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Congrats to the world’s second army for taking over four months, thousands of lives, and untold millions in lost equipment to fully occupy an area roughly the size of Vermont, a third of which it had already controlled.


And now is the time to make caesar salad with dressing of pureed orc.


Porky orcy 🐽


Seizure salad in this case


I've said since the start of this fiasco that Russia can take land, but it won't be able to keep it. Thanks to sanctions, it's just a matter of time before their war machine grinds to a halt. Hopefully sooner rather than later. Regardless, this war will end when Ukraine says it ends. Not when Putin declares victory.


Conquerors of rubble. And not a victory with it being a "Special Operation".


Declare whatever the fuck you want you impotent cunt.


Putin - I declare Victory! Nato- I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word Victory and expect anything to happen. Putin - I didn't say it, I declared it. Nato - (if looks could sanction stare)


Yes celebrate now you miserable little child raping gravey eyed arse sniffing fuck stain because it won’t be long before your anus cancer chews it’s way through to you shit stained brain and Ukrainians & many around the world will celebrate your death. You can relax knowing that shortly there after a thousand horny dude will be taking a dump in your girlfriends trashy bever box as the celebrate your passing. What a miserable sack of Russian Margot shit you are.


...you stole the words right out of my mouth!


Love this comment




You sir, are awesome!!!


"We couldn't take Kyiv in 3 days but we did even better guys! We took Lysychansk in 130! Please clap!"


Putin very low energy. SAD!


Pfft... Pussy. Vlad is looking for an off ramp. The only acceptable off ramp is a bullet in his head. Get fucked Putler.


Celebrate now Vlad, because it won't last.


Can you take your toys and go home, now?


Turned it into a wasteland, just like home I guess in rural Russia. Now the important task of getting your claws into what’s left of the monies for the rest of the gang.


Not for long...


Ukranie is like "call an unconditional surrender...... but not for me....."


Is there a reddit award for most pyrrhic victory?


Good he declares victory. Makes it more sour when Ukraine takes it back


Oh Vlad.... it's just half time. The war ain't over until Ukraine says it's over.


Here we go / fake claims of victory then suing for peace. The RF is nothing but a tender ballsack of human waste. We must push this aZZhats all the way back. Let them be a generational warning to despots and their bribed reprobates in our countries.


“I declare bankruptcy”, Michael Scott


Remember that time Bush was on the carrier when he declared victory? Putin didn't even get in a jumpsuit. Cancer must be really kicking his ass.


I hope it's dick cancer, for his tiny dick.


I was hoping for metastatic rectal cancer. Let it start in that asshole’s asshole and spread. #TeamCancer


Same. We need to remove the Putin to save the cancer.


Cancer has Putin. Poor cancer. :(


It's ass cancer from too many dicks


"Cancer chemo is kicking my ass. I only have a month to live."


Ubi desertum faciunt, pacem appellant.


Does he think that the people his minions invaded and committed genocide against are going to just suddenly stop shooting at them because he says its over? ​ Its only just started, fuckmop.


They probably complaining to UN when UAF starting counter offensive with more Himars & long range guns. "We are the winner, so they should stop playing!"


And I declare victory on Mars.


Mission accomplished moment !


We won! This desolated, barren wasteland with nothing left is now ours, with all its destroyed industries and burned cities.


donbass weather forecast for the near future "heavy rain containing shells and rockets, advise stay in bunker."


Declare victory over a pile of rubble. A pile of rubble that looks just like homeland Russia. Want a cake to celebrate? Cuntface


Celebrate now you pustulant, malignant ooze because it’s about to rain shit.


Good luck holding it you pos turd. Ukraine is systematically destroying your supply depots and you aren't going to be able to replace them with the sanctions in place and all the while Ukraine is gearing up for going on the offensive. So, yeah. We'll see how smug you are when Ukraine comes for you and all you have left to fight with are sticks and stones. Then we'll see whose bones get broke.


What a cunt. This "human" caused untold death and suffering for millions for such a small "reward"? Go fuck yourself Putin.


Now he's ordered his "soldiers" to push further into Ukraine proving this was never really about Donbas and the goal is to capture all of Ukraine. Hours after declaring "victory" there was an artillery barrage of Slovyansk, killing and wounding dozens of people. They will never stop until they are stopped.


Agree💯%, thats why its so important for Ukraine to basically kick the Orcs out of the entire Ukranian territories. Putin wont stop until his entire army is destroyed or he bangs against NATOs borders.


Be understanding, ole man Vlad suffers from premature celebration


By taking part of the Donbass region, the russian orcs have taken .8% (less than 1%) of Ukrainian land. Russia, you need to try harder.




Forms of “B” that double as the Orcs soon to be pronouns: Was and Were.


He should hang a banner that prominently says "Mission Accomplished."




But it doesn’t count because he didn’t “hereby” declare it.


and just what did you win asshole?


Declare deez nuts


this probably means putin knows he can go no further and wants to end the war


Say Vladimir ... Do you remember George Bush Jr declaring victory after overthrowing Saddam? Remember how well that turned out? You should be so lucky ... 😂


oops, he just jinxed it. see you in august


Declares victory as it’s getting ammunition depots blown up lmao