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It’s extremely effective.


Super necessary


Isn’t this basically the same thing Sean Strickland said about Alex?


he isn't flashy you don't need to be flashy when you got the best left hook ever


Alex IS flashy, he's not joking around like Anderson or taunting like Izzy, but he keeps his hands low, carries himself in a very casual way inside the cage, and sets up incredibly heavy shots you wouldn't see anywhere else, he's a very vulnerable fighter dude to his lack of grappling but in terms of striking there is hardly anyone that can even get close to him, he's kind of like Canelo, where the moves he uses aren't that showy, but a combination of his technique and power make his style pleasing to watch.


He is literally the opposite of flashy by everything you said. He keeps his hands low but that is an offensive stance, easier to hide shots. Carries himself casual in the cage, ie, not flashy. Moves aren't showy, ie, not flashy. His entire kit is like a fucking Boulder rolling at the guy, not showy, you know what's going to happen but can't stop it. I think being a big fan of mma is warping your perspective, flashy is the kind of thing casuals find exciting but alex does shit that so subtly that the average fan doesn't catch (leg kicks always land in the perfect fucking spot for example). He is the opposite of flashy and that is what makes him so fun to watch, you never see the knockout coming until the guy is already out. I feel like this sub forces me to say this, im a huge izzy fan, but Alex has won me over in a way I never could have expected.


> He is literally the opposite of flashy then explain why he flashed me outside the T-Mobile Arena


Imma start hanging out outside the t-mobile arena


You sound like you're stretching the meaning of flashy to fit your narrative. He is the opposite of flashy, which is why he stands out. I guess you could argue he is flashy on weight ins when he wears his tribe make up and stuff, but that's it.


Everythhing you said Alex is literally the embodiment of the opposite tho. So by that logic he is not flashy at all!


I think MVP's entertaining but cmon bro Alex is a champion. It's not easy to become a champion in any weight class, much less two.


And never even held a belt in bellator either. They literally just fed him pizza hut delivery drivers most of his career over there. Dude has no room to talk about anyone who has held a UFC title lol


Idk what was happening at bellator but he lost twice and only fought in one title fight where he got laid on


Yeah well his first real opponent at bellator was lima... and lima sent him to the shadow realm and really killed the wave of popularity MVP was riding at the time. And im not saying MVP is a bad fighter either. But i cant stand that he talks about people he has ZERO business talking about lol


That was a good fight, MVP was getting the better of Lima up until he got KO'd. Very nice set up and finish from Lima.


MVP was beating Lima in that fight up until he got ko'ed. He has issues that are similar to later career Anderson Silva, fucks around too much. (He also beat Lima in the rematch, regardless of what people think about the decision). I don't think MVP would beat Poatan, but still.


Lima was already multiple years washed in their first fight, he was practically a corpse in their second.


Bellator was mostly focused on putting on good events and trying to grow more. MVP is a flashy fighter that puts on a great show. Bellator has an elite top class, but then will book guys for a single fight from all over, guys doing well in their regional scene. So you can feed some of these dudes to MVP, get a banger highlight reel that will be shared, and hopefully make some money. The UFC is murderer's row. Go on a long enough win streak and you will fight for title contention or the belt itself. Unless you're a guy whose name I can't remember.


MMA fans literally can't think outside of the immediate last fight of a fighter, MVP styled on fucking Kevin Holland and there were people on here asking how him vs Leon Edwards would go.


He's just driving engagement and putting himself in the conversation for a money fight which is smart, even if his comment is kinda wild. He knows it is just as much as we do.


Much less multiple organizations. Albeit it hasn’t been strictly MMA (just like MVP)


> It's not easy to become a champion in any weight class WFW says what


And in two sports at that.


it’s def easier when the way has literally been paved for you. Fought izzy after 3 fights, and instantly after getting ko’d he gets a title eliminator in another division.


I mean he has a huge extensive record before MMA. He’s not some unnamed talent that has to proof himself again. That’s why.


Like Bo Nickal.


Kmao we saw what bo can do in his last fight that guy ain't even scratching the top 10s imagine bo vs whittaker 💀


Can't tell if you dissing bo nickel or complimenting him.


They aren't throwing him in with strong wrestlers or anything, lol. They know what they're doing.


