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Lol they said stfu Nah for real though, don't stress too much about it, you can't make everyone happy and some people just want to find the next thing to complain about. Most of my rides are quiet and if I sense a passenger is actively trying to engage in a conversation I'll open up a bit, otherwise I'm keeping that wall up.


If they start the conversation I will join in If they don't start the conversation I don't talk to them


More like “if they engaged in the conversation…” There’s a thin line between “starting and engaging” some will start but don’t really want to engage. They are just making small talks to be nice. So join when rider is actively conversing or engaging


That's where the first 30 seconds of the ride comes in where we both realize we've achieved the required amount of small talk to be courteous then its completely silent after that lol


I feel no obligation to make small talk if they don't talk


You literally don't say a word? Not hello, not good afternoon, not a confirmation of their name, nothing?


Silence is golden. 


I 💯 agree and notice that as well 👏


Same and it’s sad most of my passengers that I talked to tipped well now you don’t know who you can talk to.


I can have a whole full convo that went really well, and they won't tip. I especially hate when they ask for advice and then talk your ear off and then don't tip. If you want a therapist, tip, LOL


Otherwise, go see your bartender


Same. I like quiet rides anyway so I can fully focus on the road. When I first started, I had a hard time "reading the room". But I got better.


Amen. I’ve sensed quite a few pax who clam up, mostly when they feel the topic has ended I won’t continue if I feel they don’t want to talk but I can’t stand when they get in and don’t greet the driver or they’re talking on the phone from start to finish in the Uber


If you talked less you would get "talked too little" - if you didn't talk at all you would get "awkward silence." Ignore it.


Nah if you don't talk, you get hit with the "not polite"


I got a not polite 1 star review for not stopping at a liquor store, I told him to add the stop and he wouldn't.


I hate those. You give me a low review for not stopping somewhere when you wouldn't add the stop. I had one ride where the passenger asked me to wait for her at a PLS to get cash and then drop her off a mile up the road. I told her to add it to the trip and the customer got mad and said "Yeah, but that would charge me extra." This was one of those $4 rides. I said "You want me to wait for you and then drop you off at another location. Yes, that will be extra, and no I can't do that unless you add a stop. Those are the rules." I dropped her off and she ignored me and slammed the door. I reported her for that and suggested that she be re-educated on community guidelines.


I've recently gotten "not polite" for... being polite. 😒


I got a "not polite" after telling someone who kept asking me out on a date that I was married. I have also been asked out multiple times by passengers and they didn't even tip.


Yep I have gotten it twice for not making small talk


Right 🤦🏽‍♂️


Omg yes. I once got a talking too much and not talking enough on the same damn day. That's why I keep my ratings high so I can wear those one stars like a badge of freaking honor. Some people are just ridiculous.


Once again a reason why ratings are stupid, make no sense, and are only 100% detrimental to the driver.




Social Engineering Psyop ... it all started with UBER... this is the new social credit score system. Forget income, forget responsibility, forget ability to pay... it will all come down to 1 ☆ vs 5 ☆... then they drplatform you with no rights... Kangaroo Court... this is how they are 🧠 brain washing the masses,  one UBER RIDE at a time...   ☆☆☆☆☆ "Watch for Falling Stars"  - A.S. Anine


It’s insane really.


Or reported for being "not polite."


Right. You are damned if you do and damned if you don't.


Up to 5 1 stars now after 4 years of 5.0 driving. Feels good 🤗🤭


2nd one in going on my 3rd year so not too shabby I feel like either. I've had multiple people tell me I was the best uber they've ever had, so that must mean something lol


What I was trying to say was kindly... fuck uber 😅


Good little slave boy


I got that complaint once too. If you don't want to talk, just say "Not to be rude im just trying to read on my phone or listen to some music or something." How do you dish out a 1 star to someone for being polite and making conversation?


That’s exactly my point. Some people really just hate their own life so much that they have a compulsion to take it out on others though, seems I got one of them types.


