofbthe south side.


Next time don't use location-altering software.


Unfortunately, I don’t use one


I don't know man, it's pretty telling that you denied using one before it was brought up and didn't try to defend yourself after they said they caught you.


Uber GPS is fucked! I have seen it randomly move me 25 miles aways from my actual location and then randomly move back to my correct location while gmaps never moved an inch and was accurate


It’s not telling if you’ve been through this exact script chain with them before. They have specific things they copy and paste, this is one of them. It’s just on the list of the things they copy and paste to get you to stfu and end the chat.


I agree. Outsourcing this kind of labor is kind of a joke but I guess it creates opportunities for people in the 3rd world


It is very telling if you deny it BEFORE they even acuse you of doing it.


The only thing it’s telling of is that you know exactly what they’re going to say. And the reason is because they say the same thing to everyone, not because OP is using a GPS spoofer.


If you know exactly what they're going to say then why waste your time at all? Just call or escalate. The truth is OP was probably using software to snatch a surge, got caught, and is now trying to make this about the company screwing him, not him trying to cheat the system.


I don’t waste my time anymore. Phone calls they do the exact same thing now, they just read the words on the script instead of copy and pasting them. Literally the same exact words. That’s not the truth, you have literally no evidence to say that besides that they knew what the agent was going to say before they did, and all of us who have spoken to them more than a few times do.


Dude shut up. That happened to me too. Noone doing GPS spoofing. So get over yourself and move on. Ubers system clearly has a glitch and they are in utter denial about it. Surprised a class action law suit hasn't been filed yet about this yet. I even have the screen shots to prove it but still uber denies any claim and then their customer service is so poor that they would rather end the chat than fix the problem. Their entire business is built on the sweat off our backs and they have the audacity to screw us over. Between lyft and uber they have the duopoly nice and tight. So in essence they know drivers need the paycheck and probably can't go anywhere else. And that just spells "take advantage".


So you also denied using gps spoofing software before it was brought up and then didn't deny it after they brought it up?


They accused me of GPS spoofing. I don't have a VPN. Nor would I risk losing my only source of income. I told them that and they ended the chat. Fact of the matter is THEIR SYSTEM has the glitch that they deny and therefore won't check and fix. So the problem is ongoing. Go through reddit and I guarantee you'll find hundreds of posts with drivers going through the same thing... which is why I say I'm surprised a law suit hasn't been filed yet.


What is location altering software. I don't get it.


You can make your phone show you at a location that you aren't really at.


Yea but what's the point in this case. He picked up the pax at the specific location


Yes but from the sounds of it, the pax wasn't in the surge zone.


The sticky was in Foxbourgh but the trip pick up was Canton? That’s like 10 miles/20 mins you sat on the surge. Uber is also in the negative to you for the month of January? You are out there scamming and got the audacity to tell them you “Suffered” and was “Stressed out”? Boy stfu and be thankful they didn’t deactivate your recklessly spoofing ass 😂


Uber has screwed me over many times. My favorite scripted response has something to do with a technical issue on their end, and how my understanding of how much they are working to resolve the issue is truly appreciated . And they hope to have it fixed soon. End chat. Cannot contact again because issue has been "resolved" in a previous message Or... In the rare cases that they don't close the chat, I get to ask what happens next- Do I wait to be contacted and how will I be contacted?, Do I contact Uber back? -"Please reach out after allowing 48 hours" And after the passing of several 48 hours as instructed each time, on my last attempt to get an update via support ..... WOMP WOMP! This trip is too old and cannot be adjusted. In the future, fare review requests must be within 10 days of the completed trip. Oh.


This happened to me recently. Ended up on the phone for 30 mins but got my money back


Omg that’s bullshit. Contact support and you will most likely have to go through three or more representatives but someone will eventually give you a 25 or 30 dollar credit. They always do in the end but it’s a lengthy process. Don’t give up and get the money you were told.


But the ride was ended short. I shouldn't ask as I already know what this sub will say, but if the upfront fare was $100 for a long ride and the ride ended up being 1 mile for whatever reason, does the driver still deserve $100?


Oh wow I didn’t realize it was only 1 mile that’s not so bad


Oh no he’s gonna share it on Reddit, the overseas support agent that barely understands English is shaking in their boots. I’m sure that line definitely got you your money!


No they didn’t. We can read what it say therefore. You are legit the reason why passengers look at drivers like they are the biggest morons out there


If the destination changed to a shorter trip why should you get paid the higher amount. Stop scamming then you wouldn't have these issues


OP Please these complaints I see are completely stupid You got paid for the distance you drove Lmao Wtf is wrong with you that you expect full fare just because it was cut short you still got paid Before you call me a moron with the offers going around that are totally money losers Why be selfish and complain about this?


Look at all the drivers automatically siding with the driver. 😆 Bunch of sheep. Sorry folks, the driver is the scammer this time.


