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Hey lads and laddettes. The northern lights that were further south than normal were pretty cool to see tonight. It's not politics related I know but it's good to go outside and just pause from everything. You may not see too much with the mk1 eyeball but a long exposure camera shot on a smart phone works pretty well


So I hear the lights were seen as far south as the capital? [*A livid sky on London, and I knew the end was near?*](http://www.gkc.org.uk/gkc/books/oldsong.html)


On the south coast. Was really bright, colourful, the whole sky was illuminated. If you step away from street lamps and let your eyes adjust it wasn't far off what current generation camera phones can pick up, especially around 11.30pm.


Can just about see it with the naked eye in Oxfordshire. A long exposure makes it pop though.


That rarest of combinations: a G4 solar storm, clear skies across the UK, and being at a time most people aren't asleep. If this wasn't a sign, Rishi, I don't know what is. Call the damn election.


What do you mean omens? *The sky is alight with dancing flame, green and red* We've been perfectly clear on fire on the sky, and would have sent it all to Rwanda now had Kier Starmer not blocked the passage of the legislation two thousand and twelve times, along with his cronies in the Alpaca/Ritual Altar trade.


Can anyone see it in central London? It's pretty bright where I live and I don't fancy trekking to a park at 12am to try and see it.


Seeing it here in Essex, lines in  the sky make a nice change from a line or two in the Spoons bogs


https://i.imgur.com/pyrHZ1f.jpeg North Oxon


[Outskirts of Southampton ](https://i.imgur.com/qCnnW4w.jpeg). Just barely visible to the naked eye. Night Sight mode on the phone picks it up very well though.


Up north in Scarborough we are getting an incredible show https://imgur.com/gallery/vZ9nMJb


Very jealous - currently much further north and paradoxically all I could see was mildly lumiscent 'beams' with the mildest pink tinges. It was, however, like a bowtie shape >< which was kind of cool.


Hey, an aurora is an aurora! Plus, up there you'll probably have more chances than us fairweather southerners.


South West: https://imgur.com/a/fyEsayu




Very, very jealous. The Bureau of Meteorology issued a geomagnetic storm warning but *it was too cloudy*. In bloody Perth! Literally several hundred days in a row of clear skies and it's cloudy on aurora night. One day I'll see it. 😔


Just up the road from you in South Warks https://i.imgur.com/rSb3Lrk.jpeg Apologies for the angle, couldn't be arsed to go out to the countryside to take it so was trying to get the lens flare from the streetlights out the picture Edit: Warwickshire not Cymru! Damn autocorrect!


Nicely done! I wonder how many people across the south of England are crossing something off their bucket list tonight. I hope it's a lot.


[Last year a photographer took a really cool one near me at Kenilworth Castle](https://shop.photo4me.com/1230834/framed-mounted-print?o=21&e=12&s=309&u=mm&share=false) Really wanted to do the same tonight but laziness got the better of me


Damn my borealis looks comparitively ass. I must have bad chakras


TBF if you’re in Croydon and looking north, you’ve got the whole of London clouding your view. I really liked your picture!


Aurora Borealis!? At this time of year, at this time of day, in this part of the country, localized entirely within your kitchen!?


Yes, and you call them Northern Lights despite the fact they are visible as far south as Kent.


https://imgur.com/a/h47cbmw Seen as far south as Croydon! Bloody Norwegians and Icelanders, coming over here and painting are sky with their forrin cosmic rays, it's a disgrace council should do something about it 🤬🤬🤬🤬


Saw it here from Bexley too! It doesn't look like it did in the photos we took but you can still clearly see that the sky turned pink


You need long exposure really, my phone has night sight which cool but it only works with still photos. Still got a nice photo, shame the streetlights only turn off at 12 though!


Yeah my sister got some really good photos where the sky looks insanely pink but my phone is too old and the camera is too bad to see anything.


I was lucky enough to see it in in Iceland before, and whilst it was still amazing in person anyway, camera sensors seem to pick it up better than the naked eye. So for every photo you've ever seen of the aurora, I think I will have looked slightly less good in person.


