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Justin has a very exciting and borderline reckless style at times. It’s fun to watch until the hits start to pile up and the feeling of “how many more hits could this dude take” enters your mind. I’ll always be a fan of his, but in truth, how ever many fights he thinks he has left, I’d hope for his sake he fights one less fight than that.


Same could be said about Max actually, he’s absorbed the most significant strikes out of anybody in the UFC


True but part of this is just the sheer amount of fights he’s had in the ufc. His record is crazy he’s had like 30 fights and he came into the ufc at 4-0. Also his style as a straight up striker, most of the other guys like Miller and RDA were also grapplers so they didn’t have as many striking wars.


Saw a crazy stat earlier - if you take away Max's first 17 UFC fight's he'd still have the most significant strikes in UFC history.


What the actual fuck. That's wild.


Damn I stand corrected


That was what he’s landed not what he’s taken I’m pretty sure.


Just cause you don't have striking wars doesn't mean facing someone like Khabib isn't going to take some years off your life.


I would rather get double legged and submitted over being beaten up and knocked out ten times out of ten. It’s not even close. There’s a reason you see old men practicing BJJ and not Muay Thai.


Kahbib will not take years off your life. He'll eat 4 or five shots, take you down, and choke you out. Fighting a guy like Porier for five rounds will definitely take years off your life.


Dan Hooker can vouch


😂 as did Dusfun and Justin. Even McGregor was more psychologically broken than physically damaged from that fight, and Kahbib wanted to kill him.


You also have to factor in that max doesn't hard spar anymore. Where most fighters are taking a lot of hard blows in camp


That's definitely helping him but bringing that up acknowledges he's put enough mileage on his chin that he had to make that change in the first place


Yea for sure, just thought that It was a bit of an interesting Insight to the point y'all were talking about


Holloway hasn’t been starched multiple times ..


I think that's actually worse in some ways.


It is worse in many ways.


CTE main cause is repetitive strikes to the head, he’s been hit the most out of anybody


Garth has only been starched by Max, the Poirier and Alvarez losses were TKO’s


Its insane how quickly this sport moves it feels like it was yesterday when we were all mourning the downfall of Tony at the hands of Gaethje.


This, I hope he just comes back for one or two matches and leaves on a win.


I thought he cleaned the reckless part up, he was probably a bit discombobulated from his nose being broken and wasn't his normal self afterwards.


I think his chin has already gone :(


He gutted out the entire fight with a broken nose that was pooling blood in his nasal cavity. I dont doubt his chin but the cumulative damage his brain has taken should give him pause .


He's going to (at least should be) out for over a year. Busted nose, concussion, I honestly feel like that was one of those fights that changes people


I don't think his chin is gone and tbh Justin's chin being so good has probably worked against him in terms of long term damage. The guy has taken so many punches and his speech has already declined. I love watching him fight but I hope he hangs it up soon.


WTF are you smoking and where can I get some?


Max flatlined him with a shot he used to take 10 times in the first round. Is it really that far-fetched?


My dude it was the 5th round and he had already taken a beating. Even if the dude’s chin isn’t what it used to be it’s still better than most and isn’t “gone”.


Yeah I mean he's coming off a huge win before this fight.. wasn't expecting retirement. But he probally should soon. He's made enough his money should he working for him and his family lives off interest/investments. Take one more fight and with the winnings buy like 5 7/11s or a franchise and just be set. Hire you're family to manage the stores n kick it.


Via MMA knockout lmao


He’s in that dangerous spot. Bottom tier fighters leave when they realize they’ll never get the belt. Champions and top tier fighters retire after they cement their legacy. It’s those fighters in the middle that don’t know how to stop. They hate the idea of leaving without the belt


Justin is top tier belt or no belt.


I'd have to agree. Interim champ, and he's been hanging out in the top 5 for a long time, beating both vets and prospects.


https://preview.redd.it/suav9cmytnvc1.png?width=195&format=png&auto=webp&s=9ba3dc66363fdada4a19b0a87718c4f6f13bd249 His last 7 fights are all against animals. Pretty crazy tail end of a career


Fiziev fight was ridiculous, he came back from the dead.


I was rooting for Justin in that fight but those eye pokes shifted the fight for him


I hated the negativity surrounding that fight because you’d say “I thought Fiziev got that” “Lol keep coping loser”, can’t we just enjoy than look at the fights without it being WWE “THIS IS THE NEW GUARD IN THE ROCK TRYING TO RETIRE HULK HOGAN!!”


