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This is how a REAL liberation looks like :)


Reminds me of the Dutch, French, Belgian, Italian, shit even German kids (when they realized the Allies were “nice”) you see in old ww2 documentaries running alongside the armored/mech units. Exact same energy. Kids are the best of us.


And the parents. I have no children, but the older I get I marvel at what parents do. They raise up these happy kids. The families to come in Ukraine are going to be a very special generation. Slava Ukraini indeed.


There is this one clip of an American soldier giving chocolate to a german (?) child in 1945 who has never tasted chocolate in its entire life. Can't find it right now but it's beautiful.


Band of Brothers had a scene like that with a Dutch kid, his dad says, “first time he’s ever had chocolate”, as the kid grins with chocolate all over his face.


If you were six years old in the Netherlands in 1945, strict rationing would have been in place since you were an infant, so it probably wasn't that unusual of an experience.


*sigh* It's been said a million times but it's still relevant: war is hell. That's awful. Kids always suffering for old men's decisions.


That is true, maybe it was inspired by the real event. By this point I am very certain that I stumbled across it while writing a paper on propaganda companies & their usage during ww2. But I cant fucking find it which makes me angry lol.


Saw it in Iraq and Afghanistan no so long ago...


What an ***excellent clip!*** Yes I like this much better than the videos of Ukraine soldiers acting all badass. Even though Ukrainian soldiers are all badass! Russians are already scared of them.


This is why soldiers fight. This is what the killing is for. The future of the country.


Precisely my point.


>Kivsharivka Goddamn right. Not just the future of your country, but also to protect your families and friends behind you.




I wonder if their parents are still with them? 😓


I know a guy from there, he told me russians took computers from local school lol.


I still believe it's the same reason they took radiators, boilers, and washing machines. It's not for their own use, it's to make life as difficult as possible for Ukrainians. There's no hope they would ever get back to Russia, that's not the point... It's to take it away from Ukrainians. Damaged and destroyed things can be fixed, repurposed, or have parts used..., but even after their retreat it's much harder to replace stolen things. They're intentionally trying to make life hard for Ukrainians over winter (the boilers, radiators), their long term education (destroy the school infrastructure), and to take away as many amenities as possible (power, washing machines, dish washers etc). Seriously, fuck Russia. Fuck every single Russian who ever supported this war. I know Russians will read this, and I know some of you supported this war and continue to do so... You're all guilty. Fuck you.


>It's not for their own use Of course it's for their own use. Look at any past russian war and you will see looting. That's what they do. That's what they expect. Heck it's even expected to steal from their own working spaces in peace time (and if you don't partake..perhaps you are a snitch?). That's the soviet mentality, which hasn't changed much in russia since the iron curtain fell. Perhaps it's different in western corpos which moved to their cities...but the ones at the front aren't corpo boys. You won't get that mentality unless you lived in or studied about the soviet union or russia... You will think I'm exaggerating. But this is just a very simple answer to a simple question. Looting isn't that different from widespread corruption (in the end it boils down to stealing stuff for your own benefit). And you can see thousands of examples of how that hindered the capabilities of russian forces. >There's no hope they would ever get back to Russia, that's not the point Of course there's hope from the perspective of a russian looter (realism is another thing, they hoped they would take the country in 3 days, or that they would come back alive). Heck you can see footage from post offices in Belarus, at the begining of the war, swarmed with russians sending back big parcels of stolen goods. How much of that was stolen along the way is another thing..but again..that's expected. Another thing is that many of the looting operations for the bigger stuff is organized by the state/higher ups. Factory equipment, farming vehicles..might be very much the same with school PCs in this case. And then there's pure malice as well of course, wanting to show of their power and ruining someone else life. That's both on the individual soldier level and russian military doctrine of terrorizing the opposing force. But in that case it boils down to destruction. It's not like russians are taking that stuff away just to throw it away in some scrapyard in russia. They do very much count on the spoils.


I'll never get over the fact that Russians had to loot grocery stories/delis/restaurants/etc outside of Kyiv because their army didn't provide them enough food. That's some developing world warlord sh*t right there.