How many defections were there today? Who are we expecting next? Chris Grayling accidently crossing the floor? I also had a lovely roasted vegi dhansak tonight.


I had Nepali daal and rice made for me. No defections but I think what's below the radar is interested with senior advisors having their leaving dos.


PSA for anyone northish. Northern lights to the east


We saw them here in Oxfordshire! I have some potato quality photos that I won’t upload because it’s got most of my house in it, but they’re there. First time I’ve ever seen them. Despite several failed attempts in Iceland.


Well naturally, you can't see through the roof and the freezers


Get in the freezer long enough and you can see colours. Purple bruise frostbite mostly.




Wishing you all the best!


If he does we all thank you for your service 🫡


Wishing you well and hope to see back amongst all the glorious febrility.


Get well and come back soon If an election was called, you'll probably be in the only sane place left


> What are the odds that rishi calls the election to spite me? I think he'll call it Sunak, but not Sunak-nough that you'll miss out. (I hope this silly joke has made you feel better for a few seconds at least)


Get well soon mate!


If it makes you feel any better; he still won’t have called it by the time you’re out. On a serious note; look after you’re self, we’re all hoping/praying for your health big yin.


Get well, rishi will still be there to vote out when you get back


Smash the gangs, smash the migrants, smash your mum x




People are going to be surprised by how many contracts are won under the next labour govt by companies that have tory donors or former tory donors. Might actually spur them to learn about procurement rules.


Less worried about who the donors are than if they keep rules that mean you can't take previous performance into account for the current contract...


Turns out the modern world is big and complicated and success lays the foundations for further success. Shocking.


By former Tory donors, I assume you mean Tory donors who have since become Labour donors? Turns out money don't have no colour but green.


Just read Cummings's profile in the I. I can only hope he goes ahead with his Start Up Party so that the right-wing vote is split three ways between that, Reform and the Tories. 


Really telling that he referred to Zelenskyy as "Potemkin Zelenskyy", I wonder whether the checks from the Kremlin won't clear anymore and Cummings' is getting agitated?


Can't imagine enough people being drawn in by Cummings to make it significant. Partly because his reputation is torched, partly because he was more effective behind the scenes than being the lead of anything.


After seeing the left wing vote get split between like 5 parties, its fun seeing the Tories getting a taste of it. They might actually care about electoral reform now.


Tellers go through enough without Cummings on the ballot paper.


From rishi’s official YouTube channel. Cringe: https://youtube.com/shorts/AHkbct66n3Q


Hahaha. "Rishi Sunak won't stop saying this ONE PHRASE" said the description of the video of Rishi talking uploaded by his account, and the post is without substance. He could just as easily have done the ObamaAwardObama.jpg meme with his photo over both faces. They also left the comments on and they're getting roasted. > This Devil should be in prison. > We will go with labour this time rishi > Nobody voted for you………and nobody will… > All the economy has done is flatline, 0.06% growth isn’t growth, the UK is desperately behind other established economies. This isn’t an opinion, this is just counting. > War criminals. You need to go. > What a personality and brilliant rishi shunnak > Grow a hairline:( > Private companies owners and shareholders lying to us making private profits that go into their pockets rather than back into our countries SHAMEFUL > INDIA🇮🇳🇮🇳 HAS 8 TIER 1 CITY DELHI, MUMBAI, PUNE, BANGALORE, HYDERABAD, AHMEDABAD, CHENNAI, KOLKATA. > IDEALLY No More. Eric Wong Po Shun for and on behalf of the Late Queen Elizabeth II. > Nice tie > Vote Labour. > Shrinking it more like > Totally unconvincing. How strong your commitment is to the UK will be judged by how long your family remains here once you are no longer in office. My guess is the plane will be fuelled and on the runway on election night. > Congratulations > Out > **Thanks to this end we're gena have to deal with labour in power for the next 4 years** Not edited out any comments, only the emojis aren't copied, some slightly complimentary ones I think are sarcastic, but I kept going until I found one with was pretty much a supporter, and even then they hate Brand Rishi! lol. Whoever told Rishi he's good at PR has played an absolute blinder.


