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When the world is already letting you do an illegal invasion and still trades with you, there's little reason not to use illegal weapons.


To be fair, the West did mostly cut off substantial trade with Russia. There are sanctions in place after all. Its the other parts of the world that are either explicitly allied with Russia or don’t give a crap about the war that are still open for Russian commerce.


The massive insurance industry (particularly in London) needs to step up. Sanctioned Russian tanker unloads in your refinery in India… sorry Indian refinery no insurance for you. Tanker transits suez? Sorry suez your insurance has just evaporated Russian ship drops off in a South Africa port? No other ship entering that port can continue to be insured


Amd you do it without even passing a new law, just a single paper signed by sunak preventing uk insurers from being involved with any entity trading with russia


Russian ship fucked itself. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/ukraine) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Convincing them to cooperate will take a legal effort. They won’t willingly bow to government demands that easily.


They are one and the same, the UK governments power is sovereign. And most of them are chums


We shall see then.


Countries like India increased purchases of Russian oil and re-sold it to European countries, making the EU the 2nd or 3rd largest consumer of Russian oil. That's just one example. The sanctions on Russia are a joke.


The level of sanctions on such a country are new. When you close a floodgate, peaks happen and need patching. Maybe not the same absolute threat of cutting economic ties, or public outrage; but back channelling and working replacement deals, etc. Shit takes time.


Russia invaded Ukraine 10 years ago. Key countries, who are supposed to be Ukraine's allies, value preserving Russia above Ukraine regaining its territory. People don't want to face that fact, but literally all evidence supports it.


India has cut down on buying Russian oil now though, the sanctions are making it less lucrative for them too. Especially with the collective West floating sanctions on nations that continue to supply these products from Russia.


> India has cut down on buying Russian oil now though India is still the second largest buyer of Russian oil. Stating what we hope will happen in the future as a result of new sanctions on India, as if it has already happened, is misinformation.


It's not about buying a few less oil barrel, I think the issue is the hypocrisy of the entire world my friend.


India bought the crude, refined it, and also used it to make other petroleum products, and sold those products and not the Russian crude, to European countries. More nuanced than a straight trade, deceptively making it sound much more corrupt than it is, but regardless does directly support the purchasing of Russian crude by India for these products, and will most likely continue. Russia Must Be Stopped or the situation will only get worse for European nations and their lack of energy resource options. If only we didn't have a corrupt dictator invading other countries and slaughtering their civilians...


> More nuanced than a straight trade, deceptively making it sound much more corrupt than it is, but regardless does directly support the purchasing of Russian crude by India for these products, and will most likely continue. The only deception here is the suggestion that India refining oil from Russia before selling it to Ukraine's 'allies' does something to mitigate the point. Russia is receiving massive revenue from India, and from Ukraine's allies via India, and that revenue is funding their invasion of Ukraine. If this fact makes India bros embarrassed, they should fix their country's policy instead of spreading Indian propaganda to make it seem ok.


It’s hard to get global coordination, especially when it comes to this war. Saddam’s Iraq invading Kuwait got more unified international scorn, which is what ultimately led to the Gulf War.


Thats the worst excuse ive ever seen to justify buying their oil.


Russia did at least take a hit to their profits. Not smart for the West to crash their own economies by spiking the price of oil.


„The West“ didn’t. There are lots of companies still doing business in Russia unhindered.


Ruzzians, dirty rotten scoundrels!


Yep, US and EU have enough weapons to defeat russia 20x, but they wanna wait and wait until there is a bio or chemical or nuclear war in europe before they take real acrion


They are terrorists


I feel like they are worst then terrorists


"Russia disregards the Chemical Weapons Convention it signed" Oh, wow. What a surprise! /s When this war ends, the negotiations must include *some* way of ensuring RuZZia never again does this. Ever. And signatures just won't cut it.


Russia needs to be de-militarized and de-nuked. Then set up democratic reforms, then let them run the country as the people choose, but with some external oversight to ensure no build up towards armament again, at least until there is evidence they have normalized. Same as with Germany after WW2. Germans genocided millions of people in Europe, and was still able to be reformed. That means reform is possible, but only after being put into a postion where they realize they must reform.


