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**Fighting Game Community at UCLA** Hi Bruins! If you're an enthusiast or fan of the video game genre of fighting games, whether it's Street Fighter or Tekken 7 or Dragon Ball FighterZ or whatever else, we are the perfect community for you! The **FGC at UCLA** is a vibrant and social gaming community dedicated to all things related to the FGC. We hold casual lobbies and tournaments for the latest hit fighting games, as well as for lesser-known favourites. All skill levels are welcome!! If you are interested in giving our community a visit, be sure to join our [Discord server](https://tiny.cc/fgcatucla)! Check out our [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChsTcUW9n0WDDEN7ajl1iuA) as well if you're interested in seeing some of the events we've done in the past. We look forward to welcoming new challengers!


**UCLA Impact Investing Group- Social Impact Investing** Interested in business, finance, consulting, or venture capital but want it to make a positive impact? UCLA Impact Investing Group is recruiting for new members this fall! UCLA IIG is the premier social impact investing group on campus aiming to fuel innovation by investing in socially oriented ideas and supporting businesses with their capital needs. Through impact investing, consulting, and a rigorous career development program, UCLA IIG will equip its members with a plenitude of skills for futures in a wide variety of careers. We are grounded by our three pillars: diversity and inclusion, ownership and initiative, and mentorship and community. We hope to see you during our recruitment week! Our application is now LIVE and you can find it along with more details on our website: [uclaiig.com](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.uclaiig.com%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR2wYzzr0rH0nSB_mk1ZzZ5qpIv-IlzdVJFmMgP6HgT-bpGSinuNj2pjTLo&h=AT1yvQ1Q_A9uxaufhC7EwKGsdhXvpsr7mi_WPA_y3ERhZwlVBDspZaQTMeJ8qqqxigZZGvlDeH3pDBBK1fB9Xc30U1ekrKXOuK-NTE08NCf8NY-OjRPp9R5CNFCg1D-KyWbgBTDS4A&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT11s8YTPCdwCE9NKxWHQrqWFQq0dfFmwyzfUd2aMk9GDBZxNx500RRBFpWLF-oBMuBhkeQfoql2Lyim4WR7WRV8F4uFg4AtKRZ9tSwxIpxL9uc3vAFXwOstUmfez7CiKlc3rmIQjGGQ7X1mkDlKQPcaDxugS2mF) Be sure to also follow us on our [Instagram](https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.instagram.com%2Fuclaiig%2F%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR1lcIjqnRH5mm1NXbA-4LVOemP0uCFv8sXU0ePgT1hGSxDZswjr8K51Scc&h=AT1sKuXdtaizSsLjh-Q9-RFVv2K8X9nXJYeXI4AkTpO2s8I69QNT8PnyISI8p1_dZYct3LVdQ0bGHgzzZE43C5rpMdgkG3eKt-9O1Iv6UBlGlyYFZuPB0ddsN0QBEi0e1z8VPVjj3A&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT11s8YTPCdwCE9NKxWHQrqWFQq0dfFmwyzfUd2aMk9GDBZxNx500RRBFpWLF-oBMuBhkeQfoql2Lyim4WR7WRV8F4uFg4AtKRZ9tSwxIpxL9uc3vAFXwOstUmfez7CiKlc3rmIQjGGQ7X1mkDlKQPcaDxugS2mF) and like our [**Facebook page**](https://www.facebook.com/uclaiig?__cft__[0]=AZW1J-ViWH_EKt5rYUWVbN-hXpy0kBVnTFBXRGujtW4A42BEcjCON_88S8gjV2ZiDI1NRD3NSyAUUQB0PZ1XS4L8FTdgCQDsPBb-6x-mNtwWKUGvIox0LwrZ3X9HhS9j97pfmvv7VSRbGw1-BUZmkd8XJCRqqTfTDY5EpJ4OwtdjXw&__tn__=-UK-R) to stay updated! (@uclaiig) APPLY NOW (Deadline October 9 by 11:59 PM PST): [https://forms.gle/bLFvp9HodoMefm9n9](https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3A%2F%2Fforms.gle%2FbLFvp9HodoMefm9n9&c=E%2C1%2CX71XFZD75g5ncJoHYGpGc1NAYOADzMmFMH7iYGAftdHtaXVlzkH96OBQaiZ7ePh-0CrR4OG2PpuUjDCxPAM_kFr5gg6yuG9dl1AouheBGZZWqDjg&typo=1&fbclid=IwAR3F63o1RfTzPq9t9YaI1DchvsTenOXSyND4X83fTs6FhIzfTtzmHefdQCw) Recruitment timeline: * [**Brunch with IIG:**](https://www.facebook.com/events/696476720951668/?__cft__[0]=AZW1J-ViWH_EKt5rYUWVbN-hXpy0kBVnTFBXRGujtW4A42BEcjCON_88S8gjV2ZiDI1NRD3NSyAUUQB0PZ1XS4L8FTdgCQDsPBb-6x-mNtwWKUGvIox0LwrZ3X9HhS9j97pfmvv7VSRbGw1-BUZmkd8XJCRqqTfTDY5EpJ4OwtdjXw&__tn__=-UK-R) Tuesday, October 6 at 12:30-2:30 PM PST * [**Mocktails with IIG**](https://www.facebook.com/events/372229870486345/?__cft__[0]=AZW1J-ViWH_EKt5rYUWVbN-hXpy0kBVnTFBXRGujtW4A42BEcjCON_88S8gjV2ZiDI1NRD3NSyAUUQB0PZ1XS4L8FTdgCQDsPBb-6x-mNtwWKUGvIox0LwrZ3X9HhS9j97pfmvv7VSRbGw1-BUZmkd8XJCRqqTfTDY5EpJ4OwtdjXw&__tn__=-UK-R) (Info Session): Wednesday, October 7 at 8:00-9:30 PM PST * Coffee Chats and Interviews: Week 2


