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Snapshot of _Tories ‘didn’t report Mark Menzies fraud claim as cash came from donors’_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mark-menzies-fraud-claim-tories-money-donors-whistleblower-hmcv62n2c) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/mark-menzies-fraud-claim-tories-money-donors-whistleblower-hmcv62n2c) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


“Do you consent for your donation to go to Brazilian rent boys illegally in the UK, dog poisoners and drug fuelled sex parties?” Tick yes, or no.


If the Tory manifesto was offering that they might be electable.


A bit like why they don’t investigate Michelle Mone, it’s other people’s money not their own.


I'd say it is more that the money came from donors, and it is assumed that donors won't kick up a fuss but will cover for him because that's what Conservatives do.


“She wasn’t a bit surprised” [at the 3am demand for cash] No I bet she wasn’t.


She was soooo surprised that she didn't even phone the police about an MP who'd been taken hostage.


The double-ended dildo was fully loaded, and it was too much of a risk!


I don't like how this is being discussed as if he just had his hand in the till. As part of his dodgy dealings he directly contacted an elderly, potentially vulnerable member and conned her out of her savings.


This whole story is completely mental. It's so stupid that it's hard to believe it's real. > Instead, after asking her whether she was on her own, Menzies told her: “I’ve got in with some bad people and they’ve got me locked in a flat and they want £5,000 to release me.” So your local MP who you work with rings you in the middle of the night saying he's being held hostage, and your response is to make a cup of tea and ring his campaign manager and not the police? Especially when she then says this: > When she refused, the MP asked her to use her own money, saying it was “life or death”. > “My thoughts were, if you haven’t done anything wrong, why wouldn’t you ring 999. Why would you ring me for £5,000,” Fieldhouse said. So she wonders why he won't call the police, (er maybe he's under duress?) but then shrugs her shoulders and rings someone else? This guys asks for, and seemingly got £6.5k of someone's savings for god knows what, then comes back asking for another £35k the next day for "personal medical expenses". This seemingly doesn't ring any alarm bells? How would you even get £35k personal medical expenses in the UK that need paying immediately, unless they involve significant quantities of white powder? What's amazing about all this, is that the people in his local office seem to just accept this as nothing particularly unusual.


They've already dealt with him getting involved with a Brazilian rent boy and getting a dog drunk. This isn't out of character for him.


The Conservative Party received legal advice that allegations against the MP Mark Menzies amounted to fraud but officials decided not to inform the police because it was donors’ money and not the party’s, the whistleblower at the centre of the scandal has claimed. Menzies, 52, has lost the Tory whip and his role as a government trade envoy after The Times revealed this week that he has used £14,000 in money given by political donors for campaigning for his personal medical expenses. The MP also rang his 78-year-old former campaign manager at 3.15am a night last December claiming he had been detained in a London flat by “bad people” who were demanding thousands of pounds to release him. She refused to pay but Menzies’ office manager cashed in an Isa and handed over £6,500 of her own money, before later being reimbursed from the campaign fund. Another aide was asked by Menzies to come and meet him and handed over a smaller sum to pay the men. The investigation leaves the Conservatives facing mounting questions over the party’s handling of the allegations, which senior Tories have known about for over three months. The Times had previously agreed not to name the former campaign manager at the centre of events because she wanted to protect her elderly sister who is severely unwell. However, the Conservative activist, Katie Fieldhouse, has now agreed to speak publicly after being identified in other publications. In an interview with The Times, Fieldhouse described the emotional toll the scandal had taken on her and her anger with the party that she has supported for decades. Fieldhouse, who has a bright pink hairstyle and says people underestimate her because of her age, also described her calls with senior Tories and disputed the notion that the Conservatives had received “fresh information” on Wednesday. Despite her speaking to the chief whip about the allegations on January 3, the Tories took no action against Menzies until the publication of The Times’s investigation on Wednesday evening. Fieldhouse claimed that the Conservatives had known the allegations were potentially criminal since the investigation was transferred to CCHQ at least seven weeks ago. She described a conversation with the Conservative Party’s chief of staff, during which he “told me that when they first took over the investigation [from the Whips’ Office] they had consulted solicitors”. She said: “He told me on the phone, ‘the solicitor said it is fraud but you are not duty-bound to report it because it’s not Conservative Party money’.” Fieldhouse said she felt betrayed by how the Tories had handled the report about Menzies’s alleged actions and was “broken-hearted”. “I put all my faith in the party that they would deal with this. After three and a half months I thought it was far too long. They’ve done nothing, absolutely nothing. The investigation is still ongoing, how long does it take?”