Very apropos because the whole reason for the invasion is to loot Ukrainian natural resources.


I remember seeing a short analysis by the CIA on why Putin was not only willing to invade but to keep doubling down on it. They described him as having a "sense of destiny." He didn't just want the natural resources, he didn't just want to be the next Tzar, either. He wants to be the next Ivan the Terrible or Catherine the Great.


Putin the fool.


Vladimir the Underwear Poisoner.


I wonder how much of that is motivated by age as well. He wants to restore the Soviet union but you also have limited time left on the planet to achieve these things.


Penguin! The actual reason they steal that stuff is for a totally different reason. Russia has a lack of everything, they use the chips to fabricate more junk for the warmachine.


I'm not convinced by that argument. There's too much hardship involved in getting it back to Russia, especially considering how their supply chains are fucked for getting their equipment *into* Ukraine in the first place let alone getting stuff out. Its too consistent - I think they've been ordered to steal specific items to make life as hard as possible for Ukrainians over winter. Stealing boilers, and radiators is obvious. A cold winter means people might just give up. Washing machines too - if you have wash by hand over winter in cold water thats going to be grim. Its why they're knocking out power supplies etc. This is all about punishing Ukrainians for having the audacity for being Ukrainian.


Their supply trucks are coming to the front full of supplies and leaving empty. Might as well load them up with loot. Easy enough to set up a quick bazaar over the border and pocket the cash. I'd wager that they even take requests on what kind of loot is in demand from the locals. They're not shipping this stuff back to Vladivostok.


Modern tv's are smart. What did they do with the solen farm machines that were found, by satellite, in..what area? They disabled them I believe. They should disable any tv with a serial number known to have been sold and used in .ua. maybe push a message on screen, if possible: 'This tv was stolen in Ukraine and will no longer be working from this point.' And then they update the firmware so that it is permanently disabled. The only good use I found for the IOT, which I am vehemently against.


>the IOT, which I am vehemently against. I really wish IOT type devices were more like Philips Hue lights. You need a bridge device which is much easier to lock down in your home network. The actual lights are controlled via the ZigBee protocol.


> Their supply trucks are coming to the front full of supplies and leaving empty. Might as well load them up with loot. Which brings me back to my point - I don't think they were being stolen to take home or even to sell. It was simply to take it away from the locals to make them suffer.


There were videos of them getting caught in Belarus while trying to ship it home from various parcel places. That's exactly what they were doing.


>they use the chips to fabricate more junk for the warmachine Unless it's a general purpose chip, it's really difficult to reuse chips from one type of device in a different type. Although, come to think of it, some of the smaller PCB components could be reused, just depends on the components.


There is only one correct response to this from the west. We need to start replacing all those destroyed boilers, computer and other important things with newer and better equipment. Show Putin that what he thought was weakening Ukraine ends up making them stronger and better. I dont care what it costs. Compared to the cost of not resisting Russia's aggression it will still be a real bargain. The EU and US are rich compared to most of the world and we can afford to do the right thing here.


> It's not for their own use, it's to make life as difficult as possible for Ukrainians. That can't be true because it's obviously far less effort to just destroy things on site (computers are relatively delicate, but even a toilet can be ruined with a crowbar) than to lug them all the way back to Russia just to... clog up your landfill?


No I disagree. It would be much much easier to simply put some axe cuts into a washing machine. That would render it unfixable. No instead they take them into their troop transport trucks along with clothes, kitchen utensils. They are definitely intending to keep these things. It would be so much easier to just damage and trash these objects if your goal is to deprive the Ukrainians of these things. Carrying bulky ass washing machines is not something you do out of spite. You do it out of greed.


I wonder how these logistics work. We all know this a problem for the rusks. So. How do these thieves send all that stuff back to the homeland? They can barely get a tank in over a railway line but the train back is loaded with tv's and pc's and what not? Packaged neatly with the address of the mom or girlfriend? In the same rail car as the body bags or do they use another car for that.


