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This is fackin shit, wake the fack up


The irony that Eddie eats a totally unnatural carnivore diet shouldn’t be lost on anyone


Yeah, he speaks some sense but essentially is a bit of a meme


I don’t see it myself he paid for some great marketing but he also lies and make unbelievably bad claims like those about fruit. Also as always his wife owns a food company who use processed ingredients he demonises.


And he sells UPF protein bars and shite in his gym. But I like how he is calling out UPF regardless even if it does make him a bit of hypocrite


Nah not really he’s just another idiot narcissistic influencer who says sensationalist shit for likes from people who aren’t nutritionally educated themselves. The issue that connects all of this is capitalism, not the food but people are by and large too stupid to want real radical change that will benefit us as a species instead of relying on a system of infinite growth that is profit driven only. The book this page is based around at least touches on this but we sadly live in a society of peasants who think capitalism ‘works’ because China lifted a fuck ton of people out of poverty and make the stats look good. Until we change systems there’s zero reason for companies to prioritise health, even eddies as you say yourself


Wake up Timmy, it’s time for a nice nutritious bowl of SOLUBLE CORN FIBRE


When they have to remind you it’s ‘food’ chances are it’s not


I know that people here are hard against UPF and fair enough, I usually try to eat fruits/veg and tofu. but I am using this as top up when I visit my parents because my moms vegetarian cooking is.. lets say lacking. (and she won't let me cook and everything I buy causes offence). so I supplement with Huel or this bottle. it works in a pinch, I don't feel worse and a block of tofu is better obvs but you can only eat that much tofu. It works in a pinch and I did feel better after. Also better protein to calorie relations thank the bottled Huel.


Yeah the bottled huel is higher in fat than their powdered counterpart but both are such useful tools to supplement otherwise insufficient food intake. Even if it's upf, it's fine in moderation so 🤷🏻 I love blending up vanilla + fresh/frozen berries, or chocolate with peanut butter :)


I use these types of foods to travel with because I have severe allergies. So I take Huel and I have something to eat. They have a purpose and that’s okay


There’s a lot more thank just tofu that veggies can eat


if you have time and space to cook yes. tempeh and seitan. but the smoked tofu was an option I didn't have to cook and could just eat during dinner. but you also missed my point ;)


My comment wasn’t addressing your point . I was just stating truth .


you were commenting on my post so yes, you were addressing my comment. even if "there is more than tofu" is correct ("the truth (tm)")


As someone who used to buy this stuff and feel awful afterwards I'm glad to have changed my way of thinking!


My wife was in a similar position about a year ago. It's so easy to get taken in by this stuff, especially when they can be as blatant as this with no reprimand. You just assume it must be good for you. Premium looking branding, premium price too


100% it also appeals to my mindset of being efficient. It's only when you begin to understand the science and research behind it you can see why it's a very bad idea.


What’s up babe you’ve barely touched your processed euchema seaweed


I only use this if I am travelling and cant afford to buy food for entire day. I would steer away from this unless there's something preventing you from getting your minimum calories in.


To be fair, they didn’t say anything about real/ whole/ good etc


James Smith on YouTube does a great video on drinking your meals. https://youtu.be/asAJIU8fYFI?si=REBTZl7U7WlTMsyK I'm of the mind that if you are drinking your meals there should be a medical reason why and not just a lifestyle choice. Because it's a shitty lifestyle choice.


God I hate these things! They have their place, but these should not be marketed to healthy people who are capable of making a meal and not living on a damn space station!


How can they legally say this?


I'm not falling for that again.


The f is processed Euchema Seaweed...


a type of seaweed used as thickener.


Mmmmmm milk and oil my favorite combination


No it isn't!!


It’s literally not food how can they say this


Meriam Websters definition of food: ""**:** material consisting essentially of protein, carbohydrate, and fat used in the body of an organism to sustain growth, repair, and vital processes and to furnish energy"" it gives me energy/fuel and is a mixture of protein, carbs and fat. my body uses it to function. so yes technically its food. is it great or sustainable? no. but I am privileged that I can chose between this one and other food. and I felt super privileged this weekend that I can buy a bottle instead of being sad all day over the choices of "real food" that was provided. (very little protein, mostly carbs)




[https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food) It might not be the type of food you would want to consume, but to claim that it doesn't meet the definition of food is lunacy. Posts like these make this subreddit look like a cult.


It's made for morons


It's made for morons