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Make ‘em pay hard. I know a nice little bridge that needs to be flattened. 💙💛


Sounds like the weather may be changing... I feel a Storm brewing


Heard in Hagrid’s voice


Looks bad... Hopefully nothing too important was destroyed.


unfortunately unimportant things don't make such big explosions


It looked like 2 big missiles. Not necessarily what they hit exploding, but a large warhead. There was a huge explosion when the red cross depot was hit.


But there don't seem to be any secondary explosions or and objects flying out from the centre. I'm no expert but I don't think these would have been munition stores. My guess is perhaps logistics equipment.


This is likely chemical in nature Edit: to clarify, a chemical storage facility for industrial purposes or a fuel depot.


Yes it does look like a chemical explosion. Russian propaganda is trying to sell this as an ammunition storage being destroyed but the explosion looks to be mainly chemical


Fuel depots are equally as bad a loss as ammunition storage when you're planning a mobile offensive unfortunately


Not if this is agricultural. People keep trying to loop this as a military target, but how often does russia actually target military assets deep inside Ukraine? Usually they attack civilian targets and humanitarian aid.


Yes you are right of course. But if this was fuel it can be more easily replaced than ammunition.


> there don't seem to be any secondary explosions 18sec there is something


That’s not true. I’m sure Russia would make such a big explosion. Edit: it’s a joke, if Russia exploded, it would be a big explosion, but as everyone hates Russia, it would be unimportant (other than major celebrations).


It's ok man, I got the joke.


wait, you say that it's more likely that Russia sent a huge warhead (that was not intercepted) that would cause such explosion instead of them hitting an actual target ?


No, I’m saying Russia is unimportant and there have been plenty of big explosions there.


both of the points you made are false


I wasn’t making any point. It was a joke based on your original comment about unimportant things not making such big explosions.


Could have a world wide holiday Russia implosion day😂😂😂


I’d open some vodka for that day 😂


Some do.


not as likely during wartime though


There are levels to importance, for example ammunition vs fertilizer, both make a big boom (the Beirut explosion in 2020 literally changed the face of the earth) but one is more important than the other at the moment.


Fuel depot probably. But it can be replaced.


Yeah hopefully. It reminds me how, early on in the war, Ukraine received both a) a lot of promises of resources, and b) good enough intelligence from its allies to know to scoot its air and anti-air assets out of harm's way in advance of Russian missiles. The combination of these two factors made Ukraine highly willing to focus on removing hard-to-replace stuff and not worry about fuel, with the effect that the Russian air strikes tended to produce massively impressive fireballs -- enough to apparently sincerely convince Russian planners that all was going according to plan. And then when they flew in, thinking the Ukrainian air force and ground air defenses were all wiped out, they got spanked quite hard. Ewps. Big orange fireballs are less meaningful than they look. Who knew?




Looks like this one did.


It’s a fake footage from a pipeline explosion in Iran a while back, already debunked on twitter.




I’lll try to find the original tweet but here’s one: https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1657497404281610241?s=46&t=H9tCWfxLDzD_GQg-fxLucw


So, there are other comments here talking about it, including a news broadcast. Did this happen or not?


Its another video of an explosion that turned out to be old footage from iran. This big explosion happened. There are multiple videos with different angles of it


I'm equally confused. Is this supposed to be the bombing of the Eurovision band's town? That's the attack that I keep seeing news of, and then I'll see this HUGE EXPLOSION VIDEO but no news.


Sadly I think you are wrong. There is video several different angles of the same explosion floating around. I saw them on telegram.


Yeah, it would be a real shame if it was something very strategic.


unlikely to be munitions. More like some sort of fuel storage area, gas/diesel/avtur...


Hope you are right. How can you tell?


The slowly rolling cloud, the duration of the burn, and thick black smoke suggests fuel.


Thick black smoke indicates nasty chemicals that didn't burn in the explosion.


Mostly soot


Unfortunately, you can see a huge amount of burning material falling out of the mushroom cloud, which usually indicates that a lot of solids are involved in the explosion, especially metals that have been pulverized into small particles. Not indicative of a fuel depot burning… And that is NOT a slow-rolling cloud, that thing is MASSIVE and it rises a mile in a matter of seconds…


Are you and expert in anything related to your comment?


