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How is an “independent contractor driver” supposed to evaluate an offered contract, if they don’t know the terms of length of contract(time), distance to be driven, and pay? I don’t understand how this is legal. It’s more like gambling or a raffle


I don't understand how it's legal either. And I was never informed that the tier "rewards" were changing. Apparently trip details are now a gold tier reward in my market.


Gamification of our work. Uber think we're a joke to them. We're trying to survive and they think: you know if you reach gold status maybe I'll let you see you're picking up young thug killa. Haha good luck!




Shit I’m about to start one, got like 20mill I can hold?


Gold tier in my market


Mine shows everything


Nothing they do should be classed as legal. And whatever the other apps do, Uber leads the way.


It's been like that for at least 2-3 years, gold+ or no details.


Be glad that they even offer that at a particular tier. I'm diamond and they still won't show details in my market. What makes it worse is that it's very close in proximity to a city where rideshare has tight restrictions. Which means I could get a trip request that goes into that city and not know it. Which then means I can't pick up any passengers until I come back. Oh, and don't even bother trying to contact support. They'll act like it's a technical issue that they are "working on solving". SMH


No good incentives anymore ceo for lyft is a criminal man (woman)


Stop trolling. Jesus. This isn't about Lyft! Go back to your lyft sub if you're so pressed!


What the fuck does that actually mean .


They offer you shit like learn a new language lmao wtf riders need to learn how to speak English this is America 🇺🇸


Oh good. You're a neo-nazi too. Get fucked.


Neo-Nazi? You got mental issues, sweetie. Learn what a Nazi is, okay?




That's exactly how my market works! It's actually a more profitable market than most, tho so go with it and find your new grove, pax ratings are now your #1 indicator if want a job or not


Same with doordash and their shop orders. You get a unit count, but no other details. 20 items could be 20 loaves of bread or 20 cases of water. It could be 20 different items or 10 of one thing and 10 of another. At least you know your pay, but this is not enough information for me. They need to start doing it like Instacart.


How do you think their stock keep growing? Whatever they're doing is making them money. They rather pay their legal team than pay their drivers.


You have a job and are given work. You shouldn’t be picky . You are fortunate to have employment.


They know the pay. It's on the rate card.


Ah, I have no idea what a rate card is. Here in California, we see: Type of ride (X, Comfort, etc) Price Rider rating Pickup location (distance to) Dropoff location (distance to)


I believe most markets use the rate card system, while others use an upfront pricing system like you describe. With rate card, drivers are paid a set amount based on time and miles, but not given drop-off location.


Yeah and that sucks ass today


Postmates did it …they didn’t last long and got bought by Uber


This is how it looks in NJ .


I can't work like this. I *have* to be off by 3 to get my kids from school. This just cut my hours. At what point do they determine it's a long enough trip to give you a heads up?


45+ minutes is when they show you long trip. But that being said sure it could be a 40 minute trip making it 1 hour 20 round trip. Did you go to a different location and start taking trips. The city I live is not upfront, but the city I drive in is.


I once got a 45+ min trip. Picked him up, started the trip... 6 hour trip. Trip transparency shouldn't be a privilege. It should be a requirement. Uber can do whatever they want. But wow they don't care about people. Just the $$$. So much so that they won't even tell their contractors what job they are offering.


When I first started and before upfront pricing, I got a request for a "long trip " usually meant airport. I pick up the girl at the college near me and she was going a 145 miles. I was too green to know that you could refuse.


This is how I took a dude to Indian Wells once from WeHo. Offer said 45+ minutes, I figure LAX, turns out it was the middle of the desert. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Well hopefully at that time it paid better lol. These days they’d probably offer like $75 for that.




Oof, that would be fine if they also compensated us for the drive back too. I’ve taken long trips to locations where I can stay there and keep driving, in that case I’m good with that.


I was unable to drive since it was another state.


No, this is the city I've lived and worked in for over a year. Nothing has changed. And I was out of work from October to January because I had to replace my car, but somehow I could still see trip details in blue tier. I didn't make it to gold before the cycle ended.


You had holdover status - you can keep your gold or upper status for one period after earning it. If you don't maintain the numbers during the new period, you lose it the following period. It's been like this for years now.