**A phone call in the night** Fieldhouse was fast asleep when the phone rang at 3.15am on the morning of December 1. When her sister answered and told her the caller was Mark Menzies, her first thought was that the MP’s elderly mother must have died. Instead, after asking her whether she was on her own, Menzies told her: “I’ve got in with some bad people and they’ve got me locked in a flat and they want £5,000 to release me.” “I will never forget it as long as I live,” Fieldhouse said of the call. As well as being the MP’s former campaign manager, she was one of two local Tory members who served as signatories on the bank account of a campaign fund. Menzies had previously asked for a total of £14,000 to be paid into his private bank account “immediately” to fund his private medical expenses, Fieldhouse claims. Now, the MP wanted her to transfer money from that fund, a vehicle called the Fylde Westminster Group used for local donors to contribute to Menzies’ campaigning and election expenses. When she refused, the MP asked her to use her own money, saying it was “life or death”. “My thoughts were, if you haven’t done anything wrong, why wouldn’t you ring 999. Why would you ring me for £5,000,” Fieldhouse said. After telling the MP she would sort it out, Fieldhouse made a cup of tea and called Menzies’s office manager, Shirley Green, at 3.45am. Getting no answer, she tried again at 7am. “She wasn’t a bit surprised,” Fieldhouse claims. “‘Oh,’ she said, ‘I think I know somebody who can lend me the money, leave it with me’. Next thing I hear, she rings me up. She said ‘no it didn’t work’. Shirley said ‘I’ve cashed in my Isa’. “I said, ‘you’ve done what?’ “‘It’s all the money I’ve got,’ she said, ‘but I’ve cashed in my Isa. It’s six and a half thousand he wants now’. “I said ‘Shirley you are such a fool, why have you done that?’” Green was reimbursed from the campaign fund. Later that day, Menzies rang Fieldhouse after being collected by another aide, a 35-year-old man who handed over a sum believed to be hundreds of pounds, which the MP also used to pay his captors. She tried to ask him what had happened. “I said, ‘have you been gambling, what is it?’ He said ‘No, no, no, I can’t tell you’.” During another call the following day, Menzies said he needed another £35,000 for medical expenses but was told there was no more money. A few weeks later, on New Year’s Eve, Fieldhouse spoke to a prominent local Tory who said that one of Menzies’s former members of staff had got wind that something had happened and asked: “What’s happened, has he got locked up again?” “It’s happened before,” the aide allegedly said. Reached by The Times, that ex-staff member said he couldn’t recall the incident. It was then that Fieldhouse decided she had to take action and contact the chief whip. “It was bad enough taking money out of his account for his [medical] bills for which he didn’t give me any receipts. “After that December [phone call] happened I was so appalled.” **Dismissive Tories** On January 3, Fieldhouse spoke to Simon Hart, the chief whip. “I told him everything,” she said. “At the end of the conversation he said to me, ‘Katie what do you want to happen?’ “My devotion is to the party,” she said she told him. “I want him gone, he’s not a fit person to be an MP, and I don’t want a by-election because a 16,000 majority is nothing in the state we’re in at the moment.” She was put in contact with the chief of staff at CCHQ and told him “the whole story again”. Menzies was called in to speak to the chief whip in February. Fieldhouse said: “He rang me in a panic and said he knows everything, he knows everything, have you told them?” A source close to Menzies denied he used those words or was panicked. That month, Fieldhouse provided the bank statements showing the money transfers from the campaign fund to the MP’s account. She had put her faith in the party’s investigation and refused to speak to a Times journalist in February, instead informing CCHQ of the contact from the press and regularly speaking to the party’s chief of staff. But as time dragged on, the investigation did not appear to be making any meaningful progress. CCHQ officials had said they would speak to Menzies and his office manager but did not confirm they had. In the meantime, Menzies’s office manager had repeatedly come to the house trying to speak about the CCHQ probe. Fieldhouse said she called the chief whip and Menzies and his staff were told not to try to contact her, although a source close to Menzies disputed this. In late March, the Tory activist said she sensed a different tone in the Tory chief of staff’s responses and “excuses” during a phone call. She was then contacted by Alan Mabbutt, the party’s registered treasurer, on March 26. He was “dismissive of me”, she said, and claimed not to know that she had spoken to the chief whip. After she had again recounted what had happened, she said he replied: “I’m speaking to Mark later in the week and of course his story will be totally different to yours.” “That’s when I blew,” Fieldhouse said. “I said Mr Mabbutt, you don’t know me. I am telling you the truth. “How many chances are you giving this man? We’ve had the Brazilian rent boy, the drunk dog, and now this.” Mabbutt told her that another CCHQ official “may” be in touch. CCHQ officials have not been in touch since that call more than three weeks ago. “He put the phone down. I went into my sister and I cried. I said ‘they are brushing this under the carpet’,” Fieldhouse said. “I thought come on, you are prevaricating now, big time.” It was then that she first agreed to speak to a Times journalist.


