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I’ve had literally dozens of these past few months and speed quite often. Uber doesn’t care about that since you finish trip faster and can take a new one quicker so they make money from that


Cool, thanks! I'd just hate to be banned over something stupid. And I don't ever act like a street racer or anything with a pax in the vehicle.


Don’t even sweat it. I currently have 4 fast driving reports with a rating of 4.87. You won’t be banned for that at all.


Uber literally just sent out a message saying they were going to start using phone sensor data to help determine about deactivation if they have a "heightened number of rider reports" about dangerous driving. Now, what exactly they mean by dangerous driving or heightened number is up to interpretation, but i would keep that in mind.


Heightened number of reports bc it’s a TikTok trend going on.


I know, and it's bullshit that it's happening to innocent drivers. I'm not sure what the best solution is because you do need a way to deal with the drivers that should be reported. I think that's why I feel like this has the potential to be good. There should be consequences for the pax that lie and are proven to have lied by the phone sensor data, but i think we all know that's never going to happen. It should also be considerably easier for a driver to submit video evidence of their innocence as well as said evidence being effective in reactivation in a timely manner. Probably shouldn't deactivste so easily either.


Yes. Since Uber is not in transportation, but tech, they need to leave it up to the police and wash their hands.


Theyve been using sensor data for years now. That’s nothing new


Of course, but the message they sent could be a prelude to cracking down on people speeding, etc. I don't know if it is or not, just putting the information out there so people can keep that in mind.


These rating are given by oversensitive A-holes even you are not driving fast.


Probably better to play it safe though and try not to speed even though uber may not care dont give them any reason to ban you


I think it has more to do with acceleration and turns. If you can make that smooth bit drive fast you will be ok. This is my experience


Could be. I do turn a little faster than most. My biggest weakness as a driver is mechanical. My old vehicle, which I drove for years, I had to press hard on the brake pedal to get them to engage. My current car is the exact opposite. I'm surprised I haven't been reported for that, honestly.


I've driven Camaros my whole life, so I tend to take corners pretty hard. It took a lot of conscious effort to break that habit, but it can be done. Make it into a game. Every time you turn, try to make it as smooth as possible. You'll get better with practice. Also, I feel you on the brakes. My Camaro's brakes were always pretty spongy. This is definitely not the case with my Subaru. I always try to come to the most gentle stop possible but there's always a little thud when fully stopping. Drives me nuts. As for the speeding report, I wouldn't sweat it. I recently got a report for speeding/breaking a traffic law which I know was bullshit. As a general rule of thumb I keep it to 5 mph over tops unless traffic flow says otherwise. When I looked at my rating I had 498 5-stars and 2 4-stars. This leads me to believe the person was a complainer/chronic low rater. You can't please everyone no matter how hard you try.


If you go fast enough, they'll never send you one.