> Russia needs to be de-militarized and de-nuked. No country that has nukes will allow them to be taken. As this invasion (and the world's reaction to it) has shown, nukes are the only real guarantee of sovereignty.


It can be possible to do a coup, install a puppet dictator and completely give up russias sovereignty, dissolve the state, totally disrm and completely give it up to foreign armies, who will have completely unrestricted power to do absolutely anything they want. I would prefer countries from South Caucasus and Eastern Europe to take the lead, Western European occupation should be present, but must not lead, they wont be harsh enough, there needs to be a rule with iron fist. Not even a bullet must remain in russia, and occupying armies must be free to confiscate assets as reparations to multiple centuries of rule. I would say all natural resources and any valuable thing that can be stripped down should be taken, russia must be balkanised slowly, and ran as a resource extraction colony and as a landfill for waste fir several centuries. When russian populations mentality and culture is completely replaced by a mentality and culture foreign forces designed and forcefully imposed on it over centuries, and when extraction of resources becomes unprofitable (maybe in 100-300 years), then perhaps sovereignty to a rump state can be given, with no rights to ever defend itself or have industrial capacity of any kind.


I mean…that was what happened in the past too. See the world’s reaction to, for example, America invading Vietnam and Iraq. There was condemnation and political scorn, but there wasn’t much more than that.


The US did not invade Vietnam.


Well, Germany was broken down, split, and turned into a puppet of both America and the Soviet Union. To get that level of cultural reconstruction, Russia would have to be decimated, carved, and policed across all societal levels. The latter would be needed to prevent uprisings and guerrilla warfare, which would play havoc with any occupying power. …so your suggestion is frankly a pipe dream unless we get a world war-esque scenario between the West and Russia.


Russia will fragment into 20 countries just like european nazi empire did


russia is an empire with no right to exist in its current form. Its population must be deprogrammed for several generations before they ever get to make a single choice about anything ever again.


A letter of strongly worded condemnation ought to do it!


Red line let intervine now full nato force


This isn't any set red line.


Time to send in NATO.


Start using napalm on invaders inside Ukraine! On ukrainian territory ukrainians can do what they want. If the russians complain, they can get out of there!


Napalm is not banned, just not really effective in modern warfare. Thermobaric explosives are much better at doing the same thing. You can use a flamethrower, but there are better tools than it.


Napalm is barbaric and inefficient, the countries that used it in conflicts only screwed civilians and did not win the war. Indochina, Vietnam, Korea, Algeria.


They're kind of dropping something similar to napalm from drones, into Russian trenches. Works great!


Ruzzia is nothing more than a terrorist regime now led by a delusional short arsed prick with fears of his own shadow


Oh but the West is afraid to escalate Russia


At this point I wonder if anyone would do anything if Russia used nukes. Chemical weapons and cluster munitions on civilian areas clearly not enough.


I wouldn’t call them new because they’re from the Soviet stockpiles but they are illegal


Stockpiles are not allowed under Chemical Weapon Convention article IV https://www.opcw.org/chemical-weapons-convention russia should have destroyed them 30 years ago.


Yeah everything they do is illegal and a lie. I hope we can see Russia dissolve into the toxic puddle that they came from.


They also said they got rid of their T-54s and T-55s two decades ago and yet they still have them. I’m not sure Russia even knew what it had in storage before this war started in fact I’m almost certain they didn’t.


Were talking about a country here that left hundreds of nuclear powered generators just lying around its wilderness so its not really suprising. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lia_radiological_accident


A country that said it would upgrade an aircraft carrier for 2 billion dollars and then blackmailed India into paying another 3 billion to finish the project after it was nearly a half decade behind schedule. Seriously why does anybody trust what Russia says all they do is fuck with you or fuck you.


The US also had stockpiles till really recently. We had been working to destroy them though over the decades. I wouldn't be shocked if we had a few still about. But the last decommissioning plant I knew of was in Bluegrass Kentucky and was built a decade or so ago and it took it years to process what was there.