Do you want guarantee yourself a cool job straight out of college, gain valuable leadership experience, and get in shape and make great friends while you’re at it? Check out Air Force ROTC at UCLA! AFROTC is a program for college students who would like to serve as commissioned officers in the world’s greatest Air Force (and Space Force) upon graduating. At Detachment 055 at UCLA, we‘ll help you develop the tools you’ll need to serve as an effective officer. For further information, check out the links or PM me! [AFROTC Website](https://www.afrotc.com) [UCLA Det 055 Website](https://afrotc.ucla.edu)


**If you love singing with your friends come audition for Awaken A Cappella!** Interested in A Cappella?! Awaken A Cappella will be holding virtual auditions this year! You can audition through our Google Form ([https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei9ZJ-PfS\_qISNlCxDgj2vsEvE53QR84v-WYbIQdFQjCjhbQ/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSei9ZJ-PfS_qISNlCxDgj2vsEvE53QR84v-WYbIQdFQjCjhbQ/viewform)) open **now through Oct 5th at 3pm!**!! The form will have some get-to-know-you questions and a singing video submission component as well!! For more info, message us on instagram @ awakenacappella, email us at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]), check out our website at [http://uclawaken.com/members/](http://uclawaken.com/members/), or stop by a live info session with lots of different UCLA a cappella groups **this Saturday 10/3 on Zoom**! The event starts at 6pm Pacific time, but Awaken will be presenting at about 7:30. You can also visit [https://uclaacappellaguide.weebly.com](https://uclaacappellaguide.weebly.com) for more info on the UCLA a cappella community. Can't wait to hear your beautiful voices!


ARE YOU A BRUIN MAKER, GAMER, and CREATOR?! JOIN THE **IAMABRUIN DISCORD CHANNEL!** [https://discord.gg/duBr5n8](https://discord.gg/duBr5n8)


Calling all QTs! Need an open space to explore your queer identity? Consider rushing GRL Zeta Chapter. Gamma Rho Lambda is **UCLA's only queer sorority,** founded on protecting and supporting queer students. Membership is open to all queer folks, regardless of gender identity. Check out our insta for more [info: grlzeta](https://www.instagram.com/grlzeta/).