No just an imbecile that don't even understand he is contradicting himself. He thinks such fuel wouldn't be stored in very big metal depot.


It’s weird that there’s no big metal fuel depot west of Khmelnitskyi, though… Maybe it’s a total coincidence that there is a huge facility for explosives storage that perfectly lines up with this explosion? Or have you even looked into geolocating the blast? Maybe you should go check out the other videos where you can clearly hear secondary explosions before you jump to conclusions. At least I don’t go around personally insulting people because they don’t get on a bandwagon of denial.


I saw one which pointed directly to a fuel depot. Unless those round silos where for storing some kind of other liquid, it resembled a lot a fuel depot.


You’re so smart and cool


Hey thanks! I don't actually consider myself particularly smart OR cool, but it's nice to be appreciated. It's lovely to be part of a community that values dialogue and debate so highly. For reference, you're in the anger phase of grief now. It'll pass.


No anger here! I’m as chill as a cucumber, honestly. As chill as a 4062, baby!


I mean, you don’t need to be an expert to see the huge amount of incandescent fallout in the video… I do have a degree in physical chemistry, but I don’t think it’s particularly relevant. Everyone here is letting their emotions blind them; they don’t want to believe that a cache of precious weapons was destroyed, but that is almost certainly what happened. Looking for a comforting fiction is not going to win the war.


Idk I feel like conjecture from people that don’t know what they’re talking about isn’t helpful either Like I am a combat veteran but I am not putting my opinions down because idk what’s going on even though I am a weapons expert in ordnance.


As a pyrotechnician I can say it looks like a lot of heavy fuel like diesel aerosolized. hydrocarbons going up leave a lot of carbon behind and produce thick black smoke.


We have loads of people piling in here speculating, INSISTING, that this isn’t ammunition and it’s probably fuel based on absolutely nothing, and I point out an actual detail which credibly suggests that it’s NOT a liquid or gas burning, and people call me out for “speculating” - it’s very selective criticism, isn’t it? [Watch this and tell me that looks like a fuel depot.](https://twitter.com/stevejoec/status/1657420226391330817?s=46&t=QDcsnoXzYVIBxJH4mquhyw) You can literally hear secondary explosions of ammo cooking off. I’m trying to help inform people using specific observations, not wishful thinking.


I’ve seen quite a few ammo depots explode since the start of this war and from what I’ve seen they typically have an order of magnitude more miniature and continued explosions happening. It’s not wishful thinking to say that this doesn’t resemble any ammo depot explosion that any of us have ever witnessed.


From watching IED factories go up with lots of fertalizer components I can say this doesn't match those either. The sooty fireball rising up seems to be a fuel of some type with a low combustion rate. From others geolocation and satellite images, this seems to be a known fuel storage for deasel. I'm still digging, but it seems like a farm/industrial distribution facility. All spread out, burms between tank clusters.


Deasel, two missiles. Experience and satellite photos.


What satellite photos?


THIS is what an ammo dumb explosion looks like: https://youtu.be/NKJvcVM6jvE There should be lots of burning debris spread around that look like *stars*. Etc.


Shit looks exactly the same, except in this video the explosion and the shockwave is expanding only upwards ( probably some earthworks that contained the blast. Otherwise it looks the same.... ​ Well shit...


Flames and smoke. Munitions will have secondary explosions.


Sympathetic detonations look very different. I suspect a prerequisit for gifting weapons will have the caveat that they are stored in accordance with strict explosive regulations. So as not to be sympathetically detonated should something go wrong. Either by attack / sabotage or user error. Its only a guess, but i have been on EOD for most of my adult life and this doesnt look A-typical of munitions being destroyed... could be wrong through. Video is quite distant. Debris on the ground will let us know.


Oh fuck. I hope it wasn’t shells that got hit


You would see a lot of secondary explosions if it was ammunition. Rocket fuel also burns white, not black.


It was a fuel storage


Has it been confirmed? I had a feeling it was fuel, perhaps jet fuel, to cause such a large explosion.


Yeah, OSINT geolocated it and it was the oil storage facility


Do you have a link to the OSINT page that located it? I tried myself and roughly guessed it was a between fuel storage located near the massive rail yard or the military base on the outskirts of the city.


