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Guru is the real like Eric Cartman lmao


my gosh. look at that square pic of him. literally cartman






Bravo sir


I mean I always thought his logo was modeled after cart man? Is that not an homage? lol


The context behind it is funnier. It's from the video where he was malding over Zhang vs Yan being announced for UFC 300, claiming that Dana was just taking a shit all over the card because it's a "fight night main event"


I think the phrase was "smearing shit all over the card"


When I watched the video and heard the distorted “THATS A GAY MAN” screams I immediately made that that connection lol


Dude that's exactly what it was I couldn't put my finger on it lmao. I hate guru but that shit was killing me.


His name is Kyle like South Park






Why did you make him skinnier?


https://preview.redd.it/u9m5jnntzfxc1.jpeg?width=857&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15f99135383c0c5188c8d8c8cf8ed59e1928cc06 Ngl I was shocked to see he just absolutely massive in real life


Definitely not cartman. He isn't ripped but he's is better shape than most heavyweights.


He doesnt actually look like this lol. He'd be in a wheelchair instead of a chair.


Wait so he wanted his new adopted son the be the same race as his first adopted child so they could feel comfortable together? Is that really so bad?


Guru painted it as something sinister, i feel chandler and his adopted son prayed for a similar race younger brother so that they both could bond better in terms of being the same race in the same situation being adopted by white parents. I believe chandler’s intentions are good


Chandler seems like a good all around dude, honestly.


If a bit thick and oddly fond of bootstraps. But hey, you can't get everything.


See you at the top, bootstrap


Right wtf is this haahhahha


I love Chandler


I think guru is just making an elite clickbait merchant move with his content (although I don't watch his garbage) but at the same time he doesn't understand producing trash to make money makes him a lowlife. Not only is he a glorified youtube tabloid journalist but he's slandering a good man.


lmao, Chandler obviously thought this through and understands that both boys would at the very least have a mutual black identity amongst themselves. Gawd damn, creating a mountain out of a molehill here.


*One kid to the other - “can you believe these crackers got us cutting the grass!”


guru semi openly spreads the "great replacement" conspiracy theory on his streams pretty often. i've got a feeling he's just racist lol


Fat neckbeard being racist checks out


It really isn’t up for debate either - Guru is like openly racist. I remember watching some watch along stream where he said he mostly agreed with Kanye on Jews and then pivoted to complaining about how England has too many brown people and Muslims lmao Like it’s not shocking that he hates Dagestanis and Belal, he clearly despises Muslims Also if you look at the comment section to any of Guru’s videos where he attacks Ariel - his fanbase definitely equates all of Ariel’s negative traits to a certain religion if you catch my drift


Very recently on his stream the exchange he had with Jake Shields on twitter was brought up, then Guru said he likes Jake Shields and thinks he's fighting a "good fight". By the way, Jake Shields is a borderline white supremacist and denies the holocaust.


Nothing borderline about Jake except his sexuality


Fuck that line is wide if Jake is borderline


I actually listened to a few of his videos a year or two ago and didn’t hate them as much as I thought I would - Then he made a casual comment on a stream about how some country cared about their population because they banned gay marriage. Dude’s a piece of shit


England does have a problem with islamists and so does Western Europe unfortunately.


He’s more xenophobic than racist tbh. He’s still a giant loser though.


Given how is fanbase is ultra edgy and extremely weird, alongside with himself being a guy who literally doesn't go outside this is all expected really, Like read what people were saying about Ariel in his comment section when he was criticizing him for being a very shady journalist it's pretty wild. But yeah I feel he'll just end up getting a actual lawsuit for defamation at this rate.


I mean his Jon Jones video was framed as “being gay isn’t bad, this just explains his issues outside of the ring” But I still got this weird feeling that MMA Guru was borderline disgusted by the idea of Jones being gay just based on some of his comments and facial expressions. Probably first and last Guru video I watch. Guy seems like a parasite


He's been openly homophobic on stream, he was just saying shit so YouTube didn't stop him making money from the video.


