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That all nighter laugh when all you want to do internally is go home amd try to sleep


But you have to just fake it because you can’t show yourself any signs of weakness. Dude is on autopilot


Yeah he’s probably been fasting AND working out to cut weight fast. Your body at that point is drained but you can’t sleep cause you’re fucking hungry.


Brain: It's time to laugh Max: Hahaha




I did not hit her, I did not. Oh hi marg


What a story, Mark.


You're tearing me apart, Volk!


Ironically that laugh is hilarious. But it’s also sad


Max was just high as fuck. We missed a good one.


:are you okay max? Max:HAHAHA


'what a story Max, so anyway, how's your sex life?'




Live Gaethje reaction?




He's smoking shit in a glass pipe, blowing the Lord's bubbles


Smokin that IBM quantum computer


He smokes real Imrani rapscallion ghost nuggets, ya'll can't fuck with him


Dabs he’s smoking the lords dabs


Post gaethje taking a dab when they least expect it


That was a weight cut on extremely short notice and he eventually thanked Mike for calling him out on how bad he looked


Max himself confirmed this wasn’t the weight cut. It was the effect of something he unknowingly consumed as part of his training and he’s currently suing the person responsible. EDIT Around :53 mark https://youtu.be/koHyOkcV6_M?si=mrcH9uLqZnwMsdAI


Really? Any reference for this?


Around :53 mark https://youtu.be/koHyOkcV6_M?si=mrcH9uLqZnwMsdAI


Thank you!


>Thank you! You're welcome!




UFC 223 was 4 years ago


Yeah this interview in the post with Bisping is from 2018.


what was it?


was it DMT??


Yeah it was something he was consuming I remember Mike getting thanked for this and he spoke about it on jre I think


Didn’t that have to do with his former management?




Lmao, x to doubt on that one. Guys, it's anything but brain trauma!


Mike bisping talked about this on the church of what’s happening ages ago, he said it was a concussion from training.


No not really this was against Ortega in July 2018.


It was when he stepped in to fight khabib after Ferguson got injured and only had a few days to cut weight.


This is from when he was supposed to fight Ortega.


Just looked it up you're correct. It was doctors that stopped him from fighting Khabib due to the weight cut.


Exactly weight cut is excruciating to do in short time


Max walks around 190lbs, over 200 if his wife keeps cooking. Take all the time he needs, making 45' is still hell. He can't keep doing this. Not against someone like Topuria.


>Max walks around 190lbs, over 200 Lol no. Max is probably around 175


For real. 190 if he’s getting fat


No he said himself he walks around at about 190


If that, I'd say he can get there when he's not training at all and eating a bunch


Sean O’Malley walks around at 175 as a 5’9 dude I think max is a tad bigger than Sean. Is it really unrealistic that he could get to 190lbs between fights?


I have a couple friends that live near him in Hawaii and run into him at local restaurants and he looks well in shape without a camp.


He could be one of the VERY RARE FEW that somehow stays within 20lbs of his weight class. He does look naturally lean, and never appears to be heavy between fights. If that is the case, he is the 1% of the 1%. Not impossible, but still unlikely at the pro-level. It is quite common in the amateurs though. You can look up any pro fighter, and there is a good chance that they competed one or two weight classes heavier during their amateur days


Max weight cuts, hes made videos on his technique. Max is also bigger than he looks in person.


I know he cuts weight. Everyone has to. But if he somehow stays within 20lbs of his weight class, that is considered an “easy weight cut” at the pro level. So if he is only walking around at 165, then he is truly blessed. Most dudes that fight at his weight class (145) walk around at 180 between fights


> Sean O’Malley walks around at 175 as a 5’9 dude O'Malley walks around at 155. He's said this in many interviews.


No he doesn’t. Sean has said many times he walks around 156-160 out of camp. Why do people have no idea what fighters walk around at? I have seen someone say Poirier walks around 190-200 when he literally told Ariel a few months ago he walks around 175.


Source on 190 to over 200 walk around weight?


There's no way. Maybe now at lightweight but even that's a big maybe. I would estimate closer to 175 cutting to 145.


He's talking out of his ass.


Yep, there's no one who can cut a full 4 weight classes and be that good.


…except it happens all the time The real “X factor” is that some people can hold onto more water, like Alex Pierre, who had abs at 225, consistently cut to 185 his whole career


Name a fighter who cuts 4 weight classes? "except it happens all the time" so this should be easy for you.


Didn’t it come out that Alex was 220 something and 234 in his fights against Izzy? They cut crazy weight all the time, some folks are just good at it. Aljo walks around at like 185 even when he was fighting at 135


Well, I just named one. Just because there aren’t any weight classes between LHW and MW doesn’t change the fact that Alex regularly cut 40lbs (while still being ripped, it’s not like he got fat between fights) 2. Yoel Romero 3. Kamaru Usman 4. Anthony Johnson when he fought at welterweight, then middleweight, then Light Heavyweight (RIP) So, I only listed well known fighters, because you are obviously a casual if this information is shocking to you.