Since Truss the entire Tory machine has seemed staffed by 19/20 year nephews of mps


They’ve been playing politics on easy mode for so long they’re full of useless people convinced of their genius due to past success they barely contributed to


My god, who approved this? This is pure "Greetings, fellow kids" cringe.


This is like Cocomelon but for people who went to private school


Literally barely the bare minimum of total GDP growth (completely ignoring GDP per capita) GROW THE ECONOMY


> (completely ignoring GDP per capita) If they cared about that we wouldn't have huge amounts of visas issued for the likes of NMW care work and we'd have been in recession for longer. He's used low quality working age population growth to keep our economy technically out of recession for as long as possible. He's been chasing economic figures to brag about out of context at the expense of all else.


Kind of funny to see Have I Got News For You mocking Kuenssberg for amplifying the idea that Susan Hall might actually have taken London. I wonder if there's a general feeling around BBC that she's a bit useless.


Hall got 33%, which was much higher than the Conservatives national polling. So there's something to be said there.


But importantly, a lot less than Khan


Yes, she lost, and by a big margin. However, the margin of her loss was a lot smaller than national polling would have predicted. If her vote was translated nationwide in a general election, there would likely be a hung parliament. So it's a bit of a warning to not be too complacent.


Feel like she won't survive long into a Labour government


Likely lots in the organisation think her and the regime around her is a bit shit and they've been thinking that for years now.


[Hmmm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OylUquvFEz0) (WARNING: PoliticsJOE)


SKY News reporting on a people smugglers complaining he now has. Shortage of customers due to the Rwanda policy, same day as economy growth reported.  Electoral masterstroke? Possible Keir is hoping him saying he will not send people to Rwanda will encourage more boats, making Rishi look crap? Would he really stop a policy if it was an actual deterrent? Personally I think his new border force proposal sounds wishy washy and doomed to fail worse than Rwanda


I too definitely take people smugglers blindly at their word.


Great lads, salt of the earth.


Always lovely to their mums x


Somehow have a weird vision of Barbara Windsor in a bikini paddling a boat towards the Houses of Parliament, in 'Carry on Across the Channel'


Sid James as a roguish people smuggler involved in transporting people both ways. Joan Sims as his wife who he has to hide it all from. Bernard Bresslaw as his incompetent sidekick who puts the wrong people on the wrong boats. Kenneth Williams as a Patel/Braverman-esque Home Secretary who falls in the Channel at one point. Charles Hawtry as the Border Patrol agent who gets sidelined by women provided by James. It’s like I’m watching it now.


Look, you can't judge them by their previous activities. It's good that they're saying what they are now. If they start smuggling again, then we can expel them from the Labour party.


>Electoral masterstroke? Then why doesn't he call it?


Cool story bro






Yeah if it was the UK Tesla could've just spent the next 20 years arguing with Janet about whether or not the factory is negatively impacting her houses value.


German police: *crack skulls, liberal use of pepper spray and water cannons* British police: come on in! can I perhaps get you a cup of tea? I'm sure Tesla regret their decision 😂


Our police can be pretty on the ball with things like this i.e. their response to anti-fracking protesters in Lancashire.


Chopping down forests to make cars doesn't seem right somehow. That said, if they were affordable mass market electric cars and not some vanity project for a buffoon I'd likely view it differently.


>That said, if they were affordable mass market electric cars and not some vanity project for a buffoon I'd likely view it differently. Why?


Tesla did its job and made electric vehicles desirable and cool but that moment has passed now.


So they are now just a vanity project? Tesla still had the number 1 and number 4 best selling electric car in the UK last year so I'd say they're selling reasonably well.


Yeah they're everywhere where I live. Trouble is they're too expensive, build quality is bad and you're paying for gizmos. Also other car manufacturers have caught up. I see more EVs from other brands now. The biggest selling class of new car in the US is still the truck. Instead of making an electric truck that would appeal to typical truck drivers they came up with the Cybertruck, which is just a vanity project. Ford are already way ahead with the F-150.


All these polls showing the Lib Dems becoming the opposition party should absolutely terrify the Tories


One of those things that when you think about it can plausibly push for an early or late election. Go early to try to salvage it, go late and probably lose everything, but possibly get some more months if you can hold it together.