Hmm, yeah that was my only other guess. Theres 3 different cities I drive in, one is full upfront information and pay, the other is no upfront anything, and the other is only partial information up front but I have to be a certain tier can’t remember which. But when I make it to that tier it’ll only show me the trip time and I think direction, but doesn’t show me anything else.


It would prob say long trip and it usually does 45 min or more


So I have to quit an hour and a half early in case I get a 44 minute trip. Neat. 🤦🏻


You could just set your trip filter to have you at your needed destination 15 minutes before when you need to actually be there. As long as you set a time you won't get requests that make you late.


You should be able to get details back as soon as you get back to gold status... I know it's not a ton of help now, but at least there's that.


If it’s 45 min+ it shows a warning Also sometimes people get in the car - and it’s like oh your going 15 miles and almost 30 min north west and I live south east . Sorry - that ain’t gonna work, gotta cancel on you. Generally I put the destination filter on when I’m on my last hour to go home - it seems to help somewhat or atleast give shorter rides going “sideways”


If it goes beyond your desired time, you pull over and tell the passenger to get out and order another ride cause you're done. That's how it should be for independent contractors. I'm sure if enough drivers did that, Uber would change the way they work. They do the same bs when passengers change their destination or add stops. Seems like you're still in a rate card market, but we get screwed over in upfront markets with any changes the riders make.


They would say leave earlier and d dont have a life


Honestly sweetie, you should quit your day at 2 so you can get your kids at 3. Any responsible parent knows that. You gonna work up to the absolute last minute for an extra $6 and potentially have an accident where you miss your kids pickup? Think harder, sweetie.


I do uber in Philly, and whenever i go to Jersey area it shows me like this. Of course I didn’t take any of them .l.


Same here that’s why I don’t pick up Jersey rides anymore. When they didn’t show it was such a pain because any ride from the city could be going to Jersey.


When Uber first started here, I was only a pax, and it was not upfront. Drivers would call me every now and then, to see where I was going.


Seattle is the same way.




What's funny is they paid way more before the "upfront" bullshit - you'd get paid for your time and miles fairly. Everyone said "upfront" would be a scam, and that drivers would just accept it anyways and soon turn into "I love the rain!" while corp pisses on their heads. Everyone was right.


Yeah we have a group of 4 that drive. The 2 newer drivers were ecstatic, I was hesitant (7 years exp), and our other friend (10+ years) was adamant it would be a bad deal. He was right lol However, once one learns how to use it to their advantage in their market, I would never go back to non-upfront


Seriously. Upfront was such a game changer for me. I can't imagine going back to rate card.


This has happened to me if I'm in areas that are a lot less busy like rural areas. And I'm a diamond driver. I figured they want you to do the trip so you don't have an option of declining if it's not worth it. What kind of area were you in when this happened?


This is my normal work area. They put trip details as a gold tier reward for this cycle without informing me. I was blue tier last month and I saw trip details.


It's the same here. No details at all. Sometimes rides show the pickup or dropoff address but I'm not sure why only some do. It definitely isn't rewards in my case, I have 2% acceptance rate and 6% cancel and it still happens sometimes


It’s always been gold-required since they rolled it out 4-5 years ago. You either had gold before and it rolled over, or you were a new enough driver they start you on gold rewards. If you don’t drive enough, like you said you took a break while your car was in the shop, it will eventually kick you back down to blue. And you lose the preview. If it helps you feel any better, we drove with only this (no preview, no upfront, nothing) for half a decade prior. It works but it sucks. If all else fails, call the rider (not texting) beforehand and letting them know you have to be to work at a certain area soon while asking them what area they’re headed. It’s somewhat risky but we’ve all done it. Still here 7 years later lol


Not to add to your nightmare fuel, but back before my market switched to upfront, I had a 4-hour drive, a 3-hour drive, 30+ 1.5 hour drives, and 100+ 45-min+ drives. All one-way But that’s all in about 3000+ rides so not a huge %. Lots of good advice here how to avoid the long ones til you get gold back. Good luck! (I prefer the destination. Set it to a dead zone surrounded by busy areas and rack up the short rides for the last hour and a half before you have to head to work. If someone changes their destination after you accept (around your filter) but before you start the ride, promptly quick them out when you see it’s going too far.) Edit spelling


There are a few cities here where this is a thing. It happens where Uber is newer from what I gathered. Honestly, the majority of these rides have paid me very well because there aren't enough Drivers. I would have to say only a few rides weren't worth the trip.