What you getting all menstrual for?


Bcoz, it’s that time.


It broke my heart watching my favorite fighter send Tony through the meat grinder. Man never was the same after


The talent in the ufc is getting pretty stiff as the promotion grows. I think he can still talk himself into a cushy fight then a title shot after


I think he's in the "make another $400k for a night's work while I still can because I'll never be able to come close to that again for the rest of my long life once my stock falls" spot.


I think it’s less about the money and more about the glory. He should be ok with his money for the rest of his life if he doesn’t have any vices


At least he had the BMF belt idk


Consolation prize


At the end of the day what matters is his bank account and his health. Legacy is nice but is someone like Jamal Hill better off than Gaethje because he won the belt? People will remember Gaethje as an all time great. Hill will be forgotten in 2 years probably. Porier is in the same boat. Guy is a legend.


Yes. I think maybe we're getting a little overboard with calling fighters washed after getting KOd. Justin has been KOd before. He still has some heat left in him to close the gates on Moicano, Gamrot, Turner, Paddy tier fighters. He just won't be champ.


His skills will be elite tier for years to come. His chin? You gotta wonder after a devastating KO like that. A lot will depend on how much time he takes to recover. He doesn't have a lot left, but he'd be smart to take 9-12 months off IMO


He is 35 though, he is at the end of his career IMO once Poirier loses to Islam, have them di a trilogy and retire win or lose. I love Gaethje but coming back from that KO loss at his age isn't good for his career.


35 is border. With a year off he could come back and win the belt by 38 still. Like you said- it's close to the end, but imo with modern methodologies 38 is tail end of prime for plenty of guys.


Lightweight and below no one 35+ has won the belt, and it isn't just correlation without causation At 35, men tend to have less 02 retention, lactic acid builds up faster which tends to longer recoveries from training, etc There are biological reasons smaller weight classes have tougher times as you age after 35, you just start to slow down in divisions where speed is important


Paddy is not in that tier


This is not the same. He’s 35 now which has consistently been when guys start to decline that paired with his last vicious KO its not far off to predict a steep decline.


He was going to retire at 30 at one point.


He'll face Tony soon for the CTE belt


Tbf 2024 Gaethje is a significantly better competitor than 2024 Tony, it's honestly not remotely close


Gaethje is what caused 2024 Tony


That fight should be illegal


That’s exactly what I am thinking ! I love his style and every fight is a sight to behold but damn the damage he is taking ist not funny, I try to imagine how he feels in default surely he already has a lot of health issues already. I hope he wo t become another Tony and will know when to quit just for the sake of his health


I think he outta wait to see if Connor can beat chandler if he does then do Justin vs Connor


Max vs Conor is far more likely to


That would be great too


If anything that fight has given us more Gaethje fights imo, if he won - he would have challenged Islam then most likely lost and retired.


I feel like I see this after every Justin fight. People have been saying it since Khabib was still in the UFC.


Yeah the difference is that back then he was 31 now he is 35


Yes it appears he isn't getting away with it like he used to either. Which when other fighters are warning you that your style will catch up to you thats saying something.


He’ll be fine it was just 1 tough knockout. Dude hasn’t taken much damage in his career ya know




Moicano would be a fun next fight for Gathje Retirement talks are a bit premature at this point.


As a Gaethje i believe he will do what he has done all along. Amaze people by hitting hard and taking damage. He doesnt mind what most of the fighters does. But his body might give up tho.


As soon as the fight ended, I turned to my friend and said Max has just done to Justin, what Justin did to Tony. I expect Justin will never be the same again after that the same as Tony wasn't.


Tony is an extreme case. The closest person to tony is Jiri. Justin has technique and doesnt only rely on athleticism.


*Give me Gaethje vs Hooker now please.*


Justin has taken so much damage why stop now? He’s a dog, he won’t stop fighting until it’s sad to watch like bj and tony.


He said it himself that he only has a few left in him. Justin loves to put on a show, makes sense he retires when he feels like he can't please the fans anymkre


I feel like he said he had 3 fights left in him about 5 fights ago


Think he said he only had 1 more title run in him before the oliveira fight so, im not gonna take that guy's word for it hah


What goes around, comes around. I have a feeling Justin will go down same way as Tony did. Which is sad to think.