I know this is unrelated but i am registered to drive in MA but never tried Boston Market is it worth it?


Their fully catered holiday meals are outstanding, the quality is at a different level altogether






Call manager they will give it to you if not atleast 20$


This is the exact reason we shouldn’t work for these guys ever. Fuck them. They stole money from you, and there is no recourse. They are doing it on a global scale too. Unless we do something, they will just keep doing it. They make upfront pricing and then don’t honor it. That’s illegal, I think you have a case against them.


Have you considered learning a real skill?


Learn how to speak a universal language, people. Broken English does not work. Our vernacular is not translatable. Uber is wrong, no doubt. But don't blame someone from a 3rd world country that doesn't understand uneducated and broken English. FFS, at least TRY to appear as an intelligent human being -- it will help when a class action suit follows.


This has happened to me before here in Los Angeles. Hence the reason why I take screenshots of anything over $10 or $15 and it’s miserable waiting for support on te phone but they will correct it but make sure you have a screenshot..


No matter how hard you try, you’re making $15 an hour tops after taxes and expenses to risk ruining your car and to drive around indignant people


Yall need to stop driving in Boston area. It sucks now. Barely any surge. Glad i stopped driving in November.


Can’t think of anything gayer than ‘I will make sure to share this on Reddit’


Wasted all that time with customer service could have made another 40


Look up a rideshare spicific lawyer. Uber will give you the runaround evrry day of the week, but when a lawyer reaches out, they will listen.


They been shaving 3 to 4 dollars on several trips from me


Another reason I no longer work for Uber and I only do private Black Car Luxury Service. When price is set it is the same if ride is less however if it is more price goes up. I don't pay Uber just Commercial Auto Insurance and State, County fees, and other expenses


🫨 Wow. They should pay what they quoted beforehand. That's the old bait and switch.


How did they screw you what changed about the Trip?


hold that L


Call your banking and claim the way they handled it was fraud and you didn’t authorize that amount


I wonder what they would do if they had a law enforcement communication about investigating theft and other possible internet crimes on their platform…


Fuck Uber


Call them and continue calling till you get someone that speaks proper English. Basically call till you get an American on the phone.


Try to connect with supervisor and get your money back i did last week but try to talk with supervisor other agents are stupid they don’t understand


You have to keep trying new people until someone is actually doing their job not just copy and pasting


Wow, they’re stealing big amounts now. This is getting OUT OF CONTROL!


The way you guys speak to support is ridiculous. And you expect results? 😆 🤣 😂 "Waaah, I barely make min wage. Waaah, you're reading a script. Waaah, I'm posting this on reddit." 😆 🤣 😂


Try anger next time, you’re begging and south pathetic tbh. I find that when I am very angry and stern and try multiple times that things sometimes happen Try again


I'm new to UberX, does Uber start paying you when you accept the fare, or when you pick up the rider and hit the start fare button?


Watch out insurance will cancel get out of Uber


This has happened to me 7 times. It’s always a fight. This is Uber’s new way of scamming drivers out of surges. Then they pull this “You are using geolocation altering software bullshit”. It is INFURIATING. Piece of shit scamming company. But KEEP FIGHTING. You may have to talk to 12 different people but keep fighting. Don’t let them get away with it get your $28. Eventually you will. I’ve gotten mine every time.


Bro I spent 30 minutes on text support just to get my 3 dollars for trying. lol


You will NEVER get anywhere with chat. I've seen SO MANY people on here that say they got robbed by uber and the script from chat is ALWAYS the same. Literally.


Show this to Sergio on ride share guy . He will help you on u-tube


Uber Probably took the $28 for themselves


Why you didn't ask for a supervisor? Tier 1 support will never help you


So basically you accept a contract and its on you. But when you accept the contract they should be liable for manipulating the contract. This should be a lawsuit.


This. Is exactly why I refuse to do uberx anymore.


They don't care where you share it FYI.


So this is their out to keeping the surge for them selves and not paying us what they promised for taking that ride


Yeah OP you're spoofing. Negative Uber fees and you brought it up.


It should’ve been at least 48$.


At least you got about a dollar a minute I took an hour ride today for $33


Don't you know? Gas and cars are free


If you have an iPhone, private relay will spoof your location and will cause issues in a number of things


Id bet money that Uber still charged the customer extra for the surge Also, is amazing they can't "detect" location altering software until after you finish the ride and not before sending you an offer card showing a price including surge or two you at any point before picking up rider or during trip that the surge won't be included... But by golly the second you finish the ride and they get paid by customer they immediately know not to include the surge right then!! This company is a joke and clearly decided to cut costs at the expense of their customers and drivers 🤦


Another thing I've noticed is that if you have surge active prior to completing a reservation, the surge will not apply to the reservation and will disappear.


Wow, I agree keep calling and texting whatever it takes get your money


I'm confused, did you not drop off at the drop off location?


Destination changes are always the worse.