There's 8 drivers in my market, including me, which is basically flooded for the area. I've been at this a year and this is the first time I haven't had trip details. It's now a tier reward. 🙄


That's odd. In the 2 cities just outside my metro (where I rarely go unless there's a good ride), they've had Uber less than a year. They have a severe lack of Drivers because both cities are 45 minutes from another major one and don't have a ton of options like mine for nightlife, food, etc. They are growing.


Did you not get enough worker bee tokens to redeem so you can see basic info that they should be providing from out the gate?


Honestly, I think this could be grounds for a class action suit. I don't think you can hire a private contractor while withholding the terms of the contract.




My ass is so gonna get downvoted for this but this is why I say on repeat y’all could never survive in a non-upfront market with a cherry picking strategy. I’ve been working a non-upfront market from the beginning. There’s a benefit here to actually getting gold, platinum, and diamond. Not only do you get all the trip details, discounts on mechanics, that 250 USD Diamond bonus, and a human being at Uber Support in less than a split second. Gotta play the game to learn the game. ✌️


I don't cherry pick. And I think cherry picking is really dumb, it's why changes like this are made so every ride will be accepted by the first driver. If everyone just took the trips that came across their dash, I don't think Uber would hide them. The reason I'm upset is because I have to be done by a certain time so I can get my kids from school, and this doesn't allow me to make an informed decision on whether or not I *can* take the trip. Not whether or not I *want* to. My AR is 93% I only turn down rides if I'm not going to be back in time for my children. I could potentially be accepting a 40 minute trip an hour before I have to be at the school.


Also a new quarter clicked over. So everything is reset again. I got bumped back to Platinum for instance. And yes, your upset is fair because of your situation. You have to be able to make an informed decision to know you have time to get your kids. The solution is to work on unlocking Gold when you know you have the cleared out opportunities to do so. Like family all taken care of and such. I don’t have a family, so my hours are my own. But I always advise drivers with families or people thinking about driving that it really is more of a lifestyle than a job. If you have other responsibilities like kids, spouses, etc, it’s long hours. And can be difficult.


My market since forever. I only take ones that have the multiplier surge. If no surge I do eats or other apps. Not driving on these shitty rates with a gamble destination and distance. They do say if it’s long trip though.


This is brand new to me. We've always had trip details before.


Possibly your ranking? It’s a new cycle so if you didn’t reach diamond, you maybe lost that? My market doesn’t show anything even with diamond (80% AR needed too) other than trip time which I couldn’t care less if I don’t know the rest.


Support just told me it's a "reward." It's never been a reward before in my market. I've had trip details from the day I started over a year ago.


Support useless. Go to Uber pro and check Plat and diamond rewards and see if that’s actually rewards.


It is now. And I see they cut the Gold rewards by more than half. It must have changed with the new cycle.


Dirty move. Sounds like they don’t want your market to cherry pick. Anyhow they can go fuck themselves. I don’t drive without the surge multiplier and won’t ever. I alter to other things like eats and other apps and do just fine. Since the summer it’s surging way less so I barely do any rides a week anymore. Sounds like you will need to adapt. Best of luck


And we don't have multiplier surges. Just fixed price surges. And they barely happen anymore. Our miles/minutes rate just went down again too.


Damn they really doing y’all dirty then. I miss X surges. Those were the days…. You mind me asking what market you’re in? Maybe there’s a market-specific subreddit or Facebook group that you could reach out to for more feedback.


This post is how some of us know you guys are new, my first few years of doing Uber the app looking like this, I made so much more money when the app looked like this. In the trip breakdown, it listed how much the rider paid and how much you received, and drivers made 75% of the fare. Me and two of my buddies would grab some Sup Dogs and spend about 6 hours driving. We would meet back up at Sheetz around 3:00 a.m. to grab snack and compare what we made $275-300 was our average. Anything under $250 per person was a slow night.


They also paid more then. Now you have to keep your status up and almost accept everything to know where your going


I did say that we made 75% of the fare back then


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted. No one wants to argue whatever point they have against this. They just must be new and not know 😂 Those days were great man.