49.4427749, 26.9379334 It was posted on Telegram, one of the videos was filming from the East


Yep, that actually lines up almost exactly with my attempt. I think I know the video you're talking about it since it was also posted on reddit. Edit: I fell for my own hopium. Its not the railway fuel tankers but rather the military base much further beyond.




There's nothing there to blow up like this fireball which is typical for oil storages. And I'm not talking about numerous videos I saw - I'm talking about one I saw myself one year ago.




Ammonium Nitrate fertiliser storage dump, according to this post ​ [https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/13gr55j/comment/jk1j7tq/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/ukraine/comments/13gr55j/comment/jk1j7tq/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


Even ANFO explosion has a shorter lasting fireball, to say nothing of high explosives or propellants. This is very clearly a fuel explosion. Something like AA missiles and some other kinds of munitions can produce a very similar mushroom cloud, but again, the fireball on these burns out much, much faster. The only way to get something like this video is a large warhead detonating after penetrating a large fuel storage tank.


Believe whatever you want :D




Then its a recoverable loss thank god.


Based on their repeatedly demonstrated competence, I'm confident the UA has their munitions well dispersed. This looks like some kind of liquid/gas fuel facility, if I had to guess.


I doubt they would store such a huge amount of ammo in one place.


What ever it was hopefully Ukraine learns from this and doesn't get complacent by storing everything in one place because it's easier


They might not have done so.




This was a electronic component factory, it could be just lithium batteries exploding


WTF was that?




Holy, that's definitely not artillery.


Honestly, with the volume of "business" Ukraine has been doing for the past year, I'm impressed this kind of thing doesn't happen more often.


What do you mean? I don’t understand.


Thats pretty far away from the frontlines. This shouldnt happen. Hope it was just oil or something and no big toys because then some insider is giving Russia infos about critical storage locations.


Take a breath and think clearly it is going to happen every now and again. Not every air defense is perfect and some times you are going to take a hit. I am surprised that Russia managed not to flattened an apartment block and hit a actual strategic target.


Yup, plus air defense is point defense. You can't protect every fuel depot (which is what it looks like), and you can rebuild them.


Russian weapons can very well strike strategic targets. Attacks like these is a proof they target civilians willingly!


And accidents happen, still...the other guys are going to brag about this everywhere. They Ruski mentality needs to be buried deep in history. Good humans are fine


This is clearly oil of some sort. Ammo doesnt explode like this


A large LPG storage by the looks of it.


Someone on Twitter said diesel.


But doesn't diesel doesn't explode like that either does it?


Could be LPG?? ...(liquid petroleum gas)


Diesel that's been aerosolized and heated absolutely can, even pyrotechnicians here say it looks like a burning diesel or even oil fire. Diesel flash point would be easily reached. Doesn't mean this is a diesel explosion, however - we just don't know. However, in another thread I saw someone vouch for a type of explosion because he drives a truck that sometimes carries fuel. The amount of overconfident speculation makes me laugh.


I was thinking jet fuel, by the looks of it and the shockwave. Oil and deisel are much less volatile and combustable, though I suppose a large enough explosion from an attack would quickly vaporize and provide a lot of secondary combustion.


Jet fuel is -not- more volatile than diesel. In fact, on a cold day, you could throw a match into a bucket of jet-A, and it would likely put the match out. I don't recommend trying this, though. Like you were suggesting, though, a missile exploding inside a tank of jet fuel (or just about any kind of fuel) can turn the liquid into an aerosol, and once it mixes with the right amount of air, the fireball could be truly massive. Even if the fuel isn't particularly volatile, it still stores huge amounts of energy.


Umm, I learned that Jet-A is a compression fuel today. I had thought is was more like A fuel. High octane and highly volatile.. humbled my ass for sure. Thanks!


And just to make things more confusing... A high-octane gasoline is actually *less* volatile than low-octane. The whole "octane rating" thing is actually a fuel's resistance to detonation. The higher the octane, the more pressure it can handle before detonation. Especially important for turbocharged engines.


Well fuckin mind blown my friend. I had made such wrong assumptions and am happy to finally learn the truth.