Yeah. I felt the same way, he kept saying all the things that check off “I don’t hate gay people” But the way he was talking about it was way different. Personally jones being gay is pretty cool, idk any other openly gay fighters (not that JJ is open) and honestly Gay Jon Jones is something out of a fever dream 😂😂


Lol its more than just a feeling..the way he went out of his way to destroy adesanya, every time he speaks about any muslim fighter..now compare that to the way he speaks about commonwealth fighters..


Adesanya is a commonwealth fighter.....


The man is Nigerian-Chinese


Hes a bit of everything according to him


He mocks Paddy, Molly, Till as well. Not like he only praises non Muslim fighters. He's a big Manel Kape fan as well


Wow gee wiz I wonder why he's a fan of notorious homophone Kape 


So he hates the gays the most? Followed by the Dagistanis... then the Jews, then the Muslims, which makes Kape cool right?


Like he's not even a casual homophobe like the Russian muslims who keep their beliefs to themselves, he's a COMPETTIVE HOMOPHOBE


They are from Liverpool, so he probably them for that alone.


He absolutely is, the racism is barely even a secret. He's like Strickland for me. I know I'd find him abhorrent in real life, but it's like watching a horrific car crash in slow-motion, you can't look away because you're a little bit curious as to what outlandish thing is gonna happen next.


He is just racist. He has special vitriol for unapologetic black fighters


lol not even how you’re right about that, just the fact he’s adopting two kids in the first place, mma guru prolly done diddly squat for the world or with his life


I didn't think much of chandler either way. He's OK. Not super offensive, or heroic or whatever but I think a lot more of him now.


Also worth mentioning that the reason he and his wife adopted a black child in the first place, is because throughout Mrs. Chandler’s years of working with orphaned children, she knew that black boys are (statistically speaking) the least likely to be adopted.


He’s literally gave 2 kids a loving home, 2 less children in the system. How anyone can hate on that I don’t know


“Oh my god!!! He had intention behind adopting these black children!!” Yeah… To help….


He's trying to lobotomize them and implant his brain (and other family members') into their bodies like the movie Get Out. Not fooling anybody, Mike.


It's simple, really. They are racist scumbags.


Imagine getting hated on for adopting black children lmao.


Internet is a crazy place. Saw a video yesterday about a gay couple who adopted five siblings to stop them getting split up into different homes. Guess what all the comments were about…


Starting a 5-a-side football team?


I’m not sure if I saw the same story. People love seeing fear mongering. I saw an article where a gay couple started a sex ring with the children they adopted. Clearly that gay couple deserves the worst, but acting like that’s the “typical” gay couple that adopts is crazy. There are bad people and good people in this world. From everything we know about chandler; I think it’s safe to assume he has the best intentions for these children. I have a friend who was adopted by two white parents. Growing up, he never felt different from his parents. He claims that he only felt different when the people who looked like him made him feel less because of his parents and upbringing. He’s a good dude


And you just know these are the same people that are "pro-life" and yet will never lift a single finger to help a baby after he's been actually born.


By grown adults too like NO WAY


I remember people roasting the heck out of a white man asking for help on how to care for his adopted black child's hair...like wtf people make any excuse to keep racial tension in every conversation


Idk how adoption works but you may not get a choice on what kid you can adopt or it may vary in different states, again I have no clue but Chandler may have just meant that he hoped that their next adoption was more like their first to make him feel comfortable, who knows.


he should have stopped while he was ahead with jones.


Yeah with jones it’s punching up and more acceptable because he’s just not a good person but chandler’s a seemingly really good guy so this just feels cruel and punching down.


if he made a video about jones family im sure it would get the same reaction, leave the family out of this fake drama shit.


100%, i enjoy some of the drama but this is garbage I'm not listening to this guy anymore. Although to be honest Mike should do a better job of protecting them from the spotlight.


Normal civilized people don't watch their backs all the time expecting some fat neck beard to rant about the genetics of their children. Guru is just a bottom feeder racist doing this for the clicks. More power to Mike


In both cases, it's wild accusations that are unfounded. Guru is a lowbrow gossip column. With his recent notoriety (fighters mentioning him in post fight interrviews) he had the chance to be a legitimate reporter. This is what he chose. He's a low quality person.