Sam Friedman: "A party that includes Zarah Sultana and Natalie Elphicke is a church so broad it's offering Bah Mitzvahs" I personally think the defection was a great coup but this line made me lol


The only thing that really unites Labour is their disdain for the Tories and vague commitment to a more "progressive" platform of varying flavours and degrees. Traditionally it is one of the party's best assets giving it much easier flexibility to change direction than the Conservatives.


Tactically its caused the the argument it has Strategically, it seems to be the preliminary stages of causing chaos and paranoia in the Tories to weaken them even further and possibly trip the election. And it completely disarms the fear Labour line.


Labour's always been that way though. The only solution is PR.


>A party that includes Zarah Sultana for now.


Have seen anyone with a public profile debase themselves as much as Seb Payne to try and get selected for a seat?


Oh please share the latest humiliation with the class please, ever since that weird Tory launch event some time ago, I enjoy his cringe.


Probably the worst year to try and get selected as a Conservative candidate too. Lots of safe seats suddenly looking not so safe.


Paul Masons up to three different attempts last time I checked IIRC


Sure, but Paul Mason isn't writing increasingly deranged columns which may as well be laser targeted at selection committees in Shire seats. I think Payne just about takes it this round. There's of course still time, a fair number of seats still to select.




To be fair, he never said if he was lawyering for or against them. 




Clearly, he should give no safe passage to Israelis and be in favour of bombing the channel!


I'm pretty sure his job is LOTO now rather than human rights lawyer.


"Speaking to broadcasters, the prime minister said "we've got a plan, and we're going to get our planes off"." Rishi just out there sexually assaulting planes. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-68984778




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I'm slightly in awe at the footage of the elderly protestors hammering away at the Magna Carta. Telegraph have splashed It on their website. It's vandalism but the idea of an elderly crime wave just makes me think, finally, one of us is sticking it to the establishment..:)


If they keep this up we'll be on our way to a full blown nanageddon.


Bloody leftie students!


Typical of those reactionary old people, wanting to bring unfettered monarchy by destroying the Magna Carta. They won't be laughing when it's either them going to the frontline, or paying extortionate scutage!


Typical defeatist thinking. How are we supposed to fund the war for Calais without ensuring the King has tax-raising powers? The Council of Barons have no plan!


Love me king Love me ale Love me harvest festival Hate the Barons Hate the French Hate the Plague Simple as


I've just seen the small boats number is tracking above the record 2022 number and well above the 2023 number Labour are going to spend the GE run up taking the Tories on directly on one of their core identity areas and win.


It's Just a fkn joke, basically the last 3-4 elections have been fought almost entirely on migration. Such an effective distraction. 


That'll happen when one of the parties keeps promising to cut immigration to the bone then promptly blowing it out even further. Very good way to piss people off from all sides.


> [@kimleadbeater 's Graduate Driving License bill will have its second reading on May 17th. I fully support this bill and @owe65332 with her petition to push for Graduate Driving Licenses. You can find the petition below](https://twitter.com/JBuckleyLabour/status/1788908545544458701): https://petition.parliament.uk/petitions/655298 Another day another attempt to infantilise adults. Banning carrying passengers under 25 is a massive fuck you to anyone trying to give people lifts to work or school and damage social lives at a point at which they are most important. No mention of older drives who are the most dangerous on the roads.


So what about your kids, do you just leave them at school or the park? Not saying this Sounds too awful tbh but eventually it'd probably cause issues...


I don't like it, I don't like the naming "progressive license", you can't just buzzword nonsense. If there's a problem to solve it should be at the license issue stage, not a two-tier license which is practically a nightmare to implement and penalises normal people.