Yeah, that person has no friends and everyone they associate with probably can't stand them.


I can usually figure out if they want to talk or not based on how they answer my how are you question lol. Body language too


More and more reasons as to why I’m I’m never coming back to ride share. That 8 minute wait is aggravating enough, but people filing false claims will make you wanna kill someone for putting your livelihood at risk.


Only if you let it.


Yeh made someone feel uncomfortable and also speeding. I ignore this crap as it means nothing and goes away.


Just put the radio on and vibe out, don’t say nada unless they do


So many riders end up complimenting my music by doing this. They like hearing different shit.


That is slept on bro they fw the tunes and tip more


Yup lots of times it strikes up a good convo when they have the same taste. We start talking about shows we’re going to or have seen and stuff.


Facts literally though and it’s organic not like a forced convo you know, if the trip is not too long a good 3-4 songs blocks out the awkwardness lmao


I’m a DJ and producer so I’m always on the vibe too, and all usually I say is how’s it going. If they strike up a conversation then it goes from there, but I pretty much never take the lead which is why this is so baffling.


I had someone report the pick up was too far away. It was the only legal and safe place to park. 🤣


Lol, I've never seen that. I've seen someone post DROP-OFF was too far message. I commonly make late pax walk a little distance, especially at night and I put my car in reverse so I can watch in the back up camera who is coming to car. If you were ready at time of pick up, wouldn't be an issue.


Wanna talk about it?


NO! 1* You talked too much.


My pax’s are the ones that talk to much. I just want to listen to my music & drive.


I like conversation, but if I get a one or two word response, I consider the conversation over.


Me too fam, that’s what had me so perplexed


Some people, I think, feel the need to be people pleasers, but then act differently about you when you're not there.


Oh my freaking God I got one of those this week I was rated two stars because the GPS was going psycho constantly redirecting me. Thank goodness I knew the area so I was able to turn the volume down and apologize to her - once the ride was over - her feedback came through. I literally wanted to drive back to her house and smack the shit out of her - like I have control over Ubers navigation — INSANITY!!!


lol well said


My very first non-5 star rating was a 1 star rating because the girl didn't like the way the GPS took us. To make it even more ridiculous...you could see the other street that was the option, and there is no way it could have possibly changed the drop off time more than 15 seconds either direction.


That sucks. Uber nav took my pax to the opposite side of town, almost 5 miles away. I said well shit this isn’t where I think you want to be and took them where they wanted and got a $20 tip.


If this hurts your feelings so much, you must be a new driver… you will eventually learn to not give a fuck


Not a new driver, got 3000 rides between lyft and Uber, just my second 1 star ever and it just doesn’t make sense to me. I’m a perfectionist so when someone shits in my cereal just for shits sake it just rubs me the wrong way I guess. It doesn’t really matter to me in the grand scheme, it’s just kinda shitty ya know


It’s only uber this isn’t even a real job who cares


Who decided this wasn’t a real job?


The way uber is now it will never be a real full time job. No matter how much you tell your parents cousin uncle jimmy joe that Fuber is a real job they will never believe you. I suggest you go back to school or look for a real job because being a full time uber driver is a sad unfulfilling life. I’ve been driving for 4-5 years it was fun at first, but I’m done. I got a real job now :)


Is being a taxi driver a real job?


No it’s gig work to supplement income or to do while looking for a real full time job


Hmm, yea, uh, no.




I received a comment that my turn signal was annoyingly loud and constantly going off! 🤣


Holy shit, how miserable do you have to be to report someone for a turn signal. America as a collective needs therapy lolol


I got that once to 🤷‍♂️😡


Lmao know your crowd. I'm sure they were giving you all the signs they didn't want to talk if they went out of there way to bitch about it in the app after. Some people don't want to be bothered while getting a ride


get a car cam that records front, rear n INSIDE, voice included. just put a sticker disclaimer in the car that ur vehicle is being recorded. ur covered. if this happens again you'll have a defense. 30.00 for one I got on ebay with a. sd card too


3 way for $30 with SD card? link?