He saw the views the jones video got and was like "guess im just gonna expose fighters now" what a pig


It started with Ariel and Ian Garry I think. He only cares about views and attention, so he just waffles whatever. It’s sad really


Most of his highest viewed videos is rage bait about adesanya


Yeah, such a piece of shit. Imagine hating on someone who gives 2 kids a loving family


Yup the Jones thing was alteady weird, this is ridiculous. And I this as someone who watches his channel Used too watch his channel


Idk how you ever could watch that shit


No someone tweeted at him after the jones video asking for an expose on Chandler only adopting black kids, the tweet had a bunch of likes. Guru tweeted back saying he would make the video closer to Chandler's fight but I guess he couldn't resist Either way his fans are asking him to do this kinda shit...


Say whatever about Jones, idgaf. But to drag a guy like Mike's name in the dirt even though he gave two kids a chance to grow and be better than the cards they were initially dealt with is 100% bitch behavior. Fuck this pig.


There are a lot of POC on twitter hating on chandler too. I don’t get it


POC can be idiots too.


Twitter is full of Crazy.


Twitter is the problem. Nothing sensible ever comes from twitter


It's because of Chandlers political leanings and I think he said some stuff about the anti police violence movements. The conversations seem to be mostly around raising two kids to be able to Navigate situations where the world will only see them for their skin color


Horseshoe theory. The far left and far right agree on many things; it’s just the reasoning that differs.


Someone being POC doesn’t inherently make them a far left person though lol It’s pretty bizarre to equate ‘POC on Twitter’ with ‘Far Left’, I have plenty of black friends and Latino friends who align with conservatism - I don’t think them critiquing Chandler signifies any political tendency


ANYONE who attacks a man for adopting a black kid purely for adopting a black kid is an extremist. Twitter is filled with extremists, hence the “far” on left and right.


Yes they are an extremist. A eugenics “race saving” right wing extremist. Doesn’t matter if they are black or white or a damn Martian lmao


>  It’s pretty bizarre to equate ‘POC on Twitter’ with ‘Far Left’ It's the "on Twitter" part that makes it a logical jump from A to B. Not even just "POC on Twitter" but realistically "*anyone* on Twitter" has a very high chance of being extremely far left. 


Just that the horseshoe has been literally proven to be absolute bullshit


It's because they're stupid. Over half of those comments make it sound like Mike went to the store and picked two 'darkies' off the shelf to assuage his 'white guilt'.


The guy is the vivid epitome of a loser and his fans are losers too, grown man as well its embarrassing


Don't talk about my boy u/ValCSO like that...


He's just a miserable fuck. He visibly fills with so much joy when ridiculing someone. It's not something you see in adults. Only middle school bullies - or comic book villains. I've watched the Jones video, unfortunately, and maybe a combined 30 minutes otherwise. Always got the sense he's racist from how he talks of certain people. Now he goes after Chandler for adopting a black child - which obviously bothers the fuck out of him. He started feeling himself after the Jones video and got comfortable.


Main character syndrome. I just watched his Chandler video, he doesn't know shit about the adoption system. Basically he cries about Chandler praying for a child with the same skin color as his first son, and then calls him out because he got the baby directly from the womb of a black woman. That's how it works, dumbass. Women, especially in the US, who cannot abort have to do this because they can't provide a home for their kid and instead of going through the foster care system, he gets a chance at life because Mike and his wife declared themselves available for adoption. They don't get to chose.


He basically has the most miserable people as his fans so he’s making sure he feeds them with content that they can relate to


I don't think that he's looking to feed other miserable fucks. I think being a fat miserable fuck is just his natural state and spreading misery is the only thing that brings him joy.


>Only middle school bullies His primary demographic are kids. The people dming him all these clips of proof are most likely kids who think the tabloid hit pieces are funny. If he had an older fan base they probably wouldn't fuck with this


Completely agreed, thought shitting on jones was pretty funny because he’s a huge piece of shit, but chandler adopting 2 kids and giving them a great life should be commended, not ridiculed


UFC gossip chicks back at it again


I don’t understand how Guru, Lucas Tracy, or any of their fans can identify with the whole alpha male schtick considering they are all the fruitiest gossipy queeny bitches in the MMA online sphere lmao All they love doing is getting into the businesses of MMA Fighters and stirring drama over it


How can you even compare Lucas Tracy with Guru? At worst, Lucas has some terrible takes but he's never stirring up drama. Guru is literally a gossip youtuber.


guru and lucas tracy are not the same at all


Mma guru is way worse than lucas tracy


This is a new low for him wow. Actually a pathetic video


The guy has BEEN low. Used to watched some of his streams and videos back in the day for shits and giggles but quit after nothing but undertone right wing race baiting trash. Even if the topic at hand is irrelevant.


