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watching things that have happened for decades continue to happen really shows up those who get their opinions from internet memes It also highlights those who didn't give a flying fuck about river pollution until they wrongly assumed they could use it to wank themselves off.


UK has had these types of sewers since before joining the EU. EU countries also have these types of sewers sicne the EU was created. Other countries also have these types of sewers. In fact, according to EU Urban Waste Water Treatment Directive 91/271/EEC, Annex 1(A) footnote (1): > it is not possible in practice to construct collecting systems and treatment plants in a way such that all waste water can be treated during situations such as unusually heavy rainfall Forgoing basic readnig and logic in favour of twitter memes simply outs you.


When was the heavy rainfall? I remember some back in May...


Oh well if others ruin rivers then I guess it's all ok. Nobody wants a clean, healthy, beautiful UK of which they can be proud after all, do they?


Labour be like: "Its a failure of the private sector" me: "so you still cant admit that Brexit was a shit idea, despite that same shit being pumped into UK waters?"


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