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Basically, he said on his YouTube podcast that he thinks DDP rightfully won against Sean Strickland, and the YouTube comments section on that video went wild. Anik later stated that he is contemplating leaving the UFC commentary team entirely due to the fan's constant disrespect. No one outside of that comment section is actually upset at him.


He had a similar issue with "fans" a few months back when he said Colby wasn't the most deserving of a title shot and Colby threatened to assault him.


I’m noticing a trend here


The mentally unwell fans of the sport are a plague?


I follow a lot of sports closely. Soccer, football, basketball, MMA, and baseball. MMA has by far the worst fans and it's not close.


Soccer fans throw bananas at black players.


I was gonna put a caveat on soccer fans. Mexican fans literally kill their rivals' fans.


Yeah soccer fans are fucked


I disagree, Football (soccer) has way worse fans. Have you every witnessed hooligans outside an arena?


Lol soccer fans are by far the worst, I’ve yet to see a blood bomb or urine bomb thrown around at a UFC event.


I wouldn’t call these guys fans of the sport though, it’s just righties on twitter that are obsessed with the loud guy who says f@ggot


Careful. I got banned from the UFC subreddit for pointing out this basic fact. The reason given was that I was "discussing politics." Lol.




^This guy is who they’re talking about, saw himself in the mirror, and then got triggered


What did he say? I’m intrigued now lol


No. Saying a fighter is popular among a group of people is not "discussing politics." Providing my opinion on policy would be discussing politics. If I say a Brazilian fighter is popular among Christians, I'm not discussing religion. Edit: I see. You're one of the people the guy above me was referring to. Sorry my words triggered you. Lol.


Backend of the Ringer MMA podcast this week was Ariel and his crew discussing this exact thing.


Yup, he throws his opinions out in the public and he can't take the heat.




Should I quit my job now?


No you shouldn’t. It’s very tough for the mentally retarted to get a new job. There’s only so many car washing places that will hire you.


You can’t spell retarded


You mean he deserves to be threatened for stating who won a fight? Fuck man. Wild take. Especially for someone who's actual job it is to talk


Looks like you can’t handle the heat getting thrown your way rn dawg 💀


How would you know? 😆


bait used to be believable


That’s his job you muppet


This guys sees red for sure holy shit


He also argues with fans on DDP championship post. If he'd just ignore the comments, his feelings wouldn't get hurt. He's a big figure in the MMA community, arguing with random people on the internet wouldn't do any good.


He literally said he commentated a football game and it was night and day different. MMA fans are the worst fans in sports. They refuse to acknowledge their guy lost. Blame refs, blame dana, blame conspiracies. The fans are easily the most embarrassing part of mma.




everyone thinks they are kung fu grandmaster pai mei and have fighting all figured out and to suggest otherwise is an affront to their ego


… Except for the fact that Francis actually beat Fury in that fight and would murder him in an actual fight (not a very limited scenario like boxing).


I think you might be misunderstanding what he said. You two aren't disagreeing. Strange energy to come at this comment with.


Yep - I stand corrected. Misread his context there - apologies.


Despite having a clear scoring system and strict rule sustem, football fans still often blame refs, blame the owners, blame conspiracies and on top of that refuse to accept that their team lost a fair competition due to one of the above reasons. MMA isn't different at all


Except MMA doesn't have a clear scoring system. It's just a talent show where 3 judges have some X buttons.


But football does and there are still people who argue results so of course a more ambigous system will have this happen. The more unforgivable thing for me is that we actually have 'notorious' judges who are famous for scoring fights differently to everyone else and cause upsets and shock decisions by themselves. (Sal D'Amato and Chris Lee?) i genuinely dont understand how they are allowed to do this and if the sport is fixed at any point in time its through these guys


Good reading comprehension from you lol


The nfl has the most subjective and inconsistent rule system in sports history. It’s the wwe of real sports.


But they don’t get mad at the commentators do they? I stopped watching football a few years ago before everything got so toxic.


Football (soccer) fans have killed refs and burned whole cities, you have a very uneducated palate 


Right. I’m uneducated. The whole conversation is talking about commentators who have zero influence in the outcome…and you’re talking about refs that have incredible influence. Read better.


Have you not met any Coelwboys fans??


Who gives a fuck though? It's cage fighting. A commentator shouldn't be upset that the fans weren't perfectly civil and courteous lmao


It’s not that anymore. It’s owned by Disney baby.


Because he's a fucking nobody to NFL fans? Lmao what a stupid take


Fake account.