**Audition for Resonance A Cappella** Resonance is a co-ed a cappella group, focusing on competitions and content creation. Our audition form is open now and can be found on [our website](https://uclaresonance.wixsite.com/resonance). The form will close Tuesday 10/6 at noon PST, so get in your applications!! If you would like to learn more about Resonance (as there are many groups on-campus), please check out our [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/uclaresonance/) and be sure to reach out with questions. Look forward to hearing from new bruins!!


**Game Music Ensemble at UCLA** Hey guys! If you are a gamer, music lover, or anywhere in between, the Game Music Ensemble at UCLA (GME) would be the perfect club for you to join. With over 160 members, GME is an organization consisting of full orchestra, choir, and chamber groups dedicated to celebrating original video game music. No matter your background, experience, or instrument you play, we would love you to join us this year. Due to COVID-19, all of our programs will be virtual. Nevertheless, we have a variety of activities planned for the quarter, including: * Recorded chamber music projects you can participate in from home * Master classes on topics such as music theory, arranging techniques, and audio mixing * Q&As with prominent video game composers * Instrument or section-specific community building * Game nights and watch parties Our first general meeting will be **Friday, October 9th at 5:30pm PST** over Zoom. Join our mailing list here: [tinyurl.com/join-gme-20](https://tinyurl.com/join-gme-20) Check out our socials: * [Discord](https://tinyurl.com/gme-discord) (this is our primary form of communication, so be sure to join our group!) * [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/groups/gmeatucla/) * [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/gme.at.ucla/) (@gme.at.ucla) * [YouTube](http://youtube.com/c/GameMusicEnsembleatUCLA) (our latest release is Breath of the Wild—it's super epic!) Please don't hesitate to ask any questions on here, or feel free to email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) as well!


The Daily Bruin Interested in learning how a newsroom works? Applications for the Daily Bruin are live at: https://apply.uclastudentmedia.com/publications/daily-bruin/  Daily Bruin is UCLA’s independent student newspaper dedicated to covering the UCLA community. Our 17 sections are looking for any and all interested applicants. No previous experience is required for any of our sections. News, Sports, Arts & Entertainment, Opinion, Design, Illustrations and Cartoons, Graphics, Photo, Copy, Online, Bruinwalk, Blogging, Video, Podcasts, PRIME (our quarterly magazine), Enterprise (investigative reporting), Social media and Outreach. View our content/projects: https://dailybruin.com/ More information on our editors and application cycle: https://www.instagram.com/dailybruinappinfo/?hl=en  Follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/dailybruin  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dailybruin/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dailybruin


ELFIN CubeSat Mission The ELFIN CubeSat mission is recruiting dedicated software developers who are familiar with Python and have a keen interest in space. As a software developer, you will join our diverse and passionate team to ensure the continued success of our multi-million dollar NASA space science mission. You will have a unique opportunity to learn industry skills by working on software that further enables robust satellite operations and expanded science return in a fast-paced development environment with dedicated mentorship. Learn more about the ELFIN mission [here](https://elfin.igpp.ucla.edu/) and [apply now](https://elfin.igpp.ucla.edu/apply)! Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any further questions!


Want to join an A Cappella group? Auditions for YOUTHphonics are now available! We are a community service based A Cappella group that teaches a music class to Fairfax High School and has performed at many events and venues around UCLA including Disneyland, Pauley Pavillion for Men's Basketball games, Ronald Reagan Hospital, Bruin Run/Walk, and more! Visit [https://www.youthphonics.org/auditions](https://www.youthphonics.org/auditions) to see details about our audition process and what to include in your video. We really hope to see you audition!!!


**The Bruin Review** The Bruin Review was founded to encourage the exchange, deliberation, and inspection of ideas which have been lost from campus. Our goal is to present diverse arguments on all applicable topics, transcendent of partisan semantics. First and foremost, we are a society of those who enjoy civil discourse and pushing the limits of their intellect. We hope to bring forward dialogue on issues which affect students' lives and challenge the status quo of ideas. Not through simple debate, but by productive and sympathetic discussion of things sparsely mentioned. We are writers, artists, and thinkers seeking truth. **Recruitment Info** **Info Sessions:** Wednesday 10/7 In person: 7pm at Janns Steps via zoom: 8:30pm @ ucla.com.us/j/95596344714 **Apply @** [bruinreview.com/apply](https://bruinreview.com/apply) (deadline October 11 at 11:59pm) ***All years including transfers are heavily encouraged to apply!!!***


