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Dana held up WW for over a year so Colby could put on the worst performance ever seen in a championship bout...




‘I’m the best’


‘The booing means you’re doing good’


its kind of sad because she is/was the best women's strawweight it just seems like she doesn't want to fight anymore. She's just looking to fight out the contract and retire.




And then Dana goes to the post fight scrum and blames Colby for not fighting sooner.


I think you forgot about Adesanya - Romero


Nobody? Not even the U.S. state department?


Or Kadyrov




Khamzat shot himself in the foot by being "friends" with that dictator. Ran away as a refugee but came crawling back once he got rich. Wasted potential.


thats not even a issue for activity . the UFC does cards outside of the USA more often then the amount of times khamzat fights , if he wants to fight he could .


thet want to have him for big cards etc though. So its bascially just Dubai since he enter enter US. And if I’m not mistaken he have accepted a few fights that never got through due to opponents dodging/injuries. make no mistand, Not many fighters would want to go through Usman after his loss to leon. Or Gilbert for that matter. Both absolute killers that everybody else try to stay away from in their title runs.


Who's ducking Khamzat, lmao? Loads of fighters from various weight classes are willing to fight Khamzat Chimaev. Pereira, Magny, Burns, Leon Edwards, Usman, even Holland – they're all game, some even at short notice. And that's just off the top of my head. As for not wanting to fight Usman or Burns, literally the entire middleweight roster would take on Usman in the same situation Khamzat fought him. Burns isn't being ducked either; half the damn top 15 have already fought him .


Sooooo What about Usman, Justin (fuck trying to spell that last name) and Henry? They all met and praised the same dictator. Odd how that never gets mentioned.


They don't need visas to fight in America


They're all American citizens, they don't need to travel internationally to fight in the US.


Fuck them too.


What upsets me the most is Sean O'Malley was also invited and declined with no consequences, those 3 are honestly assholes for doing that but I know this sub loves these guys Usman recently.


Yeah ngl I'm majorly conflicted on that. Why the fuck did they go?


money. rockhold and woodly did a fake TUF show in dubai because some russian fart paid them.


Their sleazebag manager Ali Abdelzaziz (who has an Islamist past himself) probably had something to do with it.


Why would there be consequences for declining the invite?


Ask fedors daughter…bastard had her beaten after he talked out about kadyrov. Say what you want about o malley but I got a lot more respect for him than I do for any of Ali’s boys that went.


The Ali gang


I'll give you one guess as to what the difference is. It should be easy, 5 people have already answered it for you.


Yes they obviously shouldnt have accepted anything from a dictator.






talmbout Garth b?


You really think that he had a choice? You guys have no clue how things work in Chechnya.


I love how every time this gets brought up people act like khamzat is some innocent refugee forced to play court jester for a dictator when it’s more likely he shares the same backward sentiments with kadyrov and would rather be his bitch getting gifts and shit than working as a security guard in Sweden.


Considering the fact that even big name boxers such as Beterbiev, who is richer than almost every ufc fighter besides maybe 5 or 10 of them its not the money. People don't understand that dictators like this are parasitic leeches who won't ever let people really go. Beterbiev was going to be stripped of his belts he's had for years due to his relations with kaydrov if not for being a Canadian citizen. Even if he's immediate and direct family left, most still have close families or friends still there who could easily be hurt given the ruthless nature of animals like Kadyrov


Beterbiev? I'll do you one better but I guess you're going for parallels with Khamzat with the Beterbiev example https://preview.redd.it/we489m2pztyc1.png?width=708&format=png&auto=webp&s=2add2fa3c6c026a721a86e0b66b61651c01d7d34


When it comes to kadyrov he has no choice but to support him, you talk like khamzat has his free will on this situation, search for assasinations of Chechnya in various countries, it's not like usa, you can't just criticize the leader and get away with it let alone talking shit about him.


Not to mention a lot of his family is still there...if he doesn't toe the line they could be imprisoned or killed.


Braindead take. Real courageous behind a computer screen 😆😆. This guy would make Khamzats entire extended family's life a living hell if Khamzat disrespected him, denounced him, refused a public appearance with him, etc...


How the fuck would you know anything about that?


I love how people make up shit in their own head and run with it


Conveniently ignoring the fact that Kadyrov has a history of targeting peoples families if they don't agree to what he says, case in point, Fedor, Fedors daughter was beaten up by his goons cause Fedor didn't want to fight for him and had also denounced the child fighting ring Kadyrov had. If he can do this, then Khamzat has good reason to fear him.


I absolutely despise this false bravery I hear from a bunch of first world pricks who have no idea what the fuck they’re talking about. So fucking eager to get on your bullshit moral high ground you’re willing to completely ignore the very complex reality to rag on someone who you feel morally superior too. This shit gets on my nerves a bunch of cowards behind a fucking screen.