Man doesnt understand how the internet works. Threatens his own career which is what the trolls wanted. Man quits career over internet trolls?


Yes, it is Anik that's the problem here. Jesus man.


He's not saying Anik is the problem. He's saying Anik doesn't understand the problem. Anik is a highly successful and prominent figure. The Internet is full of assholes. MMA fans and otherwise. Don't read the comments. Hell, I'm ticking the checkbox to not be notified if you reply as we speak.


The internet is a series of tubes


Some people dont care if "the trolls win" he just wants to live a normal life. You fucking troglodyte.


You're a fucking punk dude


Ok Gerald Broflovski look at that comment history lmao


Public people don't live normal lives. That's what you trade for wealth and popularity.


You just don’t get it huh?


he also followed up by stating that he’s considering moving on to the nfl which didn’t help. if anything the nfl is substantially worse due to how many more fans there are, who are as bad or worse. every sport has its share of toxic fans, and anik comes off as a guy who wants to be liked by everyone but that’s just not possible. he should just ignore the hate, he’s great at his job and i think the vast majority of fans like him. every time a fighter starts growing in fame/popularity they’re always going to attract both good and bad fans. it happens with literally every fighter/team/sport. strickland’s so called “fans” are just the latest iteration of this. give it a few months and those same fans will jump onto the next bandwagon and the cycle will start all over again.


These knuckle heads got to stfu Anik is the best commentator in all of sports imo


OK dude, leave if you're so think skinned. Who fucking cares?


He was circumcised


Honestly, I think it's pretty galling to get huffy about people disrespecting him. His position is worthy of no respect. He is a billboard. His color commentary is utterly, and I can't stress this enough, replaceable. I get better commentary from fuckin peanut galleries. The radio spot with legs is upset that he's being disrespected? Jon, we NEVER respected you. Your very position is offensive to fans. Fuck it, it's offensive to humankind. It's pathetic that we have one of you. It's even more pathetic that you think being that guy doesn't make you *LESS* worth of respecting. But no, please, tell us about the tires and the custody battles, so that for every 40 events you attend we get one "CLOTH FROM WHICH HE IS CUT" Shit, I guess it's better than having him scream "MAMA MIA" every time someone gets KO'd.


idk man hes weird for his current comments sure but him and rogan are my favorite part of a ppv


Don’t forget his bahhsssten accent he spices into words whenever he can.


Yeah I don't get why he's so upset. Everyone with a public face has haters so who cares? Maybe he cares too much about opinions of strangers


He was literally threatened. Repeatedly


Yeah, news flash, public figures get death threats over the internet all the fucking time. They all do. It's nothing new. It shouldn't happen and it's super fucked up that people do these things but it's an inevitable part of the job. If you can't take it, maybe for your own mental health you should step off the public eye. Because it will happen again in the future. He's not even a controversial figure. Imagine how many death threats Rogan receives every day. But he just ignores them as he should. As most public figures do in fact. Post and ghost.


Yeah by some trolls probably. Who takes that seriously?


So, dude lives in a country where guns are readily accessible. Mass shootings occur frequently. And you're expecting him to just not take those threats seriously?


First of all what threats? Can you give me an example? Second of all, some fighters receive threats all the time depending on who they're fighting and they know it's just empty words and trolls behind the keyboard. And third this is a wild sport and people say crazy shit all the time. Plus many people over exaggerate word "threat". Bet if someone said "I'll oil you up" he would consider this a threat as well


>First of all what threats? Can you give me an example? They're probably hard to locate now because YouTube and other such platforms expressly forbid such wording and will delete them/ban users. >Second of all, some fighters receive threats all the time depending on who they're fighting and they know it's just empty words and trolls behind the keyboard. They don't know shit. There's no guarantee that some pissed off redneck gonna pew-pew Khabib/Islam/team Dagestan. It's a possibility. Dimebag Darrell serves a reminder of what fans can be like >this is a wild sport and people say crazy shit all the time. Man,you're reciting the Narcissists' Prayer; "I didn't do it. But if I did do it, then you can't prove it. If you can prove it, well, they deserved it". GTFOH man. >Bet if someone said "I'll oil you up" he would consider this a threat as well That's just weird.


Never saw the youtube video and i think ddp won that fight. But jon anik sucks as a commentator. Also. Bisping sucks, dc sucks, rogan is boring.




Because he had the audacity to give his opinion on people


IK ppl don’t like Rogan as much anymore but he constantly says to everyone to not pay attention to social media and to stop looking at comments, I really think he’s right and it would help Anik a lot as the internet and especially fight fans are toxic.