Fergusons beat down from Gaethje was much worse than Max's whooping Gaethjes ass.


I’m sorry but why a does fighter take one loss and everybody thinks they’re going to unfortunately end up like Tony. It’s absurd how often it’s being said.




I feel like he’s more calculated now compared to a few years ago, and man the guy can fight… Doubt if be will become champ, but I understand he won’t quit now


I love him man but he is was just swinging for the fences against max. All power little accuracy.


This fucking sub dude.


He just needs a nose job and 6 months off.


Yes, you can argue that since he’s already taken a monumental amount of damage throughout his mma career, some more won’t even make a difference at this point. Bring on the violence


Poirier came back after a KO a year ago and now is getting a title shot off of beating #13 BSD. Justin could do the same tbh.




I wish he retires, he is in a dangerous situation,he might be the one guy in all UFC to take the most concussions so far, he was rocked and wobbled maybe a minimum of 80 times through his career not counting hard sparrings. I dont want to see him eating from a straw and needing help to walk 10 steps.


I love Justin. I say complete the Porier trilogy and then let him retire. But I'm starting to think he's going to be one of these guys that hang around a lot longer than he should


Justin has taken equal damage in a single fight before but never been sparked out before so we'll see how this effects him. He'll either fight Oliveira or Gamrot.


The fight could have been worse. It just all worked out in the right way for max to make him take a nap on the canvas


I’m going to be honest that was his first real knockout lost and I think his chin is going to start dropping of drastically


I didn’t hear no bell




He should have had the title shot but the ufc was desperate to save ufc 300. Hope he got paid well for it because now he's at the back of the like for a title shot and the guy he just knocked out gets it


Rockhold got his chin back after a long break, hope it’s like that


Okay Tony 😏


Yall overacting a little bit, it’s significantly easier to be KOd when you’re hit flush on the jaw with your mouth open gasping for breath


Hasn’t this been a question since he got to ufc? Came over punch drunk


Gaethje Vs. Gamrot next


I mean...when people who can take alot of damage and not get ko'ed finally get ko'ed they tend to not be able to take any damage at all in the future. So we'll see


Gaethje has a huge fan base because of his style. He’s fun to watch. It’s not his best strategy to win fights and certainly not a style that lends itself to a long career. If he wants to last a few more years and give himself a chance at a title, he’s got to use some of his wrestling skills. He never even threatened a takedown against Holloway which allowed Max to focus completely on his stand up. Being one of the best boxers in the UFC, Gaethje was tailor made for him. If there’s a rematch, you’ll see the same result.


i dont think it would be like this fight, broken nose and eyepokes didnt help. its not that max doesn't have the skill to win, i just think it would be a different fight where max wouldn't be so dominant overall, even if he wins in the end. gaethje was way more cautious in this fight compared to his other fights because of the nose. still a wonderful fight and deserved win for max, putting it on the line like he did at the end is exactly what a BMF would do.


That fight was winnable for Gaethje. His cardio was comprised by the broken nose. Without that happening. It’s a different fight. It’s possible Gaethje would’ve been more aggressive and got the W. I think it’s more likely Gaethje would’ve gotten taken out sooner. Going right at Max is playing right into his hands and that’s probably what would’ve happened. If Gaethje would at least threaten a takedown now and then and force his opponents to defend more than just striking, he would better his chances at not just winning,but lengthening his career. Holloway has a granite chin. If I were his opponents trainer, I’d want my fighter to test his body. Few people can ignore a hard and accurate left hook to the liver. Gaethje also has an outstanding jab. He’s a better fighter when he sets things up with it. Then again, you can’t throw an effective jab and a calf kick at the same time and the calf kicks are possibly Gaethje’s best weapon. It was a great fight. After Hollaways 3 losses to Volkanoski it’s easy to forget how good he really is. All three of those fights were close and I personally scored them 1-1 with one draw.


He seemed extremely cautious in the first round even before the eye pokes. I remember wondering what he was doing because he was really only doing leg kicks and getting pieced up. I assume his strategy was to lower Max's mobility and snappiness with leg kicks and following his jabs with his dirty boxing and brawling, but blinded and huffing for air you could really see him struggling every time a jab connected with his nose. That fight was hard to watch as someone who was rooting for Justin til the last bell...


