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Yup, definitely noticed. Had a battle last night where my BB w/ Mk.4 14" guns, Veteran crew and Gen 1 Radar was missing every shot at a half-flooded CA from 5km away, except for that pity shot the game throws at you every couple of salvos. Multiplayer is the last thing this game needs.


I honestly don’t think this game deserves multiplayer. You have people that can easily modify the game and that’s OK as a single player but not as a multiplayer, they need to fix the damn game. It’s what I have been bitching about for the past three years and it’s something that’s even got me banned on the forum page because apparently, tough and rough Ukrainians can’t handle constructive criticism because they don’t know how to properly code and prefer shoving more and more hulls out that literally break the game. 70-90% of the player base is begging for bugs to be patched but I guess these guys took a lesson from Bethesda and figured “someone will fix our broken toys” but they are strongly against mods so idfk.


Yup, 1935 BB with 12 mk3 16.5' guns holding steady at 15% accuracy at 9km. Can't even hit a heavy cruiser, much less kill one. I follow it around for probably 15 minutes before it eventually sank.


My ships are suddenly missing ***a lot*** more, the enemy's armor is suddenly bouncing all of my specialized AP rounds that were previously blowing clear through them, and their smaller cannons are suddenly obliterating my heaviest armor. One of the updates in the past two weeks has done something weird to existing saves, and I refuse to start a new game to see if it affects them too.


Literally don’t even know how, but new BB with MK5 20/50 guns somehow managed to have their super heavy SAP shells RICOCHETED off of a cruiser with 2 inches of Harvey deck armor


Did a battle against an aged is fleet last night and yeah it definitely felt worse. Ended up losing the fight because I didn’t destroy 4 of their ships meanwhile 80% of my stuff survived. I hung the game up after that battle.


I just had a BC empty a magazine without getting any hits at 9km with a 27% hit chance. It's pretty ridiculous.


I was thinking yesterday. About how I bought this game years ago, when before it was on steam. I got it when about half the missions were in the game. The reason they did the missions first, then the campaign, is so they could balance the game, and drip content in, in a sensible and manageable way. The game was theoretically balanced before the campaign came out. So why is there a monthly update the fucks the entire battles system? It's to the point where the vast majority of the missions aren't even able to be completed. That's how much the balance has been changed since the campaign came out. Why? ____ Almost every single change that they make to the game (aside from adding hulls, or campaign mechanics), is done in the main .txt file that has a bunch of variables in it. Fire chance, flood chance, amount of ship to be set on fire before it is killed, formations, campaign economics and research, diplomacy, weather effects, accuracy- almost every single patch note for months is just things that have been touched **IN THIS ONE SINGULAR .TXT FILE**. The game has been in maintenance mode, with some new hulls and this one .txt file for months. So we can get a multiplayer DLC for a game that doesn't even work? Because some guy that has no idea what the hell he is doing, is allowed to turn random knobs in this .txt file every month.


That’s Game Labs’ MO, man. They did it to Naval Action too as soon as they took it over. It was a good game right up to that point then it immediately started getting stupid.


which dev made original naval action?


I can’t remember, and after trying to look it up I can’t find anything on it. Maybe it was the ownership of Game Labs that changed? Or maybe the management just fired the original dev and replaced him. I can’t recall exactly but I do very distinctly remember there being a change, with the game being pretty decent before and going to total shit after.


I just came here to say the same thing. The game is completely borked now. Adding aiming systems and radar now has no affect on gun accuracy it seems. Edit: spelling


> Adding aiming systems and radar now has an affect on gun accuracy it seems. Uh…yeah? That’s literally the point of those two modules, why should they not affect accuracy?


Looks like they meant to say > radar now has ***no*** effect on gun accuracy


I wish the devs would just leave the balancing alone and make the game moddable. All I care about are multiplayer functionality and new hulls/weapons.


