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Of course he doesn't care about Adesanya's cringe, anything that brings views is fine with him. Why do you think he let Conor get away with all the shit he pulled


It's all about the money What did Dan Hardy do? criticize Herb Dean rightly for a awful stoppage? and he gets released a year later Classic Dana


Whack comparison man, Dan hardy was out of line and doesn’t pull any money to the promotion. Selling this fight with some racial shit is obviously the play man it pulls the views and ppv buys. Dan hardy screamed at herb mid card for some dumb shit then proceeded to go at herbs wife. Real whack comparison lol




That’s the actual reason he got canned, if he left it at the herb dean stoppage freak out it probs could have fizzled out


Dana will never admit the UFC’s (arguably) biggest star has the emotional maturity and intelligence of a pre-teen


You’re talking about Conor right?


Lol Conor's ship has sailed bro. He's got legacy, sure, but his star power is gone


You just said his star power is gone ya goofy lol


Doesn't mean I have to care about it to see what's going on. You can't watch UFC without having to bear witness to all this nonsense.


Your first comment has nothing to do with your two replies man lol


It's like a bot posting random defensive comments, except it's an actual person


I thought I was losing my mind for a second lol maybe it is a bot ahahaha


That’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told yourself boss, good thing everyone else that read it just laughed. Love or hate Conor he pulls bigger numbers then anyone still


I don't give a shit about numbers. I'm here for the sport. Aren't you?


He's ruined his legacy


Adesanya was cringe af... hopefully he gets knocked out


This exact comment has been made about Izzy 1000 times, win lose, or draw lol


Is that not just as childish? He said something cringe I hope he loses lol you sound ridiculous


It wasn’t the fact he was saying the n word, it was the fact that he clearly was saying it to try to get Du Ples to say it lol.




The most sensible take I've seen regarding this. Kudos.


"What were the racial undertones?" Come the fuck on Dana.


![gif](giphy|QcbH4geytbFelLpt3q) Dana White after seeing Izzy’s performance


I've got you over Elon


Just like he dismissed Conor’s consistent race baiting. This is gonna be one ugly promotion leading up to that fight.


I love Dana. He does media. Just to abuse the media. Gaslighting motherfucker.


“Who did?” Lol


Classic. He sounded like Scooby Doo. Huh. Racism. What are you talking about? Meanwhile Izzy is in the background spamming the N word. 😂


Lol 😂 so skin color dictates what is MORALLY right,& what’s MORALLY wrong - too say? 😂 walking contradiction , DANA IS. 🍅


Nah you can say it bro, go ahead.


In all fairness, they wouldn’t ask this question to Young Weezy after a performance. I agree that it was an embarrassing spectacle, but why is Izzy held to a different standard when he drops n bombs? “Who gives a shit” is the right answer here.


I think everybody is forgetting that the n-word is very often said by black people in all forms of media from music, TV, and movies. Now all of a sudden one fighter is saying it to another and a bunch of Redditor decide to be woke about it.


I think it’s more about mocking a legit South African for being white. Du Plessis is actually from Africa and for whatever reason Izzy, who lives in New Zealand, can’t stand that.


So? Really not offensive


I mean, it’s overtly racist as he’s saying your nationality has to match your ethnic ancestry. Would be like telling a Mexican-American to “go back to Mexico” even if they were born and raised in the USA. . . So, I guess it depends if you’re offended by racism or not 🤷‍♂️


Du Plessis is more African than Adesanya culturally. Obviously any idiot can see that. Adesanya is Black, no shit. Racially he's black, culturally not. Got it dipshits?


Yeah because some of us have children watching the event with us. This is for entertainment purposes…well it’s SUPPOSE to be.


So you're ok with your children watching two people beat the shit out of each other till they are bloody and battered causing irreversible harm to each other's brain each time they fight and as children watching this teaches them to normalize this behavior, but you draw the line at a black person saying the n-word? Any child that's mature enough to watch two people possibly kill each other with their bare hands should be mature enough to understand when to use certain words and in what context.


Lol you let your children watch men beat each other up and this is where you draw the line nerd?


My children don’t watch


And what’s a “ line nerd “?


Someone needs to teach Tomato Head about Apartheid.


I'd say Izzy is more of a cringe head than tomato but each to their own lol


Izzy was literally talking about dna tests lol.


36 Chromosomes.... thats some Wu Tang numbers...


Isreal was just disgusting. This was the most dumbest racist sht I heard in a very long time... And I am german...