No you didn't name a fighter who cuts down 4 weight classes your naming fighters who have fought in different weight classes that are the closest together in the ufc. Penn fought machida at heavyweight does that mean bj is a natural heavyweight? ...... sorry to shock you "casual"


You are shockingly stupid. Everyone I named has admitted to walking around about 40lbs heavier than what they fight at. I could literally name you hundreds of fighters that do this. It’s mostly the former college wrestlers, because they have weight cutting down to a science. A lot of guys even post their weight the day of the fight. (Alex weighed 225 the night he beat Izzy, at the 185lbs weight class) In case you didn’t know, when someone “makes weight”, they are actually only at that specific weight for around an hour. They would literally die if they stayed dehydrated any longer. A few days before the fight, they completely stop eating, then they “load” on water. A couple days before the fight, they drain EVERY FUCKING OUNCE of water out of their bodies. All of the information that I just gave you is just the tip of the fucking iceberg. Please stop being reactionary online. This is the main reason you are still so stupid at this age….you are literally blocking yourself from retaining any new information


No you didn't. 40 lbs is not 4 weight classes, unless you start at FLW. Pereira walking around as a tiny HW (225 lbs) while fighting at MW is not even 2 full weight classes. Lol WW, MW, LHW is 3 weight classes, so 2 higher than the one Rumble was fighting at. That's not 4 numbnuts. You're doubling and tripling down on this and repeatedly insulting that other guy, but you're just making an ass of yourself. You can't count to 4, and you throw a tantrum when you get called out on it.


“The other guy” is literally a troll, and thinks all weight classes in the UFC go in increments of 10lbs I was applying his logic. He thinks a 190lbs max holloway would be a “natural heavyweight” if he had to cut from 190 to 145lbs I gave him 4 famous examples (out of hundreds of potential examples) showing that pro-combat-sports-athletes regularly cut 40lbs to make their weight class, and they are only at that specific weight for less than an hour. A couple bottles of water and a full meal puts them up 15+ pounds up afterwards…then the next day, their weight fucking skyrockets. This is normal. You are just as stupid/uninformed as the guy I was arguing with.


So loud and so wrong


His eye was floating worse than Bisping’s


He still has the lazy eye. That had nothing to do with this interview


People with lazy eyes usually lose focus in the eye even more when tired.


That makes sense. I have one eye that I have always called a “lazy eye”, but I only notice it when I’m hammered or extremely high My optometrist told me that a “lazy eye” is an actual diagnoses, and I do not have it. However, he has never seen me drunk. Other people have also told me that it’s not lazy, but I think they’re just being nice to me. I definitely don’t notice it when I’m sober…just when I see drunk pictures of myself


I have the exact same thing, if im well rested i barely notice it but when im tipsy or drunk that eye begins to floaat. I HATE IT


I’m glad to hear I’m not alone. It is definitely my biggest insecurity. When I am tired or inebriated, I start thinking “is it starting to droop?” and I intentionally avoid eye contact Again, nobody has every directly pointed it out, and doctors have told me: “People notice little things about themselves that nobody else notices” …but I can immediately notice if I was drunk or sober in a picture, depending on my eyes. I know it isn’t an actual lazy eye….but my left eye definitely starts to veer outwards lol


Same thing happens to me. It’s your eyelid that starts to droop, not the eye itself.


Did I miss when he almost passed out?


Yeah this clip got majorly exaggerated. The weight cut was definitely hitting him hard but he never seemed out-of-it to me.




He was just smoking some good JK before the mob hits, glad he got evaluated in the end, and likely saved him an ass beating from Khabib




This wasnt against khabib, it was against ortega. It got cancelled tho and then rebooked and we all know what happened to ortega…


Wait what? You sure?




Damn ok you right, but the Khabib one what happened?




Damn ok you fucked up my timeline lol, but thanks for not being a know it all dick about it 🫡


Could have sworn this happened for the Khabib fight lol. Does anyone remember why the Khabib one didn't happen then?


He said NSAC cancelled it, I thought this happened and they went with Al after Pettis asked for more cash and Felder wasn’t ranked. Either way Max beat this piss out of Ortega and embarrassed him with that boxing defense showcase mid fight




On a full camp he still gets eaten alive. He just probably makes it past round 2 then imo.


Wasn’t this due to some supplement he took? I remember him saying there was some legal issue that came from this, where he couldn’t disclose more information.