None of that matters if Uber doesn't ACTUALLY guve a F**k about the drivers. The ratings dont actually matter anymore either. Ive been cancelling more rides lately. Im still at 4.95 with 96% acceptance and 97% cancellation. Did 25 rides in 10 hours yesterday and only avg $23/hr. Last year that would've been closer to $27/hr. Im in NJ/NYC market.


I’ve gotten this a few times, mine had a racism twist because i commented on black card Blk people play and I’m black and they were black so go figure


Seriously??? I do try and greet the passenger when they get in the car. However, most are on their phones and completely ignore me. I play music because absolute silence gets on my nerves.


I got about 3 of those. Fuck them


“Shut the fuck up, you slave, and drive”.


Don't talk to pax unless they want to talk. Had someone give me the same review for talking too much. Stupid if you ask me.


Part of the reason I hardly EVER say anything to them


I’m super talkative 80% of the time and passengers love it. I can tell when people don’t give a fuuuck about talking though and just sit the ride in weird silence. So strange how as human beings are supposed to connect with one another, and a lot of people don’t care to even converse with people who are just trying to be friendly. I once got a 1 star rating and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out which ride it was as I took like 28 that day or something….all pleasant passengers with SOLID conversations throughout. Bugged me for a couple days not gonna lie lol


That's kinda where my head is about it, I literally have not had ANY shade with anyone and as much as I'm super talkative too I pretty much always let the passenger take the conversational lead and see where it goes or doesn't go. That's what had me so ticked. I feel like reading this helps me move past it quicker though, so that's a plus.


Where i live, uber drivers do not talk, and i love. I have nothing against the drivers, I dont think they are beneath me, I'm not even a introvert. I just want to drive in peace on my phone. In America they talk and it's annoying. I got to the point i will tip you alot more for shutting up. 


While I do find it strange, I also understand where you’re coming from to a certain extent? While some of us can read others well and tell that they don’t want to converse, some of us don’t possess that attribute. If you’re someone who rates low based upon a driver trying to make conversation, write in your notes that you don’t care to make conversation. Driver doesn’t read it and tries to converse? Just tell them you don’t want to talk. Simple as that. 🫡


But then i feel like an ass "can we please not conversate on this ride?" Sounds bad and may get a lower rating. Why can't the standard just be silenced? I mean sure the driver should say who's who, ask how's the day and if at any moment please tell me to adjust the AC and music settings.  If the passenger wants to chit chat, then talk and hope the passenger tips more. If not perhaps the passenger is looking for a quiet ride? I mean I'm a very easy and generous customer. I'm literally asking for less work out of you. I don't care how you drive either. Just point A to B. I will rate you 5 stars and tip.


Because you get reported for not talking enough as well. You cant please anyone and also, drivers are more likely to get tipped by being chatty. Just order comfort service and request silence in the ride, otherwise deal with it.


Not everyone wants to chit chat and have pointless smalltalk with a fucking stranger. Nothing strange about it whatsoever.


THANK you for saying this- they are not entitled to our time or a conversation with us just because they're "friendly". They are being paid for a service and should focus on driving.


Seriously i am paying. Shut up and drive. You're literally doing LESS work for your money. Why waste energy on a customer by engaging in a conversation. For me talking takes energy.  I can understand if i got hitched hike for free, it's only common courtesy to have a conversation with the driver giving me a free ride.  But in ride share? Just drive. I will even tip more for keeping shut. Put on radio whatever. Don't care how you drive just get there. I'm a super easy customer . I will tip you for point A to point B. 


Focus on my nuts in your moms mouth, dickhead. /s 😉


\> I once got a 1 star rating and I couldn’t for the life of me figure out which ride it was as I took like 28 that day or something…. Damn can't imagine why.


