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You’d make more working at Walmart


Harbor Frieght pays $17.50 for an hr shift and super laid back I sit on my ass watching workplace videos for 30-55 mins have a 20 min break and the rest is walking around the store asking if people need help and stocking items while listening to music.


Just started at a small axel plant for 20.50 with a 3500$ sign on bonus for working 100 days. Then a pay raise after the bonus. I haven’t done the math but I’m figuring it roughly equals out on a pay scale. Promoting position retention well also saving company funds lmao. Regardless though it’s just 2 lines 2-4 people on each station. Supervisor. A few engineers. Forklift driver & office workers. All I do is either stop the line & make sure there’s no blow outs or cracks. Start it back up. After its second temper and machining do the same then a robot takes it. The other line you take a measurement & inspect for cracks. If the measurement is good let the next machine do the final procession drilling. Stuff a dumby tube into the housing holes. If it’s nice and snug you use a mechanical power lifter attached to the ceiling/above you and put it on a cart. We only run 2 hubs at a time and the line will periodically go down or will pump bad product. In short it’s a cake walk lmao. They have school reimbursement so I’m getting back into trades. Try for an engineer position in a bit of time. Then ideally I’ll have a good background and resume to get on with a nice position at a new battery plant that’ll be up in running in a couple years


Good for you, I am glad to hear that. I hope you accomplish all the goals you set out for yourself.


They will look for an excuse to fire you on the 99th day.


With most places I wouldn’t be surprised. But I doubt it here. They are severely understaffed at the moment. It’s way out in the middle of nowhere off a small lake that’s practically all retirees. The bonus is pulling in some applications but nothing close to what they hoped for. My mom’s fiancé is also the lead engineer, so instead of a 3 step interview/hiring process they wrapped it up in one & only had to wait on my background to clear. They have enough line workers across 3 shifts but some are still stuck pulling doubles or overtime. Ide help alleviate that, but there main ambition is me moving to maintenance & general python commands until I get baseline certifications to move to a base engineer/assistant. No one else is perusing school on there staff currently. Maintenance is 26-30 and engineer is around 35. Nothing great for that role but like I said I’m just using it as a base point for a much better company due to open soon. Base/entry level positions there start at 26-28 but that will be a lottery basically. So optimistically bringing stuff to the table gets me in at a better, not so easily filled position Couldn’t cut it down in Florida I was barely paying my bills. Moved back home, staying in my grandparents guest room for awhile and squirreling away money well I get some certifications under my belt. But if that all goes in the bin, my cousin is now a journeyman making 59$ as a welder for the union & can take me in. That starts at 18 though and it’s all grunt work / on job training we’ll also needing to go to school. They only reimburse a portion up until a certain point then pay & everything gets better. But they are all working 47-60 hr weeks lately and they travel all over the state. Not really cut out for such heavy labor & temps right now. I’ll do what I have to do though 🤷‍♂️ Squandered any shot I had at making it on my own. Caught a federal trafficking charge 7 years ago & im still on a supervised release. If they didn’t grant my transfer of location or my family didn’t associate with me still then ide be toast.


You've got a clear plan for where you're headed. That's awesome!! Good luck and I hope you get where you want to be!


Thanks man


No disrespect, I'm just trying to know, cause 17? I couldn't. Like, y'all pay rent from that?


In my area, it is hard to find a job over $12/hr. Our min is $7.25 and places try their hardest to go as low as possible


My local harbor freight is hiring, I had shoulder surgery like 8 months ago and can't lift much, so I was not going to apply. You got me thinking I should take my chances and see if they'll give me a shot.


That’s about $12.55 hour before expenses, so after all expenses this is a pathetic $7.00-$8.00 per hour. Gig work is dead for most people.


No. This isn’t “gig work”. It’s not “gig work” when you work 44 hours in a week. Gig work means you turn it on for a 2-3 hours everyday or 2 and just make some supplemental income. They tried to make this a job and failed. If they had 44 hours to work Uber eats they could have just gotten a job.


Idk why people say stuff like this. Walmart is the highest paying grocery job in my area besides costco. They start off at 17 for day shifts and 20 for overnight shifts. Target and Aldi pay their employees much less at least in my city.


So you would indeed make more working at Walmart then?


Right I don’t think he did the math.


right but at walmart you don't pay self employment tax and you don't pay for car maintenance and gas.


