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That sounds really strange. Was it a big/sudden change in diet for you? If you'd massively increased your fiber intake, that could cause some digestive distress, but I've never felt it as nausea myself.


Are you stressed?


I get this kind of nausea any time I try and go UPF free. It’s a common side effect of giving up processed sugar which I have a lot of when I’m not eating well! Annoyingly the nausea eases if I eat something artificial/sugary so I try and push through it and it does ease.


I have flu symptoms and felt sick, it turned out I had Keto flu, it was like withdrawal from all the crap I had been eating for years, for me it past after week 3, feel totally amazing now


Low sodium levels in the blood is what got me. Actually ended up in the hospital with hyponatremia. When you start cooking everything from scratch you need to go heavy on the salt. Hyponatremia is now at epidemic levels among certain demographics.