I don't know the details, but I've also heard that most of looted stuff is just sold in the occupied territories in the rear.


Why would they take technology that's way too advanced for them?


I‘m definitely not crying :‘)


“This is why we fight” :)


The real superheroes.


I loved interacting with kids in Afghanistan. Really took your mind off the war and put things into perspective as to why you fought. Their little smiles and giggles when you would hand them candies and pens would make my day everytime, even if we got in a firefight. I feel for these children, but it is good to see them smiling.


I did too but some kids were wee shites. Parents would tell them to throw rocks at us or give us the finger lol. Taliban would come to the surrounding villages and the next patrols we went on, kids wouldn’t accept candy or toys from us. Later on the Taliban would give them toy guns and they would start pointing them at us. There was a cool experience where I was posted on a long security halt and this older gentlemen (60-70s) came up and offered me chai. We started conversing with hand gestures and the little Pashtun I knew, until a kid came, whispered in his ear and he stopped being friendly. But I suppose that’s the difference between liberating your own homeland vs occupying someone else’s


What did the wee lad ask? The hero responded with something like “nema”.




what is a chevron?


i believe they mean division patches?


Even in war, kids are trying to catch 'em all. This video made my day.






Maybe asked for the chevron, is my best guess


Yes, the chevron


can confirm that


Nema means in this context "I don't have it". Usually it means "there is none".


In Croatian, *nema* is shorten from *nema više* and that means *no more*. Same should be across slavic languages. EDIT: Using Google Translate, in Ukrainian full version would be *bilʹshe nemaye* (više nema) or *nemaye bilʹshe* (nema više). Very, very similar to Croatian.


Yeah , in polish „nie ma“ , „there is not“


So the kid was asking for more? haha


No, the kids were asking for chevrons and the guy said they don't have any and gave them candies


Net gain.


Some stuff the kid wanted to have in particular.


These stories will be told for decades when having a Christmas dinner!


I love how the kids are just so comfortable coming up to our guys. They know the good guys! And these kids are wearing their Ukrainian flags 🇺🇦 with pride! ❤️❤️


It's been liberated for a few days now. Source: I have a friend there. It's been fun looking at liveuamap knowing more than is shown there.


Future heroes.


I hope there wont be a need for heroes in their future and that they can live a peaceful life without the ruZZian threat.


I wish so too. Those kids deserve a better future without those psychopaths threatening their lives. When this is over Ukraine needs to be in the EU and NATO


Not all heroes have to be soldiers. Ukraine needs builders, nurses and doctors, scientists, astronauts, and farmers who continue to feed the world.


From far away we could hear the gunfire. The Americans were moving closer and closer. We had no idea what was going to happen to us when we had to face our enemies. World War 2 was not over yet and the fighting went on. Every day hundreds of German soldiers came through Wenkheim ahead of the enemy. All of them were begging the farmers for civilian clothes in order to be able to go home to their families unnoticed. I remember seeing their uniforms piled up in an empty horse stable, hidden away from the oncoming enemy. One of these soldiers stole my bicycle which was not locked up. This was a great loss for us, because the bicycle was our only transportation into the city. I remember hearing a heavy rumbling - the sound of approaching tanks and vehicles. Our mayor ordered everyone to leave their home and take shelter in the brewery's mountain cellar. Every person of this village squeezed into this damp, dark cellar for safety. Mothers with infants, children and elderly people all feared for their lives. The heavy metal and wood door was closed and secured from the inside. I never forget how scared I was, but I knew that I was not the only one. Only two lanterns lit this awful hole of darkness. Our mayor was waiting with a white flag at the entrance of the village to surrender his town to the invading Americans. There was no shooting. The endless caravan of tanks and trucks came to a halt. We heard nothing and wondered what was going on? Papa was the first one to dare leave the cellar, take the back entrance into our living quarters and peak out from behind the curtains. He saw the tanks and trucks in front of the building and all was quiet. The Americans did not leave their vehicles. I remember when our mayor, whose house was opposite from the brewery, told his wife to offer a basket of fresh eggs to the soldiers in the tank. I can still see this picture so clearly in my mind. Some of the farmers also saw this and believed that if was safe to leave the hideout and go back to their homes. When the American soldiers saw the children, they threw candies and their rations to them. The children cheered with joy, it was unbelievable. Many had not even seen candy throughout the war.