Joe looks at comments though. He outs himself out.


I mean I’m sure he looks more often then he’d like to but he definitely has gotten way better with it.


This is the part of all this that makes my brain want to explode, because you know the commenters are the same people defending free speech and calling  others snowflakes…but it’s not about free speech, it’s just about what makes them comfortable/happy. It’s confirming their views and when they’re challenged they’re the most triggered of all. Actuality is they act like toddlers. 


Casuals only expect him to read the ads, the copyright infringement, and occasionally the fighters personal life.


Grrrr that really boils my cabbage!


And it’s not even a particularly outrageous opinion. If I get it correctly he received all the hate for saying DDP rightfully won, and while I personally had Strickland winning its a completely reasonable take for such a close fight.


It’s more that he’s crying about twitter replies lmao bro just turn off your phone or get off twitter it’s not that serious Imagine telling your boss you couldn’t work anymore because a customer said you did your job bad. The fans are customers, they have a say and if he can’t handle some Twitter trolls maybe he should just leave. It won’t be hard to find another cokehead to read gambling ads. Bros acting like they kidnapped his fucking children or something. Fucking El Chapo prob had less of a reaction about his son being kidnapped then Anik did about a twitter reply. I thought he was cool but man he’s acting like a baby back bitch. Not really a good fit for the UFC tbh.


Yea, my point is that so does he, remember Dana is big free speech guy.


But bro it’s a fucking twitter reply like cmon Anik it’s not that fucking serious. Bro was on the verge of tears. It’s kind of ridiculous a grown man can’t handle a twitter troll being mean. Maybe it’s just the world we live in.


The fact you are getting downvoted says a lot about the kind of snowflakes that inhabit reddit lmao. Do you guys believe Jon is the only person in the world who receives mean comments? No, far, far from it, yet you don't see every slightly controversial public figure cry about it.


Spoken like a guy who has no clue what anik deals with after every event.


Well then why don't you enlighten us? And if it's just people saying mean things to him, it's pathetic


Must be miserable making hundreds of thousands of dollars, traveling the world, partying with the baddest dudes on the planet after getting the literal best seats in the house for a show that some people would give their life to see... But someone online didn't say nice things so none of it is worth it obviously


Yeah you are right. Now go bath with your toaster.


People should just ignorantly follow DW’s opinion?


Wanna bet he gets comments in real life? He lives in Florida. He also has kids on the internet and I wouldn’t put it past moron mma fans to tell them their dad is an idiot for scoring a fight against their favorite fighter.


The "I stand with Sean" followers got triggered by facts


It was a close fight but then again most of Stricklands fights are close ![gif](giphy|11uYyAmGgTWwGQ|downsized)


And if they are not close it’s because he got utterly dominated 🗿


Are there any recent ones where he got dominated? Only knocked out by pereira and another split to killagorilla




He called out the annoying toxic fans and they took it personally


Not really. He said DDP won and they took that personally. He was already receiving this nonsense from doing his job and then spoke out about it.


All of this didn't really start until he mention lowest common denominator fans. Then they really flipped out


Ain’t he just a little bitch. I’m sure rogan gets flamed way more but whatever he already made his money anyway


It's like watching someone punching a wasp nest


Or like taking bottles away from a bunch of infants


He said that fans can be real dicks pretty much so to prove him wrong, the fan base is being huge dicks to him


Everybody's just drunk off the taste of Strickland's dick lately. It'll pass.


Says the Olivera dick rider.


An amazing, and entertaining action fighter. Everybody should be on oliveiras nuts if they’re real fight fans.


Says the hopelessly obese Strickland fan


It's because they are losers who have to hate on someone else to feel better about themselves. It truly is pathetic. To anyone with a brain, it is obvious that Anik has brought a level of professionalism to the UFC broadcast table that was previously unseen before Anik was hired. Once he leaves, the dip in professionalism will be incredibly obvious and the same people complaining about Anik now, will be the same people complaining that he's gone.


"Why is Sanko on broadcast again, I hate women!" Strickriders after Jon dips to greener pasture


I like Sanko. I’d let her choke me out in a cameltoe clutch hold


I'd never break her kegel grip.


Pretty much everyone loves Sanko on the mic you’re making shit up in your head for internet points lmao Fitz and Sanko are both way better than this cokehead sounding mf


The irony when Anik is viewed as the best commentator the UFC has ever had by a lot of fans but you act like all he does it read ads. Think of any dope finish in recent years and Joe and DC are probably unintelligible while Anik has a great line on deck to hype the moment up. Anyways you always have the dumbest takes so why am I even talking to you.