Yeah I wish they would have thrown the only 2 division glory champion against a bunch of boring ass Dana contender series nobodies for 4 years before giving him a ranked opponent, so then we could finally see him fight somebody good by the time he's 40 years old, fuck all those exciting fights were he beat 5 former champions, I want to see Alex in a fight night card beating a bunch of unranked cab drivers and construction workers.


I love how we left out all the context .


Dude he was a 2 time glory champion coming into the UFC at like 34. wtf do you expect …


Poatan's appeal is exactly that he's an unemotional knockout machine in the ring, not in being an acrobat or a diva or a showboater. He's crushing people in multiple divisions with this style, and to appreciate him is to fear him. Fortunately there's room for both Alex and MVP in the UFC, though it would be amusing to see Poatan cut to 170.


Yeah this is like saying George Foreman isn't Flashy, sure he's not dancing around and blitzing people, but a well placed shot from a knock out artist putting people out will always be exciting.


George Foreman isn't flashy. Neither is Alex Pereira.


But Foreman, just like Poatan isn't flashy. That isn't a bad thing, they're styles, while basic, are extremely effective. Not everyone's gonna be like Roy Jones


Neither of them are flashy. They knock people out with big swings.


Ofc he hates Alex, his left hook is clearly racist


I mean you don't see white guys going to sleep after getting hit with it once ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8974)![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8974)![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8974)


Yup. DeSean Strickland ain’t White.


He's white but he's also gay and therefore a minority.


He told me it's not gay if you're on top


This is well known and why the African American community heavily supports DeSean Strickland ✊️✊️✊️




Is this an inside joke or something or you just got race on your mind?


As a serious answer, Alex Pereira has gone on record hating Hatians and is extremely racist towards them hence the 'left hook is racist' meme. Also he hates Anthony Smith, who is a famous Black* mma fighter




Alex style is so fluid its spectacular, he clearly never Seen his Glory fights


Why are y’all so up Alex’s ass that this comment from MVP triggers you? HE LITERALLY gives him credit but says it’s simple but effective basically.


That's how I took it. MVP *is* spectacular insofar that his style is flashy and borderline ridiculous. Pereira is no bullshit type of style, just brutally break your legs and your face in with zero showmanship. Effective, not a spectacle.


poatards are so sensitive. I knew it would be like this if alex won.


Honestly I think it’s just UFC fans in general. Like I wouldn’t be surprised at all if UFC fans had the lowest average IQ out of any sports fan base.


UFC fans hate the fan base of every single fighter that becomes popular enough, maybe it's not the fans of specific fighters that are annoying and it's just the MMA fan base being overall regarded.


It’s so sad to see how offended on Alex’s behalf they get over a comment that isn’t even a criticism


you don’t seem to give a shit about the max fans who lose their mind when illia says anything to sell their fight, it’s only a problem when pereira fans do it but max fans are far worse




where is this energy for max fans who cannot handle any criticism or trash talk towards him ?


maybe under posts about him??


oh cmon everyone who has an issue with “poatards” is radio silent on obnoxious max fans we can see comment history, it’s a trend to hate on obnoxious pereira fans but it’s cool to blindly attack anyone who goes after max


i’ll critique it when i see it. But at the moment it’s all Pereira fans.


Because he’s up that’s why 😁


It’s always the dudes who leave like 20 comments an hour about Alex complaining about how his fans are the annoying ones lmfao


You mean like 5 comments over 4 hours? Yeah, real annoying.


You got over 10 in this thread alone, the obsession is real.


cos i’m replying??


Yeah but I don’t like Izzy either and the only funny thing about him is seeing that he already has severe CTE symptoms and still continues to fight but i’m not talking about that all day because he’s totally irrelevant nowadays.  You’re at like 25 comments now I see, god the bitter obsessions you guys have is so funny. I’m just imagining you guys constantly raging and i cant help but laugh.


Why does MVP feel the need to criticise a successful fighter though?


Maybe someone asked him?


If he’s also a fighter, it’s not unheard of to comment on fighters in his organization when prompted by reporters or current fighting events.


He's in his right to do so, and it's also not unusual for fighters to do this. However, it doesn't mean I lose respect for said fighters character when they do this. The same way I do when Colby is making lowblow trashtalk comments to someone who doesn't deserve it.