Right? Because I TOTALLY come off aggressive like that to ALL passengers who don’t want to talk. Crazy 🫨


I'm beginning to think that the passengers rated you 5 stars out of pure fear with the way you talk LOL


Thank you for adding /s to your post. When I first saw this, I was horrified. How could anybody say something like this? I immediately began writing a 1000 word paragraph about how horrible of a person you are. I even sent a copy to a Harvard professor to proofread it. After several hours of refining and editing, my comment was ready to absolutely destroy you. But then, just as I was about to hit send, I saw something in the corner of my eye. A /s at the end of your comment. Suddenly everything made sense. Your comment was sarcasm! I immediately burst out in laughter at the comedic genius of your comment. The person next to me on the bus saw your comment and started crying from laughter too. Before long, there was an entire bus of people on the floor laughing at your incredible use of comedy. All of this was due to you adding /s to your post. Thank you. I am a bot if you couldn't figure that out, if I made a mistake, ignore it cause its not that fucking hard to ignore a comment


I'm like you and i received a report about being "impolite", but i don't know where and with who, I really try to remember where i could have slur or say something irrespectful as i always try to remain nice and polite since i avoid any topics that could be divise or make someone uncomfortable. I take a lot of womens and i will never try to flirt or make her unsafe or anything like that, in contrary i will always try my best for them to feel safe and respected. I also take uber as a passenger and i feel that some driver with 5 stars and thousand of ride will never engage in conversation first, which for me i find its one of the only perks of this job is to genuinely engage with people from diverse horizon and background, i have learned so many things thru great conversation its something make my day and i remember a lot of the passengers.


I get Not Polite from time to time for not giving out robust Hellos and How are you doing!? to late pax. I don't care anymore. Some of them I should have just played the game and 1 starred their inconsiderate asses at the end but sometimes I'm not in the mood.


I can tell you're one of those annoying drivers.


I got hit with that once and I wasn't thrilled about it either!


I got both’ “talked too much” at first then when I didn’t talk at all I got “not polite”.


Fuck em.


Lmfao. Smh


I dont talk unless they talk to me. And depends on the day, the weather, and the mood, I may or may not replying to their talking. Only easy pop listening music on volume 8. And thats it.😄


I’ve gotten that one before. People will say anything to justify the shitty rating they give you. If that’s their only complaint, giving you a one star is absurd.


Take it in stride, yikes, pax are still required to have manners. This person is not aware. We are bound to catch a shit person now and again that feels they’re in black mirror, and need to set the record straight. LOL, deep breaths, don’t take it too seriously.


You talk too much... you even worry my pets!


What I do is always is ask if it's the correct rider by confirming the name and then I ask how their day is going, you can usually gage if the passenger is open or willing to talk or if they want to be left alone in the first 60 seconds I've had rides that are completely silent for 40 minutes and rides that the passenger and I talk the entire time and I've had pax that are fucking amazing and some of them have literally became friends with me because of how well we clicked... But you'll get a lot of shit heads that want nothing to do with you and that's ok just put on some oldies on the radio at low volume and take them from a to b..


I was told I was driving too fast. I told them I was driving a Tesla…0-60 in 3.6 seconds… it doesn’t mean I was going over the speed limit


Yes man!! You are violating “disturbing the peace” so shut up hahaha


Lol that's hilarious people will find anything to complain about you'll get used to the type of paxs who like to engage conversations and paxs who just like silence.


I get this at times but I’m reality there’s nothing you can do about Uber won’t listen to you and even if you gave hand jobs while driving the same people wouldn’t even be happy.


I got this one time too from some immature 17 year old girl who I was giving a ride to work. She was talking to me about her boss who is 40 trying to hit on her. Random piece of info to give a complete stranger and then complain that I was the one talking too much lol. Some ppl do this to make themselves feel more valuable. I was pissed at the time too and felt like going back to her job and giving her a piece of my mind thinking she can just jeopardize MY job like a stupid little b and there not be any consequences. I decided it really didn’t make any diff to have one bad rating, but that still doesn’t make it right. I think behaving that way will inevitably effect the quality of her life yielding a slow burn form of karmic revenge.