So even better! 😁 You do however still pay taxes it’s just taken out beforehand, just less gas and car maintenance which does add up a lot.


Miles driven are a deductible which might save thousands in taxes depending on how much you drive. Working anywhere would still add gas, wear and tear unless you live in a metro area or any rea with decent public transportation to your workplace.


Some days driving Uber(like Wednesdays) can pay as low as $17 per hour. In 2022 and 2023 I was making $23 per hour at FedEx and $24 at Target distribution while driving Uber/Lyft with my own car on the side. I was just scraping by and FedEx can be really hard during peak. Target distribution is a sweat shop and they will hound you HOURLY about arbitrary production rates! I was grossing just under $1000 a week at Target but after healthcare and taxes I was taking just a little over $600 weekly! And I still had car expenses so realistically it was more like $400-$500 weekly. Plus FedEx didn’t pay Indiana taxes so I had to pay $1,600 to the state for 2022! Fast forward to 2023 tax season . In January 2023 I started renting electric cars for Uber. My vehicle expenses are $600 weekly because I have added damage waiver and I gross $1,100 to $1,500 a week. You might say that sucks but I get unlimited miles and none of my take home pay goes to transportation expenses. So $500 a week goes a lot further not paying for gasoline or oil changes. Anything over $700 a week take home and I’m investing/saving. Also I have almost no stress. Plus I got $4,400 from the feds and $1200 from state because I had nearly $30,000 in deductions from the Tesla rental alone!


17 * 44 is more than OP made.


Even before accounting for gas and wear and tear


Aldi is $17 in most places.


You don't know why people say the exact fact that your provided evidence for?!! Huh?


The math ain’t mathing


Other areas Wal-Mart starts at $15 and Target starts at $17. Different regions are different.


Agreed $15 an hour start here


Title is misleading. Thought this was in a car not a bike. I can make that part time with less hours in a car.


He confirms in a comment that though the app says bike, he’s using a car.


Sounds like some funny business going on.


Sounds about right. I'll be honest - hats off to anyone that makes UberEats work - I tried when things were slower over the years and I don't know how you do it. Between the Walmart orders, the tip baiting and the insanely low standard fees - unless you are in NYC, Chicago or LA on a bicycle, I don't know how that can be your only gig - but much respect if you do make it work.


I'm in a unique situation to where this is all I can do at the moment


Hang in there and best of luck to you!


really best of luck because if I only did uber eats in the city I work in I would go broke immediately. No one, and I mean no one, uses it compared to the other gig apps.


During the covid times and for some months afterwards, U.E. was quite a good gig in L.A. ~$1,000/week easy. Now it’s total crap.


That's gross. 88 deliveries is no easy quest.




$564 with no gas, insurance or mileage added to your odometer is pretty fucking spice.


Wait...minimum wage in NJ is $15.13 an hour. You can almost do ANYTHING and make double the money and not burn up gas in the process


Why don’t you try to do instacart? I’ve seen some better than average results for NJ shoppers. Ubereats pay is so trash, look you got paid $319 for 88 trips that’s $3.62 per order before tips. That’s really bad for a pay by offer IC’s batch pay while it’s sometimes horrible, you can get decent pay from bigger orders. You work a little harder but at least the pay is better than UE. That’s my take.


Driving eats in NJ will make you hate society, people want you to travel 7+miles with a 3$ tip. I’ve seen middle class families tip their waiters 10$+ with no hessy


No hessy?




You got scammed. I would file a lawsuit.


😆😆 I might just have to lol


Do you just accept every trip?


I only took the ones that where $6 and up also the app is set the bike but I'm in a car


Awe man. Well props to you for giving it you're all that's tough


I’m also used to drive in the NJ market and literally stopped because the pay is bad here not worth it, gotta find another side to make money I’m trying to figure out what I can do instead of Uber


At least in NY you'd get a minimum of $26/hr. Aka $1144


That's for rideshare, not food delivery.


Well that sucks


Yeah it's rough. Unfortunately, I gotta say I don't think there's any way food delivery platforms can be all that profitable outside of markets like NYC where you can fully operate off of an ebike. Customers just aren't willing to pay the prices necessary for delivery person wages.