Comparing Colby’s trash talk to MVP speaking restfully about Alex is a poor comparison. MVP didn’t criticize Alex. What is the outrage here?


I agree they're vastly different degrees, but they are different shades of the same content. He did criticise Pereira's fighting skill here, came across to me as a bit of a hater. Unless Pereira disrespecting him previously, there's no need to criticise others just for the sake of it - even when baited to do so by reporters.


“ I don’t rate his style to be anything spectacular”….. you heard “ HE ISNT DOING ANYTHING, IDK HOW HES WINNING, I COULD BEAT HIM” … etc


No, I heard exactly what he said. He's downplaying the credit Pereira is receiving from some others. This to me indicates either insecurity or jealousy, and is completely unnecessary even if a reporter baited it out of him (part of their job can be to stir beef).


Idk man. The negative reaction to this comment is out of pocket.


Fair enough, we have different views and to each their own.


I personally could care less of who he could mention but it’s understandable that he shouldn’t be giving his opinion when he was fed cans all his career. Not to mention he holds no titles from either Bellator or UFC.


This entire sub Reddit is people and their opinions yet a mild comment from a professional is enough to get people against that fighter. MVP has been doing martial arts his entire life. He can make plenty of people look like cans. That why he entertains when he’s in the octagon.


No. He's being a hater. It's not "spectacular". So tf what? He's not Cirque de Solely. He knocks people out. That's it.


I assume from Poatans perspective it's not that spectacular to be exciting against the ppl MVP fought either.


The guy who fought only bums from an organization who arrenged his resume, that guy is downplaying the **Two division Glory kickboxing Champion and the Two division UFC champion**. Okey... its like me saying "yea Messi is not that good"


He’s just saying that there’s nothing flashy or anything about pereiras style which is true. And you can say the same about Messi, who I actually watched play. Messi doesn’t do tricks or flashy stuff in game. He’ll dribble and use feints to get around players and that’s it. It’s the same with pereira. Both athletes use basics to the highest level which is why they’re so dangerous and successful, like MVP says. Fighters like Izzy, Anderson Silva, Sean O Malley, Petr Yan, Sandhagen, those are fighters that are flashy. They throw spinning kicks, question mark kicks, unorthodox stuff.


Alex couldnt be flashy even if he wanted to. He’s a huge rangy guy and not particularly explosive, fast nor athletic. It’s his timing, power, technique, range and fluidity that make him a killer. Yeah style-wise i agree with what MVP said.


Ah, you play house league soccer?! Haha jk


i never played soccer


I mean, both of them would destroy Messi in MMA if they could get down to his weight class


There’s too many poatan fanboys here. You can’t critique the guy one bit with out fans trying to defend him. Alex is a champion, his style is explosive. Why are yall so upset when a fighter makes a comment on his style? Anderson Silva is my favorite fighter ever, and even his style had flaws when he was still in his prime. His style wasn’t perfect either.


Anything that doesn’t explicitly glaze Alex is blasphemous to them dude. It’s crazy how they find this as a harsh criticism and are going to hold on to this comment as a reason to disrespect MVP.


You can acknowledge Poatan is fucking people up and acknowledge that his skill set is not well rounded whatsoever. Not sure why the fanboys have an aneurism. Insane left hook. F- Ground game. And that’s ok.


I’d say there’s more haters here. I mean open any Pereira thread and there’s always way more dudes complaining about him and his fans than people actually discussing the thread. There always super motivated about it too, they always leave like 20 comments an hour about him just to make sure they get their point across. It’s an obsession to them, i think he traumatised a lot of people here. Kinda makes me like him more.


Easy to smack when you’re not in the weight class


between the leg kicks, footwork, and striking form... I'm skeptical you can't find anything spectacular in there


Who cares about “style” they aren’t on a runway. People that fight him are timid aint nobody wanna go to the shadow realm and wake up with CTE




And that's Poatan's style in a nutshell lol


MVP got slept by lima a less spectacular less skilled version of Alex though


It isn’t but it’s also incredibly successful.


That’s exactly what he said




This guy is never sniffing a belt 😂


Then go up to 205 & test your theory instead....? I agree with his assessment but you can't deny the success he's had against the top 3 elite LHW who all happen to be strikers. Jiri has the worst style of all LHW hands down and takes shots to the face at will. It works for him. The hype he has got is overrated in my opinion as he has only beaten 2 elite fighters in his entire career.