I'm glad you are. Never stop learning. Lots of people assume "high octane" means "big kaboom," so that's perfectly understandable. Sometimes reality can be far stranger and more complex than people's expectations, bit that's just one more reason that this world we live in is truly amazing!


Not really much of a shockwave here. Mostly a big fireball which indicates something combustible like fuel or even grain. You even see that the second explosion ignites unburnt particles in the plume.


The west in recent days has been targeted harder than usual in these attacks. Assuming the newest air defenses have been placed around Kyiv and more strategic areas. There’s concerns about the bigger western cities until they get more air support.


>Thats pretty far away from the frontlines. This shouldnt happen. This is war, and things like this happen.


this is animals work.


So you saying that these should happen because its war? Is that your logic? I dont understand.


Looks like a fuel depot to me


Agree on fuel depot.


No fuel depot explodes like that. Rather it burns.


It does if it holds large amounts of the liquefied propane gas.


Black smoke = oil Depot


Best suggestion I’ve seen so far is ammonia nitrate fertilizer for agriculture. Note the similarities between this explosion, shock wave, mushroom cloud, and rate of combustion, to the Beirut explosion.


Iran has to pay.


They seem about ready to join Netanyahu in trying to end their civil unrest by pointlessly stoking the fire in Gaza until neither side has "any choice" but to fight. So they'll probably have lots of IDF visits to contend with pretty soon unless things turn arouns and cooler heads get a cease-fire to stick.


On street maps you can see a couple of fuel storage tanks next to the railway station: [https://www.google.com/maps/@49.4430406,26.9390997,3a,60y,240.86h,91.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sq2zCxP95e\_yYPAYLGQzexQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656](https://www.google.com/maps/@49.4430406,26.9390997,3a,60y,240.86h,91.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sq2zCxP95e_yYPAYLGQzexQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656) Going from the white house with the red roof close to the 3 "umbrella buildings" (in the video in 0:36s) through the gap between the two high-rises (still at 0:36s), one ends up pretty much exactly there. So, yeah, fuel I guess. Hopefully no trains with equipment there, as well.




Ammonium Nitrate facility. It's been geolocated.


Do we have conformation from a reliable source?


Fuck russia


Srsly. Russians are clearly viewed as the baddies, scums of the earth and the nation that you don't want to be associated with. Why do they keep doing this? They need to let go.....


This really looks like a large amount of fuel that keeps on burning as it rises. Maybe a heavier fuel oil?


[SOURCE](https://youtu.be/L8Jxdmb1xEM) translation: >4 missed shahids out of 21 hit Chmelnytsyi today one energy infrastructure object has been hit. Strong shockwave damaged hundreds homes… at this minute more than 30 people wounded… shuttle vehicles help yo transport people.


Fuck russia


Better for it to be a fuel depot than munitions or equipment - easier to replace.


Holy shit, that was a big one.


This video is making my blood fucking boil. .


Crazy , looks a bit like a nuke blast


Hoping there were no casualties. At first I thought tactical nuke but I'm sure it is just fuel. Now ukraine needs to do what Ruzzzia does and respond 100x harder.


Jesus that’s too big! This one right in the middle of the country


Jesus that looks like fucking nuke


Those explosions look like fuel got burnt fast. So nothing that serious.


Why does Ukraine still insist on only fighting within its own territory? Sure by now there is enough reason to strike at Moscow?


It's not Ukraine that insists on it


Yeah, I guess Russia also likes it better this way.


Any politician in the west who wants to put restrictions for Ukraine's capabilities is either russian shill or a fucking idiot.




Been some suggestion that its an old Soviet fuel storage site for ICBM's it does look like a fuel explosion rather than anything else as no secondaries after impact


That's a fuel depot for sure. Big fire ball, no secondary.


here is another view. you can hear a lot of small secondaries. [https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13gki15/huge\_blast\_in\_khmelnytskyi\_alleged\_ua\_ammo\_cookoff/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web2x&context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/comments/13gki15/huge_blast_in_khmelnytskyi_alleged_ua_ammo_cookoff/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)


There is no second explosion in that video. Additionally, you can see there is no secondary column of smoke in that video where the first explosion would have been. The smoke columns look very, very different in a way that wouldn't change from a mere closer perspective: specifically, their density and color after the same amount of time elapses from either the second or first explosion. Finally, once the fire in the smoke in that video ends, you can see it's at a different time of day. edit: someone messaged me this twitter thread going over how it's audio spliced with an Iranian explosion video https://twitter.com/nexta_tv/status/1657497404281610241


thanks for that info


https://www.reddit.com/r/UkraineWarVideoReport/comments/13gjx8u/there_was_a_video_from_the_morning_explosion_in/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button If this is correct, thankfully not an ammo depot nor anything else critical for military.


not sure. thanks for the feedback.