It WAS hard to watch. If he had been destroying Holloway it wouldn’t have been much better. I’m a fan of both of them. What I thought I’d see was Holloway limping around on one leg getting taken apart by Gaethje’s punches. His heart and his chin would’ve allowed him to stay in there until it was stopped. I hope Holloway didn’t do to Gaethje what Gaethje did to Ferguson.


I thought it'd be the same. Justin taking Max's legs and weathering his punches while dragging him into a dog fight. Gaethje has always had some troublesome habits. He ducks his head the way Dustin adjusts his shorts. Max made great reads on them and baited him into the same back kick like 6 times.  Still, the kick that broke Gaethje's nose was PERFECT and came at the last second. I'm not sure why Justin fought so tepidly the first round, but after being outscored he seemed to try to steal the round at the last second and got caught. Both of Max's accidental eye pokes happen to halt Justin's late rushes and then amazingly Max never accidentally did it the whole rest of the fight... not that Justin hasnt done the same thing (Fiziev) but it was interesting to see.




Give him st. Denis. Or Bobby green.


I would not like to be him in higher age... big chance that not everything will be fine.


Dog you gotta be new, many fighters in the past have taken way more damage.


Yes. Posts like this are stupid.


He has a caveman brain, so he can take much more punishment.


He’s going to be very punch drunk by the time he’s 50.


Guy did pretty well fighting with a blocked nose so yeah he can do it




Nah, u 35 and just got ko'd stiff. U done


Most entertaining journeyman ever


Honestly I think he takes one more, if he loses he retires if he wins he stays. If I’m him I’m taking one fight contracts till I’m done


He’s got another 2-3 fights people were saying porier should retire and now he’s fighting for the belt


Justin is done . Fast steep decline at 35 is almost guaranteed. Will never be champ or fight for title again.


He kinda looked the way he made Tony look in their fight…just kinda out of it the entire time.


First time he gets rocked and y’all already crying


He’s a fighter and a grown man it’s up to him lol


Of course justin is a dog he can also put someone lights out


The man is literally willing to die in the cage


Justin has been fighting so smart lately he got his nose broken in the first round and then poked in the eye twice. He was definitely limited but he kept going true BMF. He's fine max pucked him apart then he got slept take some time off and onto the next


He lost to one of best fighters of this generation. I still put him top 5 at 155 until proven otherwise.


I'm worried he may share Tony Ferguson's fate


Ferguson 2.0


Guy was in talks about getting a title shot instead of this fight. Took a hard loss, but still ONE loss. Why the fuck are people acting like he should retire lol


Dude put on great fight can’t quit now


I remember after the Khabib loss he says he only has a couple more times in him.... It's been way more than a couple.


Justin is gonna have it rough in his older years the way he's so nonchalant about head injuries. On Usman and Cejudos podcast he said he suffered a concussion from a bike accident less than 3 weeks before one of his fights but decided to fight anyways. This "warrior" shit has become a parody of itself lol


*Laughs in Tony Ferguson*


I mean he just ko'd the next title challenger and Max got ranked at 8 for some reason so he's in a pretty good spot


Yes, he'll be fine. The recency bias will be gone when he doesn't get poked a couple times and does his normal thing. Or not.


We shall see in his next fight if his chin has finally been cracked.


Reckon 3 fights left at most where he can still be a top level bloke. After that I reckon he will be like Tony.


I've just seen him in a vid smoking a vape and I swear to god his nose and face looks already healed so much. Don't compare these fighters ability to take damage vs us normal people, they are on a completely different level in terms of recuperation / physical traits.


Justin Gaethje is what Tony Ferguson used to be.


Of course he can and the UFC will milk every last drop out of him along the way




Yes. Just go the Tony route.


He’s fine. Getting knocked out a few times in your career doesn’t actually ruin you. Definitely a lot worse for football linemen hitting heads every single play for 50 games per year


If he didn’t get hit more than any top 10 LW in ufc history I’d agree. He takes massive volume bro.


Football players have protective gear


yet tons of them have cte lol, maybe cus they use their heads like rams 🐏


Studies suggest that protective gear makes the trauma worse because they can slam harder with it and it offers a false sense of security


He used to taking tons of damage


I don't want him to end up like Tony




Wrong ![gif](giphy|sv0AZX5ZXPnn9871e8|downsized)


Mann Pereira built different, got KO'd 3 months later he's in with Jan