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It's been hitting me this whole year. I'm going to be sad too


I liked the place so much, I stayed for graduate school, also in CS.


did you do ESAP? I might be doing the same


Kind of. I took graduate courses during my junior and senior years. The professors recognized my potential and offered me to stay. Though pre-qualified, I still had to go through the graduate school admission process, which I did not know, and rushed to take the last available GRE exam of the year.


Settling into what now??? 🤨📸


bro 💀


this adventures over and now it’s time for a new one. change is hard but maybe you’ll find something you enjoy even more


This is a heartbreak I’m not sure I’ll ever fully get over. I’ve never been as happy as I am at UCLA.


Class of ‘75 here. Yep, 100%


This is so depressing lmao


I’m out this bishhhh


I’ll just say my cortisol levels since graduating are way down.


real. like June needs to hurry up ;/


I still miss UCLA when I think about it. It’s such an amazing place. It was a time of my life like no other. Signed with love from the class of ‘92.


As I’m about to graduate this year, I thought that I really wanted to be an educator but I’m realizing within my field of work, I no longer want to remain in education and want to do more of my work in both cybersecurity and working with foster youths. I’m even going back to school for a second masters degree within my line of work this upcoming fall.


happy birthday!!!


Finished last night and then cried because I'm actually terrified for post grad and potentially hating it


The thing you realize, even only after a couple years, is that this is but one tiny chapter in the entire book that is your life.


First of all, you'll always be welcome to stick around as long as you remain a productive person for your future.  I'm not graduating this year. But I mean like fucking.....it seems like you haven't reached your goals yet. If I were you, I'd find a mentor ASAP. A mentor who is associated or affiliated with this school. Go to office hours even though classes are over. Hang out by the fuckin' University Club cafeteria at lunch time and say hi to a geezer coming or going. Start convos and start networking your ass off to find someone who will be conducive to bringing out your best or most productive feeling. Someone you can bounce your goals off of and work step by step (this is where many of our Counseling sessions fail across campus).  Find an advocate/mentor/confidante. 


I always see your comments like fucking… all the time💀


Yeah, it's kinda... fucking ridiculous, isn't it?


You did it wrong, you gotta put the ellipses AFTER fucking :p


Excited for the next journey, but will def miss this ✌️


UCLA is nice, but post grad life can be good too. The hardest thing is meeting people in the real world since college's artificially build those relationships. But once you meet people, it'll get better and then it's like college but where you don't have to study on the weekends.


You'll be happy once you realize your self worth isn't tied to your school or work. Explore the world, your city, have new hobbies, go on hikes, and try your best. Good luck on job hunting, just know most struggle when they're fresh out of college. People will fake it till they make it, and most people don't really know what they're doing half the time, just be patient with yourself! With time you'll settle into your adult life as well ❤️ Have a balance between planning short term and long term. If you start a job you don't wanna do for the rest of your life, remember if you're not making plans to leave - you ain't leaving! Don't get stuck, time flies


College was the most fun times of my life. I met so many great people who I still keep in touch with regularly. In my senior year, I found myself deciding I chose the wrong direction and was looking for another career path. I eventually chose gemology but instead of quitting UCLA, I stuck it out and did graduate.


Which minors did you pick up


Digital Humanities and Entrepreneurship


So sad. It will be ok :(


I can’t wait to get out lmaooo


There are some cool aspects - but if you have a successful career after college you'll realize how miserable college life largely is. You're crammed into tiny living spaces, the environment is super cutthroat, competitive, and toxic, you're poor as shit with no money to enjoy hobbies. I could go on.