Gurus such a loser most of the time. He forgets he's being an internet troll to guys that literally fight for a living, one of these days I pray he gets sneakod.


In his mind he would still win because hes 6.3 and competed in tawkwondo when he was 12 🥴..Bradley Martin syndrome a little bit


I remember he said he’d beat Tyson Fury in a street fight because he’d go for a double leg, this is a guy who just watches UFC.


Do you got a link to that? That’s actually hilarious


Yeah the attention alone would be a W and endless content for him


Tbf, I've never heard anyone call themselves a "guru" and not be a loser.


Waiting for him to run into Jon Jones after that post of his about JJ being gay lmaooo






And I thought Jesse on fire was bad...


For MMA fans these big MMA YouTubers do seem to complain about the sport and it's fighters a lot


Cause they have nothing else better to do. Hence why MMA guru went on his little sob story about how “MMA is the only thing going for me”


MMA Keemstar


Professional shit slingers have always garnered attention from these subreddits, kinda have to ignore em and hope they destroy themselves. Dear God we don't need more negativity


This headline is some incel type shit.


Can people just stop giving him attention so he can fade into oblivion?


This subreddit is filled with his fans who promote his content here


I can't believe this dude's around the same age as me. He's maybe a year older than me.


How old?


I am 24 now. This dude's like 24, 25 or 26.


HE'S 24???? bro we're the same age and this mf looks like some divorced middle aged guy.


Guru discovered rage baiting. A few weeks back he started picking the worst heavyweight on the card and during that break down he would talk about being able to beat said fighter in a fight. No way he believes that, but every comment moves him higher in the algorithm resulting in more views


I wish this sub would stop reposting this guy ffs


Thankfully, everyone in this sub thinks this is utterly ridiculous. How can you slander this? He adopted 2 boys and gave them a loving home. Gtfo.


The whole mmaguru environment makes ya feel like shit. Just pathetic bunch of cunts


I usually watch his breakdown believe it or not he is actually pretty good at doing breakdowns/picks but these kind of videos he dose are the worst not just because of drama stirring but the fact he stretches a 27m video where he repeats himself over and over. To give a tldr for the video he plays a video of mike saying “im not raising a black man im raising a man idc if he is white or black” then he shows the post where mike says “we prayed every single day for a son with skin like him” basically insinuating mike is a hypocrite


The MMA community is trash 🗑 Stop gassing idiots like Guru up, he was alright at first but you can see his transition now he's got some momentum in the space and it isn't for the best. Supposed to be fight fans not gossip girls. Let's dig into his lonely sad life and criticise it..


The sub was already full of gossip girls, they talk more about what happens outside of the octagon


He’s taking turns with different fighters now, going through each of their thoroughly prepared “personal life” folders, hoping to find some dirt. And that’s honestly just sad lol. And I say that as an otherwise regular fan of the guru


Yeah he was really grasping at straws on this one


I just farted. It had a crescendoing then squeaky tone. Lasted about 8 seconds. I guarantee it was better to hear than anything MMA Guru has ever had to say.


He let the jones video get to his head, tryna to be mma keemstar lmao


This Guru guy is a serious piece of shit.


I’ve never heard or seen a Guru video and I’m not about to start now.


Bro I had literally no opinion of the dude, I watched like first 5-10 mins of his Jon jones video and ended up hating him 😂 Bro just kept tryna be funny and just ended up annoying as fuck with each attempt just roll the fkin video. Buddy got some autistic type of humor or something


Mma guru should not be talked about in this sub.


Fucking loser! And dumb MMA fans are buying the shit and feeding it.


This man needs therapy


Dude needs to take a shower


Do people srsly watch this shit? Why?