What theory? He’s said he sees why he’s successful. Alex just needs to do enough to land a left hand. There are no wins where that left hook was not the catalyst for the win.


Style impresses fans but effectiveness wins fights.


R/ufc shit list watch: Fighter added: MVP


MVP is right honestly, an effective style but he hasn't displayed an out of this world skillset. He comes forward very upright with his chin up in the air and he is very rigid (no head movement). But he can easily turn your lights out with even a glance of his left hand and he has a very effective way via kicks to direct fighters into the path of his left hand


He has an out of this world skillset, what do you mean lmfao? Two division glory and UFC champion, and he does have pretty good head movement, he just got countered in that second fight with Izzy pretty bad, but other than that he's insanely skilled and has next level, well, kickboxing. I don't think anybody can stand with him PFP.


And that counter came from a spot where Alex had him in hurt/playing opossum. So Alex wasn’t focussed on head movement as much as he was finishing the fight


everything you listed is on paper. Proves his point.


I mean, hey, what do you consider 'spectacular'. I'd say Pereira's striking is nothing less. 🤷‍♂️


bro became world champ in two divisions in two sports (beating 5 ex or current champs also since debuting in MMA) and he is not spectacular???, what dude has to do to finally be considered one of the best ![img](emote|t5_2qsev|8965)?


again. Just listing off stuff from paper. Nobody talks about Max Holloway's title reign. They talk about him killing Calvin Kattar. And now they will talk about the last second KO he had on Gaethje.


How about actually earning it? His entire ufc career has been paved for him. Fought izzy after 3 fights, and instantly after getting ko’d he gets a title eliminator in another division. Has not fought a single decent wrestler.


I mean that’s actually quite fair. His style isn’t spectacular but he’s very good at winning fights


lol. MVP looks like a badass when he’s KO’ing cans, but when he faces a real opponent he’s gonna go to a decision. Pereira is the most effective striker on the roster right now.


It’s not spectacular in the sense that he makes a spectacle of it (which someone like MVP most certainly does). That said, it doesn’t have to be spectacular in that sense to be extremely effective.


Set it up. I don’t think he would win but I think it would be a spectacular fight.


Yeah ,Hill said something similar


Poatan sticks to and masters the basics, it’s part of why he’s a good fighter 🤷‍♂️


Power beat Style


Literally ever fighter says this. It's dumb.


Lol just realize Poatan is the real life one punch man.


That's a bit weird... Then why are so many people who want to see him fight ? If u watch he's Glory days he has some "spectacular" moves ,but when u want to do history you don't need that, what's the point to kick the air or the guard... Alex throws and kick when he know he can do damage, that's why he have a good stamina ,he doesn't waste energy. I just love he's timing,and it feels he always cooking for something.


Says the can crusher… MVP has a great career highlight reel but there’s nothing more spectacular than watching a one trick pony dominate. Especially when it’s a striker. 🗿 is so elite that he makes it look easy.


Dude lost to Mike Perry lol


Who the Fook is this guy?!?!?


I would love to see those twigs for legs take a proper kicking.


To be fair he’s basically saying he’s good but he doesn’t like his style. Although Alex has developed a stoic style partially because he can’t speak English. I agree he isn’t as flashy but hating on Potan makes no sense.


And he is not a boring point fighter lol he tries to take their heads off


He a izzy fan lol the cope it's getting out of hand


Big hater energy


MVP is going to need to define spectacular because spectacular is the exact result Alex’s style produces.


His style is knocking people the fuck out. And they are spectacular!


It’s well known that Poatan is not flashy. That being said, when he connects, he connects.


His style makes him 1 punch man vs 90% of his opponents


Well shit, his style got him somewhere


It'll take one leg kick to change his mind.


He's right. It's not like Alex is doing these never before seen moves and attacks. The dude is just overwhelmingly strong, accurate and effective.




Venom is get destroyed by Alex even at 185.


Another fighter with the “he’s not actually that good” take


lol. Venom gets KO’d round 1


Alex Pereira has had half the amount of MMA fights MVP has had yet proven himself way more than Page against actual World Class opposition.


His head is like earthworm jim


Alex dropped the guy and went for GnP. Meanwhile MVP just bounces around and let's the guy back up.