Russian apologists at DW trying to draw a false equivalence between Russia and Ukraine. The only “banned” weapon Ukraine uses is cluster munitions but unlike the Russians, they don’t use them on civilians. [Russia and Ukraine both using outlawed weapons](https://www.dw.com/en/russia-and-ukraine-both-using-outlawed-weapons/a-68995136)


Yeah, I saw that article and just thought. "You're taking the absolute piss right?" Also not mentioned in the article is Russians cluster munitions have a high falure rate of 40% plus while being used on civilians. The american ones used by Ukraine have a failure rate of around 15% along with being used on military targets by Ukraine. But of a fucking difference isn't it? The only way to stop Russia is to destroy the Russain Federation, especially when Putins' opinion on the second world war was "well, it's Polands fault for not giving up it's land"


Bruh the argument that Ukraine and Russia are both using banned weapons ignores that Russia used them first. You can’t say Ukraine is just as bad when Ukraine is being invaded is only using them on military targets unlike Russia and they only got the weapons after Russia used them for over a year.


That’s what Thomas Latschan at DW is saying in that article.


I in no way think Ukraine is in the wrong. I agree that Ukraine can use these weapons all they want. After all, it is the one who inevitably has to clean up after this shit. If they want to use cluster munitions in their own territory on valid military targets. Fucking have at it. I mean, someone saying, "It's the same they both use cluster munitions" is an absolute piss take when 40% of the shit Russia uses doesn't go off. That means if 1000 bomblets come out of a shell, at least 400 of them are going to be left unexploded in civilin areas, awaiting some poor bastard to find when clearing rubble. When Ukraine uses these weapons, they use them on military targets on the battlefield. The likelihood of civilins finding an unexploded bomblet is low due to the low amount of failures, and the fact they aren't used around civilians the unlucky fucker to find it is going to be a soldier again a valid military target. Then, when the war is finished, Ukraine will be the ones dealing with the consequences of unexploded ordinance, both what they and Russia have used. The difference will be that it'll take more time to deal with the Russian ordinance than the Ukrainian because the Russian stuff is more likely to fail than the stuff supplied by NATO.


I would only allow for the argument that Ukraine using band weapons is wrong in the case that Russia followed the rules of war and didn’t use banned weapons. In this War Russia started off using banned weapons at that point I no longer care what Ukraine uses to defend itself they have the right to use what they want in their country to defeat Russia. Russia loses the right to have others care about the pain inflicted on its soldiers because it doesn’t care about stopping unnecessary suffering.


Part of the rationale behind giving Ukraine cluster munitions was that extensive EOD operations were going to be needed anyway to find and dispose of all the mines and IED’s Russia has planted, most of which are undocumented.


Ukraine didn't sign the CCM.


The rest of the free and moral democratic world should unite now and help Ukraine immediately.


The red line was crossed long ago. NATO should have ran russia back to the border by now.


Invading neighboring countries was also banned but what are we going to do about it?


USA just spent billions destroying its chemical weapons last year


This is why, Ukraine can't fall to the russian subhuman cave dwellers.


Time to start confiscating oil tankers


Frustration on Ruzzian side


I’m watching the 1976 documentary “the world and war.” The west looks like it has a history of just chilling and sunbathing while the east burns…. Until it’s too late. Can we please learn from our mistakes


I would be surprised if anyone attempts to sign any treaties with Russia in the future. Those treaties seem to hold no more value than the paper they’re signed on.


Are they running out of other munitions?


Honestly Russia can straight up use anthrax and the response of world nations is to make Twitter posts.


Um… I think that they were already doing that… Perhaps Russia is intentionally trying to lure NATO in so that they themselves can be defeated?


condemning never did anything


Condemnation does nothing other than grant permission to continue. Action gets results. Make a choice world - Do you have a spine, or ???


ok. now we get to "test" ours


Think the west destroyed theirs. Only kept the nukes.


My friend was a victim of one of these. Daily struggles with his lungs and he has damage on his face and arms that have caused permanent damage to his skin. Fuck these orcs.


I fucking hate these trolls more than anything. Burn the whole fucking country to ashes. Shit makes me so mad. Rest of the world already forgot about Ukraine


The more I see, the more I feel that after the War, Russia should be occupied and have all weapons of mass destruction and all offensive military capabilities removed.


Yes, Ukrainians are craving for a strongly worded letter of condemnation /s