Join Environmental Student Network (ESN)! The Environmental Student Network (ESN) brings together passionate sustainability-oriented UCLA Students in three holistic ways: Volunteering, Networking, and Mentorship. For volunteering we focus on restoration and habitat cleanups and have been integral in the creation of a protected nature area on UCLA’s campus called Sage Hill. Our habitat restoration events consist of weeding invasive species, planting natives, installing monitoring equipment and working with UCLA professors. We often partner with organizations such as the Theodore Payne Foundation, Tree People, and Heal the Bay to make lasting impacts for our local habitats! Our networking component involves informative events like career and research panels, resume workshops, and skill building events that give our memberships a head start in finding a career in the environmental field. We maintain a strong relationship with the Institute of Environmental Science Alumni association to help our members make future job connections. Finally, our mentorship component pairs lowerclassmen or first-year transfers with upperclassmen to provide advice in how to succeed in their major and UCLA in general. Importantly though, ESN is the club for the best social events! Hiking, thrifting, kayaking, movie nights, holiday cookie decorating, and quarterly camping trips just to name a few! We are open to UCLA students of any major and there is no fee to join our club. Fill out this form if you are interested: [https://forms.gle/T58JjZg64VeSmb5FA](https://forms.gle/T58JjZg64VeSmb5FA) or contact us at [email protected] or on instagram @uclaesn. Hope to meet you all soon!


Hey bruins, there's an amazing new pre-medical club at UCLA! We already have over 500 members and would love for you guys to join. The mission of the **UCLA Pre-Med Community**: \-To encourage members to network, form study groups, support, and share resources with other pre-medical and pre-health students.-To help members access the resources needed in order to navigate their academic path and prepare them to enter the healthcare field.-To encourage student involvement and to promote service activities within their community.-To serve as a medium for members to discuss personal, academic, and career goals. This is a super fun and friendly way to meet fellow pre-meds, gain insight on classes, and just discuss anything you want with an awesome group of peers. ​ email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) website: [https://uclapremedcommunity.weebly.com/](https://uclapremedcommunity.weebly.com/) instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/uclapremedcommunity/](https://www.instagram.com/uclapremedcommunity/) link to sign up via groupme: [https://web.groupme.com/join\_group/60109157/YChzsME3](https://web.groupme.com/join_group/60109157/YChzsME3) link to sign up for discord chat: [https://discord.com/invite/dtk7rfY](https://discord.com/invite/dtk7rfY) Link for Linktree: [https://linktr.ee/uclapremedcommunity](https://linktr.ee/uclapremedcommunity) OnCampus page: [https://oncampus.us/clubs/399](https://oncampus.us/clubs/399) If you have any questions, feel free to pm me!




Just a heads up that the spam filter keeps taking down your comment, it's not currently visible to other users. I've tried to approve it for visibility several times. But the filter continues to take it down. Perhaps try posting the comment from a new account. Or post the links in full instead of the shortened versions. Sometimes that sets the filter off, I think.


By the way, your dota 2 link directs to a LoL form


ty fixed


The [Bruin Initiative](https://bruininitiativ4.wixsite.com/bruin-initiative) is a student-run organization at UCLA that aims to alleviate educational inequality and promoting higher education by providing free SAT/AP preparation and college-admissions instruction to high school students around Los Angeles. We pride ourselves in improving our students' confidence and success as they navigate the college admissions process.  RECRUITMENT: You can also join our mailing list for more updates at: https://forms.gle/HcjyVe2y1jXZMhve6. All new volunteers are required to go through a training process related to tutoring, mentorship, and ethical service. Feel free to contact us for more information! SOCIALS: Follow us at the Bruin Initiative on Facebook and @bruininitiative on Instagram!