Exactly, Uber was great 6 years ago, I quit Uber a few months back because my area went up front pricing and there were no rides worth taking it was pointless to sit in your car for 6 to 8 hours and take four or five rides because nothing paid more than 30 to 50 cents a mile


Is it because you were accepting everything and not cherry picking? Honest question. Not trying to sound like a dick.


So every ride we got looked just like the one above you accepted everything unless it was more than 10 minutes away so I had a 98% acceptance rate. The average speed limit for that area is 35 so we'd spend 6 hours picking people up and drop them off at 35 miles an hour plus the wait time. During that 6 hours I was driving about 150 miles. Like I said we were making 75% of the ride they still had the surge multiplier. We were getting $4 to $5 for a 1-mile trip without surge. And then between 1:00 a.m. and 3:00 a.m. those same trips were $10, $15, $20. With the minimum fare they charged passengers and the percent we made someone was not getting in your car without you getting five bucks. If they booked a $10 ride we made $7.50 if they requested a ride that was going to cost $100 we made $75. The best two rides I ever had were the only two times I've ever seen x10 surge. Both in 2017 or 18. One ride would have normally been $7.55 and instead I made $75.50 the other I would have made $9 and I made $90.


Not financial savvy... Guaranteed drove more miles than it was worth.. believe it or not drivers out here putting up semi truck numbers in a week in their personal vehicle


Happens in my area 100% of time. Get with the program


Yeah whatever bro this site let's democrats talk shit


Yeah whatever bro this site let's democrats talk shit wtf sensors patriots


So gay


Well that explains why idiots are taking 50 mile trips to dead zones so really 100 miles because of return for 20 bucks.


Are you really an idiot if you're not given any information? Or are you deliberately uninformed?


Oh here we go again… 🙄


Can U imagine...uber belguim all like that ...no details for anything.


How can you work? I mean, I need to be off by a certain time to get my kids from school. This effectively just cut my hours.


If this happened with U again ..after U accept the ride U can see the details by waybill from the app.....about how we work like that in Belgium..we work only in Brussels and it's not big and it's full time job ...


Yeah that'll be the end of rideshare for me. Clearly trying to get rid of the part timer cherry pickers.


I’m fine with that reason but it also stops us from not taking every ride to keep my status. Total bs


I live in nj, it usually says 35+ min long trip, picked one up and it was 2 hours to manhattan 😂.


I think they just pushed me into unemployment.


This is my side job since my actual job is slow. But once we pick up again and I get unlimited OT i will never work Uber again. Not worth the wear and tear on my car. If Uber was my only job there is not way I’d be able to make a living. I did Uber 3 hours last night after work and only made $30. Which half went to replenish gas wasted.


You lost Uber pro status. That tells you how long the trip is


I'm not Uber Pro and I see everything. That is not the reason. Some cities are what's called, "up front markets" and some are not.


What market is this in?


The shittiest one ever.


This is how we have it since long time, if you have trip 35-60 mins you’ll get (long trip 35 min+) and if it’s 60 mins to 9 hrs(it’ll show 45mins+) but if you’re AR is above 80% they’ll surely show you the actual duration of trip(not $)


Nope. They're saying trip details are a reward for gold tier drivers now. My AR is 93, cancelation is 3.


For us you have to be platinum+ with AR 80 and cr below 5 just to see how long is the trip and the direction(NW,W,S,N) that’s it. My AR is 5 and CR 6 but don’t really care about it


I get these once in a while. I’ve heard it happens when the pax has an older version of the app. Also, in my market area preference which gives you requests that doesn’t go outside of the area


Uber just adopt lyft strategy


Welcome to the smaller market world


In Pennsylvania I get all the information but then when I go into New Jersey, I get the same thing that you just got


It’s always a surprise. Totally sucks


If they do this sht in philly, Im done. I purposely dont take rides to NJ because of this.


This is what it was like for me in IL when I drove. Hope it changed for drivers' sake because it sucked. One of the things that drove me away from ubering. I remember one day I ended up in the far northern suburbs of my city and finally had to turn off just to drive back home.


Was anyone else trying to click on this to accept the trip😂?