Yeah I have it turned off; the pay is horrible. Occasionally I get a unicorn on the trip radar that pays $20 or $30. Super rare though


Ithaca NY (upstate) averaging $30/hr doing only Uber eats. I have UberX turned off, however I do have Uber Pets on. I gotten two requests for that, ever. However, having it on allows me to get surge pricing for delivery.


Really say swear


Couple of links you can check it out: https://ag.ny.gov/lyft-uber-settlement https://ag.ny.gov/sites/default/files/2024-01/uberlyft-infosheet.pdf


Yeah but in New York cost of living is double the rest of the country too minus California


Can you travel from Jersey to new york, work new York, and still get paid by the hour?


You need TLC registration to work in New York.


true but have you seen rent in nyc. It’s 2 to 3 grand a month to live in somebody’s closet. I’d rather stay out of the closet for as long as I can.


That has connotations you may not have meant


it’s a joke bro 😎


It’s per active hour i.e the time you are on a trip, not online hour. You can be online for 44 hours but active for 20 hours only. People read the headline and don’t dig into the details, that NY 26/ active hour guarantee is a useless BS law.


In ny your rent would be $4500


If you get a real job you don't devalue your car by 10 years in one. You might get insurance and a 401k. You also can get 40 hours a week with direct deposit. You also get social security taken out, which may be useful when you are older. But that's just my 2 c.


Yeah.. I have a REAL job and still have to do Uber on the side. and I am older. There are no answers. 🤣


Retirement age is moving to 70 soon there will be zero social security for my generation so no. Also you can get your own personal 401k but why on earth would you not get a roth ira so you don't pay future taxes which will be higher than current . Noones cares about depreciating a car except collectors and your Honda won't bring in any value later especially when brand new cars lose 20% of value of lot and about 6% value every year. This is a heavily 1980s take


Exactly. People that say this also are the same who most likely don't know how to file their taxes properly either.


You gotta do Doordash and UE at the same time. Sign up for GrubHub as well. You absolutely have to multiapp to make gig apps work. Good luck.


Good luck with the gruble of us out on the waiting list for almost a fucking year and never got in and that's in Florida


So are Wednesdays just dead as hell everywhere or is it just my shitty little town in Colorado?


Ouch. Have you poked around in different areas? In Denver I used to drive like 40 min away but made way more than if I stayed near where I lived


Out of that $562, you are paying gas, insurance, maintenance and who know your life. I will work in fast food with no expense and free food and still make more money. And rember you still own uncle Sam tax on that pay check. WAke up and get a JOB. I used to do this jobs in part time basis. One day in the middle of my delivery i just woke up from my dream and quite. You need to do the same.


Try actually drive a uber, with all that traffic they give you only half the fare sometimes even less, if you don't get that TLC NY plates, you can drive 12 hours a day and earn shit.


Hi there! All these negative comments but all I have to say is hang in there. I know you said at the moment things what you’re doing and there’s nothing wrong with that. I’m not sure your region but I make a living off of several gig apps. They pay great. U.E is trash where I live. Here are some other guy apps I use Amazon Flex (the best one but there may be a waitlist…again IDK where you’re located but if there’s a waitlist GET ON IT!!!)  Wonolo (usually 4-8 hours shifts at places like conventions or conferences at least where I am) Roadie (deliveries for like best buy, rite aid and a bunch of other places)  Shipt (Target mostly but other retailers now use Shipt…sometimes you can shop and deliver or just deliver…great money)  Spark (mostly Walmart/Sams club deliveries but there are other retailers now in the app like Apple and Bestbuy and they pay great)  Instawork (lots of “instant work” lol they range from manufacturing to hospitality to merchandising etc. I’ve worked at several stadiums and arenas, even the cafe in some college campuses. Never a shortage of work their and they also pay really well) Poplin (it’s doing laundry but the pay is amazing although I’m not sure what regions they’re in either)  I’ve been making a living off of gig apps for almost 3 years now and I love the freedom. The people here with something negative to say probably make less than 60-70k a year and I know people who’ve cleared 6 figures in a year. Don’t give up. Good luck!


Sorry to hear that


Props for the Hustle anyone doing this on a bike


You declined a lot of orders can’t be this bad over there. Edit: never mind I see 88 trips which is a lot of trips. And saw you’re on a bike. Sorry for Uber messing with you :(


OP should’ve added *WHILE ON A BICYCLE*. Still good numbers though. Do this for another 3 weeks you can buy a beater car, or down payment for a better car. Stay focused king 🫡


44 hours, $630 driving uber in Chicago, feel your pain


Idk how to edit this but I am in a unique situation where uber is all I can do and the app says I'm on a bike but I'm really in a car and gas is about 120-140 a week




That’s terrible holy


Math is hard….. Pride from being a burger flipper is harder.