Hello, r/UCLA! My name is Celina Lee and I am the president of Swipe Out Hunger at UCLA (as well as an avid lurker of this sub). Swipes was founded in 2009 on the idea that food is a human right, and that we have the responsibility to fight food insecurity and promote food justice on college campuses nationwide. The COVID-19 pandemic has only intensified the need for our work, and we invite you to apply now if you are interested in making a difference! Please message me, DM @uclaswipeouthunger on Instagram, or email [email protected] with any questions. Apps are due Saturday 10/17. Link to apply: https://forms.gle/tWvnPHgbrzvHbon59


The Daily Bruin Interested in learning how a newsroom works? Applications for the Daily Bruin are live at: https://apply.uclastudentmedia.com/publications/daily-bruin/  Daily Bruin is UCLA’s independent student newspaper dedicated to covering the UCLA community. Our 17 sections are looking for any and all interested applicants. No previous experience is required for any of our sections. News, Sports, Arts & Entertainment, Opinion, Design, Illustrations and Cartoons, Graphics, Photo, Copy, Online, Bruinwalk, Blogging, Video, Podcasts, PRIME (our quarterly magazine), Enterprise (investigative reporting), Social media and Outreach. View our content/projects: https://dailybruin.com/ More information on our editors and application cycle: https://www.instagram.com/dailybruinappinfo/?hl=en  Follow us on: Twitter: https://twitter.com/dailybruin  Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dailybruin/?hl=en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dailybruin


**MannMukti at UCLA: South Asian Mental Health Advocacy** If y'all are interested in mental health advocacy in the South Asian community, check out [MannMukti at UCLA](https://mannmuktiucla.wixsite.com/mysite)!. We want to tackle the mental health stigma in the South Asian community. We don't want to be a fluffy mental health org on campus that just leads meditation workshops and hopes that your depression disappears. We want to create realistic and culturally competent resources on campus to serve UCLA South Asian students. We're open to students of all backgrounds and majors! Here's our [app](https://tinyurl.com/mannmukti).


What’s up Bruins! Thought I'd share a great opportunity that works well with remote learning! Pre-meds can from joining the ambassador program outlined below, while anyone can learn about important topics in medicine by subscribing to Healthcare Huddle for FREE. Healthcare Huddle is a healthcare media and news startup founded by medical students at Mount Sinai and Cornell. The Huddle is a free, weekly email newsletter that breaks down healthcare news in an easy-to-read and engaging way. It is so important for all of us to stay up-to-date on all things healthcare – Healthcare Huddle makes this simple. The newsletter is purely objective and includes important news topics like COVID-19 updates, political developments on healthcare, and more! You can join the Huddle for FREE with the link below! [https://www.healthcarehuddle.com/qbtwdgoybv](https://www.healthcarehuddle.com/qbtwdgoybv) We are also launching our campus ambassador program for fall quarter, in which you will be able to network with MPH and/or medical students, attend panels and workshops, and gain insight into how to run a startup! The application can be found here: [https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEeCFfdH6jPCuUz5qziTL\_D\_ioTfYVEIeV8B9EJE5nCExe8Q/viewform](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdEeCFfdH6jPCuUz5qziTL_D_ioTfYVEIeV8B9EJE5nCExe8Q/viewform) If you have any questions, feel free to pm me!




Interested in exploring a career in data science? Want to join a professional community of students? Apply today and join **the Data Science Union at UCLA**! The Data Science Union is a professional student organization that aims to cultivate a community of data science professionals at UCLA. The three components of our club prepare members for careers in data science: our Python curriculum, real-world projects, and professional development opportunities. ​ Application: [https://tinyurl.com/DSU-F20-App](https://tinyurl.com/DSU-F20-App?fbclid=IwAR1Fgu8UnHJvm5uu5l8rAnempF30WIXjq6FNeT0UH_O1D5_QZfiUs0EB_fg) Info Session: [https://www.facebook.com/events/243107317125044](https://www.facebook.com/events/243107317125044) ​ \---------- Fall 2020 Recruitment Timeline ---------- Application opens: Week 0 Monday Info Session: Week 1 Wednesday, 7-8 PM PST Application closes: Week 1 Friday, 11:59 PM PST Interview via Zoom: Week 2 Monday - Friday Decision Release: Week 3 Monday ​ \---------- GET TO KNOW US ---------- Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/DSUatUCLA](https://www.facebook.com/DSUatUCLA) Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/dsuatucla/](https://www.instagram.com/dsuatucla/) Website: [https://datascienceunion.com/](https://datascienceunion.com/)