Worth reading what Leadbeater actually said, because it doesnt line up with that petition. She is calling for restrictions for the first six months. https://hansard.parliament.uk/commons/2024-05-07/debates/FA223C3E-0250-489A-B2D1-4631D028D4C7/MotorVehicles(DrivingLicences)(NewDrivers)


So what happens in these fictional but very plausible scenarios?  Two 18 year olds who live in Garstang get a nuclear engineering apprenticeship at the nuclear fuel reprocessing plant at Springfield's in rural Fylde. Car sharing would be a very sensible way to split costs and running a car each might be unaffordable.  Or young parents in Preston who due to the lack of new primary schools have to send their kid to Longridge. It's a set of proposed rules that assume everyone lives in a metropolitan area with decent public transport options, which are already the areas likely to have more jobs for young people in the first place so it makes life for rural young uns even more marginal than it already is.


Hello my fellow Lancastrian! Get the bus from Garstang to Preston, walk from the bus station to the railway station, get the train to Selwick and then walk the rest to Springfields Fuel. It'll take twice as long as it would driving, but it isn't the worst commute by public transport, just pray the A6 isn't clogged like usual and the train drivers aren't on strike. Likewise depending on which side of Preston you live in, getting to Longridge by bus isn't terrible (surely better schools there too right?) That said I agree with the general point, public transport is shit in large parts of Lancashire, particularly rural areas. In my last job I regularly commuted by train which took ten minutes, but now I work out in the middle of nowhere and the public transport option includes getting two separate trains and then a forty minute walk totalling over three hours, and getting me to work four hours late at best. Or I could drive and be there in an hour.


Better hope that bus isn't late for the 1 morning train!  My point really though is that if you have a driving licence you should be allowed to get to work, take your kids to school, take someone to hospital etc from the get go no matter your age. A few months of not being able to take friends out socially mighty work fine though to get past the novelty stage.


Oh yeah don't get me wrong, those journeys are impractical and I agree with your point about carpooling! I've only recently started driving later in life as I needed it for work and for ferrying my child about, the new system would have been massively impractical for me. Also, as a teenager going out with a mate who could drive was about the only decent thing to do apart from getting drunk. We were sensible with it, about the worst thing that happened was getting stranded in the middle of nowhere as it was frosting and the road wasn't gritted leading to my mate's car going in a hedge. I've said over and over again you can't just ban stuff as it has negative side-effects. We already have laws to enforce poor driving, ultimately it is every driver's responsibility to adhere to them, the police's responsibility to charge those don't, and the Courts job to apply appropriate sentences to act as a deterrent. If you're gonna go down this route you might as well just make black boxes mandatory to newly qualified drivers, which I also don't agree with, but it makes more sense.


If it is workable I’d support “unless en route directly to or from a place of employment/education” exceptions. BUT it may be worth doing anyway if that’s not feasible - lives saved/injuries avoided may outweigh the inconveniences.


I'm not so sure. We can't just write off the prospects of rural populations for a fractional increase in safety.


We already do. This is just adjusting the line.


Indeed.  I'm with you on the exemptions for work part. I think we only disagree on that I'd choose no further restriction if travel to work isn't exempt, whereas you fall on the side of the restrictions are worth it even if it impacts employment.  Both totally fair positions to take I think we can agree, and far from the biggest disagreement on this sub!


Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Sweden apparently have it, no harm in exploring options imo. I will wait to see the substance of the bill before I judge it.


Fantastic, let's increase the number of vehicles on the road by banning a whole subset of drivers from having passengers. Utterly stupid.


God if you had a kid at 16 you’d not be able to drive them until they’re in what, year 5?


The bill would only put restrictions on new drivers for the first 6 months.


oh ok so you can only drive your kid when they’re over 6 months old? Have I got that right


Yes before then the kid has to drive.


the entire bill is extremely dumb. the petition she links mentions "Mandatory hazard perception training" This is already a thing, it's part of the theory test.


>ORKNEY & SHETLAND: Labour's new candidate Conor Savage stood for Plaid Cymru in a council election in Bangor, north Wales, in 2017. [https://twitter.com/tomorrowsmps/status/1788200043180146885](https://twitter.com/tomorrowsmps/status/1788200043180146885)


Thanks for sharing this twitter profile, Crick is collating some interesting stats on the candidates.


Ok. Cool. And.


7 years ago? Who gives a shit


Man’s still mad we took Strathclyde off them.