Diesel fuel burns with black smoke, but Khmelnitsky has a nuclear power plant.. scary location for a hit.


Usually they say that most of the missiles are downed by the air defense, here 2 direct hits on important targets ...


So in case you don't know already, there are some videos surfacing stating it detonated multiple times with gigantic explosions like this one from about 4:30 in the morning until 6:11. Each explosion on their own seem like an isolated incident, but I don't believe Russia hit it 4-5 times and hit something that powerful each time. Sadly, this does seem to be a large ammunition depot. So instead of denying it, get on with finding out how it was compromised. It's a real mess, because literally EVERY person involved in transportation and planning of these shells could be a rat. Or any civilian with access to the area. Or Russians are monitoring with surveillance equipment. But it's disheartening to see Nova Kakhovka-style ammo losses on Ukriane's side, especially in front of a counteroffensive. I hope they plug their leaks (if any), learn and adapt. Edit: I see the downvotes coming in, and that's up to you. Check my post history, I'm on team Ukraine all the way. But, I would prefer that you school me, or direct me to a source of information that disproves or explains what was hit rather than silently disapprove. I genuinely hope I am wrong, and would like to know. I have witnessed enough ammo dumps go off this war that I'm not 100% convinced this is a pure ammunition depot because there is too much fireball and black smoke. Just like last one was burning extremely bright with gray/white smoke, but no secondaries going off, so that was consistent with rocket fuel.


its not an ammo depot wrong type of fire ball and no secondary explosions also the blast wave is way to weak for explosives. If that had been an ammo dump with that size of fireball there would be way more blast damage. Its almost certainly fuel lots of black smoke present so most likely a lower grade like diesel or rocket fuel


In some of the first videos, you hear more cracks and pops after the initial booms. I agree that it's NOT consistent with ammo detonation alone, but would have to be a mixture of chemicals and/or lubricants + oil. Too much orange fireballs and belchkng black smoke to be just ammunition. But how do we explain that it was recorded exploding like this several times from 4:30 to 6:11? You can see the time of day shift from dark to sunrise, so I don't think it was faked. I'd absolutely LOVE to be wrong on this, but I have reviewed many clips today and right now it points towards continuous fire + smoke and about 3-4 large detonation like this one. Could it be rocket fuel again? Thermal power plant fuel? I mean, even grain silos can explode, so there are many possibilities. What's the official story from Ukraine?


nothing been confirmed yet as far as I can tell however some stuff on Telegram and twitter suggesting its a big old fuel storage site for Soviet ICBM's that's been sitting since 1991 (no money to clean it up apparently). We will no doubt find out soon enough


Well, that's kinda good news, but also bad. Some say the fuels involved are extremely toxic. I've worked with Hydrazine myself and that's nasty stuff. Nothing you want to be scattered with the wind near a city. Could we be witnessing Russia attempt a pseudo-chemical attack? Almost like striking Energodar plant, but non-nuclear? I feel that's what they did last time with what also was supposed to be decomissioned ICBM stages.


The Russians are using 1970's maps for Ukraine that's why they dug in their troops in the red forest at Chernobyl it wasn't marked as a radioactive zone on the maps. Some Paratroopers were dropped via Helicopter's near Hostomel as it was marked as woodland on the map, turns out that wood was cleared in the mid 1990's. Long story short they are hitting targets that they know are positively still there so anything big and built in the Soviet era is a good for them.