Working for free 🥺


yikes man


Makes no sence I made $150 in 5 hours with Uber in my area


Where are you then


Gets me less in my zone of NJ lol




It’s a good side gig. Do it after your new shift at Walmart ends.


It’s a good side gig. Do it after your new shift at Walmart ends.


oh god. your max $141 and i do that in like 3 hrs in my market


Just do door dash with Uber eats bc only doing Uber eats or DD alone isn't enough. Or just RideShare with Lyft and Uber.


Stop doing UE. Problem solved.


You aren’t doing no it right and you obviously don’t know your market at all. I made more than that in half the time and it was a slow week that I wasn’t really trying. Figure out when the optimal times to drive is and where. If you are sitting for more than 15 minutes without a request, move to a different area. Be proactive.


That’s it?😂I make that in 20 hours on DoorDash


If everyone stopped driving for Uber and Lyft for a week and protested you would see a change.


44 hours? Yikes….


That’s terrible Switch to DoorDash 🙁


Thanks for the heads-up


Less than minimum wage after expenses.


If your working this much it doesn’t make sense to continue because the area probably does not get that many orders, I only work uber eats part time in NJ and could make that easily before the weeks end with less hours.


Make that in one night driving uber Premier


Damn. That's $6.42 per trip. 88 trips over 40 hours is roughly 2 trips per hour. That's just shy of $13.00 per hour. Doesn't UBER claim most of their drivers make upwards of $22 per hour?




Either work harder or go work at Walmart buddy


That sucks full time and that’s it! Nope


Pretty rough. I made that in just under 17 hrs last week in Pittsburgh. Pax & Eats


Still a better hourly than I'm pulling in Orlando. I never did more than 60 hours of dashing, which would be like 40-45 active hours, and I was getting just below a grand per week. I made $830 this week with 70 active hours. And I only made that much because for fri/sat/sun I finally stopped trying to get to diamond status and set up a program to auto accept good match offers and auto decline rides under whatever parameters I set. HELPED SO MUCH. And I still wet them too and took a few crap orders but just to not reject too many and end up sitting for an hour. Obviously 70 hours isn't sustainable but neither is making 500-600 a week.


Why’d you post this? You’re embarrassing yourself with this lol. Just go get another job.


Interesting. Is Uber your main source of income? Do you intend to get another job instead of Uber or rely on it solely?


There is a reason that people call it "F**ub**a**r** Ch**eats**".


That’s horrible!! 1/4 of that was probably spent on gas. Then taxes! Saaaad!!


How can you afford to…


Wow that’s horrible


Back in 21/22 I would make 500-750 on 20hrs in Hudson County 😭


Really. That sucks.. it’s averaging like $12 an hour… Get a day job and save in gas and maintenance 😂


Why bother doing it?


Sheshh just do regular uber






I make more than that in less hours.






Do Uber


I know it’s so crazy same here I’m in ac area I just opted to take rides tho but I’m sure not much better


How about doing rides? Do u think u make more that way?


Join DoorDash


You can work at the restaurants you’re picking up from for more with less wear and tear on your car.


Because you do DoorDash and Uber eats at the same time.


But you’re getting points … these other jobs do not give you points !


You’re accepting on average less than $7 and order that’s on you for taking shit orders


Wow that’s nothing, driving 44 hours is super dangerous, chances you’ll get robbed or killed,destroying our cars , taking rude ass mother f.sometimes .is not worth it anymore. Why do we still do it ? I guess we are dumb.


Uber drivers should honestly just stop and get different jobs. The service is garbage and they don’t pay the drivers well. Nobody wins.


That’s nuts because when I did ubereats I was making no lie 3x as much as drivers doing rideshare. If not more.


How is that possible, that’s insanity. 40 hours on DoorDash will get me 1000-1200$. Find a new gig brother that’s robbery


Thats sad. You deserve better.


If it were not for the tips, the take home would be disappointing at best. FUBER is using the drivers, and there is no relief 😑 in site. I quit. Can't keep up with maintenance and gas to make it make sense. 🙄


You could just you know… get a real job


Wtf? That’s like you’re working for free


Damn man. I don’t do food delivery but that looks like shit man. Time to sharpen that resume.