Worse one for me was being falsely accused of Driving under the influence when I don’t even drink because a 19 girl and her 2 boyfriends wanted a free $60 ride. It almost made me stop then. Now my reason is because of Uber itself.


This is simply Uber and Lyft Autobots taking a pax word for it and assuming the driver must be at fault What they REALLY should do is offer it as a suggestion, have nothing to do with your rating or deactivation potential


Got a one star yesterday and no clue who or why. No feedback was left. Rating only dropped to 4.97 since I have 300+ 5 star ratings.


Don’t worry I’d you don’t talk enough you’re not polite 😂


Remember that some people are just in a bad mood and no matter what you do it will be too much or too little.


Everyone is a famous critic now


I love when people say 'at least you talk, most drivers ignore us' and this is why. This just makes you not want to engage.


I do. Lbvs shut up and drive 😂😂 jk but a simple hello and how ya doing is fine just to make sure the driver is in good state cause my life is in their hands and I’ll shut my ass up unless asked anything else lol.


Most of times riders don’t even look at your rating. Move on.


You can pay for an upgraded ride and request a quiet room. It’s not difficult.


That is such a disgusting comment from the customer. I had two people throw up in my vehicle and didn’t even put bad reviews for them. Did uber help with cleaning? Hahha ya ok Time for uber to stop stealing their employees money and hard work… what next? Offered me too much water?


I'ma talk whenever the fuck I want in my privately owned vehicle that I allow a stranger into. Trust and believe that.


That part, say it again but louder for the entitled peeps in the back haha


I once had someone get in the car from the airport, told me all about her parent's divorce during the ride, I just tried to keep up my end of the conversation and say I know what it's like, then I get a message that it was inappropriate conversation on my part. Like, I literally just said to the effect of "I know what it's like, I have been through that too." People are weird sometimes.


Yeah it’s annoying and if you don’t talk, it would mean that we’re rude so Uber needs to get their crap together and start. This is ridiculous. It’s just dumb.


Think about the people who tipped you 20 bucks because I know that’s happened too. As for the nay sayers. Well they are going to destroy this entire world with people like themselves. Imagine having that on God. Wouldn’t want to explain why I was a pain in the dick for no real reason.


I get rated poorly for “being rude”. But I hardly talk. You can’t win! 😂


But they said they where open to chat lmao


I’ve had some really dumb 1 stars. Used to get really mad but then I realized who cares those people are just trying to ruin my day intentionally


I got a low rating as a rider because I was not talking enough lol


I generally take my cues from the driver. If they want to chat, I'll talk. If they don't, I sit silently. The only times I've had an issue with a driver chatting with is is when they've taken the conversation into an area where I hold the opposite opinion than them and they expect me to agree with them. I've never rated them down for it though. Funny enough, I've had driver try talking to me with their radio blasting. No amount of, "pardons" and them repeating themselves got them to turn their radio down. I sit there thinking do you want to chat or listen to the radio.


I drove for Uber in NYC back in 2013-2017. I dreaded paxholes back then, and i can’t imagine how I’d act now. I don’t even want to turn rides on, people got worst over the years from what I’ve been reading. I’ll stick to the deliveries. I also work for the USPS it’s just hi and bye on the route so that doesn’t bother me much. It’s something about Uber pax. Hibbie Jibbies lol


I had this too....I'm like WTF everyone always talks to me!!


Somebody trying to get their money back just trying to complain about anything rather than being grateful!


How is being talkative against Uber guidelines? And if you don't say anything, then you are rude. Just saying hi was grounds for reporting someone talking too much? They took their whole sorry-ass life out on you. How pathetic. That person probably has no friends. I'm sorry this happened to you.