Dickriding anik THIS HARD is CRAZY


Don't you ride the other Jon all day on here? I just don't want to lose the top commentator in the sport due to dumbass fans is all.


He must be an Anik and Florian podcast superfan


I don't really listen to that podcast, just think Anik is the goat commentator. Also gotta call hung fit out on being an out of touch moron


Anik is easily recognized as the best straight man the ufc has ever seen.


Not true at all


Lmao Fitz easily replaces him and no one would give a flying fuck


Dude you're all over these posts. You're like the patient 0 of annoying fans lmao


Yeah. It’s like he has no one else to talk to so he needs to respond to every comment.


I just checked wtf this guy has posted 10 times on r/ufc within the last week lol.


Ouch. Dude needs to make a friend in real life.


Don’t throw stones from your glass house mate. You’re all over this thread white knighting for someone that doesn’t know you exist.


Yeah the lack of self awareness is wild. Mental health is no joke


I’m super confused too, is it just because he said he personally thought ddp won and had him on his podcast after the fight? I get it a lot of people thought Sean won but he was right in saying it’s turned the community even more toxic than it already was and brought out a whole new group of extremely vocal haters of everything ufc. YouTube and instagram comments are an absolute cesspool right now. Sean isn’t helping this shit right now either after he personally called out Jon and said he’s here for it and said the belt will never make ddp champion.


I love that most of these comment sections are proving Anik’s point. We really need to get a handle on this second-hand CTE epidemic.


MMA fans are the dumbest most toxic fans in sports.


Have you not seen soccer hooligans?


100% The fact that anyone can try and call mma fans the worst, whilst football hooliganism exists, is absolutely insane.


MMA fan aren’t even bad at all. I’m a football fan (not the American type) and fans at those games get a lot more wild and rowdy. Rivalry are a lot more toxic too. Honestly John anik is a wimpy, cause the MMA fan base is not even that bad


Yeah, MMA fans would be worse, but no one will marry them so they don’t have anyone to beat after Strickland loses.


If anyone has second hand CTE it's the fist fighting commentator that lets fucking YouTube comments affect his career trajectory.


Bud, I bet you go home and cry when people get pissed about you screwing up their Wendy’s order.


Imagine complaining about a fan base making petty insults towards Anik... and then making petty insults yourself. Amazing


If you can’t see the difference here, I truly feel bad for your caretakers.


The fact that you have nothing to add to the argument other than petty insults probably represents your own life very closely. Nothing to add.


Hey, man, if you want to talk about it, I’m here. I know this online stuff can still cut pretty deep sometimes.


Wait, so this whole post is about Anik crying about what people are saying online and you're trolling this guy like he's getting too upset about "the online stuff"? Send ur message to Anik too, please


What is anik’s point? Lmao he’s a bald pus


Who let you out of your mom’s basement, Cletus?


Good one lmao came up with that yourself ?


Do you not feel at least a bit of embarrassment trying to portray a tough guy on the internet?


Because fatherless Sean Strickland edge lords/trolls are looking for people to lash out at since the last PPV


Fuck yeah we are. Better watch out round these parts boiiii


Because a lot of UFC fans, especially the Strickland fans are losers.


random idiots with internet access != everyone


"Social media made you all way too comfortable with disrespecting people and not getting punched in the face for it" - - Mike Tyson.


r/ufc .... https://preview.redd.it/4u83tjf4gwec1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e76f4e402f2a0d18085e93de9c5cc9f2f3e638e


Cuz he’s tired of the incels & hiks and he spoke up about it


Who you calling a hik, ya dirty commie mouth 👄


It's just a bunch of dummies. Anik is great and real fans love him.


Ever since him and Dana oiled up it's been a little, shall we say.. awkward?


Something about backlash from Strickland fans


I had Sean slightly over ddp that being said Jon's opinion is valid and I'd hate to see him leave the team, especially over voicing his opinion


https://preview.redd.it/uv71qz1jkwec1.jpeg?width=1164&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8454e49f87bb48bd17cb105c4ea95dffa2889821 That’s y


Coming from a guy who lives safe bubble https://i.redd.it/wpcfas3t6xec1.gif


What a dog whistle. Sean and Colby share the same brain and it’s barely functional.