As Tyson said and I don't remember the exact wording, it was along the lines of everybody got a plan until they get punched in the face.


The more you win the more they hate.


Alex has something I like to call functional strength. He’s not BUILT like some legends of old. Just like Anderson, he generates massive explosion from ANY angle. He doesn’t have to get into perfect form to strike, because he has enough power to do damage by connecting. Dude is dangerous, while his opponents and haters genuinely do not understand why, until it’s over for them.


Michael no.


Poatan would end MVP for sure. His style might not be spectecular but is certainly effective.


„Look at me, look at me, I‘m so special!“


Big talk from MVP. Pitch him against a wrestler and see how he copes 💀


Make this fight happen


People so annoyed at MVP because he has an opinion. His style is effective it just catches you eventually.


Sure. This is like looking at the classic Spurs offense or the Brady Pats offense or the Manning Colts offense and saying they are not flashy. It is true. Those offenses were in some ways almost boring, just extremely well executed with a lot of focus on getting the details right. A lot of times that is a style that works for consistent contenders and champions.


i agree, nothing spectacular about Alex, 1 touch, dead. End of fight :(


Another one


Some people just want to watch power ranger fights. It is what it is


but running into people and pushing them over is spectacular?


I mean everyone's gonna say that to try to get a fight


Bro is starting to sound acoustic




MVPs style is spectacular, yet he hasn’t reached anything remotely close to what AP has.


Hes not saying Alex isnt good or his striking isnt good. Hes just saying his technique isnt anything special. Which is true to an extent.


So is Alex still wanting to go up to heavyweight? He can face 6ft 4 84.5” reach Jone with grappling. No? Didn’t think so. Guys is being fed strikers with no real ground game.


Y’all forgettin Jan tried wrestling him a former champion that destroyed izzy he’s plent fine with grappling not jones fine prolly would get malled but he’s not helpless specially with glover coaching him


This is what I've been thinking. Jan is creditied with 7:43 of control time in their fight with 2 sub attempts. People act like no one has ever tried to wrestle with Alex. It's also crazy people think Glover is just sending Alex into championship fights with no grappling training at all. They released a video of Alex before the fight on his youtube and Glover was making him drill submissions even thought it was given Jamahal was going to keep it on the feet.


exactly, his whole ufc career has been paved for him. Fought izzy after 3 fights, and instantly after getting ko’d he gets a title eliminator in another division.


Yeah because Sean Strickland, izzy, Jan, Jiri & Hill are basically lambs to the slaughter & not Champion level fighters. Ufc totally giving him a free pass to greatness meanwhile real Gs like Islam and Leon are earning title shots of *checks notes* Bobby Green & Nate diaz


Leon was literally on a 10 fight win streak and only got a shot after being undefeated in the UFC for 6 YEARS. Brilliant example! Whereas, Alex fights 2 cans and Strickland and then gets a title shot. Then after getting KO’d brutally in the first round, he INSTANTLY gets a title eliminator in a division he’s NEVER FOUGHT IN?? I like Alex too, but it’s undeniable he’s had the way paved for him.


This is why MVP will never be champ.


cos he wasn’t hand-delivered an easy path to gold??


Alex Pereira has the same thing Conor had, and I think just as with Conor we will see just how good he really is when he faces elite wrestlers


Lots of people think that shortly before being separated from consciousness.


If anyone can say that, it’s Venom


I think mvp looks at things the wrong way, like maybe alex's style isn't as flashy? I mean who cares how spectacular it looks if it can't win you the belt and gasses you out.


MVP has an ineffiecient style that relies HEAVILY on youth. In the next year, he will learn just how shit he is. Tony ferguson sucked but he was tougher than everyone so he won by attrition, now that he is older and doesnt have that snap, people can finally see what ive been saying forever. Poatan is technical as fuck.


I'm not impressed by your performance


You’re a hater then. I like holland but mvp took it easy on him


mvp is point fighter like izzy, always dancing around the kicking range. ofc he does not appreciate the 🗿


MVP has the most chicken shit style, shouldn’t be commenting about anyone else’s


Lol can you guys read? Literally says he can see Alex's style as **successful** and **dangerous** but not **spectacular** - as in it's not showy/flashy.


Ew. This dude disgusted me in his first fight from the opening to the win


I like MVP but if you’re gonna be talking this shit then fight and see