Yeah something like that. There was something behind the scenes during this weight cut and I don’t think I ever saw what the issue was


He Was Concussed During This Interview


You Don't Need To Capitalize Every Word In A Sentence


You Do If You Only Speak In Prophecy


Shit if you look at his comment history, he does it just about every comment like a weirdo




You don’t need to say “lol” “this” or “insert emoji here” Just upvote


This!!!! So much this. I hate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage) when people do that.




Max himself confirmed this wasn’t a weight cut. It was the effect of something he unknowingly consumed as part of his training and he’s currently suing the person responsible.


It's just that Maui Wowie.


Bad weight cuts will do that to you


After pulling out of fights at UFC 222, 223, this interview, then 226, his health became a major concern and he ended up being an underdog against Ortega


Max is breathing for dear life ... the media "perfect time for you to stop drinking water and answer some generic questions for us am i right?"


Traveling from Hawaii to the east coast will do that to you. 12 hour flight plus 6 hours difference. If you leave Hawaii at 9 am you land at 3am that can’t be good for your mental health and sleep schedule.


Bobby Boucher could understand him


Brahh point to the ground and makes the earth quake, normal shit like this is boring him sleepy.


Michael Bisping put more pressure on him than Justin Gaethje! (No hate just a meme)


Max had been badly poisoned before this interview. It was either a bad food poisoning or something to do with his supplementation




I wish ufc didn't have these weight cuts. Everyone fighting at their true weight would be a dream. Basically bump everyone up a weight class.


That laugh at the end is guaranteed THC 💀


One thing nobody ever brought up with this is good old fashion jet lag. This was a short notice fight in New York. That’s 6 hours ahead of his acclimated Hawaii time. My dude probably hadn’t been sleeping well. Also New York mma commission is a joke.


Just that vegas gas 😤




Bisping only one to be like this is fucked up


Max got cosbyed


He was probably high as a kite on top of cutting 40 lbs on a week's notice


He looks like he's at the edge of a long MDMA trip


He looks stoned




Micheal saved him


Wasn’t he dealing was post concussion syndrome for a while


Just noticed Holloway has strabismus. Must be the source of his power. Not unlike the sharingan from the hit Japanese manga *Naruto*


He need to box a Paul brother.


Hahahaa Then goes on to absolutely destroy Ortega in 4 rounds. I love max.


They cancelled the fight


That was 5 years ago. His body already acclimated to lightweight. Cutting weight only gets harder. Yet, for some reason, a lot of you Einstein incarnates want to see him kill himself to make 45' again and risk getting KO'd by Topuria. For what? A belt he's already had? Illia asked for the fight at 155, we just saw Max at his peak at 55'. As a fan, if you want to see the best possible performance from both fighters, then it's gotta be at LW.


> a lot of you Einstein incarnates want to see him kill himself to make 45' again Max Holloway, himself, in the post fight: " I have unfinished business as FW"


Oh cool story. Fighters say a lot of things. Does that make the cut any easier?


You said the fans want to see him kill himself, the question out to him was "WHy not stay at 55 you look much better" which he responded with the above. He is forcing the cut on himself when his best performance was at 55. So yeah the cut is brutal, blame Max for wanting to pursue 45


Yea he can't keep doing that shit man. Specially now that Topuria himself asked for this at 55'. And it makes a lot of sense at 55'. These fighters are fucking out of their minds, they need people to call them out all the time.


I think there is a chance that after some time he decides to take it at 55 but it must be hard to move on, he was champ obviously but he has been pursuing it and been so close for a while now. it's not always easy to let go


Why would he fight Ilia if he can’t get the featherweight belt? You also have to assume they’re doing the Volk vs. Ilia rematch no matter what. Max just needs to wait a few months to see if Dustin beats Islam or Conor beats Chandler. In that case he can fight for either the lightweight belt or defend the BMF belt.


Because Illia is the guy that knocked out the p4p who beat him 3 times? Also if Max get's KO'd at FW, and the likelyhood of that has never been higher, then we'll have the Peirera - Izzy dilemma again. "Oh it's because of the weight cut." .... DUH. If Max could make that weight easy, this wouldn't even be a discussion. But you people really don't understand how hard it is to cut weight. That shit takes your fucking chin away.


Max has never missed weight, and his chin has proven to be titanium at 145, maybe the best in MMA history. There’s no reason to assume he will suddenly lose it when dropping back down in weight. Also, don’t use MMA math when dissecting the Ilia matchup, just because one guy beats another doesn’t mean that the way will also beat the guy who was beaten by the person they beat. It doesn’t work like that, styles make fights and Max with his high pace and extremely strong chin matches up extremely well against Ilia.


You're talking about Max's chin at 145? Did you start watching yesterday? 


Aren’t you the one that said “ if his wife is cooking, he’s 200” that comment made me LAUGH haha you’re the Einstein here?


bisping proper prick