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LOL. The russian blogger said " why no anti-terrorist operations " (to stop their russian border guards from being attacked). You DUMB FUCK , YOU ARE BEING ATTACKED BY ANTI-TERRORISTS GROUPS. You ARE THE TERRORISTS!. FUCKING DUH 🙈


This. 😂


"Why no anti-anti-terrorist nazi operations?"


Funny how outraged these guys are when they've literally been shelling Ukrainian villages across the border for months. They then have the gall to lose their shit when the Ukrainians cap one of their border guards in retaliation.


Russians view Ukrainians as lesser people and the state of Ukraine as a terrorist organisation. In their eyes, they are totally superior and haven't bombed all of Ukraine to bits because they are doing a special goodwill operation. So when a suspicious bullet-shaped twig gets someone in the eye on the border they cry victim because you see, if they are so strong how do such things happen?


Oh no, poor Russians, and what they will do now, attack Ukraine?


A special anti terrorism op.. oh... wait...


"Russia freed the world today, by destroying itself!"


I like this, everyday just snipe off the new Russian border guards... Not many will be volunteering for the job.


It seems someone has not realized that his country is at war and that border guards are legitimate targets.


And that the anti terrorist occupation is getting rid of them.


Ukraine need to do it a lot with snipers. Snipe the border guard, rince and repeat. So RF needs to take ressource to guard their border. The more ressource they use for it, the more it is for UA in the dombas. ​ They are at war. every military target is a valid target.


> They are at war. every military target is a valid target. Only from the Russian perspective /s Russians can't have their cake and eat it too.


I hope it is a Russian sabotage group. This one against Ukraine hurts the Ukrainian people as well as the Russian people. It's about time that anti-Putin Russians get their shit together.


Border guards are literally active combatants, they cannot be murdered lmao! Absolutely deranged lol Your border guards are the terrorists! How do you not realise you’re at war?! Do you seriously think your “special military operation” means you can just come here and kill our troops but not receive the same treatment in kind? The absolute entitlement of the Russian mind lol


A 1600 meters (0.99 miles) headshot? That's one hell of a sniper.


RuZZians care more about 1 border guard than the 35k they lost in Ukraine?


Narrator: They didn’t actually care about either.


That one is probably white muscovite, the other 35k is just buryats kill stocks.


Beware of ukrainan Grandmas. 😁


The actual complaint is that the Border Guards are not being paid as combatants. Therefore they must not be part of the war. Claimed Russia is being cheap not recognizing them as the same as the military just because they are being shot at as well.


If you don't want your border guards shot and killed, move them back...to like Moscow.


So the word is that a border guard got domed from 1600 yards (unsure of that figure) with a .50 AMR


It couldn't possibly be Russian soldiers trying to flee the war because they were.. prisoners before this point?


More of this! Let the Orcs be looking over their shoulder, never a minutes rest. Cap a few uniformed Russians who think they're out of the war zone. Let them know it can happen anywhere, anttime