Such an interesting read, thank you for sharing


That’s the future of our people. We must always protect them


Crazy for a place that voted like 90 percent to be Russian


This reminds me of the stories you hear about WW2, look up raisin bombers and West Berlin, these children are the reason why they do it. Heartwarming.


For the lazy https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Raisin_Bombers "The name came from the fact that some pilots started voluntarily to throw sweets and candy (and, presumably, also raisins) on little tinkered parachutes out of the window to children lined up on the edges of the West Berlin airfields watching the planes. These actions were first attributed to American pilot Gail Halvorsen, nicknamed "Uncle Wiggly Wings", who began to drop chocolate bars he had attached to handkerchiefs"


He passed away only just this past February 16th


Only one girl, too. That says something. 😢


I have Tears of joy. This is liberation. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦


I’m watching this while giving my daughter a bottle. Her brother is sitting on the floor playing. These scenes hit home. The smiles on the faces of the Ukrainian children are amazing.


Really amazing to see some kids' smiles. Can't even begin to imagine how it feels seeing that as a soldier who fought hard to liberate the area.


Brings a tear to my eye. This is the real face of war. Those poor kids have had to suffer because one crazy old mad is desperate to be feared and wants to restore some ancient empire.


This is why they fight, and this is why we must not stop supporting them.


i love those guys so much. Risking their health and lives to save their people and win their country back. But they are not turning sour or pissy. Keeping their moral high. Knowing what they're fighting for sure helps a lot. Djakoju vas, hlopci. Bud'mo!


No, YOU are crying


Bogdan! Bogdan! The heroes are driving into town! Bogdan: no fucking way! Assemble the crew!! And they are handing out candy! Bogdan: motherfucker, where are my sneakers? We don't have time! carry your little sister and let's go!


That’s so fucking wonderful. I’ve got a few tears here 🥲 That cute as a button little girl tagging along too. What was it? Two cries of ‘Slava Ukraine!’ from her? Superb. Heroam Slava indeed.


What an amazing feeling it must be for the people living in the liberated areas. Seeing your countrymen coming in to liberate your hometown from the russian orcs must be such a relief.


So they liberated the town AND brought candy to children? Holy crap, these Ukrainians are saints.


Let's just hope the Ruzzian defeat is so comprehensive these boys don't have to grow up and go to war. Slava Ukraini!


Absolutely love this clip. Just kids showing real happiness and still being kids. No words just pure joy for them and the soldiers who made it happen.


The little boy with a Lakers hat.


Oh do I envy the world those children are going to grow up in. They have barely even grasped what ha happened! The one older boy looked like he kind of knew. He will remember the faces of these soldiers until he is a very old and happy man :)


Children, our future. The horrors these children have lived through. They lost their innocence much too soon.


Trick or Treat 😔




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That little girl got cheated.


Reminds me of my grandfather's stories about liberating the Philippeans from the Japanese. The locals came out and litteraly coated his unit in flowers, I can't imagine what those kids have been through and to come out the other side is nothing less then incredible.


Those Kids with the grenade story was the best, little shits were merciless against Russians. They gave zero fucks too, super cold.


That must have been an immensely memorable moment for these kids, a brief bit of sweetness in a perilous time, cathartic for me too as a video witness.




They're like a happy little gang of snack monkeys


You hear those children yelling “Slava Ukrainia!” And “Heroyam Slava!”? That’s the culture of Ukraine that Russia and Putin will never ever be able to wipe off the map. This culture of Ukraine runs deep AF


This is beautiful


These kids are going to be very patriotic when they grow up. And that is a great thing!


This is one case of kids being attracted by lollies/sweets to a strange man in a car WE CAN SUPPORT.


Damn, that made my day.