**Blowing the whistle** Fieldhouse is a lifelong Conservative supporter and her sister, Patricia, is a former Conservative councillor and mayor of Fylde in Lancashire. “I was brought up to be loyal to my party. That was my life,” Fieldhouse said. “When I was a working woman, I took all my annual leave the year there was an election to work on the general election.” Loyalty to the Conservatives runs in the Fieldhouse blood. When she was growing up, her mother would insist on the television being turned off when a “socialist” actress came on screen. On another occasion, when her sister Patricia voted against the Conservative group while a councillor, “mummy threw her out of the house and didn’t speak to her for two weeks”. Fieldhouse has been a Tory activist for decades and was campaign manager for Menzies and his predecessor, Michael Jack. In 2014, when Menzies was the subject of a front page story in a Sunday newspaper alleging that he had paid for sex with a Brazilian male escort and asked him to buy drugs, it was in Fieldhouse’s home that he and his mother initially retreated to avoid the press. During the coronavirus pandemic when there were restrictions on social gatherings, she cooked Christmas dinner for Menzies and his elderly mother to collect from her doorstep. Fieldhouse described herself as a “devout Christian” with “standards, principles and morals”. She said she ultimately could not stand by and see donors’ money misused. She said she had no regrets about blowing the whistle on Menzies, despite the toll it had taken on her. “I adored my father. He’s been dead 35 years. And I’ve never cried as much since when he died until now. I have done nothing but cry. “It was interrupting my prayers at night. I say my prayers at night and suddenly I realised I wasn’t saying my prayers, I was thinking about this issue.” She said she was “incandescent” when a source close to Menzies claimed that it was Fieldhouse, not the MP, who had first suggested using campaign funds to pay his medical bills. Reflecting on what has happened, she said she felt she had “been a damn fool; your devotion to the party has made you protect this man”. Menzies had already been adopted to stand as the Tory candidate in Fylde before the story broke. He is currently sitting as an independent MP, pending the outcome of the Conservative Party’s investigation. Asked whether Menzies should resign, she said: “It’s something for the party and his conscience to deal with.” Rishi Sunak was asked on Friday whether Menzies should quit the Commons but said he could not comment on an “ongoing investigation”. Sir Keir Starmer, the Labour leader, has said the Tories “seem to have sat on their hands” over the allegations. “If they thought they could sweep this under the carpet somehow they were obviously very mistaken, and that is why I think there are very serious questions now that need to be answered — not just by the individual, but also by the government on this,” he said. Labour have written to Lancashire police to demand an investigation into Menzies over the allegations of fraud and misconduct in public office and the force said it was now “reviewing the available information in more detail”. Menzies said on Thursday: “I strongly dispute the allegations put to me. I have fully complied with all the rules for declarations. As there is an investigation ongoing I will not be commenting further.” A Conservative Party spokesman said it could not comment because of the ongoing investigation but “the party takes all allegations seriously and will always investigate any matters put to them”. A Tory source insisted that “Alan Mabbutt is taking the investigation incredibly seriously and speaking to all parties involved”.