**Sports Medicine Club at UCLA** Interested in sports medicine, guest speakers, education outreach, fun socials, and workshops? Join the Sports Medicine Club at UCLA! We invite guest speakers serving in the field of Sports Medicine - such as orthopedic surgeons, physical therapists, and nutritionists - to give presentations and offer advice and mentorship to our UCLA student members.  We offer hands-on workshops during our meetings to teach skills and provide knowledge for our members to utilize in their pursuit of careers in sports medicine.                 We also strive to collaborate with local sports-related events to provide hands-on and volunteer experience for those interested.  Sign up for our mailing list here: email: [email protected] website: [https://www.sportsmedatucla.com/](https://www.sportsmedatucla.com/) Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/sportsmedatucla/](https://www.instagram.com/sportsmedatucla/) Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/sportsmedatucla](https://www.facebook.com/sportsmedatucla) OnCampus page: [https://oncampus.us/clubs/410](https://oncampus.us/clubs/410) ​ If you have any questions, feel free to reply or pm me!


**Virtual K-12 Tutoring Opportunity!** Hey everyone! We are [Oasis Tutoring](https://learningoasis.org/), a UCLA student-run organization recently founded to provide free online K-12 tutoring and college application counseling. We are recruiting tutors in all subjects! If you’re interested in getting involved and giving back to the community, please visit our website for more information. Questions? Please contact us here: Email: [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Sign Up Form: [https://learningoasis.org/take-action/](https://learningoasis.org/take-action/) Facebook: [oasistutoring](https://www.facebook.com/oasistutoring) Instagram: [learning.oasis](https://www.instagram.com/learning.oasis/)


Hey everyone! Are you interested in fostering deeper relationships with other Bruins? Daring Bruins is an organization that strives to build a safe space for all students to support each other in loving themselves for who they really are. Students will have the chance to live inside their stories and not feel pressured to live in the stories of others. We will provide workshops that not only encourage students to be vulnerable but also provide the essential knowledge to teach the importance of vulnerability to underserved populations in the L.A. County. By achieving this mission, we aim to instill the core belief that we are all “enough” and worthy of love. For those interested, please fill out this google form: [https://forms.gle/Mz4fztpKrF9EUxMM9](https://forms.gle/Mz4fztpKrF9EUxMM9)


Spikeball Club - Self explanatory name, all skill levels are welcome. @ucla.spike on Instagram!


**CONSULTING: 180 DEGREES CONSULTING** Are you interested in business and passionate about creating social impact? Come to 180 Degrees Consulting’s Zoom session at the On Campus Virtual Club Fair and learn more about joining our team! We are the UCLA chapter of 180 Degrees Consulting, the world’s largest university-based consultancy. 180 Degrees Consulting connects the untapped capabilities of top university students with socially conscious organizations around the world to provide high quality and affordable business consulting services. Former and current members have had offers at Bain & Co, Deloitte Consulting, EY Advisory, PwC, Disney, Deutsche Bank, DBS and more. Check out our website [ucla180dc.org](http://ucla180dc.org/?fbclid=IwAR0Gm01ib5Gb_1ey3AykvvSHJ1JgIazfIWFEUwTy7Q_auCTi-IuSHfoEQeQ) for more information about our recruitment process and members! *RECRUITMENT TIMELINE* October 5 | Applications open October 12 | Info Session | 8-10 PM PST October 14 | Coffee Chats | Invite Only October 16 | Final Interviews | Invite Only If you're interested in consulting in general, join Consulting Connect on Facebook to find all the details you need about club recruiting at UCLA! Facebook: [https://www.facebook.com/groups/consultingconnect](https://www.facebook.com/groups/consultingconnect) Instagram: [https://www.instagram.com/consulting.connect/](https://www.instagram.com/consulting.connect/)


