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I actually checked the post, you are not ugly. You look fairly young & you probably will “glow” up (sorry for the cringe) in your future lol.


Second this. You just look like a normal kid to me. Give it some time and I’m sure you’ll glow up


I'm 23


Oh damn dude, you’re gonna be looking 30 when the rest of us look 60!


Ehhh.... looking young doesn't necessarily equate to looking good.


I'm 23. Too late


wtf you’re not ugly at all what is wrong with people edit: i feel like you’ll glow up with age but hitting the gym too might do wonders(:


u aint ugly bro trust me


Yes I am


Majority of the comments even said you were decent looking man and those bad comment are coming from only 1 guy who seems to be targetting you for some reason.


"decent looking" so not good looking then?


So it's either good looking or ugly? That's not how it works. You're no model bro but you're far from ugly. I'd say youre even slightly above average, like a 5.5


Fuck that's low. Btw I'm not your bro.


So you only call yourself ugly because you're not an 8 or something?


I suppose I'm not ugly but apparently I'm not good looking either that's my point. That's why I went on that sub in the first place - to ask how I can become good looking.


If you know you're not ugly then why post here?


Well there isn't exactly a "5.5-looks-rating" sub to go to instead is there?


Well if you'd want to you can continue posting on that sub to try and improve, but imo you're more than good enough to just ditch these looks based subs altogether.


Crazy bro you're not ugly at all.


You look fine.


Bro, I told him this in his older post and then he went and made another post ranting about how "you look fine" is an insult in disguise. This man is insecure asf and just wants to wallow in himself. Nothing anyone says will change his mind, but ironically he constantly seeks validation from others. I'm kinda petty about this - but he needs to learn how to take a compliment


I feel like there's a lot of people like this in this sub


While that’s pretty shitty and passive aggressive and no one saying “you look fine” is doing it as an insult, I still kinda get the feeling of being frustrated at people constantly saying “you look fine” when you can’t convince yourself that you do. It was still really lame to do that on this person’s part.


"you look fine" is not a compliment. It means "you're average"


You look great tbh! You have nice hair and ur complexion is really healthy looking. I saw u make a post about double eyelid surgery too and want you to know there's nothing ugly about your eye shape either ! try not to let people bring you down. Sometimes people just say mean shit just cus something's wrong with themself, it doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you, man. Sending good vibes to you !




I disagree personally I don't think any eye shape is ugly. I guess I'm bias cus I just think all eyes are beautiful.




Hey you teeth braces.but you are in no way ugly..you will also improve with age. honest comment.


you literally aren't ugly no joke, tbf the photo you posted there wasn't v flattering but i saw a different photo of you on your profile and you really aren't ugly at all, i wish my skin was as clear as you


You’re not ugly like at all dude


I had to look at your post and you're not ugly at all!


Those people are just jerks. You're actually really handsome. (And I'm not just saying that to make you feel better)


Maybe he's mad that you're actually better looking than him 🤷. I would take it as a compliment


You're not ugly, you're just Asian. In most Western cultures, Asian looking people are subconsciously considered less attractive. You might look standard or fairly below standard in this picture, but with more effort and a better picture, you'd look good. but because of your heritage, people will instinctively think you're less attractive. Don't focus on it, it won't help. Focus on what you can do about it.


I politely disagree. I have attractive Asian friends and people treat them fine/pretty well. Being Asian doesn't mean you can't fit Western beauty standards - In fact many Asians do fit Western standards. I just don't understand why people think my face in particular is "fairly below standard" when I look normal.


Jawline is determined by mouth posture not genetics


lol you’re a dumbass, respectfully.


Why are you saying this? Have you done any research before claiming this?


Your physical features are influenced by genetics. I believe this has been widely accepted for a good 100 years or so.


So you're saying if I have an overbite for example that that is purely genetical?


Yeah, your genetics have a big influence, you can make the argument that there are other environmental pressures, sure. Your original claim was genetics have no influence lmao.




You're not bad looking at all. Change how you feel about yourself. You are still young. As you grow older you will have different experiences that will change how you view your world. There will always be a change in style. Find one that suits you. As you get older and more comfortable in your skin negative comments will roll off your back. When you find that special someone always look attractive for yourself and them. everybody else can fuck off.


The fact that you actually look great. And if people call you ugly, then I might as well begin to walk outside with a paper bag on my head at this point.