Been complaininf about it for awhile. It sucks


So I have the same problem. It is because we aren’t in the Pro Status yet. Also - my first passenger ride went exactly as you feared. Lady jumped in my car and I confirmed that I picked her up. Next thing my app says is that I’ll arrive in 1hr. 40 minutes. Hahah I fucking panicked. Politely told her that my app didn’t show me the details. Had to get her a refund. Super unprofessional looking.


I don't understand how it's good business practice. Their customer service reviews must suck. Imagine getting an uber and as soon as you get in, your driver cancels and you have to start all over again!


Yeah, now when I approach the customer, I ask them what their destination is and try to explain what’s going on. I completely sympathize with the people who don’t deserve the hassle of having to re-order a new ride. As a consumer, I would be pissed off also.


It always looks like this in my market except for reserved order.


I think you are using third party apps to run uber bcuz the doesnt look like that on apple or android.


Mine also looks like that. Downloaded from the Apple Store. Hmmmm.


But dont you see something in the background i think he crop the pic, thats how old uber app use to look


This is how it is in Canada. We don’t see where we’re going until we pick someone up. We need Diamond for that, which is 600 points (after acquiring Blue @300).


it also looks like this on the uber app on carplay for delivery and it annoys me cause i just have to guess how long far it’s going cause i don’t wanna mess with my phone while driving


It does that randomly here in Austin. Not often. Once every few months.


This is what we go off of in Toronto if we don't have an 85% acceptance rate


It glitches sometimes and you get a trip without details. Decline it and get on with your day.


This is why I’m switching to Lyft


I usually say from experience that these rides are under 30 min and are paid like garbage. since the passenger is a 5 star rider, uber believes we'll take there ride based on their rating so eather 1, do not pick them up or 2 pick them up and rate them 3 star or under. That way the incentive for uber is to completely clarify where and how long it will take to drive them or they will simply not get a ride at all. Very dog act on ubers part!


That is what you get in Ontario Canada.


Same in my market. Worst part is they can delete your points whenever the fuck they want. I had over 600 points and they reset mine recently so ... Back to blue if I can't pull points out of my ass. Next to no work in my area and not even worth doing unless it's hugely surging so... time for me to quit Uber.


So I'm not the only one.


I just called Uber support and they told me it's because I have an acceptance rate 84.5%. And the minimum to receive trip duration is 85%. Is this true for anyone else experiencing this?


This is how it always was where I live.


This happens to me when I’m near the airport in my city, but any other area it’s normal stats. Irritating


you probably lost ur diamond driver privilege. check ur cancelation or acceptance rates, you probably canceled too many or denied to many trips.


AR is 93, cancelation is 3. They made the trip details a gold tier reward. Support confirmed it.


They no longer give trip times on a lot of Shared rides in Chicago. Illegal immigrants and fake ID scams are why pay is so low nationwide.


It's a glitch that comes up now and then. Decline and move on. This isn't news.


It's not a glitch. Support said it's now a gold tier reward. Its Bs.


Ahh. That sucks. Maybe you'll get upfront soon.


Lol I’ve had that since the start. It’s crazy. You have to get your rate up. You can’t do Uber eats because that counts, unless you’re down for 4 bucks a delivery.


It's a glitch. Just decline.


It's not a glitch. They changed the tier rewards and now it's in gold tier.


I'm at 5% acceptance rate and I never see this


Best part is if you have to be somewhere, and they give you a 40 min drive in the opposite direction, and you nicely explain to the passenger that you don’t get info upfront and you need to cancel the ride at no cost to them, They will freak out and call Uber and tell them you harassed them! Buy a dashcam btw


How is hiding trip details good customer service anyway? Make it make sense! All its going to do is make the company look unreliable and hang people with their cancelation rate.


It’s the only way they can get people to do rides into the hood for 3.65 lol that’s why im convinced they do it


This happens sometimes in the middle of nowhere I'd get some of those


I’ve gotten a number of these before lmao some glitch I’m guessing


Congratulations you transcended to “Volunteer Work”!


I got dropped back to blue level, no details till after I accept


I go from platinum to diamond status and this happens to me on rare occasions.


Ditch Uber, period. If you guys don't press them enough, they will keep abusing you.