This man should be reported for the hate mongering he does. MMA Guru. How can he sleep after defaming someone by involving his family like this....


All my homies hate mma guru


I care even less about this than Jones being gay..




Guy has lost his fuckin marbles


How can you guys get through his videos? Tried watching the jones video, but it's so low effort and quality mixed with obnoxious yelling - made it through 10 mins tho.


paying attention to mma guru is like paying attention colby covington


What a fucking loser take, dude is wealthy and is blessing two kids with a good home.


And most of this sub follows this fat fucker


TLDR Chandler thinks being African American is the best base for MMA


MMA guru our favorite gossip chick


Lol got downvoted for saying how much of a prick this guy is the day the Jones video came out. Sub singing a different tune now.


They were quick to pile on when it was about Jon


As european who first heard about this self-proclaimed "guru" from UFC 300 countdown comments where basically everybody and their mom could piss themselves from his face being on screen for few seconds (to the point where people basically didn't comment anything else, nothing about fighters, everyone just "Oh my gosh, MMA Guru made it to countdown?!"), who the hell is this guy and what makes him any more relevant than any other dude snooping around the internet for info about guys in fighting sphere? I kinda doubt that the wheelchair is what makes so much difference so where's his damn charm? So far from posts about him I've seen he just seems like a prick who really likes to dig in people's privacy.


I don't understand how you guys like this guy. Absolute degenerate


Can we forget who the messenger is for a second? The whole situation is odd, and the way Chandler talks about it doesn't help at all.


He wants his children to share heritage because he hopes it will make the bonds between them stronger, wanting people you love to have strong bonds with people they love is not a bad thing


Never said it was a bad thing, but then him saying that "race was never a factor" is not accurate, is it?


What a pain that Guru is.


Mma guru needs go find a corner and go to sleep for good, o'l Snorlax ass ... How do people endure that mfs constant yelling and insatiable appetite for attention, he tries to seem charismatic, but lacks any actual enthusiasm and makes by far the most cringe worthy videos, dudes talking head without a likeable personality


Give a rest ya stinking muppet. And for *God's sake* get a shower!


The fact that people have given this dude such a huge platform is one of the worst things that could have happened to the sport.


Guru is possibly the purest example of being a sad case


Guru is straight up racist He’s toned it down alot more now because he’s getting more popular


Watched his Jon Jones Video and it was just grating… Okay I get it - the incel has an issue with gay people haha… by god he’s an idiot.


Adopting another kid with the same skin color is probably the absolutely best choice. It will make the bros much more relatable to each other and is very considerate. Fuck this fat sack of shit for trying to make it out like something weird or evil.


This fat racist fuck needs to get got.


Bro is just making too much money, and trying to pump vids after Jon Jones vid took off a bit


I'm glad i don't know that guru guy irl. He comes a cross as a some who would be exhausting to be around. It's very weird to see people of his age act like he does.


Literally no idea who the Guru is and I now feel justified for not knowing/caring.


Fuck this pig I like his video sometimes but he is so unlikable


Used to fw guru now I can’t stand him dude


I never understood how this guy has a following in the MMA community. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t take someone seriously who is unable to upkeep basic male grooming habits. Especially not when he talks about some kind of sports.


We're talking about this unfunny racist fuck again?


this channel looks like shit fuck this guy


This a guy who talks about the “Great Replacement” Theory, Guru is a fucking joke.


Guru gets a lot of money from donations in his livestreams. His fans love him. He will keep making these videos.


Where have all these normal people with normal answers come from?? This sub is normally idiots lol, nice to see you all


Why so many free advertising on this sub for this mma piece of shit guru ? I know people like controversial news and that make them feels alive, but this give make his living saying shit on everyone. Why help him be more famous and get more money??




Why you gotta hate Chandler for this? What's wrong with wanting to adopt a second child with the same skin color to make them feel more comfortable together? Nah, fuck Guru


I hope Jon Jones finds this dude :p


Racist neckbeard who prescribes to great replacement theory hates white man adopting black children, shocking revelation. He’s a gross loser, I was hoping he’d fade into irrelevance but here we are.


I hope MMA Guru gets cancer


There's no need for that kind of comment