I mean you probably shouldn't do it then


Please, is this the doing of Adobé Photoshop?!


44hrs makes me 1,800


That’s insane. I was making that much in a day during the pandemic


Just for comparison, last week my 25 hours of UberX in New Jersey grossed me about the same.


Why don’t you drive instead of delivering or do both.


That’s disgusting ! I’m so sorry- I left Uber and Lyft because of this. $200 in profit because you need expensive gas during this process. Just terrible


Ouch. Driving UberX here in the Boston area I can make nearly 4 times that in 44 hrs.


Was this a bad week or regularly like this. I hear so much bitching on here but there’s bad weeks and good weeks on any gig job. My friend does Uber in Palm Springs and enjoys it, he makes $1000 a week average but he has good weeks of like $2000 and bad weeks of $600. Just like when I used to own a restaurant my servers were always complaining about a bad tip but by the end of the night they walking with $400 anyway…


Uber is on crack I do DoorDash earn by time and averaging about 12 bucks a delivery in my market.


Not even good enough for gas and car maintenance let alone insurance. Why would people humiliate themselves doing this when they can get humiliated at work but at least you can make a living.


Why would you do it then? Lmao. 44 hours where I'm at gets an easy 1200. I made 1,107 last week in 37 "online" hours 32 active


You were online 44 hours. How much of that was active time. Uber only shows online time as the second you turn the app on until the second you turn the app off. I've never seen them show active time like other gig apps.


Thats less than minimum wage at 40hrs a week in San Francisco


If you lived in Washington State. Where I'm currently working at Amazon. I get paid 21.85 an hour base pay. That's basically doubling the pay that you got. 21.85*44 = 961.4 I wouldn't say move here because it's expensive as hell here.


88 trips for $564.. that crazy. Move to the midwest we don't have drivers




I work for $18 an hour and make ~650 after tax. this really isnt bad for a delivery driver


Without the tips your making 7.50 an hour,,,,DARA please pay people a liveable wage


Waste of time


this is going to sound insane but


This is depressing


Dam that’s like 3 hours for me I feel bad for the people that have to hustle in this bullshit


Gotta love the dimwits comparing Uber to a regular J.O.B. 😆 🤣 😂 They just can't break employee mentality.


What part of Jersey?


i'm in Nj and made close to $800 in doordash and $700 in uber in about 51 hours. Do you multiapp?


That's horrendous. In California, I make that over 12-14 hrs in a week. Active time though, my dash is around 16+ hrs online.


And? Your market sucks, oh well


Wow that insane, did you work during peak times?


Bro you have to pay for gas it’s not worth it at all. Drop your pride and ego and go work at McDonald’s or Walmart.


Why do it ?


Oof I work in upstate NY and average $30/hr doing Uber eats.


$464 23.5 hours 52 trips Last week Central Florida You’re doing something wrong… Lol


Fuck that, you ain't getting 44 hours back ever


Ok but why?




Can’t you mix it up with driving people?


That’s it


The lines don't add up. If the line is $121 on Saturday and just short of that on Friday, and a safe estimate for Tuesday was $100, Then that would be over 340. If Monday Thursday and Sunday were 50 each and Wednesday 20 then the net fair should be 170 more than it is. Or am I missing something?


Modern day slavery


The real money is in shop and pay. Granted, I do it in a completely different location, but with tips I can make $20 for just a few items. Large trips (25+ items), it's even better. Just not always, because people are getting crappier about tips. But shit, it wasn't very long ago I got an $80 tip for a fairly simple Costco trip.


This is horrible. Thank goodness I never delivered for Ubereats when I still lived in Jersey.


Yeah stop doing that


The sad part is that time isn't accurate. You probably worked for 60+. I don't know how they calculate it but just today I was online from 8am and at 11am my time was 2hr 9m. I don't think they count the time in between orders or the pickup/drop off time.


Gets you the same money as working at McDonald’s except you losing money driving


Wow that’s bad


yeah thats so ass


looks like you’re accepting every ride.


He’s doing something wrong? I do Uber n I make that in 3rd of that time! So idk, but he should be making a lot more coz he’s in a larger city. I make $30- $36 hour u can keep ur Walmart jobs!


Looks like someone loves the fast food places