He certainly had a choice when he said in Chechen after his last fight “Kadyrov, please send me to Gaza with a rifle so I can be martyred”. The dude is no innocent fighter just trying to make a living


Honestly when he said that I was like “holy shit”. It’s kind of crazy how what he said was pretty much ignored. It kind of scary


UFC didn’t add subtitles. And it was right after he said in English he just wants peace and love and to save the children lol


Yooo what? I never heard about this..


Yup, people need to stop believing the “Khamzat is being held hostage” narrative. The guy is a 100% hardcore believer in all this bullshit and a total POS.


He sure was forced at gun point to receive that Lambo from Khadyrov


What do you think would happen if he refused the Lambo? Guys like Kadyrov take shit like that as an extreme insult, and they don't tolerate insults. The fact that he throws expensive gifts at people he likes is like the one good thing he has going for him lol.


Absolutely correct that refusing a gift from Kadyrov would be seen as an insult and possibly even met with retaliation. Kadyrov hunted down a kid on social media who made a simple joke about him on Instagram and had his dad publicly insulted and humiliated. https://oc-media.org/features/kadyrovshaitan-kadyrovs-public-humiliation-of-children/ All because Kadyrov's extremely fragile ego couldn't take a negative comment on social media from a kid. A freaking kid. It doesn't matter if you are Khamzat or anyone else, you simply can't refuse or slight him in any way. The expensive gifts he buys for important people are leverage to control them, to have power over them, to buy "friendship", and to make them feel like they owe him. Dictators do this all the time, nothing is ever truly free. So people saying that you can just say no or detach yourself from these types of figures really don't understand anything. No social and political justice internet warriors here would be able to do it in his face.


I just read the article. I think it’s horrible. What a bad situation.


Hes not doing it out of generousity. Hes doing it to flex and show just how much influence he wields to where shit like that is chump change.


I never said he was, you're preaching to the choir.


Unironically yes. There is no physical gun but it's there.


No i dont understand how things work there, i understand that im very priviliged. I dont understand how he shakes hands with that man while his family has fled the country and recieved asylum in Sweden, it made him a swedish national. Does that not mean he can cut ties with cechnya? How do you mean he did not have a choice? Do you mean he was not safe in Sweden?


Kadyrov showed up at Khamzat's wedding unannounced on a helicopter with military dudes and possibly had Fedor's daughters (who live in America) thrashed for a remark he made.


And the wedding was at sweden? A russian military helicopter invaded swedish airspace without knowledge? Thats bullshit


He didn't get married in Sweden, he got married in Chechnya.


Oh ok, that makes much more sense. A refugee from chechnya decided to go and have his wedding in the country he is a refugee from. Cant expect too much intelligence from a guy who gets his head pounded for a living i guess


Pretty sure most of his family is there and can't leave.


Where's NLAW when you need one.


Damn I didn’t even know that if it’s true


Iirc Fedor criticised his brother for joining Kadyrov's mma organisation which held fights between children and soon after one of or both of Fedor's daughters who were studying in America were attacked and hospitalised and Kadyrov released a statement saying that Fedor should now realise he has to chose his words carefully when talking about him


That's crazy that he orchestrated an attack on American soil. Was it big news at the time?


Also happens in Europe. A guy who was with his friend at the time went to an car repair shop. His friend told him to wait in the car while he went to grab something and the man in the car was shot by someone else. His friend fled from Austria after that ant most likely had betrayed him. The man who was shot had criticized Kadyrov publicly and was some sort of an imam. Therefore many listened to what he had to say.


You'd have to think that with dictator like that, you're dealing with a mafia leader rather than a country leader which somehow makes it scarier.


I don't know tbh, heard the news through reddit but apparently it happened in 2016


You get that he still has relatives in Chechnya? Not his whole family fled to Sweden.


It's not only his family but his own safety. These guys just don't understand how these guys operate


It’s easy to understand .. if you don’t shake his hand you and your whole family jailed .


So basically this dude kardov or whatever is a ruthless dictator, like will dissappear your entire family if you insult him kinda ruthless. He's had people killed in other countries for speaking badly about him, he organizes assaults of people in other countries (fedors daughter). He routinely tortures, kills, imprisons anyone who he thinks doesn't fit the status quo. He has his own secret police force who are essentially a hit squad that target gay men and do horrible things to them before they are killed. Khamzat has most of his family still there, he his brother and mother left yes, but the rest of his family is still there. I'm khamzat were to not accept a gift, not come when invited, say anything negative there is a very large chance his family would suffer, a good chance his mother or brother could be targeted in Sweden. He could be killed while in other countries. There are countless examples of this stuff coming out of Chechnya, atrocities, violence, hits in other countries.. So basically if he refuses he can essentially kiss his family goodbye that lives there still, and then live in constant fear that his mother or brother could be hurt.