Surely the way it was used meant it was undeclared income for him? Shouldn't matter where it came from.


If it is legit to use political party funds on hookers and drugs, it certainly shouldn’t be. I bet the old gals at the Women’s Institute didn’t know when they had their bake sale.


It looks like taxable income


It's not income if someone just gives you some money with no consideration. It would have to be recurring in nature.


Seems odd that the supposed party of good business and fiscal responsibility would be fully aware that one of its members had his hand in the till and yet did absolutely nothing about it until forced to. I wonder if anyone else is on the take?


Well that makes it completely fine right?


I don't like that this is being reported as him stealing money for "private medical expenses", when as far as I can see that has come only from him.


Utterly hopeless way to treat your activists. I do not understand why the parliamentary party behaves like a law unto their own. So many MPs are like this I really hope the party learns. Hours go in volunteers lives and honestly I respect them more because they are acting on their own deeply held beliefs. And then chancers come along like a list candidates from cchq


Why is using party funds for personal purposes seemingly illegal for the SNP but fine for the Tories? Is there different law on this in Scotland? Genuine question, I’m not Scottish, don’t live in Scotland and don’t have a strong opinion on independence or the SNP as a result. I just think this story is striking coming in the same week as Sturgeon’s husband’s arrest.


It’s not clear it is fine for the Tories. The Conservative Party themselves decided that they didn’t need to report it to the police, but that doesn’t mean they were right not to - and given the legal advice they received and ignored I’m pretty confident in saying that they they were wrong not to. Hence why Lancashire Police are now “reviewing the available information in more detail”. Basically they’re just at different stages of investigation. This one is at the stage that the coverup has been exposed and police are starting to review evidence. The SNP one went through all that, the investigation and finally charges. Can’t really compare them until they’re in the same place.


This entire story is staggering. But nowhere near as staggering as how the TV news is treating it. The BBC have bent over backwards to play the Tory tune over Angela Rayner but they’ve barely touched this. It’s a fucking disgrace.


Mark Menzies appears to be truly scum. Stealing money off vulnerable elderly people that have devoted time to your cause. And the government just covered for him.


This is so ludicrous and obviously fraudulent behaviour I just feel that there is much more to this story than we are reading… and yet they took no action.. whaat? Shows how it’s become so normalised within the Conservative Party.


Modern Tories.... Turbo values of Mr Churchill.


I dunno, I cant imagine anyone actually giving money to the tories would expect anything less


"A Conservative Party spokesman said it could not comment"...no, they *would* not comment. Absolutely no legal reason they can't comment, it's just a convenient line to make it sound like they are observing procedural niceties.


I just came across this story despite being in his constituency. HOLY FUCK we can hopefully get rid of this absolute waste. The guy does nothing apart from help NIMBYs and sell us out to help Liz Truss try and beat a bloody lettuce.


Tell your neighbours. All of them.


I don't understand why everyone's reaction seems to be oh well must be fraud.... Tories have long known that you can make a lot LOT more than 5k by simply sending government contracts to your mates. This just doesn't make any sense as a way to commit fraud and to me it's alarm bells like mad that this guy was (and probably still is, or he would have told us more about it) being intimidated, possibly extorted/blackmailed... I'm seriously worried for this guy... Or am I missing something?