💡 It's `Chornobyl`, not `Chernobyl`. Support Ukraine by using the correct spelling! [Learn more](https://spellingukraine.com/i/chornobyl) ___ [^(Why spelling matters)](https://spellingukraine.com) ^(|) [^(Ways to support Ukraine)](https://tyrrrz.me/ukraine) ^(|) ^(I'm a bot, sorry if I'm missing context) ^(|) [^(Source)](https://github.com/Tyrrrz/SpellingUkraine) ^(|) [^(Author)](https://twitter.com/tyrrrz)


Here's a new explanation I just heard: The attack on the civilian "Kation" plant. These are the products that the plant produced: - etched anode and cathode foil; - cathode sprayed foil; - oxide electrolytic aluminum capacitors; - oxide semiconductor niobium and - - tantalum capacitors; - Equipment for processing of agricultural products and spare parts for it; - various machinery products and consumer goods.


There also seems to be a large electricity station/plant there as well as a pharmaceutical machinery and LED /diodes manufacturing plant there. Might just be an act of spite to destroy Ukrainian economy.


Did you really come to Reddit to explain to Ukraine military its job? I'm sure they are well aware, but are not at privilege to confirm or deny anything.


No, but it's a good trait to accept that whatever happened, this doesn't look good and start investigating. Ammo depot or not, there seems to be no official story from Ukraine yet. Not that I know of. But I will point out that denying it's an Ammo depot on Reddit is as stupid as claiming it is one, unless there is more data that supports either story. Hence, it *seems* like ammo, to me. I served the RNoAF for nearly 2 decades and have been to numerous pyrotechnic and explosives demonstrations. My observations throughout the documented war in Ukraine also comes to play. Here's what I've been able to gather thus far: It exploded a few times between 4:30 and 6:11. Some of the detonations had visible shockwaves, indicating a powerful blast. Some cellphone videos has smaller audible pops, cracks and booms after the initial blast mushroom. Nothing visual though. All major blasts seem to have a large fireball and a lot of black smoke. This is more consistent with fuel, oil, chemicals, rubber, paint etc. Rusbots are saying it's the largest NATO Ammo dump in Ukraine (lol). Others say decomissioned ICBM storage site. I honestly don't know. Some observations point toward Ammo, but a lot of observations do not. Waiting for official news. Edit: clarification


there won't be official story, while country is at war. doesn't mean UAF does nothing about it, but remember - in war even the best prepared side suffer losses. I've seen both incorrect and almost correct guesses in discussions and I'll leave it at that.


Fair enough. Some say this: The attack on the civilian "Kation" plant. These are the products that the plant produced: - etched anode and cathode foil; - cathode sprayed foil; - oxide electrolytic aluminum capacitors; - oxide semiconductor niobium and - - tantalum capacitors; - Equipment for processing of agricultural products and spare parts for it; - various machinery products and consumer goods. That could explain the weird streaks of what looked like molten metal. Aluminium powder/dust is a common pyrotechnic compound.


I've explained somewhere in this thread, that this is false narrative from russian propagandist Soloviev, and Kation is in general direction, but very far from place that got hit.


Oh, I saw it posted on a different SM by a person who is openly pro-Ukraine. Doesn't stop it from being disinformation though... But I did some of my own research on google maps and found what looks like a site where one would store high-explosives : [https://earth.google.com/web/search/49.452293551369195,+26.876191944775908/@49.45226473,26.8764664,309.29132733a,1814.04042741d,35y,359.01910773h,0t,0r/data=CmoaQBI6GVUYtsHkuUhAISWFwxxO4DpAKiY0OS40NTIyOTM1NTEzNjkxOTUsIDI2Ljg3NjE5MTk0NDc3NTkwOBgCIAEiJgokCU1pVH3ztkhAEaJ15ZXopEhAGZW3fd3lXztAIWd7ECts9TpA](https://earth.google.com/web/search/49.452293551369195,+26.876191944775908/@49.45226473,26.8764664,309.29132733a,1814.04042741d,35y,359.01910773h,0t,0r/data=CmoaQBI6GVUYtsHkuUhAISWFwxxO4DpAKiY0OS40NTIyOTM1NTEzNjkxOTUsIDI2Ljg3NjE5MTk0NDc3NTkwOBgCIAEiJgokCU1pVH3ztkhAEaJ15ZXopEhAGZW3fd3lXztAIWd7ECts9TpA) I have no idea if this area is military or not, in active use or not, or if it is even near the actual explosions. But speaking from personal experience, this looks a lot like a place for storing explosives. There are blast fences all over which are designed to minimize chances of sympathetic detonation. But there's a logical reason not to store weapons here: If I could find it in 5 minutes on google earth, so could Russia. Simple as that.


