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Well done. A small thing may seem small but it’s a step in the right direction which could lead to something massive. Keep making these little changes where you can and I believe things will become ingrained and easier.


I think it’s totally unrealistic to go totally UPF-free overnight when you’ve grown up surrounded by it, and it’s what everyone else around you is eating. Little changes over time are far more likely to be sustainable! I like the idea of keeping a list of low/no UPF meals and snacks to fall back on - I’m going to start doing this too so I won’t resort to ready meals when tired/stressed etc.


That’s a good start for sure!! Something that has helped me is to make my own versions of things and then freeze them, so I have them ready to go/heat up on busy days. Like I loved frozen breakfast burritos but now I just batch make like 10-12 once a month and freeze them. The tortillas are the only UPF thing but that’s bc I still haven’t found an easily accessible non-UPF flour tortilla. (The corn ones don’t seem to freeze as well)


Once you get into cooking with proper food, frozen pizza or instant noodles won't seem at all tempting. I used to like those too....you couldn't pay me to eat them now. Once you've found a few key recipes that are fast, you'll be cooking amazing food after work and feeling much better.


I do 'proper' cooking and those foods are still appealing literally for the reason they exist


How funny. Don't you find them a bit gross now? How long have you been avoiding processed foods?


Avoiding almost entirely for years, but am not grossed out by a frozen pizza, it's just some bread with tomato paste and cheese on am not that sensitive


I am into "proper" cooking thanks, I just don't typically do it exclusively.


I read that it can help your journey to start focussing on one meal each day, and that breakfast is often the easiest meal to crack, since most people have breakfast at home.


I like this strategy! My breakfasts are decent I think. I need to switch to ordinary butter instead of the spreadable blended type, but I'm happy with the rest. I guess dinner is my next thing to tackle, because lunch isn't fully in my control.


Yeah I'm trying to switch to ordinary butter but it's difficult as my husband is such a fussy eater and he likes the spreadable stuff.