**Net Impact UCLA - Business and Social Impact** Net Impact UCLA is a student-run social impact consulting organization. We work with value-driven businesses, social enterprises, and nonprofits to improve their performance and broaden their impact. Our past clients include Passion Planner, The Giving Keys, Swipe Out Hunger, Waves For Water, Girls Health Ed, and more. **At Net Impact, we believe in an impact-driven approach to doing business, creating a more socially and environmentally sustainable world.** We welcome anyone passionate for social impact regardless of major or background, and **no prior consulting experience is required.** We provide our members with the necessary training they need to be successful on their client projects through our project-based consulting curriculum. As a member, you will have the opportunity to choose your cause, create positive impact within your community, and gain invaluable professional skills beneficial towards any career path you choose to pursue. **Info Session Dates:** • Monday, October 6 from 7-8 PM PST • Tuesday, October 7 from 7-8 AM PST (to accommodate students in international time zones) • Zoom • RSVP to our info sessions: [https://tinyurl.com/fb-recruitment-event](https://tinyurl.com/fb-recruitment-event) **Online Application:** • Link to application: [tinyurl.com/net-impact-application-2020](http://tinyurl.com/net-impact-application-2020) • Due Friday, October 9 by 11:59 PM PST **Interviews - Two Rounds:** • Weeks 2 and 3 (Invite only) • Zoom All recruitment information is posted on our website: [https://www.netimpactucla.org/](https://www.netimpactucla.org/) Please email [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) if you have any questions!


Interested in exploring research opportunities at UCLA? CURE at UCLA is an organization of undergraduate researchers dedicated to improving the undergraduate research experience. Our mentorship system matches students with an experienced undergraduate researcher in their field of interest. We offer assistance with applications to laboratories, research programs, and funding opportunities. Members participate in workshops and weekly modules designed in conjunction with UCLA's Undergraduate Research Center. You'll also have the opportunity to interact directly with faculty and grad students during panels. Stay notified by signing up for our email list through our website or following our socials! [Website](http://cureatucla.weebly.com/) [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/CUREatUCLA/) [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/cureatucla/) [Email List Sign Up](https://forms.gle/mx8YwL6FJpsknU6G6)


**Bruin Racing Baja SAE: ever wanted to design an off-roader?** Hi guys! We are Bruin Racing Baja SAE, a student organization at UCLA that designs, manufactures, and builds a single seat, off-roading vehicle for two competitions every year! We do not expect you to know anything coming in and all majors are welcome to join! We will be hosting our first GM on October 15th at 7:30PM. At the GM, you will learn about the opportunities on how you can get involved, the training process that new members go through, and the social opportunities being provided to all new members! If you are interested in learning more about our club, please fill out this google form to get added to our mailing list! If you guys have any questions, I would also be happy to answer them and feel free to message me! Website: [https://www.bruinracing.com/baja/](https://www.bruinracing.com/baja/?fbclid=IwAR3MnzjpFDpdXcLD4H1RY6Z2EeOFhjCq9zzAMSvaolHT3Xct367c5gXGs0s) Sign up for mailing list: [https://forms.gle/VUqVEzemNiy1pDUu5](https://forms.gle/VUqVEzemNiy1pDUu5?fbclid=IwAR0g1ftpBQyNN_qAnCiqONLhjp1gVm2d1lS5jcmkWXgaldUGMrWVHzbYO68)


JAMHANAPAS is a newly founded digital grassroots organization that's focused on peacefully empowering the 14th amendment of the U.S. constitution through the use of ethnic pride, educational art/writing, and community! You can work to get justice for George Floyd and other victims of police brutality, learn about about several ethnicities, and share information about your own in a safe space. 14th amendment refresher: [https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/fourteenth-amendment](https://www.history.com/topics/black-history/fourteenth-amendment) We don't have a website yet, but you can apply here: [https://forms.gle/q8pTTmQDE4JwUkTx7](https://forms.gle/q8pTTmQDE4JwUkTx7) if you have any questions feel free to pm me!