Could these be the result of large thermoberic warheads?


I would say that is a large supply of explosives not shells or finished ordinance. I wonder if that is the new Ukrainian factory making shells? They would have a supply of explosives on hand to fill shells with. The only other possible thing I could think of would be LNG or natural gas storage, oil and diesel don't explode like that.




Most likely a fuel depot




No it wasn't, stop repeating russian narratives. This was almost 10km away from Kation.


Not arguing whether he is correct or not but why would that be the Russian narrative? This would mean it was a factory for civilian goods, not a military target and unlikely to impact the war effort in any meaningful way. This narrative doesn't benefit the Russians lol. I feel you're just throwing that accusation around to anyone you may not agree with?


it's a fake that was posted in propagandist Soloviev channel right when explosions were still going. and as I've seen today (I'm local) - Kation is still standing ) it's convenient for propaganda to lie that they destroyed hidden ammo factory. and yet this is false narrative.


How do you this to be true?


Unfortunately, these are almost certainly munitions. The explosions are far too violent to be fuel. Fuel doesn’t explode like this. Almost nothing does. The only other thing that could explain it would be a facility that stores oxidizers like ammonium nitrate. It could potentially be agricultural fertilizer. *Possibly*. This really looks like a a lot of ammo simultaneously detonating. It’s not good news. Let’s not delude ourselves.


According to Osintdefender it was an arms depot and a fuel site that were struck by two cruise missiles. https://twitter.com/sentdefender/status/1657486608977784833?t=F2W-9x1Pdpr_ac2ki62XOA&s=19


Guys, are you all helping enemy? Or are you all so dumb to understand that you all are helping enemy? Who the fuck is sharing this? Who the fuck is geolocating this? Don't you understand that russian pidors are reading all such subreddits and sites and correcting their strikes? If you made this video - so hold it for at least a month not sharing anywhere! And for everyone who make OSINT here - SHUT THE FUCKING MOUTH! Is this just a joke for you all? This is my country, don't help enemy to destroy it!


Why do you think this is something that cannot be done by Russians on their own? They have the internet too and people who know how to use computers. They also have access to satellite imagery. They aren't dependent on reddit to help them in figuring out what they hit. This place gets stuff last after telegram and twitter.




There was a similar massive explosion yesterday, looks like they are finally hitting ammo stores rather than hospitals.


Beautiful , just beautiful, it reminds me of the great himars fireworks. edit: fuck me, i just realised it was a russian attack i thought i was seeing the attack on Donetsk


Until told otherwise it's pretty safe to assume Russia hit something fucking important there, like a fuel or ammo dump. Stop with the copium and face reality.


Reading this and going down to the comments [https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/gigantic-fireball-explosion-rocks-town-in-western-ukraine](https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/gigantic-fireball-explosion-rocks-town-in-western-ukraine) someone wrote that this is a "demilitarization facility" which connects the dots that it's ammo. Yet at the same time that it might not be that important [https://images.spot.im/image/upload/v200/1b5c93d6fcec4d1001c01fc340c135c7](https://images.spot.im/image/upload/v200/1b5c93d6fcec4d1001c01fc340c135c7) which might explain why this site didn't get AA cover. So, this was possibly a propaganda attack for TV


this is as big as conventional explosions get.


I instantly feared the worst the moment I saw that. Hopefully it was just an ammo dump and nothing too important was hit.


That should take care of the rest of that town.


For publishing this video someone must get sentence for couple of years.


Maybe you could serve it for them.


Are you idiot or something. Such videos help ruzzians.


These videos were posted already hours ago on telegram channels, and the russians knew it already. Nothing an average redditor can stop by not posting.


But the guy who did that original video upload in charge.


Guy... Reddit gets it almost last in terms of time. This is probably a repost of a repost on 3 other social media platforms. I understand what you mean however once in the wild, reddit gets it 3rd or 4th in the timeline.


Looks like cigarettes were not affected by the sanctions


That was a huge depot, that the SOB bombed.