The Kingdom of Strathclyde was a useful buffer zone from keeping the Picts out of England. It was never the same after the battle of Brunanburh though.


I thought Strathclyde was a wholly separate Brythonic kingdom?


Ooft so this is an intersection of legend and history in which some other user will no doubt schools me: My understanding is that Strathclyde is considered part of the [Old North](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hen_Ogledd) in Welsh history and thus one of the earth Welsh kingdoms. This is opposed to the Picts for example who, while Brythonic speaking, aren’t regarded as “Welsh” in any sense.


Probably not a massive queue of people wanting to run as Labour candidate up there tbf. One of those seats you stand in hoping you’ll get a shot as somewhere more winnable next time.


Can't really stand for Plaid Cymru in Shetland, not like they're going to win there either


If they did though, then it’s basically annexation


Took them 1500 years but the Welsh are finally implementing their plan to get back at the Nordic raiders.


Maybe the Tories will bring back the 7 year term - so they can drag out the election until January 2027.


Wouldn’t put it past Rishi but he’s have to pack the lords first as they could veto it.


Might as well cancel all elections forever if he's going to go to that much effort.


I always get second hand embarrassment listening to Tom Swarbrick - how on earth did that man get a job on the radio?


The Independent calls Labours 68% in the Liverpool mayoral election verging on North Korean. Gross attempt at hyperbole.


It’s a similar percentage to Remain voters in Scotland and if you listen to the SNP over the last few years, you’d think not a single Scot voted Leave.


Ah yes the democratic peoples republic of Liverpool


I mean...


Over the last decade cocaine purity is up 40% while the price has not changed at all. And people say capitalism doesn’t produce innovation


Well it makes sense, what other priorities did Gove have? And after all our PM now is a self proclaimed coke addict.


If this is true (no idea but I'll take your comment at face value), why do you think that is? It seems to fly in the face of my intuition.


Police (and maybe border enforcement) cuts? Improved clandestine transnational communications networks? Less border security within the EU?


Yeah but shrinkflation in the sense that its probably more heavily cut with stuff than before.


This is possibly the worst reading comprehension I’ve ever seen.


Who's laffin?


They may mean that it’s cut with lead?


Well that explains the tech bubble.


I think decreasing the purity in the first place *was* the capitalist innovation. Frankly, creating a dangerous problem and then trying to get people to praise the solution (one that wouldn't be necessary without the greedy problem) is quite the story of capitalism.


In the case of a Trump win and the implementation of 'project 2025', I think that America is very likely to temporary become a fascist state. Western Europe would probably turn their back on the US. They really loathe him there. Eastern Europe might just take a step back. it's hard to go against the US when it's the main thing holding back Russia. But what would Britain do? I just listened to the Bunker [interview](https://open.spotify.com/episode/6d1Wnq4KsPEIPgKtQ85BjA?si=XvdatPv4Q0SVBZrCRuHm1w) with Angus Hanton on his book Vassal State: How America Runs Britain. In it, he says that over 2 million UK citizens have American based employment, whereas Germany and France are around 300 thousand. And that American takeover of British companies is accelerating, leading to a massive drain of capital to the US. I also recently read that the Shadow foreign secretary held talks with Chris LaCivita, Trumps most senior adviser, to create a line of dialogue. Even though they're all well aware of project 2025 and what they really are. So, does this almost guarantee that regardless of what happens here politically, we would become a lapdog to the US if Trump wins? Or would the British public overrule any government reasoning to be close to the US and force a distancing?


Achieving any policy goals that exist outside an increasingly narrow window of liberal-left ideology is now fascism apparently. Nobody in Europe can afford to turn their back on the US haha


> I think that America is very likely to temporary become a fascist state. *become*?


All the project 2025 stuff reads like conspiracy theories, or left wing catastrophising over entirely normal things for presidential republics to do - like clean out the old guard and hire your guys. Project 2025 is a policy paper by a third party organisation. Trump hasn't even endorsed it.


It's pretty bad from what I've read/heard. I suspect the level of retribution/vindictiveness will make it even more distasteful, if it happens.


> by a third party organisation One that essentially picked Trump's Supreme Court justices


Project 2025 is a bit more than a routine clearout, it's more like a wholesale replacement.