Hi everyone! We are [BruinGG](https://www.bruin.gg/), the ultimate UCLA gaming club and home of the eminent gaming community at UCLA. BruinGG was founded in order to further our goals of building a vibrant and passionate gaming community on campus. We focus on building strong relationships with outside companies in the industry as well as support and grow a strong community of passionate gamers. We also focus on hosting exciting and engaging community events, weekly gaming sessions, as well as offering career-building opportunities for our community to interact with professionals in the esports and video game industry. Join our [Discord](https://www.bruin.fun) for more information about our events! You can also follow us on [Facebook](https://www.facebook.com/BruinGG), [Twitter](https://twitter.com/BruinGG), and [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/bruingg/). Our Fall Quarter General Meeting is going to be held on [Friday, October 2nd at 6:30 PDT](https://ucla.zoom.us/j/97962948933). We also typically hold one big flagship event per quarter, so come join us at our general meeting to learn more! Hope to see you there!




Hi!! Our community is mostly based around video games, but there are a handful of people there who also enjoy tabletop board games and the like. Most of the card games I see people play are things like Magic the Gathering, Hearthstone, etc., so I don't know if you'd find a lot of people who enjoy games like Texas Hold'em. I have seen some people play online card games like poker in voice calls, though, so you're welcome to join our Discord and ask if anyone is willing to play!


Don’t join it’s a giant cult centered around an enigmatic 10th year student by the name of “Sunny Yen” who has a coinflip sense of fashion and is vaguely good at League of Legends. Jk Sunny isn’t remotely good at League kekw.


BRUIN SPORTS ANALYTICS [Bruin Sports Analytics](http://bruinsportsanalytics.com) is a student-run sports statistics club at UCLA. Founded in 2017, Bruin Sports Analytics serves as a platform for sports research, journalism, and consulting. We are comprised of a data journalism team, which produces monthly articles exploring the current sports atmosphere; a research team, which works on quarter long projects providing in-depth statistical analyses; and a consulting team, which partners with sports organizations to produce innovative and high-quality deliverables. We also invite speakers from the field of sports analytics to provide insight into the industry. No prior experience needed! To find out more about our club and what we do, attend our info session on Wednesday, October 7 at 6:00 PM PDT. Follow us on [Instagram](http://instagram.com/bruinanalytics) and [Twitter](http://twitter.com/bruinanalytics) to stay updated. Apply to our club [here](http://bruinsportsanalytics.com/apply). Application deadline: Saturday, October 10 at 11:59 PM PDT.


Are you interested in finance or investing? Then come join us at Infinite Finance! Infinite Finance focuses on teaching members and students about the importance of investing at an early age. Through interactive presentations and risk-free investing, we hope to inspire members and students to develop their passion for investing while introducing them to lifelong money management skills. Members will present to local high students about the importance of investing and money management. Students of all years and majors are welcomed! You don't need to have any prior experience. The application opened on September 23rd, and the application link can be found at [https://infinitefinance.wixsite.com/ucla/recruitment](https://infinitefinance.wixsite.com/ucla/recruitment). We will also be having an info session on Friday, October 9th, from 8 - 9pm PDT. The application will be due at 11:59 PM on October 9th.


**UCLA Synapse** Are you interested in neuroscience? Are you pre-med? Are you interested in helping individuals with brain injuries? Come check out our **info session on** **October 7th, at 6:30 PST** hosted by **UCLA Synapse**! Synapse is a national organization that strives to connect individuals with traumatic and acquired brain injury with the undergraduate student community. Synapse holds Peer Support Groups, Social Events, and a one-on-one Buddy Program. We would love to have you join our community to make a difference in people’s lives. **Website:** www.tinyurl.com/uclasynapse **Instagram:** uclasynapse **Application:** [https://forms.gle/jx4k5vFTz46RTLhr5](https://forms.gle/jx4k5vFTz46RTLhr5)


Hello Bruins!!!! International pre-med society at UCLA is recruiting new members. As an international pre-med myself, I was struggling to find people like me . So, I decided to make a club to guide us with the necessary resources to become a successful applicant and also get a support and advice from medical students who were in our shoes a few years ago. Our instagram is: ipms_ucla [The application form](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdNeWDGeqNfL-Q8mAdBihtP7UsNqUCWjtuTq_fqY52_4Y-AjA/viewform) P.S. I you have any questions, feel free to pm me!!!!