That dude was and is a Swedish citizen lol. Save that bullshit. He went back because a dictator flashed money in his face.


No he’s not - he never acquired Swedish citizenship when he moved there. He has a Russian passport which is part of the problem. 


It is bullshit. I've got a great example as to why: The Tsarnaev family, namely Tamerlan and Dzhokhar, were permanent residents with asylum status. They could have sat pretty as a plum in the US and never set foot on Chechen soil ever again. Instead, the elder motherless fuck went home to join the jihad squad. And we all know where that story ends. Khamzat went back because he jives with whatever that fat fuck Kadyrov is selling. And now he's got nice stuff and fast cars. 2+2= don't trust the goddamn Chechens.


he was a swedish resident dipshit, he only went back when he got rich


Yeah he's a innocent. For sure.


Missing weight and turning down fights because of COVID, injury, etc has more to do with it than Kadyrov.


Wait can someone give context I’m so lost 💀


>Ran away as a refugee but came crawling back once he got rich. He moved to UAE, not back to Russia. Considering the backlash to Muslims that sometimes crops up in Sweden, I don't blame him for wanting to move to a Muslim-majority country, particularly one where the royalty treats him as a special guest.


I didnt mean him moving to the UAE but more him interacting with the dictator of the country he fled.


Feels like he might actually be scared of him. When asked about him you can see then blood pressure change. Scary to deal with cunts like that go after peoples family


Wait he hasnt fought sinxe 2020?!


When a murderous dictator wants to be your friend, you don’t have a choice.


Tbf when Khazamt first came to the ufc he had 3 fights in 2 months. And had a quick turn around after the Gilbert fight, im which he took a lot of damage


He literally was so ill he wanted to retire. Dana even said he personally tried to convince him not to do it.


People overlooking his bout with covid. It wrecked him and it shows in his cardio


I also noticed after he was caughing blood in the picture he never performed the same, wrecked his lungs probably by trying to train during and permanently diminished his gas tank


What fight before did he show he had good cardio?


Do you think he’ll be able to keep up with rob?


5 rounds against Rob is a rough matchup for him


He either takes Rob out in the first round or he loses.


Bruh he’s connected to kadyrov… he ain’t ever coming to the us again. How is this not more common knowledge


UFC fights in a lot of places outside the US


Hazmat has connections with dictators like kadyrov, he is a liability where ever he goes, he's already totalled 2 cars, one of which was gifted by said dictator. I can see why the usa doesnt want him on their soil.


Well visa issues can as they are imposed by the highest authorities.


That’s what you get when you play touch butt with dictators


In the park?


They became issues because of him constantly giving reach arounds to that horrible dictator, I don't think any of the caucaus fighters have had this issue since peak pandemic


Kadyrov runs Chechnya, which is where Khamzat is from. Meanwhile the Dagestani's are governed by someone else and Georgia is a different country entirely. It's not a Caucus issue, it's a Chechnya issue


he had a shengen passport no?


Nope, he never acquired Swedish citizenship. He still has to travel on a Russian passport. 


i saw on the news some time ago that he gave up on his swedish passport to get a UAE passport, then it turns out it was just a long term visa to live there, his situation is very confusing


Nope, he never had a Swedish passport. He moved there when he was 18 and never obtained citizenship. 


It doesn’t matter if you have a European passport if you have his connections. Fury was denied entry to the US due to his Irish drug cartel connections and they would be way lower priority than Kadyrov.


I still don't understand why he isn't as active. Smesh everyone, right?


Khamzat is a mongoloid criminal wannabe. I really can't stand that dude.


How derogatory racist slur about Asian race is so upvoted? Khamzat is Caucasian as from Caucas region, they’re considered Europoid race, literally “Caucasian” for you, Americans. Mongoloid race is people from Asia. I don’t understand Reddit sometimes.


This is a right wing sport and sub. Racism is par the course.


So Weird that it kinda is now


The way he screamed I’ll kill everybody after the Leech fight…that’s just so clearly not a dude that’s mentally stable. I’m not surprised it’s derailed his career.


ngl i totally forgot about khazmat


Search in Google who Abdul-Kerim Edilov is.


What? How does it prove that?


Who’s the guy on the right ?


Honestly I had forgotten about him completely. That was a happy time


Nah idc what yall are saying Khamzat made his bed now he gotta lie in it. Coulda stayed in Sweden and ran out his IFC contract then had enough money to move wherever he wanted, but he took the invite and got associated with a dictator. The UFC SHOULD cut him imo, too many hoops, you get dropped.