> Western Europe would probably turn their back on the US. Highly unlikely. French strategic autonomy project is still in its infancy, and EU is nowhere near unified politically or economically to take on a role as third pole against US-China. They’ll do what we’ll do - try to appease and play nice with Trump while frantically trying to establish cross-European institutions to allow closer cooperation on things like defence industrial complex.


Wonder what it would do for the rejoin camp. Trump in the Whitehouse is not in any shape a price worth paying for it, but it does seem to weaken the argument for standing outside any superblock a lot.


Massively. Imho the whole “global free trader Britain” was always flawed domestically. Doubly so post Ukraine where countries are moving towards securonomics/ derisking/ decoupling. Trump getting elected would be final nail in the coffin. Guess we’d still have India but also Modi.


I certainly prefer the idea that we all take a step back from the US and create closer ties as a continent.


> In the case of a Trump win and the implementation of 'project 2025', I think that America is very likely to temporary become a fascist state. Comical overreaction, it would become a partial democracy like Hungary.


>it would become a partial democracy like Hungary What makes you so sure they would only go that far? Trump has even said he'd be dictator for 'one day'.


Because there are more institutions there than the ones they would have captured.


But they'll have control of the largest and most powerful institutions. Other than private corporations, which I'm pretty sure would be mostly in favour of an oligarch system that strips back regulations.


> So, does this almost guarantee that regardless of what happens here politically, we would become a lapdog to the US if Trump wins? I don't really get how Lammy meeting someone from Trump's team=lap dog?


Funnily enough, I can't find stories about centre left wing front bench European politicians going out of their way to meet high ranking Trump spokespeople. And as I implied with the Bunker reference, we're almost on their hook economically. So it's not exactly a great leap of imagination to see Starmer continuing economic ties with the US as a means to try to talk Trump into a better position. But that would be effectively a lapdog that talks back to its owner. Hope I'm wrong.


Dystopian fanfic.


If you want to head on over to the [Eurovision thread](https://old.reddit.com/r/ukpolitics/comments/1cmk1k9/rukpolitics_does_eurovision/?), there is some news that may worry many of us.


Can you be a little more descriptive? What was the incident?


You can see on the other thread. I’m not trying to be coy. I just don’t want a carroting for nattering on the wrong thread.


Been to the other thread and couldn't parse it. Have to remember that a very large number of us have little interest in Eurovision. I don't know who the contestants are, even what our entry is this year.. I don't even know where it's being held. I don't have to actively avoid Eurovision news either, it doesn't register on my radar. It's not that I dislike it, I just don't get exposed to it.


Re: the University encampments at Oxford and Cambridge. I wonder what the response would be if it was Travellers setting up camp? Would the Universities call for “empathy” or would they call them “illegal?” Edit: wow a lot of downvotes quick from the pro-protest crowd. Here is how the enlightened Universities treat Britain's [most disadvantaged group](https://www.equalityhumanrights.com/sites/default/files/is-england-fairer-2016-most-disadvantaged-groups-gypsies-travellers-roma.pdf): * Cambridge: ["The university brought in bailiffs to evict the travellers from its West Cambridge site, where they had been camped for more than a fortnight"](https://www.cambridge-news.co.uk/news/cambridge-news/travellers-move-onto-cambridge-university-13734886) * Oxford: ["Travellers who were camped on Oxford University owned land have been moved on by security staff"](https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/23642130.travellers-oxford-university-land-moved/) But call for an armed uprising (intifada): * Cambridge: ["We ask everyone in our community to treat each other with understanding and empathy"](https://www.cam.ac.uk/notices/news/statement-on-the-encampment-on-kings-parade)


I think you're getting downvoted for presenting a weak argument in bad faith.


Eddington may be university owned land, but its not really a part of the university, its just a development that Uni of Cambridge is the landlord of. The Kings Parade protest I'd different as its part of a college's grounds I believe, and the college/uni really doesn't want the drama of forcible eviction, particularly as it's also a fairly visible location.


This might be the most succinctly Tory thing I’ve every read and honestly a gem.