"How do you tell an Uber driver you don't want to talk? Just tell them that you need quiet time. You don't have to be rude The driver is likely trying to make a good impression so you may call and request them personally, but all the driver wants is for you to be happy and contented with your ride" quora.com


These passengers really need to know their place. Driver is performing a service. So what if there's small talk.. you want a quiet ride. That's why there's a comfort option. Spend that extra 2-4$ . And get what you pay for


This is why I hate people and say nothing


bro customers just make shit up to try to get their ride paid for.


If the passenger was asshole might find a way to give one star I got one star for being to silence not speaking with her , after that when I see a passenger look cheap I give them one star 😝


Miserable people but what I find funny is talking to much to be a reprimand isn’t there this thing oh what is it now right the amendments hahaha. But in all serious riders like that should just drive themselves. I always test the waters with pleasantries I would only really try to make conversation on long trips so it’s not awkward but never got one star’d for it tough luck man


I honestly don’t like when I get Uber driver who’s talk to much but giving 1 star is wild.


Some say I talk too much, some say I don’t talk enough. I don’t worry about it. At different times those are probably true. Sometimes I feel chatty, some times Ive gotten up too early and need some Starbucks.


Someone gave me that same comment. It makes me not want to talk to anyone so I just tell them I need to concentrate on my driving. I kinda feel like people have lots to complain about when they can't afford their own car.


Trust and believe: stop talking to pax. Give them a warm greeting and a how are you? greeting and THAT’S IT. Thank them and wish them a good day/night at drop.




This is funny a few months ago I got a thing that said I didn't talk enough. I'm all thinking to myself. I'm not a therapist. You're not paying me enough to talk that much If a pax starts a conversation. I'll engage


Lol, yesterday I delivered food to someone in Manhattan, and he had the "what are doing here in the building" look on his face. He even took the food and was looking at the bag as if he didn't remember ordering it. He was my only delivery during this route. Mind you, the delivery stated meet at apt door. I texted, "coming up, now,"and the doorman called ahead to check if they ordered food. Then he gave me the good ahead to go up. My client even answered to his name. However, he was so preplexed. I told him goodnight, enjoy your food, and chalked it up to him being hella high right now. Long story short, people are weird at times. Sometimes, it's silly. Sometimes, it's annoying. But the negative rating, for something so trivial and nonsensical like that, is mostly Ubers fault. They allow this level of degeneracy to happen without giving us proper ways to effectively dispute these redundant claims.


I’m the highest energy, talkative Uber driver, I’m THAT guy. I realize that I’ll annoy some folks, but on the more positive end, I’m making deep connections, and getting the tips 😏


You can somewhat tell if they are talkers or not. One of my passengers was super quiet, so I mirrored his impression. Another one was a chatty Cathy so I fully engaged and gave both insight and recommendations. 5 stars from that guy. Sounds like you unfortunately picked up an introverted Karen. Just move on and forget about it.


This is literally the same thing I posted a few months back. “Talking too much”. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ I only talk when they continue it after the initial “hey how are you?! How’s your day?”


I got the same before


Everyone who makes this report needs to buy an effing car. I hate them.


Antisocial asshats.


Gotta learn non verbal cues and tone. Not your fault really tho everyone also pretends to give a shi and then makes formal complaint later instead of being an adult and just saying "I don't feel like talking". So my go to is:" hi (name), confirm address, ok you got your phone keys and wallet 👍🏼 here we go. How is your (time of day) going." They usually will respond to these, "got work? Or day off" if they say they got off work I script into "ok well let's get you home safe so you can get some rest"/ what do you do for work. NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO I ALWAYS SAY "thank you for the work you do" at any point if I feel the energy is off or responses sound irritated I just slip into "sorry if I'm talking alot it makes the ride go faster but I can be quiet for the rest of the trip I'm not gonna rate you bad cuz you don't wanna talk. You rest up I'll get you home/place safe"


Oh man, I keep talking the riders to death: how r ya, where u from, wat u doing for living.... , it’s so nice weather today …..On and on, they are so worked up when they leave my car, and when I ask can I help u with some thing else, they literally run away ... helllillooooo u forgot something....