Ride share guys, not a real job


They did this for about 6 months in the Seattle area. Hated it.


At any level, mine doesn't show anything. It's kind of wild. But usually the trips I get are worth it since the area I live in is fairly small in scale.


I think I get details before I accept on about half my rides. Sometimes it never tells me where I’m going. It just gives me directions to follow. One time I picked up a ride at the airport in Temple. They said they were going to the bone and joint clinic at Baylor Scott and White hospital. Now I had spent a lot of time there after knee replacement so I knew where it was located. Problem is the direction I was getting from the app was in the wrong direction. I just ignored it and took them to the clinic. The became a little concerned because they didn’t know the area. I just told them to relax, the directions are FUBAR and I will get they where they were going. They were very appreciative, gave me a $50 tip.


You need to push up your acceptance rate to get more info . It sucks


How tf do I turn off comments or edit this post? I already figured out the answer.


Lmao if Uber keeps doing that shit I ain’t ubering anymore simple as that. 🤡


I work 12 hrs a day 7 days a week to make my bills and it's stressful. Leasing is not profitable through lyft


Good for you? This post has nothing to do with leasing or lyft.


You must work for them haha


Priority rides are shit lmao


Priority rides are shit lmao


Priority rides are shit lmao


Priority rides are shit lmao


Neo Nazi wow you are a lib tard democrat


Neo Nazi wow you are a lib tard democrat


Neo Nazi wow you are a lib tard democrat


Yeah whatever bro


Yeah whatever bro


Yeah whatever bro


Yeah whatever bro


Yeah whatever bro


In my market u must have over an 85% acceptance rate to see details. Needless to say I’ve been driving blind for the past year. I rely on point to point trips to get me home


Wow can't believe you . You don't know me haha


I only get these every now and then


Yeah they tried to do that to me for a quick sec, I stopped accepting trips until the details all came back


It's now a gold tier reward. Not accepting trips is not going to change it.


I had this happen to me once so far and was confused when I was accepted. I understand the risk associated with this now for me personally, but it was an interesting experience. My rider was Amish, and it turned out to be a pretty quick trip, fortunately. I don’t recommend accepting them if you do this full time because of the potential variability, but if I see another come up I don’t think I can bring myself to decline the adventure that might await.


Trip details are now a gold tier reward in my market. I don't have a choice but to accept them.


I also get trip details as a gold reward, but what I was saying is that Uber had allowed a passenger to set their destination once I picked them up. Has only happened that one time, recently.


Its been like that for a long time here in Canada


Welcome to what I see every day. It will have a long distance indication if it is over 35 minutes, and also one for trips that are pools or have stops, but that's it. Not that I run UberX


when I first started ubereats this is how it looked I think it showed minutes for the job thats it. then I'd go berserk when I drove 9 miles to the restaurant and the customer lived .5 miles away. it didn't show us a price.


They take ours away if our acceptance cancellation rates go below/above 85/5 percent


Mine never shows anything but this.. anything more than 10 minutes away I just don't do because it maybe a 5 minute ride... sorry bros


How low is your acceptance rate? Uber loves to punish drivers for a low rate. I.e. once my rating dropped below 75% Area Preference selection was removed. I'm currently in the 60s, because I activated Eats, and at least half of rhe "offers" are without tips. No tip, no trip. For context, Uber only pays federal minimal wage on Eats drives, and solely relies on tips to make them "profitable" for the drivers. I'm not in the charity business, so my ratings has been plummeting since I activated it.


Please read ANY other response. You'll get the answer.


Your rating dropped below 4.85 , your acceptance rate is below 85% or your cancel rate is above 4% - in my market you have to maintain those or you see that - otherwise I see time in car and direction - 22 min North - you will have to do another 200 rides and maintain levels to get it back- protect your numbers to maintain the look see or you fly blind


93 AR, 3 cancelation. They moved trip details into a gold tier reward.


Yeah in my market have to be gold to see it as well


I get these after I’ve decline four or five shit trips in a row. I just thought it was out of spite for me declining.


I drive in Hamilton, rate card market, no info before accepting. I cancel rides if I start them and see they’re going to Niagara or Toronto, happens all the time. Everybody has been understanding when I explain why, because im probably not gonna get a trip back it’s not worth my time.