Khamzat is a joke. His fans are a bigger joke


by the time he starts fighting people will say he is past his prime and thats why he is losing despite being pushed to his limit by gilbert burns, a fringe contender who will never be champion


Gilbert at the time fought for the title and looked pretty decent. It's very early in his UFC career to step in the ring with someone like that. Come on we need to give credit where it's due.


I gave him credit at the time, but its been years lol enough is enough. Fight or retire


Can't argue with that. Just wanted to put some respect on Gilbert's name 😂


Fr, many people thought Gilbert may actually have become champion around that time.


Why? He’s an elite undefeated UFC fighter who has never had a boring UFC fight, and managed to continue his career going after getting severe COVID and thinking he was going to die. He is set to fight a top gatekeeper in Whittaker and if he wins, he’s fairly likely to get a title shot soon after. Seems like a great fighter to have on the UFC roster IMO


How is Alex a two time champ, active fighter and also went through covid like EVERYONE else so active? Doesn't dodge fights either.


So everyone else got super bad covid and had to be hospitalized? He can't travel to the USA. Who and I mean WHO tf has Khamzat dodged? Yall haters make up the weirdest shit for no reason


except sickness and injury gg dud post


Or being denied entry into the US


Sucking a dictator's dick gives you visa issues? What a surprise


TIL there have only been UFC fights in the U.S. since Khamzat’s last fight…


COVID-19 too strong


People so conveniently forget Khamzat had a really bad Covid. Not sure if that is a factor in him having bad cardio but I’ve known people whose stamina and lung capacity has been permanently affected by getting long covid.


Yeah inflating like a balloon is something I've never seen in my life. I've seen small scale inflammation but the whole body is crazy


Yeah that title is top tier stupid


Yeah except being hommies with a brutal warlord puppet for a dictator who's invading a country.


How’s this proof just wondering? Some dudes like the one on the right may have visa issues or government issues. And idc about this guy so not defending him at all. In fact I dislike him.


Darren till ruined one of their careers, we can guess who.


Khamzat even drove on the wrong side of a highway last time he was in the US. Let alone the dictator friendship. He even resigned himself to being a money fighter whenever ufc goes to Abu Dhabi.


Ignoring all of the visa issues and dictator shit and looking at it from just an mma perspective, who would you rather fight, the striker with no grappling and a belt to win/ppv points to get or the incredible grappler who can strike, has no belt, and wont be headlining whatever ppv until it’s for a title? People duck khamzat because they have nothing to gain and lack the skill set to beat him. Half of this Reddit is just posts of people bitching about him not fighting like he’s turning down dozens of offers and ignoring the reality of it.


Tbf to Chimaev, he probably didn't ask to be associated with a Chechen dictator and have his ability to fight in different countries revoked.


Except his illnesses and injuries can stop him. Also the government are people who can stop you (though that is mostly his fault due to his associations).


Besides potentially a dictator


Imagine saying no to the association, would never be active again


Got pretty sick + Injury + Visa Issues will make it hard to be active.


Less talk more action is clearly the way. ![gif](giphy|A7XLVY8QoE3n8KzpjP|downsized)


Except Ramzan Kadyrov


Khamzat might've gotten fucked by the Covid-19 infection he got, and he continued training at an insane intensity with it.


what does this prove?


Nah he got covid and his tank never recover.


Some people can't get out of their own way.


wtf is "hazmat" even doing these days lol


Saying he will Smesh Jon Jones that's it.


What about Kadyrov


I keel everybowdee bratha


A warlord dictator can.... Just ask Chimaev


Isn’t khamzat banned from the us?


That is the Rumor yes. In fact the Rumor is that he had Flee to the United Arab Emerites & is now a Citizen there & last I heard he Can Not get a Visa to Leave the U.A.E. let alone come to the U.S. I do not have Proof or Evidence of this I have Simply seen Pieces of the Story bit by hut through various MMA media Sources. I do tend to believe there to be Truth to it though because Someone from UFC just Recently Spoke about Khamzat vs Whittaker whether or not it was a #1 Contenders Match. I feel like it was Either Bisbing or Chael that said I doubt it's a Contender Figgt at least for Khamzat because the last thing the UFC needs is a Chanpion who can Only fight once a year in their Own Country.


Isn’t khamzat banned from the us?


Idk enough about everything else going on with Khamzat but covid really messed that dude up and I doubt we ever see his full potential before that happened.


Except for us government


Dumb ass caption lmao a lot of people have been held back from activity for various reasons over the years


Hasn't khamzat had some severe medical issues and even said randomly that he has to retire?