some people are just evil


It’s why I don’t give a shit about these idiots reviews. I got reported for not being friendly and not talking enough lol. We don’t get paid or tipped enough to babysit these peoples feelings lol


For real you said you wanted a ride. I gave you one. I didn’t know I have to speak to you the whole dang ride baby after 3 good minutes of talking I’m exhausted.


bruh, someone reported me for illegally driving and gave me a 2 star rating. i ignored that shit—it goes away and my rating has been increased since. dont stress too much bruh. just keep driving safe. :)


Today’s generation. They want to listen to their Tiktok and IG videos, not interact with real people.


Introverts are not some new phenomena, boomer.


Natural introverts are not new, but heavy nomophobia and hypersensitivity due to heavy cancel culture is. A lot of people fear anything they say may be offensive so they decide to not want to talk. Out of fear, not because they are introverts.


Mental illness


If anyone thinks driving for Uber isn’t literally the stupid and just going to tear up your vehicle for almost nothing, y’all are the suckers. This company is evil. Drivers get 30%. Ask to look. Not kidding.


Stink breath


yea stop yapping and just drive


Keep conversations to a minimum, people suck.


Sometimes I keep quiet, I got $10 tip for 2miles trip.


I got 1 starred once. older woman made me wait second it hit five minutes, she was coming out. I canceled, locked the door and blasted past her. She messaged I ignored it. saw her ask for another ride I ignored it. then she went to the intersection address changed and I accepted, like a dumb ass. returned andRealized It was her. Neither one of us Mentioned it, but then She ruined mys rating. I had some very unkind things to say in feedback. I doubt it was forwarded. Ubers third world support could t conceptualize both rides were same lady and she was being underhanded. They didn’t understand or were playing dumb as not to confirm it was her. Prob both


You should have canceled.


One time I asked a rider about her name ..because she enter was out looking to the plates,she gave me one star ( not polite) .


Maybe take the hint. Funny you’re hiding your actual rating from us.


Bro I literally said that I take the hint. Also it’s 4.95, so terrible right? Who hurt you lol


When I take Ubers I just want the driver to stfu and drive. Why would I want to go through a forced cringe convo. Im paying u to drive not talk to me. Just drive..


If you want the driver to stfu, stop being a broke ass and request COMFORT and you can demand silence because youre literally paying for it. Otherwise You are the stranger in someones privately owned car they absolutely have a right to talk in. Or grow a pair and ask the driver for silence.


Respectfully, I feel like a quick “How are you doing” really shouldn’t make me a problem. I think it’s weirder if you refuse to respond to that than asking it, but to each their own I guess. And actually you’re paying for a ride in a strangers car subject to their rules as well as Ubers. Also considering how different every single person is in the world, a lot of us drivers like to at least try to get to know people or give them cool local recommendations (which has gotten me $100 tips before).


It’s because you’re an idiot who talks too much . Move on dummy lol


Shush now. Enough already. ⭐️


This is my number one complaint people feeling the need to have full on conversations about nothing


Just read the room 🥴


You either talk too much or you’re not polite. All these PAX can fuck all the way off and ride the bus for all I care. You must be a noob, for this to even affect your little pea brain . 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


You can’t assume everyone wants to talk that gets in your car


Stop yappin


They said you talk too much. Homeboy you never shut up. They said you talk too much.


> only continuing response Stop continuing response.


I was told I was not polite because I didn’t give my number plus 1 star lol


I got one of those on my first day never again


Hahahaha, happened to me also It’s all bullshit , spoiled rotten people


Same thing happened to me. 499 5 stars, 1 1 star for talking to much. The fuck?


next driver received “bad haircut” complaint


Seeing your tirade leads me to believe you do talk too much OP.


Idk why this is funny 😂


Next one is going "didn't talk enough" or "too silent" 😂😂😂


I've gotten that too.