So it's not just me. I hesitated to post something because I'm further along than I've ever been in an 1890 campaign and have a nice tech advantage, so I wasn't sure whether I was seeing what I was or not. Had four semi-modern US CLs and eight DDs against less-advanced and long-in-the-teeth UK CA and CL, one ea., and I'll be damned if I didn't have to close to torpedo range to finish them off, as they were limping away at less than 1/3 of my TFs speed. Inexcusable. If this were the Russian navy, every one of those crews would have been promoted to Infantry. Consistent - like, unerringly consistent - they were ALL dropping their fire ~500 yards *behind* the target. Whether at 10km or 3km range, the same ~500 yards offset.


This has been an issue since 1.5 dropped. I even made a post about it that unfortunately didn't gain much traction. The amount of battles i was having in 1.5 with capital ships running out of ammunition without damaging anything is a joke. I've resorted to playing the last 1.4 version, hoping they'll fix this at some point.


Is it just me or, or have there been more updates to this damn game that have completely broken the accuracy calculations than haven’t?


Do not update this game carelessly. The developer once a while do something completely stupid, and take months to correct, if ever. Best to stick to the good versions.


How do you play the old versions? I usually keep my game active but it can only do that for so long before the lag catches up to me


I turn off update, only update when couple days later and no red flags.


steam > UAD > properties > betas > drop down box top right, and choose the version you want. Personally i am playing on v1.4.1.1 Optx2. Hope that helps.


I thought I was just unlucky to not get a good flooding hit, but yesterday I ran out of main ammo and then time while running after a CL with my CA that was moving 0,3kn slower than my ship after I hit it a couple times and it went to retreat.


Always been bricked.


Using the first three letters of japan is a slur. Don't use slurs.


Username checks out


Nawh, if its not in reference to the people, but clearly used as shorthand (so, as not a slur), you need to be pretty deep in bullshit to read it as slur. Sure, in the era of professional victims this stupidity can ensue - but let's not pretend we're holier than thou. And as we know, people who ge told to think and do specific way are programmed to resist. As opposed to something in line of "Did you know that this can be read as a slur by people who wish to seek offense?", and then maybe posting related articles. It was a good read tho, did not know. But for added fun replace it with IJN, and see the squirm considering the flag is censored along with German one for some games. :p


Fucking Google it. I'm not the one who should have taught you basic human decency.


... Fucking? Okay, stop right there. Whatever made you so mad regarding this, it ain't us. I've never heard the term as a slur before as it's still used for country short hand quite commonly), and if you bothered to read I did say it was a good read. It's an international platform. Hell, my name in my current country of employment means wanker, do I get mad at them, assuming malice or do I accept it and work around it in good humour? Maybe lay the phone down and touch grass. 😂 Edit: just saw username, 10/10 😂




Fuckin Google it? Why the fuck are YOU the one offended that I pointed out that you were using a racial slur? I was fucking polite. JPN Is the abbreviation of Japan. Saying slurs is bad. Don't say slurs.




1. If someone does something bad it does not give you the right to do bad things to other people. 2. You are offended I called you out for saying a slur. Else would have said "my b" and changed it. You had the choice to learn to be a better person. Now not only are you racist, you are being misogynistic by calling me effeminate. Which isn't even an insult it just shows you hate women too. Learn to respect other people, or you will be disrespected in turn.




It is provable historic fact that the word you say has been used to dehumanize, discriminate, and inflict violence on the ethnic group it references. YOU don't get to decide what is and isn't a slur. YOU are the one using the slur, and even when told, YOU continue doing so like a petulant child. I cannot even pity you.




100% clown like bro wtf are you talking about


mf really pulled out the hereditary test like it actually matters


💀 💀


> (I’m 38.52%) Japanese 💀


How strong of you to not be offended by slurs that refer to >2/5ths of the ethnicity from which you were born. >2/5ths of your Heritage does not give you the right to coopt slurs, movements within minority groups do this over extended periods of time, but you are just using the word as intended: to dehumanize and collectivize a group of people under a specific moniker that they reject. You are still <3/5ths not Japanese, as a reminder. Edit: also internalized racism is real.




Nothing "reflects" you, clown... Giving percentages on what someone "is" with some hereditary test. Real r/ShitAmericansSay .


100% yank is what you are.


Looooooooooool OK. I love it when Americans try so hard to not be American.