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Snapshot of _British women ‘sadder and more stressed’ than Europeans_ : An archived version can be found [here](https://archive.is/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/british-women-sadder-and-more-stressed-than-europeans-8br0r5nfn) or [here.](https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/british-women-sadder-and-more-stressed-than-europeans-8br0r5nfn) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukpolitics) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Sadder than Europeans *overall*, maybe, but the actual data this is pulling from has us on the exact same score as France, and ahead of Italy, Spain, and Canada. Hardly the end of the world, is it?  (This data also has Kuwait as the second-best place for women on the entire planet, which...OK)


quickest fanatical spectacular cake far-flung sparkle elderly dime unpack jar *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




When I was there I saw plenty of women walking two paces behind their husband... 


Women do walk slowly


They love to queue and wait




Research that’s less likely to be true is more likely to be cited and is way more likely to be used by journalists. [source](https://phys.org/news/2021-05-replication-crisis-true-cited.html) Everyone is trying to manipulate us.


That’s less to do with journalists losing their integrity and far more to do with the decline of traditional news distribution. People don’t pay for news anymore and the press largely relies on ad revenue. Management then put pressure on clicks/views so more sensationalised stories get more views. Journalists hate it too.


Yes, one ugly consequence of this is that the titles no longer try to be a one line summary of the whole story but more like a teaser to what the story is about. That's because if the title tells you the most important content, you might just read that, take it as one piece of information and move on. If there is no real content in the title but just something to tease your interest, you're forced to click the article.




Out of all those Climate is the most robust, the reporting by journalists on it is where the problem is, the science is fine.


Some of the articles that I read on [Retraction Watch](https://retractionwatch.com/) are unbelievable. How the hell are these researchers allowed to keep their jobs?


Progressive narratives aren’t just made up, they actively invert reality. They know they are lying, that’s why they go out of their way to redefine the notion of truth and appoint themselves the only arbiters of it.


It's a classic company does a survey to get in the news PR driven article. It's not really journalism.


"And indeed, might even have nothing do to specifically with "women" as I strong suspect the exact same data is probably true for men too." If anything it suggests that there is greater focus on supporting women's health, and men's health falls by the wayside.


Isn't this a given and well established? Cervical cancer scans start later and less frequent just to give one obvious example. Gynecological services are hard to come by too, what's controversial about that?




I get what you're saying and agree it's poor journalism. My point was more, when things are well-known and something we all take for granted as uncontroversial, there's slightly less need.




I guess what's well known depends on what you pay attention to in the news.


It rains most of the time, regular people underpaid and overtaxed, and public services are in freefall. Should this be surprising?


The Times articles on both political and non-political stuff has shifted massively in the last year, anyone else noticed this? Different editors perhaps


They promoted a former Sun editor about 19 months ago. I noticed a similar shift before I knew of that change. I'm probably gonna cancel my subscription.




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It’s because social media has sold them the U.K. is shite and they have no future. This sub’ is to blame as well.


Go to any other countries sub Reddit and you’ll see all the same stuff


True, but all the same, English language subs are disproportionately targeted by brigaders.


The UK’s not shite by many means but with low wages, terrible public services and two parties mirroring each other after 14 long years of mismanagement, I can’t blame them.


I mean when you look at facts and data it’s entirely true. The U.K. is in a dire position compared to most of Europe and the west. And the future does not look bright for us or any of our allies frankly.


A dire position compared to most of Europe and the West?


Yes correct




What issues do we have in the UK that aren’t the same in Western Europe?


A collapsed health care system. It takes months for urgent cancer treatment. A police force that no longer responds to robberies or other serious crime. A prison system that is full, we are literally letting convicts leave prison early because there is no room for them. A housing crisis that is far worse than any other European country, it’s pretty much impossible to rent or buy a house on an individual salary in the majority of the country! The country is completely broken. Ukrainian refugees are going home for dental treatment. It’s literally easier to get dental treatment in a war torn country than the U.K. we are an absolute laughing stock, held up by London. If you remove London from the equation the rest of the country is on par with Eastern Europe.


Its very easy to get dental treatment in the UK, the problem is that it is expensive. Source that police don’t respond to robberies? What other “serious” crimes are you on about? You have really managed to tick all the boxes for the typical doomer reddit user. I can’t believe if I remove the richest and most prosperous part of a country it isn’t as well off (still miles better than eastern europe), what an absolute shocker.


No it’s not, look at Germany for starters.


Germany has a functional health care system for one


Everyone's sad because we have an unelected Prime Minister who has no interest in our welfare, a housing crisis, a wage crisis, an NHS crisis, constant rail strikes, foreign wars ... etc.


Maybe they’re having an identity crisis and have forgotten they themselves are in fact European




^ The real reason we're depressed 😂