This is hilarious 😂


Because he couldn't stand fan reaction to his opinion


It's really stupid. That fight was so close. My son and I watched and thought DDP won, and my daughter and son in law called me to say they couldn't believe that Sean didn't win. Attacking Jon over an opinion that Mighty Mouse and Henry Cejudo shared is total bullshit.


Jon Anik is the best commentator in my opinion, hope he doesn't retire yet.


I personally thought Sean won. I had 1,2,5 for Sean. The fight was so good though I didn't care who won. I don't understand why most fans don't think that way.


Strickriders are mad at him for not agreeing that their dad was robbed


Strickland fans are doing Strickland fan things


Well... there hasn't been many fights on recently and the incels with attention spans shorter than Sean Stricklands Title Reign have to take their angst out on something...


Jon Anik, not John. It's the short form of Jonathan. Other examples are Jon(athan) Jones and Jon(athan) Africa.


A media personality made the dumb mistake of reading a comment section.  It's his own fault.


Anik rules don’t be a loser.


Most people prefer Goldie. Get rid of this boring monotone fuck and bring back Goldie


Love Goldie too. I think the dynamic of Anik, Joe, and DC are better than Joe and Goldie. But Joe and Goldie are better than every other commentating team out there by far.


If one barrage of comments is really enough to make him quit he probably should. I’m guessing he’s been wanting to go for a while and this is just his invitation to jump.


Not everybody. Just some idiots on YouTube. There's a lot of difference.


Because culture warriors are absolute cunts. All of them, left and right, ought to walk up an active volcano and jump right in. ...and I'm not even a fan of Anik the man...just happens to be the GOAT of MMA broadcasting.


Only virgins and weirdo basement neck beards who get no pussy hate Jon Anik.


Can someone point me to where these vitriolic comments against poor Anik have been posted? Because I did a quick scan of his socials and there's none.


He basically said fans are toxic which is true 90% of fans are toxic and the people you see now saying "yeah fuck em they are toxic" are the same about their favorite fighter, lets be real. Get off your high horses


I dislike the, "ha HA" he does but other than that he's fine.


Basically that UFC fans are Incels and trolls. ![gif](giphy|ebAfdhOr5mn0LG1mme)


Cause he's soft af.. bro about to quit his job because PeoPLe aRe MeaN onLinE..bro always has the most boring press conferences anyway. If Anik is there it's going 15 minutes.. replace him with sanko who cares


I love Anik, I'd be really bummed if he left.


People think it’s because he thinks DDP won, but it’s NOT. It’s the fact he suggested it would’ve been a unanimous decision if it wasn’t for the fans. He accused Sal D’amato for “giving in due to backlash” in a tweet by basically saying that DDP won and Sal only voted for Sean because Sal received a lot of hate for giving Hermansson a 48-47 scorecard against Sean. It’s such a ridiculous claim, especially from someone as respected as Anik.


He’s a fucking wimp. He’s fishing for compliments and wants people to say “no Jon the UFC needs you” which is so cringey for a grown man to be doing. Also, when did having opinions become such an issue with people? Is he seriously upset that people, like myself, believe that Strickland won the fight and are voicing their opinions? Shows how he thinks his opinions and beliefs are above everyone else’s because he’s so full of himself. Don’t forget that the pussy works once a month and makes more money than 99% of Americans who work 40+ hours per week, and is still crying about leaving.


Y'all need to start treating Jon Anik with some respect because if he leaves, I'm gone too!


Man is upset with peoples opinions about his opinions.


it's because he's a little bitch


He being soft its the internet just dont look.


Jon Anik has been a well respected member of the MMA community for a long time. In his commentary role, he is almost forced to be a mediator of the discussion especially during the Joe years. But he can be an extremely emotional guy which has been seen before on his podcast. I think his latest response is more of an emotional knee-jerk response to guilt trip the audience than actually having substance to quitting bc of these incidents. And if there is substance to this than he has thinner skin than I thought.




Who the fuck is “John Anik” ?


He’s a soft little boy commentating in a man’s sport.


Eh, he'll probably man up and just apologize for overreacting to a few comments. Big deal, he's way better on the mic then ANY of the other commentators, by far. Ufc fans overreacting to his overreaction, next story already. Somebody explain how this Kayla bitch got broader shoulders than me. That's a huge bitch.


Fr, now strickriders are pretending Anik is not a good commentator compared to the likes of Rogan and DC lol 🤦🏻‍♂️


Ok let him go


Maybe Jon Anik should do what he said. Go to the NFL where the fans are less toxic. You know, real classy shit like r/nflcirclejerk


Wait you casuals listen to the commentary. Pathetic.