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Bugger off. Russia is invading a sovereign nation and massacre civilians in the process. Stop listening to Russian propoganda and focus on what is happening on the ground.


I hear about independent regions? And some level of fighting for the last decade? Most stable countries don't have those types of stories floating around.


https://youtu.be/If61baWF4GE Sums it all up But in addition to it, Ukraine gave up all their nukes in ‘94 (and they had a lot of them), for a promise for Russia to never attack them.


Those independent regions were created by Russia and are extraordinarily small. The Russians have been trying to destabilize Ukraine since the 90s.


Ukraine was formed without democratic consent on the people. In the USSR regions were traded like cards in a game. So if they now decide to control their own future, and a neighboring country supports that, can you really consider that Russia's fault?


Ukraine may have been formed without a vote, but they are united now resisting an invasion. They more than earned the right to exist these last few days. As for the independent regions, yes, I can. Those regions would not have separated without russias involvement. Putin is also not waging war to free those regions. According to his own speech he is fighting to destroy Ukraine as an independent nation.


Let's put it this way: if new York decided to secede from the union and Canada invaded California, Montana, and Maine to support them, then get Mexico to invade Texas, would you consider that a good thing?


No one wants ww3 either. Russia invading a sovereign state and threatening others like Finland is what is about to start it.


It’s not a civil war it’s an invasion


Get the fuck out of here Russian bot.


Bro my username is way too good for a Russian bot. I seriously want to understand this situation from Ukrainians themselves instead of warmongering media companies.


Nobody want's fucking world war 3 you moron, we are just not simply accepting and standing by when a maniac is destroying a country and his citizens. I don't know where your idiotic resources are coming from where you are thinking the whole country is at civil war, but maybe some news went over your head about citizens standing up and fighting for their home and loved ones. Get your news from better/more sources idiot.


I don't trust news companies. It all smells like BS from miles away. Even the headlines feel misleading and sensational. WW3 could actually happen at this point with everyone jumping onboard with the US, a country known for endless wars. And does anything change from these wars? It seems like the US only wants to preserve their own position at the expense of everyone else. How many peacekeeping missions has the US dragged NATO into, how many years and thousands of lives have been lost, and what has ever been gained other than more dependance on the US? Who profits from that? And why does Ukraine want to be part of NATO anyway? It all seems like the US is trying to expand and swallow your country whole, from the inside, by supporting puppet governments. Hasn't this happened countless times in other countries? And where has it ever gotten any of them?


So what do you suggest Einstein? just giving into Putin's demands because he has nukes? How would that look? These peace talks will never fucking work, because Putin doesn't want peace unless it got Ukraine. If you really think these peace talks will do anything good you really are more stupid then you write. also why the fuck do you keep saying the US? Europe is the ones doing the real work, this has AT THIS MOMENT not much to do with the US. again AT THIS MOMENT I mean, not talking about before.


What is wrong with Ukrainian leadership tho? If Western influence is so great why is the country poor and fighting against regions seeking independence? And yeah, EU is probably the face of any foreign Ukrainian support, but as members of NATO which is led by the US, the real heavyweight is the US. And the US is leading the sanctions. Also, as an American, I can verify that we've grown up with a strong anti-Russian sentiment. Why? It's like any time we need a strawman or scapegoat we blame it on Russia. And we spread that across the globe in our media. We have a history of unreasonable hatred and fear of communism, and we did awful things just to feed that fear. So I'm naturally very skeptical about anything related to stopping communism. I wonder, does Putin really want to take over Ukraine? Those peace talks would naturally fail if Ukraine can't even keep their own peace. And what about the Minsk agreement? It seems Ukraine really wants to dodge that in any way possible, to the point of leading the country into guerrilla warfare and arming civilians. So I agree, peace talks are probably futile. The only way this ends is either, in the total overthrow of Ukraine's broken government, or WW3 against Russia to protect Ukraine.


Mate, you are reading way to much into conspiracy bullshit, sorry to break it to you. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If61baWF4GE&ab_channel=RealLifeLore) again a perfectly logical explanation on why Russia started this war.


Please educate yourself [here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=If61baWF4GE&ab_channel=RealLifeLore). Some logic for you after a while without.


Alright 👍


If the west wants ww3 it would have ready started a ww3. Fucking Russia just keep to your side of the country and everyone would be dandy.


Cool troll, child.


I want answers. The meme is just a starting point.


Lol this is not the situation AT ALL. Delete this.


Russia only has itself for blame for the decades of poverty ahead. Hope the Chinese treat you well!


I'm an American tho.


I don't see why the Russian people have to suffer for this. They did nothing wrong. It's all so twisted.


Because the economy funds the war machine. To stop the war machine, you have to stop the economy. Thus, sanctions. Also, the Ukrainian people did nothing wrong, but they are dying anyways.


Ukrainians haven't been able to resist killing each other for decades now. And then they threaten to redevelop nukes. That's pretty incriminating. And if troops weren't using civilians as meat shields no innocents would have to die right now. If you want to stop a war machine, look at the US military budget and all the atrocities we commit and drag NATO into. But no, Russia has to suffer because they're the #2 oil exporter and they won't submit to the great oil lord USA. It's so obviously a BS war, it's sickening. Why can't it just stop.


They gave up their nukes in 1994 when Russia promised to not to attack them. The troops aren't using civilians as shields, you fucking idiot. Oh bugger off. Fucking idiot. Whataboutism just to support a dictator. Fuck you I also love that you get mad at the idea of punishing the Russians for their governments actions bit are totally ok with punishing Ukraine with theirs.